Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: ControlStrip Sample.c |
Contains: This sample shows how to call the ControlStrip functions |
Written by: Matthew Xavier Mora |
Copyright: Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/19/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#pragma mark Includes |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#include <ControlStrip.h> |
#include <Gestalt.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <Script.h> |
#include <Resources.h> |
#include "SAL_Public.h" |
// Key definitions |
enum { |
returnKeyCode = 36, |
tabKeyCode = 48, |
spaceKeyCode = 49, |
deleteKeyCode = 51, |
escapeKeyCode = 53, |
clearKeyCode = 71, |
enterKeyCode = 76, |
f5KeyCode = 96, |
f6KeyCode = 97, |
f7KeyCode = 98, |
f3KeyCode = 99, |
f8KeyCode = 100, |
f9KeyCode = 101, |
f11KeyCode = 103, |
f13KeyCode = 105, |
f14KeyCode = 107, |
f10KeyCode = 109, |
f12KeyCode = 111, |
f15KeyCode = 113, |
helpKeyCode = 114, |
homeKeyCode = 115, |
pageUpKeyCode = 116, |
forwardDelKeyCode = 117, |
f4KeyCode = 118, |
endKeyCode = 119, |
f2KeyCode = 120, |
pageDownKeyCode = 121, |
f1KeyCode = 122, |
leftArrowKeyCode = 123, |
rightArrowKeyCode = 124, |
downArrowKeyCode = 125, |
upArrowKeyCode = 126 |
}; |
#define kNumberofSpecialKeys 32 |
struct KeyTable { |
short keyCode; |
char name[14]; |
}; |
typedef struct KeyTable KeyTable; |
KeyTable KeyCodeTable[kNumberofSpecialKeys] = { |
{escapeKeyCode ,"Escape"}, |
{f1KeyCode ,"F1"}, |
{f2KeyCode ,"F2"}, |
{f3KeyCode ,"F3"}, |
{f4KeyCode ,"F4"}, |
{f5KeyCode ,"F5"}, |
{f6KeyCode ,"F6"}, |
{f7KeyCode ,"F7"}, |
{f8KeyCode ,"F8"}, |
{f9KeyCode ,"F9"}, |
{f10KeyCode ,"F10"}, |
{f11KeyCode ,"F11"}, |
{f12KeyCode ,"F12"}, |
{f13KeyCode ,"F13"}, |
{f14KeyCode ,"F14"}, |
{f15KeyCode ,"F15"}, |
{upArrowKeyCode ,"Up Arrow"}, |
{downArrowKeyCode ,"Down Arrow"}, |
{leftArrowKeyCode ,"Left Arrow"}, |
{rightArrowKeyCode ,"Right Arrow"}, |
{helpKeyCode ,"Help"}, |
{homeKeyCode ,"Home"}, |
{pageUpKeyCode ,"Page Up"}, |
{forwardDelKeyCode ,"Forward Delete"}, |
{endKeyCode ,"End"}, |
{pageDownKeyCode ,"Page Down"}, |
{deleteKeyCode ,"Delete"}, |
{returnKeyCode ,"Return"}, |
{enterKeyCode ,"Enter"}, |
{clearKeyCode ,"Clear"}, |
{spaceKeyCode ,"Space"}, |
{tabKeyCode ,"Tab"} |
}; |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#pragma mark Defines |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#define kDefaultTextSize 9 |
#define kMaxSpecs 25 |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#pragma mark Globals |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Boolean gHasControlStrip = false; |
Boolean gCSSupportsUserFont = false; |
Boolean gCSSupportsUserHotKey = false; |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#pragma mark Prototypes |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
pascal short DoIdle(EventRecord *evt); |
pascal short DoButton(ButtonItemRef me,long m); |
pascal short MyUpdate(long m); |
#pragma mark - |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
pascal short DoButton(const ButtonItemRef me,const long refcon) |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
{ |
#pragma unused (me,refcon) |
Boolean isVisable = SBIsControlStripVisible(); |
SBShowHideControlStrip(!isVisable); |
return noErr; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static Boolean HasControlStrip(void) |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
{ |
short err; |
long response; |
gHasControlStrip = false; // make sure the globals are set |
gCSSupportsUserFont = false; |
gCSSupportsUserHotKey = false; |
if (gSAL_Mac.systemVersion >= 0x0700) { |
err = Gestalt(gestaltControlStripAttr,&response); |
if (err == noErr) { |
gHasControlStrip = (response & (1 << gestaltControlStripExists)); |
gCSSupportsUserFont = (response & (1 << gestaltControlStripUserFont)); |
gCSSupportsUserHotKey = (response & (1 << gestaltControlStripUserHotKey)); |
} |
} |
return gHasControlStrip; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static SInt8 MyLockHandle(Handle h) |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
{ |
SInt8 handleState; |
handleState = HGetState(h); |
