/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
The initial view controller for the Swipe demo. |
*/ |
#import "AAPLSwipeFirstViewController.h" |
#import "AAPLSwipeTransitionDelegate.h" |
@interface AAPLSwipeFirstViewController () |
@property (nonatomic, strong) AAPLSwipeTransitionDelegate *customTransitionDelegate; |
@end |
@implementation AAPLSwipeFirstViewController |
//| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- (void)viewDidLoad |
{ |
[super viewDidLoad]; |
// This gesture recognizer could be defined in the storyboard but is |
// instead created in code for clarity. |
UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer *interactiveTransitionRecognizer; |
interactiveTransitionRecognizer = [[UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(interactiveTransitionRecognizerAction:)]; |
interactiveTransitionRecognizer.edges = UIRectEdgeRight; |
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:interactiveTransitionRecognizer]; |
} |
//| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//! Action method for the interactiveTransitionRecognizer. |
// |
- (IBAction)interactiveTransitionRecognizerAction:(UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer *)sender |
{ |
if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) |
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"CustomTransition" sender:sender]; |
// Remaining cases are handled by the |
// AAPLSwipeTransitionInteractionController. |
} |
//| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender |
{ |
if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"CustomTransition"]) |
{ |
UIViewController *destinationViewController = segue.destinationViewController; |
// Unlike in the Cross Dissolve demo, we use a separate object as the |
// transition delegate rather then (our)self. This promotes |
// 'separation of concerns' as AAPLSwipeTransitionDelegate will |
// handle pairing the correct animation controller and interaction |
// controller for the presentation. |
AAPLSwipeTransitionDelegate *transitionDelegate = self.customTransitionDelegate; |
// If this will be an interactive presentation, pass the gesture |
// recognizer along to our AAPLSwipeTransitionDelegate instance |
// so it can return the necessary |
// <UIViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning> for the presentation. |
if ([sender isKindOfClass:UIGestureRecognizer.class]) |
transitionDelegate.gestureRecognizer = sender; |
else |
transitionDelegate.gestureRecognizer = nil; |
// Set the edge of the screen to present the incoming view controller |
// from. This will match the edge we configured the |
// UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer with previously. |
// |
// NOTE: We can not retrieve the value of our gesture recognizer's |
// configured edges because prior to iOS 8.3 |
// UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer would always return |
// UIRectEdgeNone when querying its edges property. |
transitionDelegate.targetEdge = UIRectEdgeRight; |
// Note that the view controller does not hold a strong reference to |
// its transitioningDelegate. If you instantiate a separate object |
// to be the transitioningDelegate, ensure that you hold a strong |
// reference to that object. |
destinationViewController.transitioningDelegate = transitionDelegate; |
// Setting the modalPresentationStyle to FullScreen enables the |
// <ContextTransitioning> to provide more accurate initial and final |
// frames of the participating view controllers. |
destinationViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen; |
} |
} |
//| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Custom implementation of the getter for the customTransitionDelegate |
// property. Lazily creates an instance of AAPLSwipeTransitionDelegate. |
// |
- (AAPLSwipeTransitionDelegate *)customTransitionDelegate |
{ |
if (_customTransitionDelegate == nil) |
_customTransitionDelegate = [[AAPLSwipeTransitionDelegate alloc] init]; |
return _customTransitionDelegate; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Unwind Actions |
//| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//! Action for unwinding from AAPLSwipeSecondViewController. |
// |
- (IBAction)unwindToSwipeFirstViewController:(UIStoryboardSegue *)sender |
{ } |
@end |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-01-28