Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Relevant replacement documents include:
Common Files/ComFramework.c
////////// |
// |
// File: ComFramework.c |
// |
// Contains: Code for the QuickTime sample code framework that is common to both Macintosh and Windows. |
// |
// Written by: Tim Monroe |
// Based on the QTShell code written by Tim Monroe, which in turn was based on the MovieShell |
// code written by Kent Sandvik (Apple DTS). This current version is now very far removed from |
// MovieShell. |
// |
// Copyright: © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// Change History (most recent first): |
// |
// <16> 05/01/01 srk made changes to get things running under Mac OS X |
// <15> 03/02/00 rtm made changes to get things running under CarbonLib |
// <14> 02/16/00 rtm added QTFrame_GetWindowPtrFromWindowReference |
// <13> 01/19/00 rtm revised QTFrame_IsAppWindow (dialog windows no longer count as application |
// windows); added QTFrame_BuildFileTypeList and QTFrame_AddComponentFileTypes |
// to avoid calling GetMovieImporterForDataRef in QTFrame_FilterFiles; removed |
// the hard-coded file types |
// <12> 01/14/00 rtm added support for graphics files, using graphics importers |
// <11> 12/28/99 rtm added QTFrame_ConvertMacToWinRect and QTFrame_ConvertWinToMacRect |
// <10> 12/21/99 rtm hard-coded some file types into QTFrame_FilterFiles; if we let QuickTime |
// to do all the testing (using GetMovieImporterForDataRef), it takes too long |
// <9> 12/17/99 rtm added some code to QTFrame_SetMenuItemState to work around a problem that |
// appears under MacOS 8.5.1 (as far as I can tell...) |
// <8> 12/16/99 rtm added QTApp_HandleMenu calls to _HandleFileMenuItem and _HandleEditMenuItem |
// to allow the application-specific code to intercept menu item selections; |
// added QTFrame_FilterFiles |
// <7> 12/15/99 rtm added QTApp_Idle call to QTFrame_IdleMovieWindows |
// <6> 12/11/99 rtm added GetMenuState call to Windows portion of QTFrame_SetMenuItemLabel; |
// tweaked _SizeWindowToMovie to guard against NULL movie and/or controller |
// <5> 11/30/99 rtm added QTFrame_CloseMovieWindows |
// <4> 11/27/99 rtm added QTFrame_GetFileFilterUPP |
// <3> 11/17/99 rtm finished support for Navigation Services; added QTFrame_IdleMovieWindows |
// <2> 11/16/99 rtm begun support for Navigation Services |
// <1> 11/05/99 rtm first file |
// |
// This file contains several kinds of functions: (1) functions that use completely cross-platform APIs and |
// which therefore can be compiled and run for both Mac and Windows platforms with no changes whatsoever (a |
// good example of this is QTFrame_SaveAsMovieFile); (2) functions that are substantially the same on both |
// platforms but which require several short platform-dependent #ifdef TARGET_OS_ blocks (a good example of |
// this is QTFrame_AdjustMenus); (3) functions that retrieve data from framework-specific data structures (a |
// good example of this is QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow); (4) functions that provide a platform-neutral |
// interface to platform-specific operations (a good example of this is QTFrame_Beep). In a nutshell, this |
// file attempts to provide platform-independent services to its callers, typically functions in the files |
// MacFramework.c, WinFramework.c, and ComApplication.c. |
// |
// In general, you should not need to modify this file. Your application-specific code should usually be put |
// into the file ComApplication.c. |
// |
////////// |
////////// |
// |
// header files |
// |
////////// |
#include "ComFramework.h" |
#include "CreateMovie.h" |
#include "QTFlatten.h" |
////////// |
// |
// prototypes |
// |
////////// |
static void QTFrame_AddComponentFileTypes (OSType theComponentType, long *theNextIndex); |
////////// |
// |
// global variables |
// |
////////// |
Rect gMCResizeBounds; // maximum size for any movie window |
OSType *gValidFileTypes = NULL; // the list of file types that our application can open |
extern HWND ghWnd; |
extern HWND ghWndMDIClient; |
extern BOOL gWeAreSizingWindow; |
#endif |
extern Str255 gAppName; |
void QTFrame_HandleEvent (EventRecord *theEvent); |
#endif |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Menu-handling functions. |
// |
// Use these functions to handle items in the File and Edit menus. |
// |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_HandleFileMenuItem |
// Handle the specified File menu item. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_HandleFileMenuItem (WindowReference theWindow, UInt16 theMenuItem) |
{ |
// give the application-specific code a chance to intercept the menu item selection |
if (QTApp_HandleMenu(theMenuItem)) |
return; |
switch (theMenuItem) { |
CreateAMovie(); |
//QTFrame_CreateNewMovie(); |
break; |
QTFrame_OpenMovieInWindow(NULL, NULL); |
break; |
QTFrame_DestroyMovieWindow(theWindow); |
break; |
QTFrame_UpdateMovieFile(theWindow); |
break; |
QTFrame_SaveAsMovieFile(theWindow); |
break; |
case IDM_EXIT: |
QTFrame_QuitFramework(); |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} // switch (theMenuItem) |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_HandleEditMenuItem |
// Perform the specified edit operation on the specified window. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_HandleEditMenuItem (WindowReference theWindow, UInt16 theMenuItem) |
{ |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
Movie myEditMovie = NULL; // the movie created by some editing operations |
// give the application-specific code a chance to intercept the menu item selection |
if (QTApp_HandleMenu(theMenuItem)) |
return; |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWindow); |
myMC = QTFrame_GetMCFromWindow(theWindow); |
// make sure we have a valid movie controller and a valid window object |
if ((myMC == NULL) || (myWindowObject == NULL)) |
return; |
switch (theMenuItem) { |
MCUndo(myMC); |
(**myWindowObject).fIsDirty = true; |
break; |
myEditMovie = MCCut(myMC); |
(**myWindowObject).fIsDirty = true; |
break; |
myEditMovie = MCCopy(myMC); |
break; |
MCPaste(myMC, NULL); |
(**myWindowObject).fIsDirty = true; |
break; |
MCClear(myMC); |
(**myWindowObject).fIsDirty = true; |
break; |
QTUtils_SelectAllMovie(myMC); |
break; |
QTUtils_SelectNoneMovie(myMC); |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} // switch (theMenuItem) |
// place any cut or copied movie segment onto the scrap |
if (myEditMovie != NULL) { |
PutMovieOnScrap(myEditMovie, 0L); |
DisposeMovie(myEditMovie); |
} |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_AdjustMenus |
// Adjust the application's menus. |
// |
// On Windows, the theWindow parameter is a handle to the active MDI *child* window, if any. |
// On Mac, the theWindow parameter is a pointer to the frontmost window, if any. |
// |
////////// |
int QTFrame_AdjustMenus (WindowReference theWindow, MenuReference theMenu) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theMenu) |
#endif |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
