Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: CollectionClasses.cp |
Contains: The following collection classes are implemented: TLinkedList, TStack, (TQueue, TDeQueue), |
THashTable. |
CollectionClasses.cp contains the collection class member functions. |
Written by: Kent Sandvik |
Copyright: Copyright © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
8/18/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
#ifndef _COLLECTION_ |
#include "CollectionClasses.h" |
#endif |
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // |
// TLINKEDLIST Class definitions. |
#pragma segment Collections |
TLinkedList::TLinkedList(short max) |
// Create a Linked list class (max entries pre-defined in a constant in the header file). |
{ |
fMaxCollectionSize = max; // keep track of how many entries we could add to the collection |
fCollectionSize = 0; // no entries yet |
// Fix the head and the rest of the pointer hooks. |
fHead = new fNODE; // create nodes |
fTail = new fNODE; |
fLastEntry = new fNODE; |
fCurrentNode = new fNODE; |
fHead->fNext = fTail; // default head points at tail, then we will push in nodes between |
fHead->fPrevious = fHead; // bit your own tail |
fTail->fNext = fTail; // bite your own tail |
fTail->fPrevious = fHead; // hook tail with head (double linked list) |
fTail->fKey = NULL; // mark the last entry as NULL |
fHead->fKey = NULL; // mark the first entry as NULL |
fLastEntry->fPrevious = fHead; // hook the ptr node between the head |
fLastEntry->fNext = fTail; // Éand the tail |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
TLinkedList::~TLinkedList() |
// Destruct the structures required for the former linked list. |
{ |
struct fNODE* temp = fHead; // create a temp node |
while (temp != fTail) |
// while we have entries, delete them from head to tail |
{ |
fHead = temp; // copy temp node to the head position |
temp = temp->fNext; // and make temp point at the next one |
delete fHead; // meanwhile delete the head, and continue copying tmp to head |
} |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TLinkedList::Append(const TItemtype item) |
// Append entry to the linked list (at the end). |
{ |
if (fCollectionSize < fMaxCollectionSize) |
{ |
struct fNODE* temp = new fNODE; // create a new node |
temp->fKey = item; |
// Hook the temp node between the last entry and the tail |
if (fCollectionSize == 0) // first entry? |
{ |
fHead->fNext = temp; // hook it just after the head |
temp->fNext = fTail; // and before the tail |
fLastEntry = temp; // and keep track of it! |
} |
else // OK now we will track of the fCurrentNode |
{ |
temp->fNext = fTail; // stuck it just before the tail |
fLastEntry->fNext = temp; // and after the current node |
fLastEntry = temp; // and mark it the current node |
} |
fCollectionSize++; // keep a count on the size of the linked list |
goto AppendOK; |
} |
ASSERT(fCollectionSize < fMaxCollectionSize, "\pOverflow of the LinkedList"); |
return false; |
AppendOK:return true; |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TLinkedList::Remove(const TItemtype item) |
// Remove defined entry from the linked list. |
{ |
// First find the item, if found remove it, connect the links and decrease the collection size count |
this->Reset(); // get back to the first entry |
struct fNODE* temp = fHead; // keep a temp pointer to earlier node passed |
do // walk along the list |
{ |
if (fCurrentNode->fKey == item) // found a hit? |
{ |
// yes! |
temp->fNext = fCurrentNode->fNext; // short circuit the current node |
delete fCurrentNode; // delete this node |
fCollectionSize--; // decreate the collection count |
goto OK; // and jump out |
} |
temp = fCurrentNode; // keep track of the just visited node |
fCurrentNode = fCurrentNode->fNext; // Éand step forward |
} while (fCurrentNode != fTail); // as long as we are inside the linked list |
return false; // nothing happenedÉ |
OK: return true; // OK, we were able to delete the entry |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TLinkedList::IsEmpty() |
// Check if the collection is empty (head points at tail). |
{ |
