
    File:       FileClass.h
    Contains:   TFile is a simple object that does file manipulations   
                TFile.h contains the TFile class and subclass definitions. 
    Written by: Kent Sandvik    
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                8/18/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
// Declare label for this header file
#ifndef _FILECLASS_
#define _FILECLASS_
#include "DTSCPlusLibrary.h"
#ifndef __FILES__
#include <Files.h>
#ifndef __OSUTILS__
#include <OSUtils.h>
#ifndef __RESOURCES__
#include <Resources.h>
// globals
const OSType kDefaultCreator = '????';
const OSType kDefaultType = 'TEXT';
const SignedByte kExclusiveReadWrite = 0;
const long kNoOffset = 0L;
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
//  TFile Class Interface.
class TFile
// Basic File class for file I/O handling.
    TFile(char* name = "UnTitled");                 // define file based on name (current folder)
    TFile(FSSpec theSpec);                          // define file based on FSSpec
    TFile(short volume,                             // define file based on volume, dirID and name (FSSpec)
          long dirID,
          Str63 name);
    virtual~ TFile();                               // default destructor                       
    virtual void Initialize();                      // initialize fields to known values
    virtual Boolean Create();                       // create a file
    virtual Boolean Rename(char* newName);          // rename the file
    virtual void Delete();                          // delete the file
    virtual Boolean FileExists();                   // check if file exists
    virtual Boolean Open(SignedByte permission) = 0;// open file
    virtual Boolean Close() = 0;                    // close file
    virtual void SetType(const OSType creator,      // define file type and creator
                         const OSType fileType);
    virtual void SetFileName(const Str63 fileName); // set name of file
    virtual FInfo GetFileInfo();                    // get file information frome the specific file
    // FIELDS
    FSSpec fFileSpec;                               // the generic container for File information
    OSType fFileType;                               // type of file
    OSType fCreator;                                // creator of file
    Boolean fOpened;                                // keep track if the file is open or not
    Boolean fFlushing;                              // should we flush after each file operation?
    short fRefNum;                                  // reference number to the file
    OSErr fError;                                   // latest error
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
//  TDataFile Class Interface.
class TDataFile : public TFile
// TData file is a file that uses mainly the data fork of the file.
    TDataFile(char* name = "UnTitled");             // default constructor
    ~TDataFile();                                   // default destructor
    virtual Boolean Open(SignedByte permission = kExclusiveReadWrite);// exclusive read/write permission
    virtual Boolean Close();                        // close the file
    virtual Boolean WriteHandle(Handle h);          // write handle into disk
    virtual Handle ReadHandle();                    // read handle from disk
    virtual Boolean Write(Ptr buffer,
                          long bytes);              // write bytes to disk from current mark
    virtual Boolean Read(Ptr buffer,
                         long bytes);               // read bytes from disk at current mark
    virtual Boolean SetMark(short from,
                            long offset);           // set offset of mark
    virtual long GetMark();                         // get offset
    virtual Boolean Reset();                        // set file mark to beginning of file
    virtual Boolean GotoEndOfFile();                // set file mark at end of file 
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
//  TResourceFile Class Interface.
class TResourceFile : public TFile
// TResourceFile uses mainly the resource fork of the file.
    TResourceFile(char* name = "UnTitled");         // default constructor
    ~TResourceFile();                               // default destructor
    virtual Boolean Create();                       // create a file
    virtual Boolean Open(SignedByte permission = kExclusiveReadWrite);  // open the file
    virtual Boolean Close();                        // close the file
    virtual Boolean HasResourceFork();              // test if file has resource fork or not
    virtual void Update();                          // update the file
    virtual void Assign();                          // assign the file to the first one in the resource chain
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
//  MPreferences Class Interface.
class MPreferences
// Find and create files in the preferences section of the hard disk (future)
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
//  MTempFile Class Interface.
class MTempFile
// Find and create files in the temp section of the hard disk (future)
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
//  TLogFile Class Interface.  (future)
class TLogFile : public TFile
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
/*  Change History (most recent last):
  No        Init.   Date        Comment
  1         khs     12/27/92    New file
  2         khs     1/14/93     Cleanup