MenuReference myMenu = NULL; |
myMenu = theMenu; |
#endif |
if (theWindow != NULL) |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWindow); |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) |
myMC = (**myWindowObject).fController; |
////////// |
// |
// configure the Edit menu |
// |
////////// |
myMenu = GetMenuHandle(kEditMenuResID); |
#endif |
if (myMC != NULL) { |
long myFlags; |
MCGetControllerInfo(myMC, &myFlags); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITUNDO, myFlags & mcInfoUndoAvailable ? kEnableMenuItem : kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITCUT, myFlags & mcInfoCutAvailable ? kEnableMenuItem : kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITCOPY, myFlags & mcInfoCopyAvailable ? kEnableMenuItem : kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITPASTE, myFlags & mcInfoPasteAvailable ? kEnableMenuItem : kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITCLEAR, myFlags & mcInfoClearAvailable ? kEnableMenuItem : kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITSELECTALL, myFlags & mcInfoEditingEnabled ? kEnableMenuItem : kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITSELECTNONE, myFlags & mcInfoEditingEnabled ? kEnableMenuItem : kDisableMenuItem); |
} else { |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITUNDO, kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITCUT, kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITCOPY, kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITPASTE, kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITCLEAR, kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITSELECTALL, kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_EDITSELECTNONE, kDisableMenuItem); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// configure the File menu |
// |
////////// |
myMenu = GetMenuHandle(kFileMenuResID); |
#endif |
if (theWindow != NULL) { // there is a window open |
// handle the Close command |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_FILECLOSE, kEnableMenuItem); |
// handle the Save As and Save commands |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) { |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_FILESAVEAS, kEnableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_FILESAVE, (**myWindowObject).fIsDirty ? kEnableMenuItem : kDisableMenuItem); |
} else { |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_FILESAVEAS, kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_FILESAVE, kDisableMenuItem); |
} |
} else { // there is no window open |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_FILESAVE, kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_FILESAVEAS, kDisableMenuItem); |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(myMenu, IDM_FILECLOSE, kDisableMenuItem); |
} |
// adjust any application-specific menus |
QTApp_AdjustMenus(theWindow, theMenu); |
return(0); |
} |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Movie-handling functions. |
// |
// Use these functions to create new movies, open existing movies, save movies, and so forth. |
// |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_CreateNewMovie |
// Create a new movie in a window; returns true if successful. |
// |
// NOTE: There are several user interface issues that are blissfully ignored by this routine, |
// principally the preferred names and the on-screen locations of the new windows. |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTFrame_CreateNewMovie (void) |
{ |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
FSSpec myFSSpec; |
StringPtr myName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kNewMovieName); |
myMovie = NewMovie(newMovieActive); |
if (myMovie == NULL) |
return(false); |
// create a default FSSpec |
FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0L, myName, &myFSSpec); |
free(myName); |
return(QTFrame_OpenMovieInWindow(myMovie, &myFSSpec)); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_OpenMovieInWindow |
// Open a movie in a new movie window; return true if successful. |
// |
// This function is called from several places in our framework. The following combinations are possible: |
// * theMovie == NULL, theFSSpec == NULL: no movie, no file; elicit a movie file from user and open it |
// * theMovie != NULL, theFSSpec == NULL: new movie, no file (yet) |
// * theMovie == NULL, theFSSpec != NULL: no movie, but we have an FSSpec; so just open the specified movie file |
// * theMovie != NULL, theFSSpec != NULL: new movie, theFSSpec contains (at least) the movie name |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTFrame_OpenMovieInWindow (Movie theMovie, FSSpec *theFSSpec) |
{ |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
GraphicsImportComponent myImporter = NULL; |
WindowReference myWindow = NULL; |
FSSpec myFSSpec; |
short myRefNum = kInvalidFileRefNum; |
short myResID = 0; |
OSType myTypeList[] = {kQTFileTypeMovie, kQTFileTypeQuickTimeImage}; |
short myNumTypes = 2; |
GrafPtr mySavedPort; |
Rect myRect = {0, 0, 0, 0}; |
Point myPoint; |
QTFrameFileFilterUPP myFileFilterUPP = NULL; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
myNumTypes = 0; |
#endif |
// get the current port; we may need to restore it if we cannot successfully create a new window |
GetPort(&mySavedPort); |
// if we got neither a movie nor an FSSpec passed in, prompt the user for a movie file |
if ((theMovie == NULL) && (theFSSpec == NULL)) { |
myFileFilterUPP = QTFrame_GetFileFilterUPP((ProcPtr)QTFrame_FilterFiles); |
myErr = QTFrame_GetOneFileWithPreview(myNumTypes, (QTFrameTypeListPtr)myTypeList, &myFSSpec, myFileFilterUPP); |
if (myFileFilterUPP != NULL) |
DisposeNavObjectFilterUPP(myFileFilterUPP); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
// if we got an FSSpec passed in, copy it into myFSSpec |
if (theFSSpec != NULL) { |
FSMakeFSSpec(theFSSpec->vRefNum, theFSSpec->parID, theFSSpec->name, &myFSSpec); |
} |
// if we got no movie passed in, read one from the specified file |
if (theMovie == NULL) { |
// see if the FSSpec picks out an image file; if so, skip the movie-opening code |
// NOTE: The next 3 lines were commented out to get this working on OS X DP3 |
myErr = GetGraphicsImporterForFile(&myFSSpec, &myImporter); |
if (myImporter != NULL) |
goto gotImageFile; |
// ideally, we'd like read and write permission, but we'll settle for read-only permission |
myErr = OpenMovieFile(&myFSSpec, &myRefNum, fsRdWrPerm); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
myErr = OpenMovieFile(&myFSSpec, &myRefNum, fsRdPerm); |
// if we couldn't open the file with even just read-only permission, bail.... |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// now fetch the first movie from the file |
myResID = 0; |
myErr = NewMovieFromFile(&myMovie, myRefNum, &myResID, NULL, newMovieActive, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} else { |
myMovie = theMovie; |
} |
////////// |
// |
// at this point, myMovie is an open movie, but myFSSpec may or may not be a valid FSSpec |
// |
////////// |
