
 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 The delegate of the tab bar controller for the Slide demo.  Manages the
  gesture recognizer used for the interactive transition.  Vends
  instances of AAPLSlideTransitionAnimator and 
#import "AAPLSlideTransitionDelegate.h"
#import "AAPLSlideTransitionAnimator.h"
#import "AAPLSlideTransitionInteractionController.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
//! They key used to associate an instance of AAPLSlideTransitionDelegate with
//! the tab bar controller for which it is the delegate.
const char * AAPLSlideTabBarControllerDelegateAssociationKey = "AAPLSlideTabBarControllerDelegateAssociation";
@interface AAPLSlideTransitionDelegate ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIPanGestureRecognizer *panGestureRecognizer;
@implementation AAPLSlideTransitionDelegate
//| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Custom implementation of the setter for the tabBarController property.
//  An instance of the AAPLSlideTransitionDelegate class is defined in the
//  Tab Bar Controller's scene in the storyboard, and its tabBarControllerOutlet
//  connected to the tab bar controller.  At unarchive time this method will
//  be called, providing an opportunity to perform the necessary setup.
- (void)setTabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController
    if (tabBarController != _tabBarController) {
        // Remove all associations of this object from the old tab bar
        // controller.
        objc_setAssociatedObject(_tabBarController, AAPLSlideTabBarControllerDelegateAssociationKey, nil, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
        [_tabBarController.view removeGestureRecognizer:self.panGestureRecognizer];
        if (_tabBarController.delegate == self) _tabBarController.delegate = nil;
        _tabBarController = tabBarController;
        _tabBarController.delegate = self;
        [_tabBarController.view addGestureRecognizer:self.panGestureRecognizer];
        // Associate this object with the new tab bar controller.  This ensures
        // that this object wil not be deallocated prior to the tab bar
        // controller being deallocated.
        objc_setAssociatedObject(_tabBarController, AAPLSlideTabBarControllerDelegateAssociationKey, self, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Gesture Recognizer
//| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Custom implementation of the getter for the panGestureRecognizer property.
//  Lazily creates the pan gesture recognizer for the tab bar controller.
- (UIPanGestureRecognizer*)panGestureRecognizer
    if (_panGestureRecognizer == nil)
        _panGestureRecognizer = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(panGestureRecognizerDidPan:)];
    return _panGestureRecognizer;
//| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Action method for the panGestureRecognizer.
- (IBAction)panGestureRecognizerDidPan:(UIPanGestureRecognizer*)sender
    // Do not attempt to begin an interactive transition if one is already
    // ongoing
    if (self.tabBarController.transitionCoordinator)
    if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan || sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged)
        [self beginInteractiveTransitionIfPossible:sender];
    // Remaining cases are handled by the vended
    // AAPLSlideTransitionInteractionController.
//| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Begins an interactive transition with the provided gesture recognizer, if
//! there is a view controller to transition to.
- (void)beginInteractiveTransitionIfPossible:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)sender
    CGPoint translation = [sender translationInView:self.tabBarController.view];
    if (translation.x > 0.f && self.tabBarController.selectedIndex > 0) {
        // Panning right, transition to the left view controller.
    } else if (translation.x < 0.f && self.tabBarController.selectedIndex + 1 < self.tabBarController.viewControllers.count) {
        // Panning left, transition to the right view controller.
    } else {
        // Don't reset the gesture recognizer if we skipped starting the
        // transition because we don't have a translation yet (and thus, could
        // not determine the transition direction).
        if (!CGPointEqualToPoint(translation, CGPointZero)) {
            // There is not a view controller to transition to, force the
            // gesture recognizer to fail.
            sender.enabled = NO;
            sender.enabled = YES;
    // We must handle the case in which the user begins panning but then
    // reverses direction without lifting their finger.  The transition
    // should seamlessly switch to revealing the correct view controller
    // for the new direction.
    // The approach presented in this demonstration relies on coordination
    // between this object and the AAPLSlideTransitionInteractionController
    // it vends.  If the AAPLSlideTransitionInteractionController detects
    // that the current position of the user's touch along the horizontal
    // axis has crossed over the initial position, it cancels the
    // transition.  A completion block is attached to the tab bar
    // controller's transition coordinator.  This block will be called when
    // the transition completes or is cancelled.  If the transition was
    // cancelled but the gesture recgonzier has not transitioned to the
    // ended or failed state, a new transition to the proper view controller
    // is started, and new animation + interaction controllers are created.
    [self.tabBarController.transitionCoordinator animateAlongsideTransition:NULL completion:^(id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext> context) {
        if ([context isCancelled] && sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged)
            [self beginInteractiveTransitionIfPossible:sender];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark UITabBarControllerDelegate
//| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  The tab bar controller tries to invoke this method on its delegate to
//  retrieve an animator object to be used for animating the transition to the
//  incoming view controller.  Your implementation is expected to return an
//  object that conforms to the UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol,
//  or nil if the transition should not be animated.
- (id<UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning>)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController animationControllerForTransitionFromViewController:(UIViewController *)fromVC toViewController:(UIViewController *)toVC
    NSAssert(tabBarController == self.tabBarController, @"%@ is not the tab bar controller currently associated with %@", tabBarController, self);
    NSArray *viewControllers = tabBarController.viewControllers;
    if ([viewControllers indexOfObject:toVC] > [viewControllers indexOfObject:fromVC]) {
        // The incoming view controller succeeds the outgoing view controller,
        // slide towards the left.
        return [[AAPLSlideTransitionAnimator alloc] initWithTargetEdge:UIRectEdgeLeft];
    } else {
        // The incoming view controller precedes the outgoing view controller,
        // slide towards the right.
        return [[AAPLSlideTransitionAnimator alloc] initWithTargetEdge:UIRectEdgeRight];
//| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  If an id<UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning> was returned from
//  -tabBarController:animationControllerForTransitionFromViewController:toViewController:,
//  the tab bar controller tries to invoke this method on its delegate to
//  retrieve an interaction controller for the transition.  Your implementation
//  is expected to return an object that conforms to the
//  UIViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning protocol, or nil if the transition
//  should not be a interactive.
- (id<UIViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning>)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController interactionControllerForAnimationController:(id<UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning>)animationController
    NSAssert(tabBarController == self.tabBarController, @"%@ is not the tab bar controller currently associated with %@", tabBarController, self);
    if (self.panGestureRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan || self.panGestureRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged) {
        return [[AAPLSlideTransitionInteractionController alloc] initWithGestureRecognizer:self.panGestureRecognizer];
    } else {
        // You must not return an interaction controller from this method unless
        // the transition will be interactive.
        return nil;