
    File:       CustomPC/B.c
    Contains:   Sample showing how to implement custom PicComments and QuickDraw bottlenecks. 
                See the ReadMe for code details.
    Written by:     
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1991-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                08/2000         JM      Carbonized, non-Carbon code is commented out
                                        for demonstration purposes.
                7/9/1999        KG      Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
                03/97   v. 2.0  ik      Rewritten as 'Custom PicComments/Bottlenecks'
                10/91   v. 1.0  dh      Shipped as 'DTS Groupies' sample.
#include "CarbonPrefix.h"
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Menus.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Resources.h>
/*------ constants --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define kCreatorType    'EGAD'      /* Our creator type.                */
#define rMenuBar        128         /* The menubar resource ID.         */
#define mApple          128         /* Apple menu ID.                   */
#define iAbout          1           /* "AboutÉ" menu item index.        */
#define mFile           129         /* File menu ID.                    */
#define iQuit           1           /* Quit menu item index.            */
#define kMaxPICTs       50          /* Max. no. of pictures we handle.  */
#define kCustomComment  100         /* Custom PicComment indicator.     */
#define kSubPICTComment 200         /* Our (sub-picture) sub-PicComment.
                                       This comment indicates that we've
                                       stored a picture inside of a
                                       picture.  We use it to extract
                                       the individual PICTs.            */
/*------ types --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
typedef struct TPICTRec {
    int         numPICTs;           /* The number of sub-pictures,      */
    PicHandle   picture[kMaxPICTs]; /* and their PicHandles,            */
    Rect        curPos[kMaxPICTs];  /* and their last drawn positions.  */
/*------ globals --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static TPICTRec     gPICTRec;       /* Our global picture record.       */
static Rect         gPictsBounds;   /* The bounds used by our pictures. */
static Boolean      gQuitting;      /* "Quitting?" flag.                */
static WindowPtr    gTheWindow;     /* Our window's pointer.            */
/*------ prototypes ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/*extern void           CompositePictures(void);
//extern pascal void    CustomPicProc(int kind, int dataSize, Handle dataHandle);
extern pascal void  CustomPicProc(short kind, short dataSize, Handle dataHandle)
extern void         DisassemblePictures(void);
extern void         DoMenuCommand(long menuResult);
extern void         EventLoop(void);
extern void         MoveThePicts(Rect *wBounds);
extern void         MakeThePicts(void);
extern void         ShowThePicts(void);*/
void            CompositePictures(void);
pascal void     CustomPicProc(short kind, short dataSize, Handle dataHandle);
void            DisassemblePictures(void);
void            DoMenuCommand(long menuResult);
void            EventLoop(void);
void            MoveThePicts(Rect *wBounds);
void            MakeThePicts(void);
void            ShowThePicts(void);
/*------ CompositePictures ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
//  CompositePictures groups all of the pictures in the global picture record
//  into one "composite" picture.  It removes all of the old pictures and
//  stores the new one.