// set the default progress procedure for the movie |
SetMovieProgressProc(myMovie, (MovieProgressUPP)-1, 0); |
gotImageFile: |
// create a new window to display the movie in |
myWindow = QTFrame_CreateMovieWindow(); |
if (myWindow == NULL) |
goto bail; |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(myWindow); |
if (myWindowObject == NULL) |
goto bail; |
// set the window title |
QTFrame_SetWindowTitleFromFSSpec(myWindow, &myFSSpec, true); |
// make sure the movie or image file uses the window GWorld |
if (myMovie != NULL) |
SetMovieGWorld(myMovie, (CGrafPtr)QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference(myWindow), NULL); |
if (myImporter != NULL) |
GraphicsImportSetGWorld(myImporter, (CGrafPtr)QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference(myWindow), NULL); |
// create and configure the movie controller |
myMC = QTFrame_SetupController(myMovie, myWindow, true); |
// store movie info in the window record |
(**myWindowObject).fMovie = myMovie; |
(**myWindowObject).fController = myMC; |
(**myWindowObject).fGraphicsImporter = myImporter; |
(**myWindowObject).fFileResID = myResID; |
(**myWindowObject).fFileRefNum = myRefNum; |
(**myWindowObject).fCanResizeWindow = true; |
(**myWindowObject).fIsDirty = false; |
(**myWindowObject).fIsQTVRMovie = QTUtils_IsQTVRMovie(myMovie); |
(**myWindowObject).fInstance = NULL; |
(**myWindowObject).fAppData = NULL; |
(**myWindowObject).fFileFSSpec = myFSSpec; |
// do any application-specific window object initialization |
QTApp_SetupWindowObject(myWindowObject); |
// size the window to fit the movie and controller |
QTFrame_SizeWindowToMovie(myWindowObject); |
// set the movie's play hints to allow dynamic resizing |
SetMoviePlayHints(myMovie, hintsAllowDynamicResize, hintsAllowDynamicResize); |
// set the movie's position, if it has a 'WLOC' user data atom |
myErr = QTUtils_GetWindowPositionFromFile(myMovie, &myPoint); |
// show the window |
MoveWindow(myWindow, myPoint.h, myPoint.v, false); |
ShowWindow(myWindow); |
SelectWindow(myWindow); // make it front-most, since it's just been created |
InvalWindowRect(myWindow, GetWindowPortBounds(myWindow, &myRect)); |
#endif |
SetWindowPos(myWindow, 0, myPoint.h, myPoint.v, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); |
ShowWindow(myWindow, SW_SHOW); |
UpdateWindow(myWindow); |
#endif |
// if the movie is a streamed movie, then start it playing immediately |
if (QTUtils_IsStreamedMovie(myMovie)) |
MCDoAction(myMC, mcActionPrerollAndPlay, (void *)GetMoviePreferredRate(myMovie)); |
return(true); |
bail: |
if (myWindow != NULL) |
DisposeWindow(myWindow); |
#endif |
SendMessage(ghWndMDIClient, WM_MDIDESTROY, (WPARAM)myWindow, 0L); |
#endif |
if (myMC != NULL) |
DisposeMovieController(myMC); |
if (myMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myMovie); |
if (myRefNum != 0) |
CloseMovieFile(myRefNum); |
if (myImporter != NULL) |
CloseComponent(myImporter); |
MacSetPort(mySavedPort); // restore the port that was active when this function was called |
return(false); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_SetupController |
// Create and configure the movie controller. |
// |
////////// |
MovieController QTFrame_SetupController (Movie theMovie, WindowReference theWindow, Boolean theMoveWindow) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theMoveWindow) |
#endif |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
Rect myRect; |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
GrafPtr mySavedPort; |
if ((theMovie == NULL) || (theWindow == NULL)) |
return(NULL); |
// get our window specific data |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWindow); |
if (myWindowObject == NULL) |
return(NULL); |
GetPort(&mySavedPort); |
MacSetPort(QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference(theWindow)); |
// resize the movie bounding rect and offset to 0,0 |
GetMovieBox(theMovie, &myRect); |
MacOffsetRect(&myRect, -myRect.left,; |
SetMovieBox(theMovie, &myRect); |
AlignWindow(QTFrame_GetWindowFromWindowReference(theWindow), false, &myRect, NULL); |
// create the movie controller |
myMC = NewMovieController(theMovie, &myRect, mcTopLeftMovie); |
if (myMC == NULL) |
return(NULL); |
// enable the default movie controller editing |
MCEnableEditing(myMC, true); |
// suppress movie badge |
MCDoAction(myMC, mcActionSetUseBadge, (void *)false); |
// set the initial looping state of the movie |
QTUtils_SetLoopingStateFromFile(theMovie, myMC); |
// install an action filter that does any application-specific movie controller action processing |
MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon(myMC, NewMCActionFilterWithRefConUPP(QTApp_MCActionFilterProc), (long)myWindowObject); |
// add grow box for the movie controller |
if ((**myWindowObject).fCanResizeWindow) { |
RECT myRect; |
GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &myRect); |
OffsetRect(&myRect, -myRect.left,; |
QTFrame_ConvertWinToMacRect(&myRect, &gMCResizeBounds); |
#endif |
GetRegionBounds(GetGrayRgn(), &gMCResizeBounds); |
#endif |
MCDoAction(myMC, mcActionSetGrowBoxBounds, &gMCResizeBounds); |
} |
if (theMoveWindow) |
MoveWindow(theWindow, kDefaultWindowX, kDefaultWindowY, false); |
#endif |
MacSetPort(mySavedPort); |
// add any application-specific controller functionality |
QTApp_SetupController(myMC); |
return(myMC); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_SaveAsMovieFile |
// Save the movie in the specified window under a new name. |
// |
// Human interface guidelines for "Save As..." dictate that, if the user selects a new file name |
// for the current movie, then that new file shall become the active one. This means that we need |
// to close the current movie file and open the new one. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr QTFrame_SaveAsMovieFile (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
FSSpec myFile; |
Boolean myIsSelected = false; |
Boolean myIsReplacing = false; |
StringPtr myPrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSavePrompt); |
StringPtr myFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSaveMovieFileName); |
OSErr myErr = paramErr; |
// get the window object associated with the specified window |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWindow); |
if (myWindowObject == NULL) |
goto bail; |
myMovie = (**myWindowObject).fMovie; |
if (myMovie == NULL) |
goto bail; |
QTFrame_PutFile(myPrompt, myFileName, &myFile, &myIsSelected, &myIsReplacing); |
if (myIsSelected) { |
Movie myNewMovie = NULL; |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
//long myFlags; |
short myRefNum = kInvalidFileRefNum; |
short myResID = movieInDataForkResID; |
////////// |
// |
// we have a valid FSSpec for the new movie file; now we want to create a new movie file, |
// save the movie data into the new file, close the existing movie file, and then swap |
// the window object data |
// |
////////// |
// delete any existing file of that name |
/*if (myIsReplacing) { |
