Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: ControlBackground.c |
Contains: ControlBackground, a quickie sample which shows how to |
affect the background color of a control when drawing it. |
Written by: Pete Gontier |
Copyright: Copyright © 1997-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/19/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
#include <Fonts.h> |
#include <Dialogs.h> |
#include <QDOffscreen.h> |
#include <Gestalt.h> |
#include <Appearance.h> |
#include <Sound.h> |
#include <LowMem.h> |
#include "MoveableModalDialog.h" |
enum |
{ |
kDialogItemIndex_DrawButton = 3, |
kDialogItemIndex_CheckBox |
}; |
static GrafPtr LMGetWMgrCPort (void) { return *(GrafPtr*)0x0D2C; } |
#define IsColorGrafPort(port) (((port)->portBits.rowBytes & 0xC000) == 0xC000) |
static pascal OSErr InitMac (void) |
{ |
MaxApplZone ( ); |
InitGraf (&(qd.thePort)); |
InitFonts ( ); |
InitWindows ( ); |
InitMenus ( ); |
TEInit ( ); |
InitDialogs (nil); |
return noErr; |
} |
static pascal OSStatus IsAppearancePresent (Boolean *haveAppearance) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
long response; |
if (!(err = Gestalt (gestaltAppearanceAttr,&response))) |
*haveAppearance = response & (1 << gestaltAppearanceExists); |
else if (err == gestaltUndefSelectorErr) |
{ |
*haveAppearance = false; |
err = noErr; |
} |
return err; |
} |
static pascal ControlRef NewUserPaneControl |
(WindowPtr window, const Rect *bounds, Boolean visible, UInt16 featureFlags) |
{ |
return NewControl (window,bounds,"\p",visible,featureFlags,0,0,kControlUserPaneProc,0); |
} |
static pascal OSErr AtLeastOneParentHasSpecialBackground (ControlRef control, Boolean *alophsb) |
{ |
// |
// This function walks up the control hierarchy looking for |
// a control which provides a special background. We need |
// to know this in order to decide whether the only way for |
// us to affect the background color is to go to the trouble |
// of creating a user pane control. |
// |
OSErr err = noErr; |
ControlHandle root; |
*alophsb = false; |
if (!(err = GetRootControl ((**control).contrlOwner, &root))) |
{ |
if (!root) |
err = errNoRootControl; |
else |
{ |
ControlRef scan = control; |
while (scan != root) |
{ |
UInt32 features; |
err = GetSuperControl (scan,&scan); |
if (err) break; |
err = GetControlFeatures (scan,&features); |
if (err) break; |
if (features & kControlHasSpecialBackground) |
{ |
// |
// In at least 8.6 and earlier (and perhaps later), |
// CreateRootControl spuriously sets |
// kControlHasSpecialBackground. [Radar 2324373] |
// We work around this weirdness here by checking |
// to see if a proc has been assigned. If the bug |
// gets fixed, this code will be a little less |
// than optimally efficient but will still be |
// correct (I hope). |
// |
if (scan != root) |
{ |
*alophsb = true; |
break; |
} |
else |
{ |
ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP upp; |
Size actualSize; |
if (!(err = GetControlData (scan,kControlNoPart, |
kControlUserPaneBackgroundProcTag,sizeof(upp),(Ptr)&upp,&actualSize))) |
{ |
if (sizeof (upp) != actualSize) |
err = paramErr; |
else if (upp) |
{ |
*alophsb = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
static pascal void ControlUserPaneBackgroundProc (ControlHandle control, ControlBackgroundPtr) |
{ |
// |
// This function is called by the user pane CDEF. Its |
// job is to setup the background of the current graphics |
// port in some "special" way. All we want is to set the color. |
// The appearance-savvy thing to do when setting the color is |
// to also set the pattern (and vice versa). |
// |
BackPat (&(qd.white)); |
RGBBackColor ((const RGBColor *) GetControlReference (control)); |
} |
#pragma mark - |
static pascal OSErr Draw1ControlWithBackgroundColorViaWindowColorTable |
(ControlRef control, const RGBColor *rgb) |
{ |
// |
// Walk the color table of the given control's |
// window looking for the content color. |
// |
AuxWinHandle auxWinHandle; |
WindowRef contrlOwner = (**control).contrlOwner; |
Boolean oldColorTableWasDefault = GetAuxWin (contrlOwner,&auxWinHandle); |
WCTabHandle winCTabHandle = (WCTabHandle) ((**auxWinHandle).awCTable); |
short ctIndex = (**winCTabHandle).ctSize; |
while (ctIndex > -1) |
{ |
ColorSpecPtr rgbScan = ctIndex + (**winCTabHandle).ctTable; |
if (rgbScan->value == wContentColor) |
{ |
RGBColor savedRGB = rgbScan->rgb; |
rgbScan->rgb = *rgb; |
CTabChanged ((CTabHandle) winCTabHandle); |
Draw1Control (control); |
// assume memory has moved and rgbScan has become stale |
(**winCTabHandle).ctTable [ctIndex].rgb = savedRGB; |
CTabChanged ((CTabHandle) winCTabHandle); |
return noErr; // bail out of function without exiting loop |
} |
--ctIndex; |
} |
// |
// If the content color was found, the rest of this function |
// will not execute; there is a return statement inside the |
// loop, above. |
// |
// We take a lack of a content color to mean that we've been |
// passed a control which lives in a bogus window, and we claim |
// this is a parameter error. However, it's conceivable that |
// we could deal with this by either creating a color table |
// for this window or adding an entry to the table which is |