void CompositePictures()
    PicHandle   aPICT, groupPICT;
    RgnHandle   oldClip;
    int         idx;
    long        dataSize;
    long        ownerApp;
    short       localPicComment;
/*  Save the old clipping region, and set a valid one so our grouped
    picture develops ok.                                                */
    oldClip = NewRgn();
    groupPICT = OpenPicture(&gPictsBounds);
/*  Create a picture to contain all the other ones, then draw those into
    it, separated by our PicComments.  Kill the individual pictures as
    we go.  Finally, close the composite picture.                       */
    ownerApp = kCreatorType;
    localPicComment = kSubPICTComment;
    for(idx = 0; idx < gPICTRec.numPICTs; idx++)
        aPICT = gPICTRec.picture[idx];
/*  We don't just use a single custom PicComment since another app may
    use the same comment and conflicts could result.  (Not in this app,
    but in the real world.)  We add six bytes to the handle and store the
    creator type of the app that made the picture followed by 2 bytes
    for a local PicComment kind within the app.  If we used more than
    one PicComment in this app, this extra information would be
    necessary.                                                          */
        dataSize = GetHandleSize((Handle) aPICT) +6;
        SetHandleSize((Handle) aPICT, dataSize);
        BlockMove((Ptr) *aPICT, (Ptr) *aPICT +6, dataSize -6);
        BlockMove(&ownerApp, (Ptr) *aPICT, 4);
        BlockMove(&localPicComment, (Ptr) *aPICT +4, 2);
        PicComment(kCustomComment, dataSize, (Handle) aPICT);
/*  Fix the original PicHandle so that we can draw our picture for apps
    that don't know about our custom comments.                          */
        BlockMove((Ptr) *aPICT +6, (Ptr) *aPICT, dataSize -6);
        SetHandleSize((Handle) aPICT, dataSize -6);
        DrawPicture(aPICT, &(*aPICT)->picFrame);
        gPICTRec.picture[idx] = NULL;
/*  Restore the original clipping region and update our global picture
    record so that we have one consolidated picture, in the first slot.
    We set it's current position to (0, 0, 0, 0) so that we don't waste
    time erasing anything on the first draw.                            */
    gPICTRec.numPICTs = 1;
    gPICTRec.picture[0] = groupPICT;
    SetRect(&gPICTRec.curPos[0], 0, 0, 0, 0);
/*------ CustomPicProc ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
//      CustomPicProc is our replacement for the port's StdCommentProc.
//      in the global picture record
//pascal void CustomPicProc(int kind, int dataSize, Handle dataHandle)
pascal void CustomPicProc(short kind, short dataSize, Handle dataHandle)
    int         nextNum;
    long        ownerApp;
    short       localPicComment;
    Handle      theHandle;
/*  If this is a custom PicComment, see if it's ours.  In this app,
    we know it always will be, but when you import other pictures
    you can't be so sure.                                               */
    if (kind == kCustomComment && (gPICTRec.numPICTs < kMaxPICTs))
        if (dataSize < 6) return;                       /* Not ours?    */
        BlockMove((Ptr) *dataHandle, &ownerApp, 4);
        BlockMove((Ptr) *dataHandle +4, &localPicComment, 2);
        if ((ownerApp != kCreatorType) ||               /* Not ours?    */
            (localPicComment != kSubPICTComment)) return;
/*  This is indeed our picture comment.  Create a handle for the data we
    found, store it in our global picture record and bump the number of
    pictures we have.  The reason that we clear the picture's curPos
    rect is so that we won't waste time erasing anything the first time
    we enter MoveTheGroupies.                                           */
        nextNum = gPICTRec.numPICTs;
        gPICTRec.picture[nextNum] = (PicHandle) dataHandle;
        SetRect(&gPICTRec.curPos[nextNum], 0, 0, 0, 0);
/*  After we create the handle for the data, we have to remember that
    we have 6 bytes of identifying "garbage" in front of the picture
    data.  To remove that, BlockMove all the picture data to the
    beginning of the handle and reset the handle's size.  This is kind
    of a hassle, but it's really best to store your custom PicComments
    this way.  Otherwise, you may misinterpret someone elses comments
    or cause them to misinterpret yours.                                */
        if (HandToHand((Handle *) &gPICTRec.picture[nextNum]) == noErr)
            theHandle = (Handle) gPICTRec.picture[nextNum];
            BlockMove((Ptr) *theHandle +6, (Ptr) *theHandle, dataSize -6);
            SetHandleSize(theHandle, dataSize -6);
/*------ DisassemblePictures ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
//  DisassemblePictures ungroups the first picture in the global picture
//  record.  It replaces that picture with new pictures of every picture
//  it contained.  All drawing is done within another "dummy" picture
//  so that nothing draws on the screen. The reason we can't use an empty
//  clipping region to do this is that PicComments will be clipped out along
//  with everything else, and we'd be hosed.  (We need the PicComments!)