myErr = DeleteMovieFile(&myFile); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontOpenFile | createMovieFileDontCreateMovie | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile; |
myErr = CreateMovieFile(&myFile, sigMoviePlayer, smSystemScript, myFlags, NULL, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = OpenMovieFile(&myFile, &myRefNum, fsRdWrPerm); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
*/ |
// write existing movie's data into new movie file |
myErr = QTSave_FlattenMovie(myMovie, &myFile); |
//myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myRefNum, &myResID,; |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = OpenMovieFile(&myFile, &myRefNum, fsRdWrPerm); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// get the new movie from the file |
myErr = NewMovieFromFile(&myNewMovie, myRefNum, &myResID, NULL, newMovieActive, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// create a new movie controller |
myMC = QTFrame_SetupController(myNewMovie, theWindow, false); |
////////// |
// |
// if we got to here, we've successfully created a new movie file, and NewMovieFromFile has |
// returned the new movie to us; so we need to close down the current movie and install the |
// new movie in its place |
// |
////////// |
// close the existing movie file |
if ((**myWindowObject).fFileRefNum != kInvalidFileRefNum) |
CloseMovieFile((**myWindowObject).fFileRefNum); |
// dispose of the existing movie controller and movie resource |
DisposeMovieController((**myWindowObject).fController); |
DisposeMovie(myMovie); |
// keep track of the new info |
(**myWindowObject).fMovie = myNewMovie; |
(**myWindowObject).fController = myMC; |
(**myWindowObject).fFileFSSpec = myFile; |
(**myWindowObject).fFileResID = myResID; |
(**myWindowObject).fFileRefNum = myRefNum; |
(**myWindowObject).fIsDirty = false; |
// make sure the movie uses the window GWorld in all situations |
SetMovieGWorld(myNewMovie, (CGrafPtr)QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference((**myWindowObject).fWindow), NULL); |
// set the window title |
QTFrame_SetWindowTitleFromFSSpec(theWindow, &myFile, true); |
} else { |
myErr = userCanceledErr; |
} |
bail: |
free(myPrompt); |
free(myFileName); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_UpdateMovieFile |
// Update the file (if any) attached to the movie. |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTFrame_UpdateMovieFile (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
// get the window object associated with the specified window |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWindow); |
if (myWindowObject == NULL) |
return(false); |
myMovie = (**myWindowObject).fMovie; |
if (myMovie == NULL) |
return(false); |
// update the current volume setting |
QTUtils_UpdateMovieVolumeSetting(myMovie); |
if ((**myWindowObject).fFileRefNum == kInvalidFileRefNum) // brand new movie, so no file attached to it |
myErr = QTFrame_SaveAsMovieFile(theWindow); |
else // we have an existing file; just update the movie resource |
myErr = UpdateMovieResource(myMovie, (**myWindowObject).fFileRefNum, (**myWindowObject).fFileResID, NULL); |
(**myWindowObject).fIsDirty = false; |
return(myErr == noErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_IdleMovieWindows |
// Do idle-time processing on all open movie windows. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_IdleMovieWindows (void) |
{ |
WindowReference myWindow = NULL; |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
myWindow = QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow(); |
while (myWindow != NULL) { |
myMC = QTFrame_GetMCFromWindow(myWindow); |
if (myMC != NULL) |
MCIdle(myMC); |
QTApp_Idle(myWindow); |
myWindow = QTFrame_GetNextMovieWindow(myWindow); |
} |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_CloseMovieWindows |
// Close all open movie windows. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_CloseMovieWindows (void) |
{ |
WindowReference myWindow = NULL; |
WindowReference myNextWindow = NULL; |
myWindow = QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow(); |
while (myWindow != NULL) { |
myNextWindow = QTFrame_GetNextMovieWindow(myWindow); |
QTFrame_DestroyMovieWindow(myWindow); |
myWindow = myNextWindow; |
} |
#endif |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_CreateWindowObject |
// Create a new window object associated with the specified window. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_CreateWindowObject (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
if (theWindow == NULL) |
return; |
// allocate space for a window object record and fill in some of its fields |
myWindowObject = (WindowObject)NewHandleClear(sizeof(WindowObjectRecord)); |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) { |
(**myWindowObject).fWindow = theWindow; |
(**myWindowObject).fController = NULL; |
(**myWindowObject).fObjectType = kApplicationSignature; |
(**myWindowObject).fCanResizeWindow = true; |
(**myWindowObject).fInstance = NULL; |
(**myWindowObject).fIsDirty = false; |
(**myWindowObject).fAppData = NULL; |
} |
// associate myWindowObject (which may be NULL) with the window |
SetWRefCon(theWindow, (long)myWindowObject); |
#endif |
SetWindowLong(theWindow, GWL_USERDATA, (LPARAM)myWindowObject); |
// associate a GrafPort with this window |
CreatePortAssociation(theWindow, NULL, 0L); |
#endif |
// set the current port to the new window |
MacSetPort(QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference(theWindow)); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_CloseWindowObject |
// Close a window object and any associated data. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_CloseWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject) |
{ |
if (theWindowObject == NULL) |
return; |
// close the movie file |
if ((**theWindowObject).fFileRefNum != kInvalidFileRefNum) { |
CloseMovieFile((**theWindowObject).fFileRefNum); |
(**theWindowObject).fFileRefNum = kInvalidFileRefNum; |
} |
// dispose movie controller and movie |
if ((**theWindowObject).fController != NULL) { |
MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon((**theWindowObject).fController, NULL, 0L); |
DisposeMovieController((**theWindowObject).fController); |
(**theWindowObject).fController = NULL; |
} |
if ((**theWindowObject).fMovie != NULL) { |
DisposeMovie((**theWindowObject).fMovie); |
(**theWindowObject).fMovie = NULL; |
} |
// close the graphics importer, if any |
if ((**theWindowObject).fGraphicsImporter != NULL) { |
CloseComponent((**theWindowObject).fGraphicsImporter); |
(**theWindowObject).fGraphicsImporter = NULL; |
} |
// do any application-specific window clean-up |
QTApp_RemoveWindowObject(theWindowObject); |
DisposeHandle((Handle)theWindowObject); |
} |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Window-walking utilities. |
// |
// Use these functions to iterate through all windows or movie windows belonging to the application. |
// |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetFrontAppWindow |
// Return a reference to the frontmost application window (whether or not it's a movie window). |
