
 * QuickTime for Java SDK Sample Code
   Usage subject to restrictions in SDK License Agreement
 * Copyright: © 1996-1999 Apple Computer, Inc.
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Math;
import quicktime.qd.*;
import quicktime.*;
import quicktime.std.StdQTConstants;
import quicktime.util.*;
import quicktime.std.image.*;
public class CurvesDemo extends Frame {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        try {
            CurvesDemo cdemo = new CurvesDemo();
        }catch(QTException ex) {
    static final int kWidth = 400;
    static final int kHeight = 400;
    QTCanvas canv;
    VectorStream vectorStream;
    Curve curve;
    CurvesDemo() throws QTException {
        super("CurvesDemo - in QTJava");
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        canv = new QTCanvas ();
        add ("Center", canv);
        curve = new Curve(); //Open the default vector codec component
        // create a new vector data stream for holding the data for paths
        vectorStream = new VectorStream(curve); 
        //the black rounded square
        //vectorStream.addAtom(StdQTConstants.kCurveFillTypeAtom, StdQTConstants.gxEvenOddFill);
        CurvePath pathData1 = new CurvePath (curve);
        //Hashtable  round_rect  = roundedSquare();
        Vector round_rect  = roundedSquare();
        int i = 0;
        Enumeration e = round_rect.elements();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            QDPoint pt = (QDPoint)e.nextElement();
            Boolean b = (Boolean)e.nextElement();
            pathData1.insertPoint (pt, 0, i, b.booleanValue());
        vectorStream.addPathAtom (pathData1);
        //the colorful rectangle
        vectorStream.addAtom (StdQTConstants.kCurvePenThicknessAtom, 0x100000);
        vectorStream.addAtom (StdQTConstants.kCurveGradientTypeAtom, StdQTConstants.kLinearGradient);
        QDColor[] gradientColors = createGradientColors();
        vectorStream.addAtom (gradientColors);
        // set gradient angle
        vectorStream.addAtom (StdQTConstants.kCurveGradientAngleAtom, 0x00450000);
        //adds kARGBColorAtom to the stream
        QDColor color2 = new QDColor (0x0000, 0xffff, 0x0000, 0x0000);
        vectorStream.addAtom (color2);
        CurvePath gradPath = new CurvePath (curve);
        Vector greenRect  = greenRectangle();
        i = 0;
        e = null;
        e = greenRect.elements();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            QDPoint pt = (QDPoint)e.nextElement();
            Boolean b = (Boolean)e.nextElement();
            gradPath.insertPoint (pt, 0, i, b.booleanValue());
        /*Hashtable  greenRect  = greenRectangle ();
        i = 0;
        for (Enumeration greenRectKeys = greenRect.keys() ; greenRectKeys.hasMoreElements() ;) {
            QDPoint pt = (QDPoint)greenRectKeys.nextElement();
            gradPath.insertPoint (pt, 0, i, ((Boolean)greenRect.get(pt)).booleanValue());
        vectorStream.addPathAtom (gradPath);
        // disable gradient for all following atoms 
        vectorStream.removeAtom (StdQTConstants.kCurveGradientRecordAtom);
        QDColor color3 = new QDColor (0xffff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x3333);
        vectorStream.addAtom (color3);
        CurvePath sqrPath = new CurvePath (curve); 
        Vector redSqr  = redSquare();
        i = 0;
        e = null;
        e = redSqr.elements();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            QDPoint pt = (QDPoint)e.nextElement();
            Boolean b = (Boolean)e.nextElement();
            sqrPath.insertPoint (pt, 0, i, b.booleanValue());
        vectorStream.addPathAtom (sqrPath);
        //adds kARGBColorAtom to the stream
        QDColor color1 = new QDColor (0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000);
        // draw a OpenFrame fill path
        vectorStream.addAtom (StdQTConstants.kCurveFillTypeAtom, StdQTConstants.gxOpenFrameFill);
        vectorStream.addAtom (StdQTConstants.kCurvePenThicknessAtom, 0x030000);
        CurvePath openPath = new CurvePath (curve);  
        Vector pointsTable  = createPointsTable();
        i = 0;
        e = null;
        e = pointsTable.elements();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            QDPoint pt = (QDPoint)e.nextElement();
            Boolean b = (Boolean)e.nextElement();
            openPath.insertPoint (pt, 0, i, b.booleanValue());
        vectorStream.addPathAtom (openPath);
        //outer rectangle -- ClosedFrameFill
        vectorStream.addAtom (StdQTConstants.kCurvePenThicknessAtom, 0x030000);
        vectorStream.addAtom(StdQTConstants.kCurveFillTypeAtom, StdQTConstants.gxClosedFrameFill);
        //Create a new CurvePath 
        CurvePath closedPath = new CurvePath (curve); 
        Vector outer_rect  = outerRectangle();
        i = 0;
        e = null;
        e = outer_rect.elements();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            QDPoint pt = (QDPoint)e.nextElement();
            Boolean b = (Boolean)e.nextElement();