//  This code is written so that it installs the GrafProcs correctly for
//  both GrafPorts and CGrafPorts.
void DisassemblePictures()
    GrafPtr     curPort;
    //QDProcs       theQDProcs;     /* If we're using a GrafPortÉ           */
    CQDProcs    theCQDProcs;    /* If we're using a CGrafPortÉ          */
    PicHandle   dummyPICT;
/*  Reset the number of pictures in our global picture record to zero.
    There's actually one picture there at this point (the composite
    one), but we must set this to zero so that our PicComment handler
    stores extracted pictures in the right place.                       */
    gPICTRec.numPICTs = 0;
/*  Get the current port and the standard QDProcs or CQDProcs,
    depending on whether we have a GrafPort or CGrafPort.               */
    //if (curPort->portBits.rowBytes < 0)               /* CGrafPortÉ       */
    if (GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(curPort)->rowBytes < 0)
        theCQDProcs.commentProc = NewQDCommentProc(CustomPicProc);
        //curPort->grafProcs = (QDProcsPtr) &theCQDProcs;
        SetPortGrafProcs(curPort, &theCQDProcs);
    else                                            /* GrafPortÉ        */
        theQDProcs.commentProc = NewQDCommentProc(CustomPicProc);
        //curPort->grafProcs = (QDProcsPtr) &theQDProcs;
        SetPortGrafProcs(curPort, &theQDProcs);*/
/*  Open our dummy picture and draw into it so that our PicComment
    handler is called to parse the picture.  When finished, close the
    picture, kill it and remove our grafProcs.                          */
    dummyPICT = OpenPicture(&(*gPICTRec.picture[0])->picFrame);
    DrawPicture(gPICTRec.picture[0], &(*gPICTRec.picture[0])->picFrame);
    //curPort->grafProcs = NULL;
    SetPortGrafProcs(curPort, NULL);
/*------ DoMenuCommand ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
//      DoMenuCommand handles our menu items.
void DoMenuCommand(long menuResult)
    int         menuID, menuItem;
    //Str255        daName;
    /*MenuHandle    theMenu;*/
    //GrafPtr       savePort;
/*  Get the menu ID and item ID.            */
    menuID = (menuResult >>16) & 0xFFFF;
    menuItem = menuResult & 0xFFFF;
/*  Do what we're supposed to.              */
    switch (menuID)
        case mApple:                        /*  Apple Menu                  */
            switch (menuItem)
                case iAbout:                /*  -> Handle "AboutÉ"          */
                default:                    /*  -> The rest are DAs.        */
                    GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(mApple), menuItem, daName);
        case mFile:                         /*  File Menu                   */
            switch (menuItem)
                case iQuit:
                    gQuitting = true;       /*  -> Quit                     */
/*------ EventLoop ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
//      EventLoop is a main event loop.  It calls WaitNextEvent and
//      other nice stuff.  It also makes our pictures assemble, disassemble, 
//      and move about.
void EventLoop()
    EventRecord     theEvent;
    WindowPtr       whichWindow;
    short           partCode;
    Rect            dragRect;
    RgnHandle       grayRgn;
    char            key, time;
    unsigned long   finalTicks;
    Rect            tempRect1;
/*  Set up the rectangle for where we can drag windows.  Initialize
    our "time-through-the-loop" counter to -1 so that it gets bumped
    to zero on the first pass.  This will enable us assemble the
    grouped picture as we go through the first time.                        */
    grayRgn = GetGrayRgn();
    //dragRect = (*grayRgn)->rgnBBox;
    GetRegionBounds(GetGrayRgn(), &dragRect);
    time = -1;
/*  We have a counter which goes from 0-26 and is incremented each time
    we go through this code. At time = 0, We assemble the grouped image.