// |
////////// |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetFrontAppWindow (void) |
{ |
return(FrontWindow()); |
#endif |
return(GetWindow(ghWnd, GW_HWNDFIRST)); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetNextAppWindow |
// Return a reference to the next application window (whether or not it's a movie window). |
// |
////////// |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetNextAppWindow (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
return(theWindow == NULL ? NULL : GetNextWindow(theWindow)); |
#endif |
return(GetWindow(theWindow, GW_HWNDNEXT)); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow |
// Return a reference to the frontmost movie window. |
// |
////////// |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow (void) |
{ |
WindowReference myWindow; |
myWindow = QTFrame_GetFrontAppWindow(); |
while ((myWindow != NULL) && (QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(myWindow) == NULL)) |
myWindow = QTFrame_GetNextAppWindow(myWindow); |
#endif |
myWindow = (HWND)SendMessage(ghWndMDIClient, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, 0L); |
#endif |
return(myWindow); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetNextMovieWindow |
// Return a reference to the next movie window. |
// |
////////// |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetNextMovieWindow (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
WindowReference myWindow; |
myWindow = QTFrame_GetNextAppWindow(theWindow); |
while ((myWindow != NULL) && (QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(myWindow) == NULL)) |
myWindow = QTFrame_GetNextAppWindow(myWindow); |
#endif |
myWindow = GetWindow(theWindow, GW_HWNDNEXT); |
#endif |
return(myWindow); |
} |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Data-retrieval utilities. |
// |
// Use the following functions to retrieve the window object, the application-specific data, or the movie |
// controller that is associated with a window. |
// |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromFrontWindow |
// Get the window object (if any) associated with the front window. |
// |
////////// |
WindowObject QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromFrontWindow (void) |
{ |
return(QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow())); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow |
// Get the window object (if any) associated with the specified window. |
// |
////////// |
WindowObject QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
if (!QTFrame_IsAppWindow(theWindow)) |
return(NULL); |
myWindowObject = (WindowObject)GetWRefCon(theWindow); |
#endif |
myWindowObject = (WindowObject)GetWindowLong(theWindow, GWL_USERDATA); |
#endif |
// make sure this is a window object |
if (!QTFrame_IsWindowObjectOurs(myWindowObject)) |
return(NULL); |
return(myWindowObject); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetMCFromFrontWindow |
// Get the movie controller (if any) associated with the front window. |
// |
////////// |
MovieController QTFrame_GetMCFromFrontWindow (void) |
{ |
return(QTFrame_GetMCFromWindow(QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow())); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetMCFromWindow |
// Get the movie controller (if any) associated with the specified window. |
// |
////////// |
MovieController QTFrame_GetMCFromWindow (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWindow); |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) |
myMC = (**myWindowObject).fController; |
return(myMC); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetQTVRInstanceFromFrontWindow |
// Get the QTVRInstance (if any) associated with the front window. |
// |
////////// |
QTVRInstance QTFrame_GetQTVRInstanceFromFrontWindow (void) |
{ |
return(QTFrame_GetQTVRInstanceFromWindow(QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow())); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetQTVRInstanceFromWindow |
// Get the QTVRInstance (if any) associated with the specified window. |
// |
////////// |
QTVRInstance QTFrame_GetQTVRInstanceFromWindow (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
QTVRInstance myInstance = NULL; |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWindow); |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) |
myInstance = (**myWindowObject).fInstance; |
return(myInstance); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetAppDataFromFrontWindow |
// Get the application-specific data associated with the front window. |
// |
////////// |
Handle QTFrame_GetAppDataFromFrontWindow (void) |
{ |
return(QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindow(QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow())); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindow |
// Get the application-specific data associated with the specified window. |
// |
////////// |
Handle QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindow (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWindow); |
if (myWindowObject == NULL) |
return(NULL); |
return(QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(myWindowObject)); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject |
// Get the application-specific data associated with the specified window object. |
// |
////////// |
Handle QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject) |
{ |
// make sure this is a window object belonging to our application |
if (!QTFrame_IsWindowObjectOurs(theWindowObject)) |
return(NULL); |
return((**theWindowObject).fAppData); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_IsWindowObjectOurs |
// Does the specified window object belong to our application? |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTFrame_IsWindowObjectOurs (WindowObject theWindowObject) |
{ |
OSType myType = 0L; |
if ((theWindowObject == NULL) || (*theWindowObject == NULL)) |
return(false); |
myType = (**theWindowObject).fObjectType; |
return(myType == kApplicationSignature); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_IsAppWindow |
// Does the specified window belong to our application? |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTFrame_IsAppWindow (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
if (theWindow == NULL) |
return(false); |
return(GetWindowKind(theWindow) >= kApplicationWindowKind); |
#endif |
return(true); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_IsDocWindow |
// Is the specified window a document window (having a WindowObject refcon)? |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTFrame_IsDocWindow (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
if (theWindow == NULL) |
return(false); |
return(GetWindowKind(theWindow) >= kApplicationWindowKind); |
#endif |
return(true); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_ActivateController |
// Activate or deactivate the movie controller in the specified window. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_ActivateController (WindowReference theWindow, Boolean IsActive) |
