Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: CustomPutAppend.c |
Contains: This demonstrates a CustomPutDialog with an Append button that |
does not ask the user if he/she wants to replace the existing file. |
the sample code in InsideMac:Files, and the Human Interface Guidelines It also has Baloon Help strings for the Append button |
Written by: David Hayward |
Copyright: Copyright © 1993-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/1/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
5/12/95 updated project for Metrowerks |
2/3/93 first draft |
*/ |
#include <QuickDraw.h> |
#include <Memory.h> |
#include <Fonts.h> |
#include <StandardFile.h> |
#include <Files.h> |
#include <Dialogs.h> |
#include <TextUtils.h> |
#include "InitMac.h" |
/**\ |
|**| ============================================================================== |
|**| DEFINES |
|**| ============================================================================== |
\**/ |
#define ReplyDialogID 128 |
#define ReplyDialogQuitItem 1 |
#define ReplyDialogAgainItem 2 |
#define CustomPutAppendDialogID 129 |
#define sfItemAppendButton 13 |
/**\ |
|**| ============================================================================== |
|**| ============================================================================== |
\**/ |
short MyAlert ( StandardFileReply *reply ) ; |
pascal short MyDlgHook ( short item, DialogPtr theDialog, void *myDataPtr ) ; |
/**\ |
|**| ============================================================================== |
|**| ============================================================================== |
\**/ |
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
MyDlgHook() |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------* |
the dialog hook procedure responsible for activating and |
dimming the Append control and supressing the "Replace Existing?" |
dialog if the Append button is hit |
\*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
pascal short MyDlgHook ( short item, DialogPtr theDialog, void *myDataPtr ) |
{ |
static short lastItem = 0; /* remember lastItem so that we dont update */ |
/* Append button on consecutive NullEvents */ |
static short which; /* remember if Save or Append was hit so we */ |
/* can dismiss the "Replace" dialog if needed */ |
short returnItem = item; /* default returnItem is item */ |
long refCon; |
short iType; |
Handle iHandle; |
Rect iRect; |
FInfo fndrInfo; |
OSErr err; |
StandardFileReply *sfr; |
refCon = GetWRefCon((WindowPtr)theDialog); /* get the refCon of the current dialog */ |
if (refCon == sfReplaceDialogRefCon) /* if its the "Replace Existing?" dialog */ |
if (item == sfHookFirstCall) /* and the dialog is just about to appear */ |
if (which == sfItemAppendButton) /* and user last hit the append button */ |
returnItem = 1; /* then hit the Replace button automatically */ |
if (refCon == sfMainDialogRefCon) /* if its the "Save AsÉ" dialog */ |
{ |
sfr = (StandardFileReply*)myDataPtr; /* coerce myDataPtr to StandardFileReply */ |
/* update Append button state... */ |
if ( (item == sfHookFirstCall) || /* if the dialog is just about to appear */ |
( (item == sfHookNullEvent) && /* or if we just got a NullEvent */ |
(lastItem != sfHookNullEvent))) |
{ |
GetDialogItem(theDialog, /* get the handle for the Append button */ |
sfItemAppendButton, |
&iType, &iHandle, &iRect); |
/* GetFInfo with the current filespec to see it it exists */ |
err = FSpGetFInfo(&(sfr->sfFile), &fndrInfo); |
if ((err) || /* if file doesn't exist or */ |
(fndrInfo.fdType != 'TEXT')) /* isn't 'TEXT', then dim Append */ |
HiliteControl((ControlHandle)iHandle, 255); |
else /* otherwise, activate Append Button */ |
HiliteControl((ControlHandle)iHandle, 0); |
} |
if (item==sfItemOpenButton) /* if user hit Save button */ |
which = sfItemOpenButton; /* then remember this is what was hit */ |
if (item==sfItemAppendButton) /* if user hit Append button */ |
{ |
which = sfItemAppendButton; /* then remember this is what was hit */ |
sfr->sfReplacing |= 2; /* set 2nd bit so we we know it was append */ |
returnItem = sfItemOpenButton; /* but perform a Save instead */ |
} |
} |
lastItem = item; /* save lastItem */ |
return returnItem; |
} |
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
MyAlert() |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------* |
output vital stats of the StandardFileReply to an Alert box |
\*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
short MyAlert ( StandardFileReply *reply ) |
{ |
Str255 goodStr, replStr; |
NumToString( (long)reply->sfGood, goodStr); |
NumToString( (long)reply->sfReplacing, replStr); |
ParamText(goodStr, replStr, reply->, nil); |
return NoteAlert( ReplyDialogID, nil ); |
} |
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
main() |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------* |
initialize mamagers and the keep doing |
CustomPutFile until the user has had enough |
\*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
void main ( void ) |
{ |
StandardFileReply reply; |
Point where = {-1,-1}; /* center dialog on main screen */ |
InitToolBox(1) ; |
do |
{ |
CustomPutFile( "\pSave file as:", /* the prompt string */ |
"\pUntitled", /* the default filename */ |
&reply, /* the StandardFileReply structure */ |
CustomPutAppendDialogID, /* the dialog's ID */ |
where, /* position of dialog on screen */ |
NewDlgHookYDProc(MyDlgHook), /* the Dialog Hook procedure */ |
nil, /* no modal dialog filterProc */ |
nil, /* no activeListPtr */ |
nil, /* no activateProc */ |
&reply /* yourDataPtr: pass reply in so that */ |
); /* MyDlgHook() can access current FSSpec */ |
} |
while (MyAlert(&reply)==ReplyDialogAgainItem); /* repeat until user has had enough */ |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-13