return (fHead->fNext == fTail); // check if the next pointer is pointing on the tail |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TLinkedList::Find(const TItemtype item) |
// Find if we have the itemtype in the 'queue'. |
{ |
TItemtype tempVal; |
this->Reset(); // get back to the first entry |
while ((tempVal = this->Next()) != NULL) |
// get all entries one at a time |
{ |
if (tempVal == item) // if we found a one-to-one relationship |
return true; // signal OK |
} |
return false; // otherwise signal false |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Size TLinkedList::GetSize() const |
// Return the internal count of entries in collection. |
{ |
return fCollectionSize; |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
TItemtype TLinkedList::First() |
// Get the first entry in the collection. |
{ |
if (fCollectionSize != 0) |
return fHead->fNext->fKey; // return what FHead->fNext has (the first 'real' node) |
else |
return NULL; |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
TItemtype TLinkedList::Next() |
// Return next entry in the list. |
{ |
TItemtype item; |
item = fCurrentNode->fKey; // get current item |
fCurrentNode = fCurrentNode->fNext; // then increase the node to the next entry |
return item; // return item |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
TItemtype TLinkedList::Last() |
// Return last entry in the list. |
{ |
// because we cached the first entry, it's easy to return it |
// we might have problems with a real de-queue later if |
// we don't revise this scheme (but most likely we will override Last() with new behavior |
return fLastEntry->fKey; // the fLastNode is always pointing at the last entry |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
void TLinkedList::Reset() |
// Make the current node point at the first entry from beginning (reset). |
{ |
fCurrentNode = fHead->fNext; // reset the fCurrentNode pointer to the first entry |
} |
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // |
// TSTACK Class definitions. |
#pragma segment Collections |
TStack::TStack(short max) |
// Create a stack class (max pre-defined in the header files as a constant). |
{ |
fMaxCollectionSize = max; // keep track of how big we could grow the stack into |
fCollectionSize = 0; // no entries yet |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
TStack::~TStack() |
// Default constructor -- not used for the time being. |
{ |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TStack::Push(const TItemtype item) |
// Push entry into the stack (beginning). |
{ |
if (fCollectionSize < fMaxCollectionSize) // yes, we bail out and don't add more entries |
{ |
struct fNODE* temp = new fNODE; // create temp node |
temp->fKey = item; // store value in temp node |
temp->fNext = fHead->fNext; // make temp point at the real next block |
fHead->fNext = temp; // and make temp suddenly the real head (stack head!) |
fCollectionSize++; // increase the stack size |
if (fCollectionSize == 1) // first entry? |
fLastEntry = temp; // store it for fast access later (cache the ptr) |
goto PushOK; |
} |
ASSERT(fCollectionSize < fMaxCollectionSize, "\pOverflow of the Stack");// signal about a possible problem |
return false; |
PushOK:return true; |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
TItemtype TStack::Pop() |
// Pop entry from the stack (beginning). |
{ |
TItemtype item; |
struct fNODE* temp = fHead->fNext; // create temp node with the header next pointer values |
fHead->fNext = temp->fNext; // copy back the following pointer from temp to the head |
item = temp->fKey; // get the temp item |
delete temp; // delete the suddenly non-needed node |
fCollectionSize--; // decrease the stack |
return item; // return the asked value |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TStack::Append(const TItemtype item) |
// Append entry, same as Push, but we included it. |
{ |
return (this->Push(item)); // call the one and only method supported with stack insertion |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TStack::Remove(const TItemtype /*item*/) |
// Remove is not implemented, but we had to include it because we are subclassing from a TLinkedList. |
