Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
* QuickTime for Java SDK Sample Code |
Usage subject to restrictions in SDK License Agreement |
* Copyright: © 1996-1999 Apple Computer, Inc. |
*/ |
import java.awt.*; |
import java.awt.event.*; |
import java.awt.image.*; |
import*; |
import quicktime.qd.*; |
import quicktime.*; |
import quicktime.std.StdQTConstants; |
import quicktime.std.image.*; |
import quicktime.std.movies.*; |
import*; |
import quicktime.util.*; |
import; |
import*; |
import*; |
import*; |
import quicktime.std.image.GraphicsMode; |
import*; |
import*; |
import*; |
public class CompositedEffects extends Frame implements QDConstants, StdQTConstants { |
private static boolean isWin = QTSession.isCurrentOS (QTSession.kWin32); |
public static void main (String args[]) { |
try { |; |
CompositedEffects pm = new CompositedEffects("QT in Java"); |
pm.pack(); |; |
pm.toFront(); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
e.printStackTrace(); |
QTSession.close(); |
} |
} |
int kWidth = 350; |
int kHeight = 250; |
CompositedEffects (String title) throws Exception { |
super (title); |
setBackground (Color.lightGray); |
QTCanvas myQTCanvas = new QTCanvas(QTCanvas.kInitialSize, 0.5f, 0.5f); |
add("Center", myQTCanvas); |
// set the Background Color to white so that the Java text will appear transparent |
// white is a color that provides a reliable transparent background for different pixel depths. |
myQTCanvas.setBackground (Color.white); |
Dimension d = new Dimension (kWidth, kHeight); |
QDRect r = new QDRect(d); |
QDGraphics gw = new QDGraphics (r); |
// this is the compositor which will contain the bgPict, effect, text and a member compositor |
Compositor comp = new Compositor (gw,, new QDGraphics (r), 10, 1); |
// add the background picture to the Comp -> load it into memory so it draws quicker |
QTFile backgroundFile = new QTFile (QTFactory.findAbsolutePath("pics/water.pct")); |
ImagePresenter background = makeImagePresenter (backgroundFile, r); |
comp.addMember (background, Layerable.kBackMostLayer); |
// add the effect in front of the background pict |
CompositableEffect e = new CompositableEffect (); |
AtomContainer effectSample = new AtomContainer(); |
effectSample.insertChild (new Atom(kParentAtomIsContainer), kEffectWhatAtom, 1, 0, EndianOrder.flipNativeToBigEndian32(kWaterRippleCodecType)); |
e.setEffect (effectSample); |
e.setDisplayBounds (new QDRect (0, kHeight - 100, kWidth, 100)); |
comp.addMember (e, 2); |
// add the Text in front of the pict and ripples |
// set its transparency (to the bgColor of the QTCanvas) so that only the text is seen |
Paintable jt = new JavaText (); |
QTImageDrawer qid = new QTImageDrawer (jt, new Dimension (110, 22), Redrawable.kSingleFrame); |
qid.setGraphicsMode (new GraphicsMode (transparent, QDColor.white)); |
qid.setLocation (200, 20); |
comp.addMember (qid, 1); |
// add the contained Compositor - yellow is bgColor which is then NOT drawn |
// add a Dragger so that member of this compositor can be dragged around |
// when any modifier key is pressed when the mousePressed event is generated |
Compositor sh = new Compositor (new QDGraphics (new QDRect(160, 160)), QDColor.yellow, 8, 1); |
addSprites (sh); |
sh.setLocation (190, 90); |
sh.setGraphicsMode (new GraphicsMode (transparent, QDColor.yellow)); |
sh.getTimer().setRate(1); |
comp.addMember (sh, 1); |
sh.addController(new SWController (new Dragger (MouseResponder.kAnyModifiersMask, MouseResponder.kAnyModifiers), true)); |
// add a Dragger to the main Compositor to enable dragging of all its members around |
comp.addController(new SWController (new Dragger (MouseResponder.kNoModifiersMask), true)); |
// make a DirectGroup as the top level container space |
DirectGroup dg = new DirectGroup (d, QDColor.white); |
// add the Compositor to the DirectGroup parent |
dg.addMember (comp, 2); |
// make a movie and add it in front of the Composited image |
// resizing the movie to make it a little smaller |
QTDrawable mov = QTFactory.makeDrawable (new QTFile (QTFactory.findAbsolutePath (""))); |
mov.setDisplayBounds (new QDRect(20, 20, 120, 106)); |
dg.addMember (mov, 1); |
// Set the DirectGroup as the client of the QTCanas |
myQTCanvas.setClient (dg, true); |
// set the rates of the compositor and parent DirectGroup so you see |
// it "playing" when it is first shown |
comp.getTimer().setRate(1); |
dg.getTimer().setRate(1); |
// add the control panel to control the rates of the |
// DirectGroup |
// -> Its Compositor member |
// -> The Compositor's Compositor |
// the movie can be controlled directly by the user |
ControlPanel cp = new ControlPanel(comp.getTimer(), (QTPlayer)mov, dg, sh); |
add (cp, "North"); |
cp.setDisplay(); |
// add a WindowListener to close the program down |
addWindowListener (new WindowAdapter () { |
public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) { |
QTSession.close(); |
dispose(); |
} |
public void windowClosed (WindowEvent e) { |
System.exit(0); |
} |
}); |
} |
private Movie makeMovie (QTFile f) throws IOException, QTException { |
OpenMovieFile movieFile = OpenMovieFile.asRead(f); |
Movie m = Movie.fromFile (movieFile); |
m.getTimeBase().setFlags (loopTimeBase); |
return m; |
} |
private ImagePresenter makeImagePresenter (QTFile file, QDRect size) throws Exception { |
GraphicsImporterDrawer if1 = new GraphicsImporterDrawer (file); |
if1.setDisplayBounds (size); |
return ImagePresenter.fromGraphicsImporterDrawer (if1); |
} |
// makes the Sprites for the child Compositor |
void addSprites (Compositor sd) throws IOException, QTException { |
File matchFile = QTFactory.findAbsolutePath ("images/Ship01.pct"); //this file must exist in the directory!!! |
ImageDataSequence isp = ImageUtil.createSequence (matchFile); |
ImageDataSequence seq = ImageUtil.makeTransparent (isp,; |
// Build Sprites |
Matrix matrix1 = new Matrix(); |
matrix1.setTx(20); |
matrix1.setTy(20); |
matrix1.setSx(0.8F); |
matrix1.setSy(0.8F); |
TwoDSprite s1 = new TwoDSprite(seq, 4, matrix1, true, 1); |
sd.addMember (s1); |
Matrix matrix2 = new Matrix(); |
matrix2.setTx(4); |
matrix2.setTy(4); |
TwoDSprite s2 = new TwoDSprite(seq, 1, matrix2, true, 10); |
sd.addMember (s2); |
// Build ActionList |
SimpleActionList al = new SimpleActionList(); |
ImageSequencer is = new ImageSequencer (seq); |
is.setLooping (ImageSequencer.kLoopForwards); |
ImageSequencer is2 = new ImageSequencer (seq); |
is2.setLooping (ImageSequencer.kLoopForwards); |
al.addMember (new NextImageAction (20, 1, is2, s2)); |
al.addMember (new BounceAction (20, 1, sd, s2, 4, 3)); |
al.addMember (new NextImageAction (7, 1, is, s1)); |
al.addMember (new BounceAction (5, 1, sd, s1, 3, 2)); |
sd.addController(al); |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14