    At time = 12, we break all the PICTs out of it.  At time = 27, we
    cycle back to time = 0.  In between these life altering times,
    (at least for groupies), we draw all of our current pictures in
    random places.  This clearly shows whether the PICTs are currently
    grouped or not.  We go through this loop until the user quits.          */
        time = ++time % 27;
        if (time == 0)
            CompositePictures();            /*  Group the pictures.             */
            EraseRect(GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(gTheWindow), &tempRect1));
        if (time == 12)
            DisassemblePictures();      /*  Ungroup the pictures.           */
            EraseRect(GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(gTheWindow), &tempRect1));
/*  Move all pictures so we can see their current state.                    */
        MoveThePicts(GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(gTheWindow), &tempRect1));
/*  Delay so our graphics don't flash.                                      */
        Delay((time < 12)? 40:10, &finalTicks);
/*  Handle any pending events.                                              */
        if (WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &theEvent, 0, NULL))
            switch (theEvent.what)
                case mouseDown:                 /*  Handle mouse clicks.    */
                    partCode = FindWindow(theEvent.where, &whichWindow);
                    switch (partCode)
                        case inContent:
                            if (whichWindow != FrontWindow())
                        case inDrag:
                            DragWindow(whichWindow, theEvent.where, &dragRect);
                        case inMenuBar:
                        case inSysWindow:
                            //SystemClick(&theEvent, whichWindow);
                case updateEvt:                 /*  Handle update events.   */
                        BeginUpdate((WindowPtr) theEvent.message);
                        EndUpdate((WindowPtr) theEvent.message);
                case keyDown:                   /*  Handle key presses.     */
                case autoKey: 
                    key = (char) (theEvent.message & charCodeMask);
                    if (((theEvent.modifiers & cmdKey) != 0) && (theEvent.what == keyDown))
    while (!gQuitting);
/*------ MoveThePicts ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
//  MoveThePicts moves the current picturesÉ somewhere randomly.  It
//  first erases all the pictures in descending order.  Then it redraws
//  them in new locations in ascending order. This way we don't wipe out
//  any of the new pictures when the old ones are erased.
void MoveThePicts(Rect *wBounds)
    int     newLeft, newTop, width, height, idx;
    float   maxX, maxY;
    Rect    picFrame, curPos;
/*  First erase all pictures in reverse order.  Also, calculate their
    new locations and store those in their curPos fields.               */
    for (idx = gPICTRec.numPICTs -1; idx >= 0; idx--)
        curPos = gPICTRec.curPos[idx];
        picFrame = (*gPICTRec.picture[idx])->picFrame;
        width = picFrame.right -picFrame.left;
        height = picFrame.bottom;
/*  To calculate new positions, we find the maximum position we can
    have for the picture's top left corner.  Then, we find a random
    point that's bounded by (0, 0) and that maximum.  Finally, we
    set this picture's current position so that it has this point for
    its top left corner.                                                */
        maxX = (wBounds->right - wBounds->left) -width;
        maxY = (wBounds->bottom - wBounds->top) -height;
        newTop = (((float) Random() +32767)/65534.0) * maxX;
        newLeft = (((float) Random() +32767)/65534.0) * maxY;
    = newTop;
        curPos.left = newLeft;
        curPos.bottom = newTop +height;
        curPos.right = newLeft +width;
        gPICTRec.curPos[idx] = curPos;
/*  Now draw all the pictures in their new positions.                   */
    for (idx = 0; idx < gPICTRec.numPICTs; idx++)
        DrawPicture(gPICTRec.picture[idx], &gPICTRec.curPos[idx]);
/*------ MakeThePicts ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
//  MakeThePicts creates the pictures that will be grouped.  These can be
//  any QuickDraw pictures.  For this example, I use four pictures; one
//  containing a square, one with a circle, one with a triangle and one
//  with some text.  These are all stored in the global picture record.
//  This routine is only called once, to put some pictures into the works to
//  start with.
void MakeThePicts()
    RgnHandle   oldClip;
    PolyHandle  trianglePoly;
    int         fNum, vPos;
/*  Save the current clipping region so that we can restore it later.
    Set our own clipping region, so that we know we have a valid one.