            closedPath.insertPoint (pt, 0, i, b.booleanValue());
        //then add the pathdata to the vector stream
        vectorStream.addPathAtom (closedPath);
        //add the zero atom to the vector stream to mark the end of data stream     
        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter () {
            public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) {
            public void windowClosed (WindowEvent e) {
    public void displayCurve() throws QTException {
        //ImagePresenter is what will display the QTVector image to the screen.
        ImagePresenter myCurvePresenter = new ImagePresenter (new QDRect (kWidth, kHeight));
        ImageDescription curveDescription = ImageDescription.getJavaDefaultPixelDescription (kWidth, kHeight);
        curveDescription.setCType (StdQTConstants.kVectorCodecType);
        //This call set's up the ImageDescription for the vector graphic. Note that we have not
        //set the image data as this will be set later...
        myCurvePresenter.setImageData (null, curveDescription);
        //ImageDescription curveDescription = new ImageDescription(kVectorCodecType);
        ByteEncodedImage aCurveObject = ByteEncodedImage.fromByteArray(vectorStream.getBytes());
        //It is possible  to create multiple vector images as ByteEncodedImage and then later 
        //set them as the ImageData in an ImagePresenter
        canv.setClient (myCurvePresenter, true);    
    public QDColor[] createGradientColors() {
        QDColor[] gradientColors = new QDColor[4];
        gradientColors[0] = new QDColor(0xffff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xffff, 0.0F);
        gradientColors[1] = new QDColor(0x0000, 0xffff, 0x0000, 0x7777, 0.3F);
        gradientColors[2] = new QDColor(0xffff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x3333, 0.7F);
        gradientColors[3] = new QDColor(0x0000, 0x0000, 0xffff, 0xffff, 1.0F);
        return gradientColors;
    /* specify the points for the path and whether each one is 
    on the path */
    public Vector createPointsTable() {
        Vector table = new Vector();
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(200, 100));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(150, 50));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(false));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(200, 25));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(300, 25));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(350, 50));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(false));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(300, 100));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        return table;
    public Vector createBigRectangle() {
        Vector table = new Vector();
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(0, 0));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(400, 0));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(400, 400));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(0, 400));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        return table;
    public Vector outerRectangle() {
        Vector table = new Vector();
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(10, 10));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(390, 10));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(390, 390));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(10, 390));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        return table;
    public Vector greenRectangle() {
       Vector table = new Vector();
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(20, 20));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(70, 20));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(70, 70));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(20, 70));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(true));
        return table;
    public Vector redSquare() {
        Vector table = new Vector();
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(40, 40));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(false));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(100, 40));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(false));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(100, 100));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(false));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(40, 100));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(false));
        return table;
    public Vector roundedSquare() {
        Vector table = new Vector();
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(150,150));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(false));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(250, 150));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(false));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(250,250));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(false));
        table.addElement(new QDPoint(150,250));
        table.addElement(new Boolean(false));
        return table;