{ |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
GrafPtr mySavedPort = NULL; |
if (theWindow == NULL) |
return; |
GetPort(&mySavedPort); |
MacSetPort(QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference(theWindow)); |
// get the window object associated with the specified window |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWindow); |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) { |
myMC = (**myWindowObject).fController; |
if (myMC != NULL) |
MCActivate(myMC, QTFrame_GetWindowFromWindowReference(theWindow), IsActive); |
} |
MacSetPort(mySavedPort); |
} |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Miscellaneous utilities. |
// |
// Use the following functions to play beeps, manipulate menus, and do other miscellaneous things. |
// |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_Beep |
// Beep. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_Beep (void) |
{ |
SysBeep(30); |
#endif |
MessageBeep(MB_OK); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_SetMenuState |
// Set the enabled/disabled state of a menu. |
// |
// On Windows, the theMenuItem parameter must be the (0-based) index in the menu bar of the |
// desired pull-down menu. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_SetMenuState (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, short theState) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theMenuItem) |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(theMenu, 0, theState); // menu item == 0 means the entire menu |
#endif |
QTFrame_SetMenuItemState(theMenu, theMenuItem, theState | MF_BYPOSITION); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_SetMenuItemState |
// Set the enabled/disabled state of a menu item. |
// |
// When running under MacOS 8.5.1, EnableMenuItem and DisableMenuItem seem to do nasty things |
// to the keyboard equivalents associated with a menu; so we'll work around that problem here. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_SetMenuItemState (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, short theState) |
{ |
UInt8 myModifiers; |
// get the existing menu item modifiers |
GetMenuItemModifiers(theMenu, MENU_ITEM(theMenuItem), &myModifiers); |
if (theState == kEnableMenuItem) |
EnableMenuItem(theMenu, MENU_ITEM(theMenuItem)); |
else |
DisableMenuItem(theMenu, MENU_ITEM(theMenuItem)); |
// restore the previous menu item modifiers |
SetMenuItemModifiers(theMenu, MENU_ITEM(theMenuItem), myModifiers); |
#endif |
EnableMenuItem(theMenu, (UINT)theMenuItem, (UINT)theState); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_SetMenuItemLabel |
// Set the label (that is, the text) of a menu item. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_SetMenuItemLabel (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, char *theText) |
{ |
Str255 myString; |
short mySIndex, myTIndex; |
// we need to remove the '&' character while converting to a Pascal string |
mySIndex = 1; |
for (myTIndex = 0; myTIndex < strlen(theText); myTIndex++) { |
if (theText[myTIndex] != '&') { |
myString[mySIndex] = theText[myTIndex]; |
mySIndex++; |
} |
} |
myString[0] = mySIndex - 1; |
SetMenuItemText(theMenu, MENU_ITEM(theMenuItem), myString); |
#endif |
UINT myState; |
// make sure that we preserve the current menu state |
myState = GetMenuState(theMenu, (UINT)theMenuItem, MF_BYCOMMAND); |
ModifyMenu(theMenu, (UINT)theMenuItem, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_STRING | myState, (UINT)theMenuItem, (LPSTR)theText); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_SetMenuItemCheck |
// Set the check mark state state of a menu item. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_SetMenuItemCheck (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, Boolean theState) |
{ |
MacCheckMenuItem(theMenu, MENU_ITEM(theMenuItem), theState); |
#endif |
CheckMenuItem(theMenu, (UINT)theMenuItem, theState ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference |
// Return the graphics port associated with a window reference. |
// |
////////// |
GrafPtr QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
return((GrafPtr)GetWindowPort(theWindow)); |
#endif |
return(GetNativeWindowPort(theWindow)); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetWindowReferenceFromPort |
// Return the window reference associated with a graphics port. |
// |
////////// |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetWindowReferenceFromPort (GrafPtr thePort) |
{ |
return((WindowReference)GetWindowFromPort((CGrafPtr)thePort)); |
#endif |
return((WindowReference)GetPortNativeWindow(thePort)); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetWindowFromWindowReference |
// Return the Macintosh window associated with a window reference. |
// |
////////// |
WindowPtr QTFrame_GetWindowFromWindowReference (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
return((WindowPtr)theWindow); |
#endif |
return((WindowPtr)GetNativeWindowPort(theWindow)); |
#endif |
} |
///////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetWindowWidth |
// Return the width of the specified window. |
// |
////////// |
short QTFrame_GetWindowWidth (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
Rect myRect = {0, 0, 0, 0}; |
if (theWindow != NULL) |
GetWindowPortBounds(theWindow, &myRect); |
#endif |
RECT myRect = {0L, 0L, 0L, 0L}; |
if (theWindow != NULL) |
GetWindowRect(theWindow, &myRect); |
#endif |
return((short)(myRect.right - myRect.left)); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_SetWindowTitleFromFSSpec |
// Set the title of the specified window, using the name contained in the specified FSSpec. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_SetWindowTitleFromFSSpec (WindowReference theWindow, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr, Boolean theAddToRecentDocs) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theAddToRecentDocs) |
SetWTitle(theWindow, theFSSpecPtr->name); |
#endif |
char *myTempName; |
char myWindName[MAX_PATH]; |
// get the full pathname contained in the FSSpec (which is a Str255) |
myTempName = QTUtils_ConvertPascalToCString(theFSSpecPtr->name); |
// get the movie file name from the full pathname |
QTFrame_GetDisplayName(myTempName, myWindName); |
// set the window title |
SetWindowText(theWindow, myWindName); |
// add this document to the Documents list, if so instructed |
if (theAddToRecentDocs) |
SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_PATH, myTempName); |
free(myTempName); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_SizeWindowToMovie |
// Set the window size to exactly fit the movie and controller (if visible). |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_SizeWindowToMovie (WindowObject theWindowObject) |
{ |
Rect myMovieBounds; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
GraphicsImportComponent myImporter = NULL; |
gWeAreSizingWindow = true; |
#endif |
if (theWindowObject == NULL) |
goto bail; |
myMovie = (**theWindowObject).fMovie; |
