Completed Lab/QTVideo.c

    File:       QTVideo.c
    Contains:   Code to create video tracks for QuickTime CreateMovie sample
    Written by: Scott Kuechle
                (based heavily on QuickTime sample code in Inside Macintosh: QuickTime)
    Copyright:  © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved
    Change History (most recent first)
        <1>     6/26/98     srk     first file
*                                                           *
*    INCLUDE FILES                                          *
*                                                           *
#include "ConditionalMacros.h"
    #include <QTML.h>
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <QuickDraw.h>
#include <FixMath.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#include <Movies.h>
#include <ImageCompression.h>
#include <NumberFormatting.h>
#include "CreateMovie.h"
#include "QTVideo.h"
*                                                           *
*    FUNCTION PROTOTYPES                                    *
*                                                           *
static void QTVideo_AddVideoSamplesToMedia (Media theMedia, const Rect *trackFrame);
static void QTVideo_DrawFrame (const Rect *trackFrame, long curSample);
*                                                           *
*    CONSTANTS                                              *
*                                                           *
#define     kVideoTimeScale     600
#define     kNumVideoFrames     70
#define     kPixelDepth         8   /* use 8-bit depth */
#define     kNoOffset           0
#define     kMgrChoose          0
#define     kSyncSample         0
#define     kAddOneVideoSample  1
#define     kSampleDuration     60  /* frame duration = 1/10 sec */
#define     kTrackStart         0
#define     kMediaStart         0
*                                                           *
*    QTVideo_CreateMyVideoTrack()                           *
*                                                           *
*    Creates a video track for a given QuickTime movie      *
*                                                           *
void QTVideo_CreateMyVideoTrack(Movie theMovie)
    Track theTrack;
    Media theMedia;
    OSErr err = noErr;
    Rect trackFrame = {0,0,100,320};
        // 1. Create the track
        theTrack = NewMovieTrack (theMovie,                      /* movie specifier */
                                  FixRatio(trackFrame.right,1),  /* width */
                                  FixRatio(trackFrame.bottom,1), /* height */
                                  kNoVolume);                    /* trackVolume */
        CheckError( GetMoviesError(), "NewMovieTrack error" );
        // 2. Create the media for the track
        theMedia = NewTrackMedia (theTrack,         /* track identifier */
                                  VideoMediaType,   /* type of media */
                                  kVideoTimeScale,  /* time coordinate system */
                                  nil,              /* data reference - use the file that is associated with the movie  */
                                  0);               /* data reference type */
        CheckError( GetMoviesError(), "NewTrackMedia error" );
        // 3. Establish a media-editing session
        err = BeginMediaEdits (theMedia);
        CheckError( err, "BeginMediaEdits error" );
        // 3a. Add Samples to the media
        QTVideo_AddVideoSamplesToMedia (theMedia, &trackFrame);
        // 3b. End media-editing session
        err = EndMediaEdits (theMedia);
        CheckError( err, "EndMediaEdits error" );
        // 4. Insert a reference to a media segment into the track
        err = InsertMediaIntoTrack (theTrack,       /* track specifier */
                                    kTrackStart,    /* track start time */
                                    kMediaStart,    /* media start time */
                                    GetMediaDuration(theMedia), /* media duration */
                                    fixed1);        /* media rate ((Fixed) 0x00010000L) */
        CheckError( err, "InsertMediaIntoTrack error" );
*                                                           *
*    QTVideo_AddVideoSamplesToMedia()                       *
*                                                           *
*    Creates video samples for the media in a track         *
*                                                           *
static void QTVideo_AddVideoSamplesToMedia(Media theMedia, const Rect *trackFrame)
    GWorldPtr theGWorld = nil;
    long maxCompressedSize;
    long curSample;
    Handle compressedData = nil;
    Ptr compressedDataPtr;
    ImageDescriptionHandle imageDesc = nil;
    CGrafPtr oldPort;
    GDHandle oldGDeviceH;
    OSErr err = noErr;
        // Create a graphics world
        err = NewGWorld (&theGWorld,        /* pointer to created gworld */ 
                         kPixelDepth,       /* pixel depth */
                         trackFrame,        /* bounds */
                         nil,               /* color table */
                         nil,               /* handle to GDevice */ 
                         (GWorldFlags)0);   /* flags */
        CheckError (err, "NewGWorld error");
        // Lock the pixels
        LockPixels (GetPortPixMap(theGWorld));
        // Determine the maximum size the image will be after compression.