{ |
return false; // not supported |
} |
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // |
#pragma segment Collections |
TQueue::TQueue(short max) |
// Create a queue class (max pre-defined in the header files as a constant). |
{ |
fMaxCollectionSize = max; // keep track of how big we could grow the stack into |
fCollectionSize = 0; // no entries yet |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
TQueue::~TQueue() |
// Default destructor, not used for the time being. |
{ |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TQueue::Put(const TItemtype item) |
// Put entry into the queue (beginning). |
{ |
if (fCollectionSize < fMaxCollectionSize) // no problems? |
{ |
struct fNODE* temp = new fNODE; // create a new node |
temp->fKey = item; // add value to the node bucket |
// place it in the beginning of the queue |
temp->fNext = fHead->fNext; // push it into the queue |
fHead->fNext = temp; // now it's there |
// update the tail pointer |
if (fCollectionSize == 0) // first entry? |
{ |
fTail->fPrevious = temp; // hook fTail to the entry |
} |
temp->fPrevious = fHead; // and hook it back to head |
fLastEntry->fPrevious = temp; // and as well as to the current first entry |
fLastEntry = temp; // and mark it as the current first entry |
fCollectionSize++; // increase the collection count |
goto QueueOK; |
} |
ASSERT(fCollectionSize < fMaxCollectionSize, "\pOverflow of TQueue"); |
return false; |
QueueOK:return true; |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TQueue::Append(const TItemtype item) |
// Append is the same as Put. |
{ |
return (this->Put(item)); // call TQueue.Put |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
TItemtype TQueue::Get() |
// Get entry from the end of the list (queue). |
{ |
TItemtype item; |
// get the node and the value |
struct fNODE* temp = fTail->fPrevious; // get the last before fTail |
item = temp->fKey; // get the item |
// change the pointers |
fTail->fPrevious = temp->fPrevious; // hook fTail to the previous entry |
temp->fPrevious->fNext = fTail; // hook the node to tail as well |
delete temp; // delete the entry |
fCollectionSize--; // decrease the collection count |
return item; // return the item |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
TItemtype TQueue::Last() |
// Get last entry from queue. |
{ |
return fTail->fPrevious->fKey; // get the last entry |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TQueue::Remove(const TItemtype /*item*/) |
// Remove is not supported, but we needed to include this because TQueue is subclassed from TLinkedList |
{ |
return false; // not supported |
} |
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // |
#pragma segment Collections |
TDeque::TDeque(short max) |
// Create dequeue class (max pre-defined in the header files as a constant). |
{ |
fMaxCollectionSize = max; // keep track of how big we could grow the stack into |
fCollectionSize = 0; // no entries yet |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
TDeque::~TDeque() |
// Default destructor, not used for the time being. |
{ |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TDeque::Push(const TItemtype item) |
// Push entry into queue (beginning). |
{ |
return (TQueue::Put(item)); // call inherited Put |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean TDeque::PutAtEnd(const TItemtype item) |
// Place entry at end of the deque. |
{ |
if (fCollectionSize < fMaxCollectionSize) // bail out if we reach the limit |
{ |
struct fNODE* temp = new fNODE; // create temp node |
temp->fKey = item; // store the value |
temp->fNext = fTail; // point at tail |
temp->fPrevious = fTail->fPrevious; // make the backwards ptr hooked to the new entry |
fTail->fPrevious->fNext = temp; // and hook the old last one into this one |
fTail->fPrevious = temp; // make the tail point at the new entry |
fCollectionSize++; // increase the counter |
goto PutAtEndOK; |
} |
ASSERT(fCollectionSize < fMaxCollectionSize, "\pOverflow of the TDeque"); |
return false; |
PutAtEndOK:return true; |
} |
TItemtype TDeque::Pop() |
// Pop entry from the queue end. |
{ |
TItemtype item; |