// already there. This kind of thing is beyond the scope of |
// this sample. You only have to worry about this issue if |
// you are creating your own window color tables and don't |
// always include a content color. Resource editors generally |
// create an entry for the content color even if you |
// only customized some other color in the table. |
// |
return paramErr; |
} |
static pascal OSErr Draw1ControlWithBackgroundColorViaOwningGrafPort |
(ControlRef control, const RGBColor *rgb) |
{ |
// |
// Our job here is simple; set the background color of the |
// graphics port into which the control will be drawn and |
// then draw the control. The interesting wrinkle is that |
// if the control's owning port is monochrome, it will draw |
// into the Window Manager's color port. Nasty! The only |
// way to do the right thing here is to muck with low memory. |
// There is not even an LM accessor for what we need to do! |
// This is actively Carbon-hostile, which means this sample |
// will have to be updated again for Carbon. Sigh... |
// |
RGBColor preservedBackColor; |
GrafPtr preservedPort = qd.thePort; |
GrafPtr targetPort = (**control).contrlOwner; |
if (!IsColorGrafPort (targetPort)) |
targetPort = LMGetWMgrCPort ( ); |
preservedBackColor = ((CGrafPtr) targetPort)->rgbBkColor; |
SetPort (targetPort); |
RGBBackColor (rgb); |
Draw1Control (control); |
RGBBackColor (&preservedBackColor); |
return noErr; |
} |
static pascal OSErr Draw1ControlWithBackgroundColorViaUserPane |
(ControlRef child, const RGBColor *rgb) |
{ |
// |
// This is the most complicated part of this sample. |
// We call the control which we want to draw "the child". |
// We create a user pane control which will be the parent of |
// the child. We associate a special background setup proc |
// with the user pane. The user pane is considered to be |
// "behind" the child for purposes of the special background |
// proc, so the user pane gets to dictate the background for |
// the child. After we're done drawing the child, we restore |
// it to its original parent and blow away the user pane. |
// |
OSErr err = noErr; |
ControlRef parent; |
if (!(err = GetSuperControl (child,&parent))) |
{ |
Rect userPaneBounds = (**child).contrlRect; |
GrafPtr userPaneOwner = (**child).contrlOwner; |
const UInt32 userPaneFF = kControlSupportsEmbedding | kControlHasSpecialBackground; |
ControlRef userPane = NewUserPaneControl (userPaneOwner,&userPaneBounds,true,userPaneFF); |
if (!userPane) |
err = nilHandleErr; |
else |
{ |
OSErr err2; |
if (!(err = EmbedControl (userPane,parent))) |
if (!(err = EmbedControl (child,userPane))) |
{ |
ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP upp = |
NewControlUserPaneBackgroundProc (ControlUserPaneBackgroundProc); |
if (!upp) |
err = nilHandleErr; |
else |
{ |
if (!(err = SetControlData (userPane,kControlNoPart, |
kControlUserPaneBackgroundProcTag,sizeof(upp),(Ptr)&upp))) |
{ |
SetControlReference (userPane,(long)rgb); |
Draw1Control (child); |
} |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor (upp); |
} |
err2 = EmbedControl (child,parent); |
if (!err) err = err2; |
} |
err2 = SetControlVisibility (userPane,false,false); |
if (!err) err = err2; |
DisposeControl (userPane); |
} |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
static pascal OSErr Draw1ControlWithBackgroundColor (ControlRef control, const RGBColor *rgb) |
{ |
// |
// This function decides which technique to use for drawing |
// the control with the appropriate background based on what |
// APIs are available and the state of the control's owning |
// window. |
// |
OSErr err = noErr; |
Boolean haveAppearance; |
if (!(err = IsAppearancePresent (&haveAppearance))) |
{ |
if (!haveAppearance) |
err = Draw1ControlWithBackgroundColorViaWindowColorTable (control,rgb); |
else |
{ |
ControlHandle rootControl; |
err = GetRootControl ((**control).contrlOwner, &rootControl); |
if (err == errNoRootControl || !rootControl) |
err = Draw1ControlWithBackgroundColorViaOwningGrafPort (control,rgb); |
else |
{ |
Boolean special; |
if (!(err = AtLeastOneParentHasSpecialBackground (control,&special))) |
{ |
if (!special) |
err = Draw1ControlWithBackgroundColorViaOwningGrafPort (control,rgb); |
else |
err = Draw1ControlWithBackgroundColorViaUserPane (control,rgb); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
void main (void) |
{ |
if (InitMac ( )) |
SysBeep (10); |
else |
{ |
DialogRef dlgRef = GetNewDialog (129,nil,(WindowRef)-1); |
if (dlgRef) |
{ |
short itemHit; |
SetDialogDefaultItem (dlgRef,kStdOkItemIndex); |
ShowWindow (dlgRef); |
InitCursor ( ); |
do |
{ |
MoveableModalDialog (NewModalFilterProc(StdFilterProc),&itemHit); |
if (itemHit == kDialogItemIndex_DrawButton) |
{ |
short iType; Handle iHandle; Rect iRect; |
RGBColor periwinkle = { 0x5555,0x5555,0xFFFF }; |
GetDialogItem (dlgRef,kDialogItemIndex_CheckBox,&iType,&iHandle,&iRect); |
if (Draw1ControlWithBackgroundColor ((ControlRef)iHandle, &periwinkle)) |
SysBeep (10); |
} |
} |
while (itemHit != kStdOkItemIndex); |
DisposeDialog (dlgRef); |
} |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-30