    Also initialize the number of pictures in our global picture
    structure to zero.                                                  */
    oldClip = NewRgn();
    SetRect(&gPictsBounds, 0, 0, 150, 150);
    gPICTRec.numPICTs = 0;
/*  Create a picture with a blue square in it.  We set the curPos
    rectangle for all of these pictures to (0, 0, 0, 0) so that
    we don't do any unnecessary erasing the first time they enter
    MoveTheGroupies.                                                    */
    gPICTRec.picture[0] = OpenPicture(&gPictsBounds);
    SetRect(&gPICTRec.curPos[0], 0, 0, 0, 0);
/*  Create a picture with a red circle in it.                           */
    gPICTRec.picture[1] = OpenPicture(&gPictsBounds);
    SetRect(&gPICTRec.curPos[1], 0, 0, 0, 0);
/*  Create a picture with a green triangle in it.   */
    gPICTRec.picture[2] = OpenPicture(&gPictsBounds);
    trianglePoly = OpenPoly();
    MoveTo(gPictsBounds.left, gPictsBounds.bottom);
    LineTo((gPictsBounds.right - gPictsBounds.left)/2,;
    LineTo(gPictsBounds.right, gPictsBounds.bottom);
    LineTo(gPictsBounds.left, gPictsBounds.bottom);
    SetRect(&gPICTRec.curPos[2], 0, 0, 0, 0);
/*  Create a picture with some text in it.  */
    gPICTRec.picture[3] = OpenPicture(&gPictsBounds);
    GetFNum((ConstStr255Param) "\pTimes", (short*)&fNum);
    vPos = +(gPictsBounds.bottom -;
    MoveTo(gPictsBounds.left +10, vPos +10);
    DrawString((ConstStr255Param) "\pCustom PicComments");
    SetRect(&gPICTRec.curPos[3], 0, 0, 0, 0);
/*  Restore the original clipping region.                               */
/*------ ShowThePicts ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
//  ShowThePicts starts the show.
//  First, we find the deepest display because the groupies are a colorful
//  bunch.  Then we create a window and some pictures.  Finally, we jump into
//  our main event loop.
void ShowThePicts()
    Rect        maxRect, deepRect, wBounds;
    GDHandle    deepGDH;
/*  Find the bounds of the deepest device.  We'll use this to determine
    where to put our window.  Passing the maximum enclosing rectangle
    to GetMaxDevice assures that we find the deepest device available.  */
    SetRect(&maxRect, -32767, -32767, 32767, 32767);
    deepGDH = GetMaxDevice(&maxRect);
    deepRect = (*deepGDH)->gdRect;
/*  Create a window for our drawing, offset onto the deepest device.    */
    SetRect(&wBounds, 40, 40, 360, 340);
    OffsetRect(&wBounds, wBounds.left +deepRect.left,;
    gTheWindow = NewWindow(nil, &wBounds, (ConstStr255Param) "\pCustomPC/B", true, noGrowDocProc, (WindowPtr) -1, false, 1234);
/*  Create our pictures to group, then go into the work loop.  This
    loop continually groups the pictures, draws the grouped picture
    in different locations, ungroups the picture, draws the ungrouped
    pictures in different locations and repeats until the user quits.   */
/*------ CompositePictures ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
//  CompositePictures groups all of the pictures in the global picture record
//  into one "composite" picture.  It removes all the old pictures and
//  stores the new one.
/*  -------------------------------------
    -------------------------------------   */
void main(void)
    unsigned long randSeed;
    Handle      menuBar;
/*  Initialize the toolbox routines.                                    */
/*  Set up our menubar.                                                 */
    menuBar = GetNewMBar(rMenuBar);     /*  Read menus into menu bar    */
    SetMenuBar(menuBar);                /*  and install them.           */
    //AppendResMenu(GetMenuHandle(mApple), 'DRVR');
/*  Initialize the random number seed for our hopping groupies and set
    our quitting flag to false.  Call the routine that runs everything,
    then, quit.                                                         */
    gQuitting = false;