struct fNODE* temp = fHead->fNext; // hook to the beginning of the deque |
fHead->fNext = temp->fNext; // hook head to the following node |
temp->fNext->fPrevious = fHead; // and the next one should point back at the head |
item = temp->fKey; // get the stored value |
delete temp; // remove node |
fCollectionSize--; // decrease the counter |
return item; // and return the item |
} |
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // |
THashTable::THashTable() |
// Create a hash table class. |
{ |
// Clear the array bucket. |
for (long i = 0; i < NBUCKETS; i++) |
fBucket[i] = 0; |
} |
THashTable::~THashTable() |
// Delete any memory structures required for the hashtable class. |
{ |
// Delete the entries in the array bucket. |
for (long i = 0; i < NBUCKETS; i++) |
{ |
THashEntryPtr p = fBucket[i]; // get a ptr to the entry |
while (p) |
// while a valid ptr |
{ |
fBucket[i] = p->fNext; // install next entry in array |
delete p; // delete the current node |
p = fBucket[i]; // ptr back to the new value |
} |
} |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean THashTable::Add(THashKey key, |
TItemtype value) |
// Add entries to the hash table. |
{ |
THashEntryPtr p; |
THashKey whichItem = this->Hash(key); // hash out the real value |
cout << " whichItem = " << whichItem << "\n"; |
p = FindInBucket(fBucket[whichItem], key); |
if (p) // have already an entry? |
goto problem; // signal the failure |
p = this->AddElement(key); // add our entry |
p->fValue = value; // add the item value to the entry |
return true; |
problem:return false; |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
Boolean THashTable::Remove(THashKey key) |
// Remove entries from the hash table. |
{ |
THashKey whichItem = this->Hash(key); // hash out the real value |
THashEntryPtr p = FindInBucket(fBucket[whichItem], key); |
if (!p) // no valid ptr? |
goto problem; |
if (fBucket[whichItem] == p) |
fBucket[whichItem] = p->fNext; // connect to next node |
delete p; // delete current node |
return true; |
problem:return false; |
} |
#pragma segment Collections |
TItemtype THashTable::Find(THashKey key) |
// Find entries in the hash table. |
{ |
THashKey whichItem = this->Hash(key); // hash out the real value |
THashEntryPtr p = this->FindInBucket(fBucket[whichItem], key); |
if (!p) |
return 0; // return 0 |
else |
return p->fValue; // return valid value |
} |
void THashTable::MapCar(MapFun function) |
// Run a function on each entry in the hash table. |
{ |
for (long i = 0; i < NBUCKETS; i++) // iterate through all the entries |
{ |
THashEntryPtr p = fBucket[i]; // get the ptr to the entry |
while (p) |
// while we have a nice value |
{ |
function(p); // call the function on p |
p = p->fNext; // get the next ptr |
} |
} |
} |
THashEntryPtr THashTable::AddElement(THashKey key) |
// Add an element to the internal structure. |
{ |
THashKey whichItem = this->Hash(key); |
THashEntryPtr p = new THashEntry(key); |
p->fNext = fBucket[whichItem]; // get ptr to next entry |
if (fBucket[whichItem]) // OK? |
fBucket[whichItem]->fPrevious = p; // establish ptrs backwards |
fBucket[whichItem] = p; // as well as the current one |
return p; |
} |
THashKey THashTable::Hash(THashKey key) |
// Hash out a key to be used with the buckets. Override for your own preferences. |
{ |
key &= kResourceIDMask; |
return ((THashKey)(0x7FF & (key ^ (key >> 11))) % NBUCKETS); |
// Note: if you write your own hash function, don't forget modula NBUCKETS to get |
// down the size of the key so it hooks to the buckets. |
} |
THashEntryPtr THashTable::FindInBucket(THashEntryPtr p, |
THashKey key) |
// Find bucket where entry is located. |
{ |
while (p) |
// valid pointer? |
{ |
if (p->fKey == key) // hit? |
break; // found it! |
p = p->fNext; // nope, continue cycling the list |
} |
return p; // return found (not found) ptr |
} |
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // |
/* Change History (most recent last): |
No Init. Date Comment |
1 khs 11/7/92 New file |
2 khs 11/28/92 Added TLinkedList |
3 khs 11/29/92 Added TQueue and TDeque |
4 khs 1/14/93 Cleanup |
*/ |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14