myMC = (**theWindowObject).fController; |
myImporter = (**theWindowObject).fGraphicsImporter; |
if (myImporter != NULL) { |
GraphicsImportGetBoundsRect(myImporter, &myMovieBounds); |
goto gotBounds; |
} |
if (myMovie == NULL) |
return; |
GetMovieBox(myMovie, &myMovieBounds); |
if (myMC != NULL) |
if (MCGetVisible(myMC)) |
MCGetControllerBoundsRect(myMC, &myMovieBounds); |
// make sure that the movie has a non-zero width; |
// a zero height is okay (for example, with a music movie with no controller bar) |
if (myMovieBounds.right - myMovieBounds.left == 0) { |
myMovieBounds.left = 0; |
myMovieBounds.right = QTFrame_GetWindowWidth((**theWindowObject).fWindow); |
} |
gotBounds: |
SizeWindow(QTFrame_GetWindowFromWindowReference((**theWindowObject).fWindow), |
myMovieBounds.right - myMovieBounds.left, |
myMovieBounds.bottom -, |
true); |
bail: |
gWeAreSizingWindow = false; |
#endif |
return; |
} |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// File-opening and -saving utilities. |
// |
// The functions are meant to provide replacements for StandardGetFilePreview and StandardPutFile, which |
// are not supported under Carbon. However, Navigation Services is not (yet, at any rate) supported under |
// Windows, so we still need to call through to the Standard File Package. |
// |
// The Navigation Services portion of this code is based selectively on the file NavigationServicesSupport.c |
// by Yan Arrouye and on the developer documentation "Programming With Navigation Services 1.1". The code that |
// determines which files can be opened by QuickTime is based on code by Sam Bushell in CarbonMovieEditor.c. |
// |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_PutFile |
// Save a file under the specified name. Return Boolean values indicating whether the user selected a file |
// and whether the selected file is replacing an existing file. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr QTFrame_PutFile (ConstStr255Param thePrompt, ConstStr255Param theFileName, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr, Boolean *theIsSelected, Boolean *theIsReplacing) |
{ |
StandardFileReply myReply; |
#endif |
NavReplyRecord myReply; |
NavDialogOptions myDialogOptions; |
NavEventUPP myEventUPP = NewNavEventUPP(QTFrame_HandleNavEvent); |
#endif |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
if ((theFSSpecPtr == NULL) || (theIsSelected == NULL) || (theIsReplacing == NULL)) |
return(paramErr); |
// deactivate any frontmost movie window |
QTFrame_ActivateController(QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow(), false); |
// assume we are not replacing an existing file |
*theIsReplacing = false; |
*theIsSelected = false; |
StandardPutFile(thePrompt, theFileName, &myReply); |
*theFSSpecPtr = myReply.sfFile; |
*theIsSelected = myReply.sfGood; |
if (myReply.sfGood) |
*theIsReplacing = myReply.sfReplacing; |
#endif |
// specify the options for the dialog box |
NavGetDefaultDialogOptions(&myDialogOptions); |
myDialogOptions.dialogOptionFlags += kNavNoTypePopup; |
myDialogOptions.dialogOptionFlags += kNavDontAutoTranslate; |
BlockMoveData(theFileName, myDialogOptions.savedFileName, theFileName[0] + 1); |
BlockMoveData(gAppName, myDialogOptions.clientName, gAppName[0] + 1); |
BlockMoveData(thePrompt, myDialogOptions.message, thePrompt[0] + 1); |
// prompt the user for a file |
myErr = NavPutFile(NULL, &myReply, &myDialogOptions, myEventUPP, MovieFileType, sigMoviePlayer, NULL); |
if ((myErr == noErr) && myReply.validRecord) { |
AEKeyword myKeyword; |
DescType myActualType; |
Size myActualSize = 0; |
// get the FSSpec for the selected file |
if (theFSSpecPtr != NULL) |
myErr = AEGetNthPtr(&(myReply.selection), 1, typeFSS, &myKeyword, &myActualType, theFSSpecPtr, sizeof(FSSpec), &myActualSize); |
*theIsSelected = myReply.validRecord; |
if (myReply.validRecord) |
{ |
*theIsReplacing = myReply.replacing; |
} |
NavDisposeReply(&myReply); |
} |
DisposeNavEventUPP(myEventUPP); |
#endif |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetOneFileWithPreview |
// Display the appropriate file-opening dialog box, with an optional QuickTime preview pane. If the user |
// selects a file, return information about it using the theFSSpecPtr parameter. |
// |
// Note that both StandardGetFilePreview and NavGetFile use the function specified by theFilterProc as a |
// file filter. This framework always passes NULL in the theFilterProc parameter. If you use this function |
// in your own code, keep in mind that on Windows the function specifier must be of type FileFilterUPP and |
// on Macintosh it must be of type NavObjectFilterUPP. (You can use the QTFrame_GetFileFilterUPP to create |
// a function specifier of the appropriate type.) Also keep in mind that Navigation Services expects a file |
// filter function to return true if a file is to be displayed, while the Standard File Package expects the |
// filter to return false if a file is to be displayed. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr QTFrame_GetOneFileWithPreview (short theNumTypes, QTFrameTypeListPtr theTypeList, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr, void *theFilterProc) |
{ |
StandardFileReply myReply; |
#endif |
NavReplyRecord myReply; |
NavDialogOptions myDialogOptions; |
NavTypeListHandle myOpenList = NULL; |
NavEventUPP myEventUPP = NewNavEventUPP(QTFrame_HandleNavEvent); |
#endif |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
if (theFSSpecPtr == NULL) |
return(paramErr); |
// deactivate any frontmost movie window |
QTFrame_ActivateController(QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow(), false); |
// prompt the user for a file |
StandardGetFilePreview((FileFilterUPP)theFilterProc, theNumTypes, (ConstSFTypeListPtr)theTypeList, &myReply); |
if (!myReply.sfGood) |
return(userCanceledErr); |
// make an FSSpec record |
myErr = FSMakeFSSpec(myReply.sfFile.vRefNum, myReply.sfFile.parID,, theFSSpecPtr); |
#endif |
// specify the options for the dialog box |
NavGetDefaultDialogOptions(&myDialogOptions); |
myDialogOptions.dialogOptionFlags -= kNavNoTypePopup; |
myDialogOptions.dialogOptionFlags -= kNavAllowMultipleFiles; |
BlockMoveData(gAppName, myDialogOptions.clientName, gAppName[0] + 1); |
// create a handle to an 'open' resource |
myOpenList = (NavTypeListHandle)QTFrame_CreateOpenHandle(kApplicationSignature, theNumTypes, theTypeList); |
if (myOpenList != NULL) |
HLock((Handle)myOpenList); |
// prompt the user for a file |
myErr = NavGetFile(NULL, &myReply, &myDialogOptions, myEventUPP, NULL, (NavObjectFilterUPP)theFilterProc, myOpenList, NULL); |
if ((myErr == noErr) && myReply.validRecord) { |
AEKeyword myKeyword; |
DescType myActualType; |
Size myActualSize = 0; |
// get the FSSpec for the selected file |
if (theFSSpecPtr != NULL) |
myErr = AEGetNthPtr(&(myReply.selection), 1, typeFSS, &myKeyword, &myActualType, theFSSpecPtr, sizeof(FSSpec), &myActualSize); |
NavDisposeReply(&myReply); |
} |
if (myOpenList != NULL) { |
HUnlock((Handle)myOpenList); |
DisposeHandle((Handle)myOpenList); |
} |
DisposeNavEventUPP(myEventUPP); |
