
    File:       CoreSample.h
    Contains:   An application that is Apple Event-aware, Scripting Compatible,     
                and recordable. It supports the Required and Core Suite of          
                Apple Events, the Object Model, and the Open Scripting              
                The main purpose of this sample code is to demonstrate how to develop an            
                application that is Apple event-aware, scripting compatible, uses the Object        
                Support Library, and supports Apple's Open Scripting Architecture.  In              
                addition, it has its own 'aete' (Apple Event Terminology Extension) resource        
                (CoreSampleAETE.r). By  incorporating these technologies into your application, 
                your application will support Apple's Open Scripting Architecture.                  
                The functionality of CoreSample is basic window manipulation. The user may          
                create, drag, size, zoom, and close windows.  All these actions may be              
                performed through Apple events.                                                     
                This application is also "factored", which means that user interactions (such       
                as dragging or sizing a window, selecting a menuitem) are converted into Apple      
                events which the application sends off to itself, and then is handled by the        
                corresponding event handler.  Factoring makes it possible to access the appli-      
                cation's functionality through Apple events. It also makes it easier to record      
                the user's actions in the form of Apple events.                                     
                CoreSample supports the Required and Core suites of events, and the application     
                and window object classes. One additional property has been added to the window     
                class, and that is its position, the top left-hand coordinates of the window.       
                Some events only apply to the window class, such as Create, Move, Clone, and        
                Set Data (application properties are not modifiable, except for pClipboard,         
                which I do not support).  Currently, CoreSample supports the Simple Grammar,        
                as defined in the "Object Support Library Developer Note".                          
                The properties you may access with the Get Data Apple event are as follows:         
                    Application - Best Type, Default Type, Class, Name, IsFrontProcess, Version     
                    Window - Best Type, Default Type, Bounds, Class, Index, Name, Position,         
                     Closeable, Titled, Resizable, Zoomable, Floating, Modal, Zoomed,       
                     and Visible.                                                           
                The properties you may set with the Set Data Apple event are as follows:            
                    Window - Bounds, Index, Zoomed, Name, Position, and Visible.                    
                When you create a new element, you may pass it initial data values. This            
                application will create the new element accordingly if either or both of the        
                initial data parameters exist. In addition, with CoreSample, you may create or      
                move a window without passing it an insertion location record. By default, a        
                window will be created/moved to the frontmost position.                             
                (NOTE: Some portions of this code are derived from TESample, a                      
                sample application provided by Apple Developer Technical Support.)                  
    Written by: Sue Dumont  
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/21/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
                12/1/93     <dan>           added PowerPC support - will run native on PowerPC if   
                                            compiled on PowerPC system. These changes are denoted       
                                            by [pwpc].
                6/22/93     <doo>           converted files to run in the Think C 6.0 environment   
                                            Fixed incorrect comparison of rects and windowlist problems 
                                            associated with the Think compiler. 
                4/02.93     <smd>           added GetWindowBounds routine to calculate the correct  
                                            bounds when the bounds accessed from the content region is  
                                            invalid (such as when the application is hidden).               
                                        -   cleaned up the aete.
                10/01/92    <smd>           Added pVersion to application and now set the port before   
                                            setting the pPosition property.     
                07/19/92    <smd>           Fixed bug where the Move event was not recording the    
                                            correct window being moved when the data was being passed   
                                            by index rather than by name.   
                04/30/92    <smd>           Check if replacing the same window in HandleMove    
                                            (i.e., "move window 2 to window 2"). If so, do nothing.     
                06/25/92    <smd>           Changed FindRelativeWindow to return the windowPtr of the       
                                            window being replaced rather than closing it. This caused       
                                            an error when trying to replace the same window, in which       
                                            case nothing should happen. (Ex. move window 2 to window 2).
                04/27/92    <smd>           Fixed bug in DoSetData where data was set to a pointer, and 
                                            then the pointer was diposed of.