HLock(h); |
return handleState; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static IsSpecialKey(short KeyCode ,char *name) |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
{ |
short i; |
for (i = 0 ;i < kNumberofSpecialKeys;i++) { |
if (KeyCodeTable[i].keyCode == KeyCode ) { |
strcpy(name,KeyCodeTable[i].name); |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static char GetCharFromKeyCode(UInt16 keyCode) |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
{ |
static UInt32 state = 0; // should be 0 first time thru |
Handle keyboardHandle = nil; // Handle to keyboard resource if needed |
Ptr kCharCachePtr; // Pointer to kCharCache |
char theChar = 0x00; // the char to return |
// UInt8 handleState; |
kCharCachePtr = (Ptr)GetScriptManagerVariable(smKCHRCache); |
if (kCharCachePtr == nil ) { // should never happen |
long keyboardID = GetScriptManagerVariable(smKeyScript); |
keyboardHandle = GetResource('KCHR',keyboardID); |
if (keyboardHandle) { |
//handleState = MyLockHandle(keyboardHandle); // tech note x says we don't have to lock it |
kCharCachePtr = *keyboardHandle; |
} |
} |
if (kCharCachePtr) { |
UInt32 result; // result from KeyTranslate |
result = KeyTranslate(kCharCachePtr,keyCode,&state); |
theChar = result & charCodeMask; |
} |
if (keyboardHandle) { // if we got the resource lets release it |
ReleaseResource(keyboardHandle); // tech note x does this so we will too. |
} |
return theChar; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
pascal short MyUpdate(long refcon) |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
{ |
#pragma unused (refcon) |
Boolean hotKey; |
unsigned char keyCode; |
// char theChar; |
short modifiers; |
short err; |
char name[32]; |
MoveTo(10,100); |
if (gHasControlStrip) { // if Control strip is installed |
DrawString("\pControl Strip is installed."); |
MoveTo(10,120); |
DrawString("\pClick the button to toggle the state of the control strip."); |
MoveTo(10,140); |
if (gCSSupportsUserHotKey){ // if we have a version that supports Hot keys |
SBIsShowHideHotKeyEnabled(&hotKey); // is hotkey enabled? |
if (hotKey) { |
DrawString("\pHot Key is enabled."); |
} else { |
DrawString("\pHot key is not enabled."); |
} |
MoveTo(10,160); |
err = SBGetShowHideHotKey(&modifiers, &keyCode); // get the hot key combo |
if (err == noErr) { |
DrawString ("\pHot Key is: "); // print the modifiers |
if (modifiers & cmdKey) { |
DrawString ("\pCommand + "); |
} |
if (modifiers & shiftKey) { |
DrawString ("\pShift + "); |
} |
if (modifiers & optionKey) { |
DrawString ("\pOption + "); |
} |
if (modifiers & controlKey) { |
DrawString ("\pControl + "); |
} |
if (IsSpecialKey(keyCode,name)) { |
DrawText(name,0,strlen(name)); |
} else { |
char theChar = GetCharFromKeyCode(keyCode); |
DrawChar(theChar); // print the char |
} |
} |
} |
} else { // if gHasControlStrip |
DrawString("\pControlStrip is not installed."); |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
void main(void) |
//------------------------------------------------------------------ |
{ |
short gMyWindowID; |
short err; |
Rect r ; |
short buttonBottom; |
long buttonId = 1; |
SAL_InitSimpleApp(2,kSAL_UseStandardMenu); // Simple App Sets up the Tool Box For us |
gMyWindowID = SAL_GetDocumentWindow(128,nil); // Get our stored window |
SAL_SetRectDimensions(&r, 170, 20); // This sets a rect's size without changing it position |
SAL_SetRectLocation(&r, 10, 30); // This sets a rect's anchor point |
SAL_SetWindowUpdateProc(gSAL_CurrentWindow,MyUpdate ); //gSAL_CurrentWindow for now, its a Kludge |
err = SAL_InstallPushButton(0,gSAL_CurrentWindow,"\pToggle Control Strip",&r,0,DoButton,nil); |
buttonBottom = r.bottom; |
if (!HasControlStrip()) { // No control strip so dim the button |
SAL_DisableMe(); // disables the current button which is the one we just created |
} |
SAL_GetPrintArea(gSAL_CurrentWindow,&r); //Set the print area top coordinate | = buttonBottom + 1 ; //so that you don't scroll the button out of view |
SAL_SetPrintArea(gSAL_CurrentWindow,&r); |
SAL_Run(); //Let SimpleApp handle the rest |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-08-28