#endif |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_HandleNavEvent |
// A callback procedure that handles events while a Navigation Service dialog box is displayed. |
// |
////////// |
PASCAL_RTN void QTFrame_HandleNavEvent (NavEventCallbackMessage theCallBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr theCallBackParms, void *theCallBackUD) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theCallBackUD) |
if (theCallBackSelector == kNavCBEvent) { |
switch (theCallBackParms->eventData.eventDataParms.event->what) { |
case updateEvt: |
QTFrame_HandleEvent(theCallBackParms->eventData.eventDataParms.event); |
#endif |
break; |
case nullEvent: |
QTFrame_IdleMovieWindows(); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_CreateOpenHandle |
// Return a handle to a dynamically-created 'open' resource. |
// |
////////// |
Handle QTFrame_CreateOpenHandle (OSType theApplicationSignature, short theNumTypes, QTFrameTypeListPtr theTypeList) |
{ |
Handle myHandle = NULL; |
if (theTypeList == NULL) |
return(myHandle); |
if (theNumTypes > 0) { |
myHandle = NewHandle(sizeof(NavTypeList) + (theNumTypes * sizeof(OSType))); |
if (myHandle != NULL) { |
NavTypeListHandle myOpenResHandle = (NavTypeListHandle)myHandle; |
(*myOpenResHandle)->componentSignature = theApplicationSignature; |
(*myOpenResHandle)->osTypeCount = theNumTypes; |
BlockMoveData(theTypeList, (*myOpenResHandle)->osType, theNumTypes * sizeof(OSType)); |
} |
} |
return(myHandle); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetFileFilterUPP |
// Return a UPP for the specified file-selection filter function. |
// |
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the UPP returned by this function (by calling DisposeRoutineDescriptor). |
// |
////////// |
QTFrameFileFilterUPP QTFrame_GetFileFilterUPP (ProcPtr theFileFilterProc) |
{ |
return(NewNavObjectFilterUPP((NavObjectFilterProcPtr)theFileFilterProc)); |
#endif |
return(NewFileFilterProc(theFileFilterProc)); |
#endif |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_FilterFiles |
// Filter files for a file-opening dialog box. |
// |
// The default behavior here is to accept all files that can be opened by QuickTime, whether directly |
// or using a movie importer or a graphics importer. |
// |
////////// |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean QTFrame_FilterFiles (AEDesc *theItem, void *theInfo, void *theCallBackUD, NavFilterModes theFilterMode) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theCallBackUD, theFilterMode) |
NavFileOrFolderInfo *myInfo = (NavFileOrFolderInfo *)theInfo; |
if (gValidFileTypes == NULL) |
QTFrame_BuildFileTypeList(); |
if (theItem->descriptorType == typeFSS) { |
if (!myInfo->isFolder) { |
OSType myType = myInfo->fileAndFolder.fileInfo.finderInfo.fdType; |
short myCount; |
short myIndex; |
// see whether the file type is in the list of file types that our application can open |
myCount = GetPtrSize((Ptr)gValidFileTypes) / sizeof(OSType); |
for (myIndex = 0; myIndex < myCount; myIndex++) |
if (myType == gValidFileTypes[myIndex]) |
return(true); |
// if we got to here, it's a file we cannot open |
return(false); |
} |
} |
// if we got to here, it's a folder or non-HFS object |
return(true); |
} |
#endif |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean QTFrame_FilterFiles (CInfoPBPtr thePBPtr) |
{ |
#pragma unused(thePBPtr) |
return(false); |
} |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_BuildFileTypeList |
// Build a list of file types that QuickTime can open. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr QTFrame_BuildFileTypeList (void) |
{ |
long myIndex = 0; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
// if we've already built the list, just return |
if (gValidFileTypes != NULL) |
return(myErr); |
// allocate a block of memory to hold a preset number of file types; we'll resize this block |
// while building the list if we need more room; we always resize it after building the list, |
// to truncate it to the exact size required |
gValidFileTypes = (OSType *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(OSType) * kDefaultFileTypeCount); |
if (gValidFileTypes == NULL) |
return(memFullErr); |
// we can open any files of type kQTFileTypeMovie |
gValidFileTypes[myIndex++] = kQTFileTypeMovie; |
// we can open any files for which QuickTime supplies a movie importer component |
QTFrame_AddComponentFileTypes(MovieImportType, &myIndex); |
// we can open any files for which QuickTime supplies a graphics importer component |
QTFrame_AddComponentFileTypes(GraphicsImporterComponentType, &myIndex); |
// resize the pointer to hold the exact number of valid file types |
SetPtrSize((Ptr)gValidFileTypes, myIndex * sizeof(OSType)); |
myErr = MemError(); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_AddComponentFileTypes |
// Add all subtypes of the specified component type to the global list of file types. |
// |
////////// |
static void QTFrame_AddComponentFileTypes (OSType theComponentType, long *theNextIndex) |
{ |
ComponentDescription myFindCompDesc = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; |
ComponentDescription myInfoCompDesc = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; |
Component myComponent = NULL; |
myFindCompDesc.componentType = theComponentType; |
myFindCompDesc.componentFlags = 0; |
myFindCompDesc.componentFlagsMask = movieImportSubTypeIsFileExtension; |
myComponent = FindNextComponent(myComponent, &myFindCompDesc); |
while (myComponent != NULL) { |
GetComponentInfo(myComponent, &myInfoCompDesc, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
gValidFileTypes[*theNextIndex] = myInfoCompDesc.componentSubType; |
*theNextIndex += 1; |
// resize the block of file types, if we are about to reach the limit |
if (*theNextIndex == GetPtrSize((Ptr)gValidFileTypes) / (long)sizeof(OSType)) { |
SetPtrSize((Ptr)gValidFileTypes, GetPtrSize((Ptr)gValidFileTypes) + (kDefaultFileTypeCount * sizeof(OSType))); |
if (MemError() != noErr) |
return; |
} |
myComponent = FindNextComponent(myComponent, &myFindCompDesc); |
} |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_ConvertMacToWinRect |
// Convert a Macintosh Rect structure into a Windows RECT structure. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_ConvertMacToWinRect (Rect *theMacRect, RECT *theWinRect) |
{ |
theWinRect->top = (long)theMacRect->top; |
theWinRect->left = (long)theMacRect->left; |
theWinRect->bottom = (long)theMacRect->bottom; |
theWinRect->right = (long)theMacRect->right; |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_ConvertWinToMacRect |
// Convert a Windows RECT structure into a Macintosh Rect structure. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_ConvertWinToMacRect (RECT *theWinRect, Rect *theMacRect) |
{ |
theMacRect->top = (short)theWinRect->top; |
theMacRect->left = (short)theWinRect->left; |
theMacRect->bottom = (short)theWinRect->bottom; |
theMacRect->right = (short)theWinRect->right; |
} |
#endif |
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