        // Specify the compression characteristics, along with the image.
        err = GetMaxCompressionSize(GetPortPixMap(theGWorld),       /* Handle to the source image */
                                    trackFrame,                     /* bounds */
                                    kMgrChoose,                     /* let ICM choose depth */
                                    codecNormalQuality,             /* desired image quality */ 
                                    kAnimationCodecType,            /* compressor type */ 
                                    (CompressorComponent)anyCodec,  /* compressor identifier */
                                    &maxCompressedSize);            /* returned size */
        CheckError (err, "GetMaxCompressionSize error" );
        // Create a new handle of the right size for our compressed image data
        compressedData = NewHandle(maxCompressedSize);
        CheckError( MemError(), "NewHandle error" );
        MoveHHi( compressedData );
        HLock( compressedData );
        compressedDataPtr = *compressedData;
        // Create a handle for the Image Description Structure
        imageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(4);
        CheckError( MemError(), "NewHandle error" );
        // Change the current graphics port to the GWorld
        GetGWorld(&oldPort, &oldGDeviceH);
        SetGWorld(theGWorld, nil);
        // For each sample...
        for (curSample = 1; curSample <= kNumVideoFrames; curSample++) {
            // Call DrawFrame to actually do the drawing of our image
            QTVideo_DrawFrame(trackFrame, curSample);
            // Use the ICM to compress the image 
            err = CompressImage(GetPortPixMap(theGWorld), /* source image to compress */
                                trackFrame,               /* bounds */
                                codecNormalQuality,       /* desired image quality */
                                kAnimationCodecType,      /* compressor identifier */
                                imageDesc,                /* handle to Image Description Structure; will be resized by call */
                                compressedDataPtr);       /* pointer to a location to recieve the compressed image data */
            CheckError( err, "CompressImage error" );
            // Add sample data and a description to a media
            err = AddMediaSample(theMedia,               /* media specifier */ 
                                 compressedData,         /* handle to sample data - dataIn */
                                 kNoOffset,              /* specifies offset into data reffered to by dataIn handle */
                                 (**imageDesc).dataSize, /* number of bytes of sample data to be added */ 
                                 kSampleDuration,        /* frame duration = 1/10 sec */
                                 (SampleDescriptionHandle)imageDesc,    /* sample description handle */ 
                                 kAddOneVideoSample,    /* number of samples */
                                 kSyncSample,           /* control flag indicating self-contained samples */
                                 nil);                  /* returns a time value where sample was insterted */
            CheckError( err, "AddMediaSample error" );
        } // for loop
        SetGWorld (oldPort, oldGDeviceH);
        // Dealocate our previously alocated handles and GWorld
        if (imageDesc)
            DisposeHandle ((Handle)imageDesc);
        if (compressedData)
            DisposeHandle (compressedData);
        if (theGWorld)
            DisposeGWorld (theGWorld);
*                                                           *
*    QTVideo_DrawFrame()                                    *
*                                                           *
*    contains code to "draw" a video frame                  *
*                                                           *
static void QTVideo_DrawFrame(const Rect *trackFrame, long curSample)
    Str255 numStr;
        EraseRect (trackFrame);
        ForeColor( redColor );
        PaintRect( trackFrame );
        ForeColor( blueColor );
        NumToString (curSample, numStr);
        MoveTo ( (short)(trackFrame->right / 2), (short)(trackFrame->bottom / 2));
        TextSize ( (short)(trackFrame->bottom / 3));
        DrawString (numStr);
        if ( curSample == 70 ) {
            ForeColor( greenColor );
            MoveTo((short)(trackFrame->left + 12), (short)(trackFrame->bottom / 2 ));
            TextSize( (short)(trackFrame->bottom / 4) );
            DrawString("\pWhoa cool!");