/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
Tests for the key derivation operations. |
*/ |
@import XCTest; |
#import "QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation.h" |
#import "ToolCommon.h" |
#import "QHex.h" |
#include <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h> |
@interface KeyDerivationOperationsTests : XCTestCase |
@end |
@implementation KeyDerivationOperationsTests |
- (void)setUp { |
[super setUp]; |
[ToolCommon sharedInstance].debugRunOpOnMainThread = YES; |
} |
- (void)testPBKDF2 { |
NSString * passwordString; |
NSData * saltData; |
passwordString = @"Hello Cruel World!"; |
assert(passwordString != nil); |
saltData = [@"Some salt sir?" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
assert(saltData != nil); |
// These results were generated with PHP 7.0.5 using: |
// |
// hash_pbkdf2("sha1", "Hello Cruel World!", "Some salt sir?", 1000, 10, true); |
// hash_pbkdf2("sha224", "Hello Cruel World!", "Some salt sir?", 1000, 10, true); |
// ... |
// |
// and then repeated with "" for salt. |
// and then repeated again with "" for both password and salt. |
// Note: This test fails on OS X 10.7.x and iOS 5.x because CCKeyDerivationPBKDF returns |
// an error if there's no salt. |
static const QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithm kAlgorithms[5] = { QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithmSHA1, QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithmSHA2_224, QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithmSHA2_256, QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithmSHA2_384, QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithmSHA2_512 }; |
static NSString * kExpected[5] = { |
@"e56c27f5eed251db50a3", |
@"88597c3d039227ea2723", |
@"884185449fa0f5ea91bf", |
@"7c44bd93a3f5d732a667", |
@"d4537676e0af5274ca01" |
}; |
static NSString * kExpectedNoSalt[5] = { |
@"98b4c8aec38c64c8e2de", |
@"8bd95e3da6187c36d737", |
@"338919ba6253c606fc02", |
@"821d33494a485633ebb9", |
@"80878761083c187e425c" |
}; |
static NSString * kExpectedDegenerate[5] = { |
@"6e40910ac02ec89cebb9", |
@"7df7ef68f01b61a28b21", |
@"4fc58a21c100ce1835b8", |
@"9cbfe72d194da34e17c8", |
@"cb93096c3a02beeb1c5f" |
}; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { |
QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation * op; |
NSData * expectedKeyData; |
expectedKeyData = [QHex dataWithHexString:kExpected[i]]; |
op = [[QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation alloc] initWithAlgorithm:kAlgorithms[i] passwordString:passwordString saltData:saltData]; |
op.rounds = 1000; |
op.derivedKeyLength = 10; |
[[ToolCommon sharedInstance] synchronouslyRunOperation:op]; |
XCTAssertNil(op.error); |
XCTAssertEqualObjects(op.derivedKeyData, expectedKeyData); |
expectedKeyData = [QHex dataWithHexString:kExpectedNoSalt[i]]; |
op = [[QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation alloc] initWithAlgorithm:kAlgorithms[i] passwordString:passwordString saltData:[NSData data]]; |
op.rounds = 1000; |
op.derivedKeyLength = 10; |
[[ToolCommon sharedInstance] synchronouslyRunOperation:op]; |
XCTAssertNil(op.error); |
XCTAssertEqualObjects(op.derivedKeyData, expectedKeyData); |
expectedKeyData = [QHex dataWithHexString:kExpectedDegenerate[i]]; |
op = [[QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation alloc] initWithAlgorithm:kAlgorithms[i] passwordString:@"" saltData:[NSData data]]; |
op.rounds = 1000; |
op.derivedKeyLength = 10; |
[[ToolCommon sharedInstance] synchronouslyRunOperation:op]; |
XCTAssertNil(op.error); |
XCTAssertEqualObjects(op.derivedKeyData, expectedKeyData); |
} |
} |
- (void)testPBKDF2Calibration { |
NSString * passwordString; |
NSData * saltData; |
QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation * op; |
NSData * derivedKey; |
NSInteger actualRounds; |
NSTimeInterval startTime; |
NSTimeInterval timeTaken; |
passwordString = @"Hello Cruel World!"; |
assert(passwordString != nil); |
saltData = [@"Some salt sir?" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
assert(saltData != nil); |
// First run the operation with a target time (0.5 seconds). |
op = [[QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation alloc] initWithAlgorithm:QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithmSHA1 passwordString:passwordString saltData:saltData]; |
op.derivationTime = 0.5; |
[[ToolCommon sharedInstance] synchronouslyRunOperation:op]; |
XCTAssertNil(op.error); |
XCTAssertNotNil(op.derivedKeyData); |
derivedKey = op.derivedKeyData; |
actualRounds = op.actualRounds; |
// Then run it again with the rounds from the previous operation. |
// It should take (roughly) 0.5 seconds. If it doesn't, that's a problem. |
// |
// Note we have a huge time variance here due, so we accept a large range of values. |
op = [[QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation alloc] initWithAlgorithm:QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithmSHA1 passwordString:passwordString saltData:saltData]; |
op.rounds = actualRounds; |
startTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; |
[[ToolCommon sharedInstance] synchronouslyRunOperation:op]; |
timeTaken = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] - startTime; |
XCTAssertNil(op.error); |
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(timeTaken, 0.5, 0.2); |
XCTAssertEqual(op.actualRounds, actualRounds); |
XCTAssertEqualObjects(op.derivedKeyData, derivedKey); |
} |
- (void)testPBKDF2Error { |
NSString * passwordString; |
NSData * saltData; |
QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation * op; |
passwordString = @"Hello Cruel World!"; |
assert(passwordString != nil); |
saltData = [@"Some salt sir?" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
assert(saltData != nil); |
// a derived key length of zero is not valid |
op = [[QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation alloc] initWithAlgorithm:QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithmSHA1 passwordString:passwordString saltData:saltData]; |
op.derivedKeyLength = 0; |
[[ToolCommon sharedInstance] synchronouslyRunOperation:op]; |
XCTAssertNotNil(op.error); |
XCTAssertEqualObjects(op.error.domain, QCCPBKDF2KeyDerivationErrorDomain); |
XCTAssertEqual(op.error.code, (NSInteger) kCCParamError); |
XCTAssertNil(op.derivedKeyData); |
// repeat the above with a rounds value, which triggers the error in a different place |
op = [[QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation alloc] initWithAlgorithm:QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithmSHA1 passwordString:passwordString saltData:saltData]; |
op.derivedKeyLength = 0; |
op.rounds = 1000; |
[[ToolCommon sharedInstance] synchronouslyRunOperation:op]; |
XCTAssertNotNil(op.error); |
XCTAssertEqualObjects(op.error.domain, QCCPBKDF2KeyDerivationErrorDomain); |
XCTAssertEqual(op.error.code, (NSInteger) kCCParamError); |
XCTAssertNil(op.derivedKeyData); |
} |
- (void)testKeyDerivationThrows { |
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnonnull" |
XCTAssertThrows((void) [[QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation alloc] initWithAlgorithm:QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithmSHA1 passwordString:nil saltData:[NSData data]]); |
XCTAssertThrows((void) [[QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivation alloc] initWithAlgorithm:QCCPBKDF2SHAKeyDerivationAlgorithmSHA1 passwordString:@"" saltData:nil]); |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
} |
@end |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-11-17