
    File:       DTSCPlusLibrary.h
    Contains:   DTSCPlusLibrary.h contains all the global data and definitions needed when building
                more DTS C++ libraries. Every class should have this file included.
                DTSLibrary.h contains all the header information.
    Written by:     
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                8/18/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
// Declare label for this header file
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
// TESTING, used for flagging that we use test code inside the classes and frameworks
// TESTLEVEL0       - user friendly alerts as part of the application
// TESTLEVEL1   - minor test level (detailed error message in alert box)
// TESTLEVEL2   - semi-major test level (high level debuggers)
// TESTLEVEL3   - major test level (low level debuggers)
// future: TESTLOG1     - trigger a file log of information
//         TESTLOG2     - trigger a file log of information from a low level debugger
#define TESTLEVEL3
// MPW C++, 1 = code for MPW C++
// #define MPWC++ 
// ZTC, 1 = code for ZTC
// #define ZTC 
// SLM, code used with Shared Library Manager Support, 1 = true
// #define SLM 
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
//  Toolbox Include Files
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __STRING__
#include <String.h>
#ifndef __MEMORY__
#include <Memory.h>
#ifndef __DIALOGS__
#include <Dialogs.h>
#ifndef __APPLEEVENTS__
#include <AppleEvents.h>
// C++ library code
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <StdIO.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#ifdef SLM
#include <LibraryManagerClasses.h>
// I found out that these following former inlined functions were not inlined,
// the linker screamed, so they now live in a .cp file (sigh), remember to include
// the CPlusLibrary.cp file when using the other .cp files!
short clen(char *cptr);
void c2p(char *cptr);
void p2c(StringPtr cptr);
void Pstrcpy(StringPtr d, StringPtr s);
void ConcatPStrings(Str255 first, Str255 second);
Boolean CompareStr255(const Str255 *first, const Str255 *second);
void vxdebugstr(char* format,...);
void ErrorWindow(char* message);
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
// Min/Max functions, oh so useful.
inline short Min(const short a,
                 const short b)
    return a < b ? a : b;                       // Just returns the minimum of the two shorts.
}                                               // Min 
inline short Max(const short a,
                 const short b)
    return a > b ? a : b;                       // Just returns the maximum of the two shorts.
}                                               // Max 
inline pascal   Byte Decimal2BCD(Byte n) 
    return ((n / 10) << 4) + (n % 10); 
inline pascal   Byte BCD2Decimal(Byte n) 
    return ((n >> 4) * 10) + (n & 0x0f);
// extract hi word and lo word from a longword
#define HiWrd(aLong)        ((short) (((aLong) >> 16) & 0xFFFF)) 
#define LoWrd(aLong)        ((short) ((aLong) & 0xFFFF)) 
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
// ASSERT Function, used for testing conditions and flagging error states.
// Example: vdebugstr("The error message from Foo is %i", fError);
// We need to load in certain include files if we want to use the alert boxes for
// high level ASSERT functions (we also need to include the GUIApplication.r file
// into the project).
#if (defined TESTLEVEL0 || defined TESTLEVEL1)
#include "ApplicationResources.h"
//  Define this flag if you want file and line information as part of the message.
//  fileinfo will keep track of the current file and line in a global.
static char fileNameArray[32];
static char lineNumberArray[32];
#if (defined TESTLEVEL0 || defined TESTLEVEL1)
inline void AlertUser(Str255 theMessage)
    short itemHit;
    if(!(AEInteractWithUser(kNoTimeOut, nil, nil)))             // could we interact with the user?
        ParamText(theMessage, 0, 0,0);
        itemHit = Alert(kUserAlert, nil);
inline void fileinfo(char *file, int line)
    sprintf(fileNameArray, "File %s ", file);
    sprintf(lineNumberArray, " Line %d  #", line);
//  ASSERT, small (and quick assert),  if assertion is false it will print out 
//  a message
//  Use: ASSERT(false, "Problems with TSoundRecorder");
#if (defined TESTLEVEL0 || defined TESTLEVEL1)
#define ASSERT(condition,debugMsg) do {                     \
    if(condition == 0)                                      \
    {                                                       \
        AlertUser(debugMsg);                                \
    }                                                       \
   } while (0)                                              \
#elif (defined TESTLEVEL2 || defined TESTLEVEL3)
#define ASSERT(condition,debugMsg) do {                     \
    if(condition == 0)                                      \
    {                                                       \
        DebugStr(debugMsg);                                 \
    }                                                       \
   } while (0)
#define ASSERT(condition,debugMsg) ((void) 0)
//  VASSERT, if assertion is false it will print out file, line, message and possible variable
//  Use: VASSERT(false,("Problems with %d", anErr));
#if (defined TESTLEVEL0)
##define VASSERT(condition,debugMsg) do {                   \
    if(condition == 0)                                      \
    {                                                       \
        vxdebugstr  debugMsg;                               \
    }                                                       \
   } while (0)
#elif (defined TESTLEVEL1 || defined TESTLEVEL2 ||  defined TESTLEVEL3)
#define VASSERT(condition,debugMsg) do {                    \
    if(condition == 0)                                      \
    {                                                       \
        fileinfo(__FILE__, __LINE__);                       \
        vxdebugstr  debugMsg;                               \
    }                                                       \
   } while (0)
#define (condition,debugMsg) ((void) 0)
// Option key triggered debug breaks:
inline void ODebugger()
// Drop into Debugger only if the option key is pressed.
    KeyMap k;
    if (((char*)k)[7] & 0x04)                   // check for option key in KeyMap
inline void ODebugStr(Str255 string)
// Drop into DebugStr only if the option key is pressed.
    KeyMap k;
    if (((char*)k)[7] & 0x04)                   // check for option key in KeyMap
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
/*  Change History (most recent last):
  No    Init.   Date        Comment
  1     khs     9/10/92     New file
  2     khs     11/26/92    Added ASSERT macros and testing levels
  3     khs     1/14/93     Cleanup