                04/20/92    <smd>           Fixed a bug with setting the visibility property of a window.
                02/28/92    <smd>           Added coercion routines (thanks Kevin) to clean up code.    
                                            These convert from descs to boolean, long, and pstrings.
                02/25/92    <smd>           Modified GetWindowWithTitle, GetWidnowWithIndex, and    
                                            GetWindowIndexNum routines to use WindowList so ALL windows     
                                            will be accessed (even invisible ones).                         
                                         -  Changed InitializeDescs to MyInitDescs and DisposeDescs to  
                                         -  Removed the FailIfErr calls from the AE Handlers so that        
                                            they will return the error code rather than dying.
                02/24/92    <smd>           Now sends a Move event when just making a window active.    
                                            This is done in the DoEvent routine, drag region.
                02/21/92    <smd>           Fixed bug where the same AEDesc was being passed as source  
                                            and dest to AECoerceDesc().                                     
                                            Send myself a Move event when user clicks in content of a       
                02/17/92    <smd>           Added InitializeDescs() and DisposeDescs() routines.    
                02/05/92    <smd>           Handling optional parameters in Create Element event.
                01/30/92    <smd>           Adding complete support for core suite and properties.
                01/21/92    <smd>           Positive and negative offset when referencing by index.
                01/10/92    <smd>           Made insertion location parameter optional in the Create
                                            and Move events, and provided my own default behavior.  
                01/09/92    <kc>            Quick clean up for Scripting QuickStart.        
                01/06/92    <kc>            Added code for Count Elements, Do Objects Exist, Move,
                                            and Get Data Size
                11/91       <smd>           Initial code implementation.                    
#define pPosition       'ppos'          // Position property code id for window.
#define kAEDontExecute  0x00002000L     // Flag used for smart recording.
#define kCoreSampleID   'smpl'          // suite id code for CoreSample
#define kNameKeyForm        1           // Indicates formName for object specifier.
#define kIndexKeyForm       2           // Indicates formAbsolutePosition.
#define kEndOfList          nil         // Nil terminator for variable argument list.
    //  Menu Items.
#define mApple                  128         // Apple menu
#define iAbout                  1
#define mFile                   129         // File menu
#define iNew                    1
#define iClose                  4
#define iQuit                   8
#define mEdit                   130         // Edit menu
#define iUndo                   1
#define iCut                    3
#define iCopy                   4
#define iPaste                  5
#define iClear                  6
#define kDITop                  0x0050      // Disk event dialog
#define kDILeft                 0x0070      // box data.
#define kMaxStringSize          255         // Max # characters in string.
#define kMinWinDim              64          // Minimum size of a window.
#define kSysEnvironsVersion     1           // SysEnvRec version.
#define kOSEvent                app4Evt     // Event used by MultiFinder.
#define kSuspendResumeMessage   1           // High byte of suspend/resume event message.
#define kResumeMask             1           // Bit of message field for resume vs. suspend.
#define kMouseMovedMessage      0xFA        // High byte of mouse-moved event message.
#define kNoEvents               0           // No events mask.
    //  Min result from the equation: ORD(GetApplLimit) - ORD(ApplicZone)    
#define kMinHeap                (29 * 1024) // Min size of memory.
    //  Min result from PurgeSpace when called at initialization time. 
#define kMinSpace               (20 * 1024)
#define kPrefSize               100         // Preferred heap size.
#define kMinSize                 60         // Minimum heap size.
    // The following are indicies into STR# resources.
#define eWrongMachine           1
#define eSmallSize              2
#define eNoMemory               3
#define eAEError                4
#define rMenuBar                128         // application's menu bar
#define rAboutAlert             128         // about alert
#define rUserAlert              129         // user error alert
#define rDocWindow              128         // application's window
#define kErrStrings             128         // error string list
    // Data used in CoreSample.c
#define kMaxOpenWindows         45          // Max # windows open.
#define kMaxStrSize             255         // Max # characters in string.