Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: CoreSample.h |
Contains: An application that is Apple Event-aware, Scripting Compatible, |
and recordable. It supports the Required and Core Suite of |
Apple Events, the Object Model, and the Open Scripting |
Architecture. |
The main purpose of this sample code is to demonstrate how to develop an |
application that is Apple event-aware, scripting compatible, uses the Object |
Support Library, and supports Apple's Open Scripting Architecture. In |
addition, it has its own 'aete' (Apple Event Terminology Extension) resource |
(CoreSampleAETE.r). By incorporating these technologies into your application, |
your application will support Apple's Open Scripting Architecture. |
The functionality of CoreSample is basic window manipulation. The user may |
create, drag, size, zoom, and close windows. All these actions may be |
performed through Apple events. |
This application is also "factored", which means that user interactions (such |
as dragging or sizing a window, selecting a menuitem) are converted into Apple |
events which the application sends off to itself, and then is handled by the |
corresponding event handler. Factoring makes it possible to access the appli- |
cation's functionality through Apple events. It also makes it easier to record |
the user's actions in the form of Apple events. |
CoreSample supports the Required and Core suites of events, and the application |
and window object classes. One additional property has been added to the window |
class, and that is its position, the top left-hand coordinates of the window. |
Some events only apply to the window class, such as Create, Move, Clone, and |
Set Data (application properties are not modifiable, except for pClipboard, |
which I do not support). Currently, CoreSample supports the Simple Grammar, |
as defined in the "Object Support Library Developer Note". |
The properties you may access with the Get Data Apple event are as follows: |
Application - Best Type, Default Type, Class, Name, IsFrontProcess, Version |
Window - Best Type, Default Type, Bounds, Class, Index, Name, Position, |
Closeable, Titled, Resizable, Zoomable, Floating, Modal, Zoomed, |
and Visible. |
The properties you may set with the Set Data Apple event are as follows: |
Window - Bounds, Index, Zoomed, Name, Position, and Visible. |
When you create a new element, you may pass it initial data values. This |
application will create the new element accordingly if either or both of the |
initial data parameters exist. In addition, with CoreSample, you may create or |
move a window without passing it an insertion location record. By default, a |
window will be created/moved to the frontmost position. |
(NOTE: Some portions of this code are derived from TESample, a |
sample application provided by Apple Developer Technical Support.) |
Written by: Sue Dumont |
Copyright: Copyright © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/21/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
12/1/93 <dan> added PowerPC support - will run native on PowerPC if |
compiled on PowerPC system. These changes are denoted |
by [pwpc]. |
6/22/93 <doo> converted files to run in the Think C 6.0 environment |
Fixed incorrect comparison of rects and windowlist problems |
associated with the Think compiler. |
4/02.93 <smd> added GetWindowBounds routine to calculate the correct |
bounds when the bounds accessed from the content region is |
invalid (such as when the application is hidden). |
- cleaned up the aete. |
10/01/92 <smd> Added pVersion to application and now set the port before |
setting the pPosition property. |
07/19/92 <smd> Fixed bug where the Move event was not recording the |
correct window being moved when the data was being passed |
by index rather than by name. |
04/30/92 <smd> Check if replacing the same window in HandleMove |
(i.e., "move window 2 to window 2"). If so, do nothing. |
06/25/92 <smd> Changed FindRelativeWindow to return the windowPtr of the |
window being replaced rather than closing it. This caused |
an error when trying to replace the same window, in which |
case nothing should happen. (Ex. move window 2 to window 2). |
04/27/92 <smd> Fixed bug in DoSetData where data was set to a pointer, and |
then the pointer was diposed of. |
04/20/92 <smd> Fixed a bug with setting the visibility property of a window. |
02/28/92 <smd> Added coercion routines (thanks Kevin) to clean up code. |
These convert from descs to boolean, long, and pstrings. |
02/25/92 <smd> Modified GetWindowWithTitle, GetWidnowWithIndex, and |
GetWindowIndexNum routines to use WindowList so ALL windows |
will be accessed (even invisible ones). |
- Changed InitializeDescs to MyInitDescs and DisposeDescs to |
MyDisposeDescs. |
- Removed the FailIfErr calls from the AE Handlers so that |
they will return the error code rather than dying. |
02/24/92 <smd> Now sends a Move event when just making a window active. |
This is done in the DoEvent routine, drag region. |
02/21/92 <smd> Fixed bug where the same AEDesc was being passed as source |
and dest to AECoerceDesc(). |
Send myself a Move event when user clicks in content of a |
window. |
02/17/92 <smd> Added InitializeDescs() and DisposeDescs() routines. |
02/05/92 <smd> Handling optional parameters in Create Element event. |
01/30/92 <smd> Adding complete support for core suite and properties. |
01/21/92 <smd> Positive and negative offset when referencing by index. |
01/10/92 <smd> Made insertion location parameter optional in the Create |
and Move events, and provided my own default behavior. |
01/09/92 <kc> Quick clean up for Scripting QuickStart. |
01/06/92 <kc> Added code for Count Elements, Do Objects Exist, Move, |
and Get Data Size |
11/91 <smd> Initial code implementation. |
*/ |
#define pPosition 'ppos' // Position property code id for window. |
#define kAEDontExecute 0x00002000L // Flag used for smart recording. |
#define kCoreSampleID 'smpl' // suite id code for CoreSample |
#define kNameKeyForm 1 // Indicates formName for object specifier. |
#define kIndexKeyForm 2 // Indicates formAbsolutePosition. |
#define kEndOfList nil // Nil terminator for variable argument list. |
// Menu Items. |
#define mApple 128 // Apple menu |
#define iAbout 1 |
#define mFile 129 // File menu |
#define iNew 1 |
#define iClose 4 |
#define iQuit 8 |
#define mEdit 130 // Edit menu |
#define iUndo 1 |
#define iCut 3 |
#define iCopy 4 |
#define iPaste 5 |
#define iClear 6 |
#define kDITop 0x0050 // Disk event dialog |
#define kDILeft 0x0070 // box data. |
#define kMaxStringSize 255 // Max # characters in string. |
#define kMinWinDim 64 // Minimum size of a window. |
#define kSysEnvironsVersion 1 // SysEnvRec version. |
#define kOSEvent app4Evt // Event used by MultiFinder. |
#define kSuspendResumeMessage 1 // High byte of suspend/resume event message. |
#define kResumeMask 1 // Bit of message field for resume vs. suspend. |
#define kMouseMovedMessage 0xFA // High byte of mouse-moved event message. |
#define kNoEvents 0 // No events mask. |
// Min result from the equation: ORD(GetApplLimit) - ORD(ApplicZone) |
#define kMinHeap (29 * 1024) // Min size of memory. |
// Min result from PurgeSpace when called at initialization time. |
#define kMinSpace (20 * 1024) |
#define kPrefSize 100 // Preferred heap size. |
#define kMinSize 60 // Minimum heap size. |
// The following are indicies into STR# resources. |
#define eWrongMachine 1 |
#define eSmallSize 2 |
#define eNoMemory 3 |
#define eAEError 4 |
#define rMenuBar 128 // application's menu bar |
#define rAboutAlert 128 // about alert |
#define rUserAlert 129 // user error alert |
#define rDocWindow 128 // application's window |
#define kErrStrings 128 // error string list |
// Data used in CoreSample.c |
#define kMaxOpenWindows 45 // Max # windows open. |
#define kMaxStrSize 255 // Max # characters in string. |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14