
    File:       Window.cp
    Contains:   TWindow is a Window wrapper class that handles most of the basic window functionality.
                Window.cp contains the TWindow member functions.
    Written by:     
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                8/18/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#ifndef _WINDOW_
#include "Window.h"
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
// TWindow class member function implementations.
#pragma segment Window
    this->Initialize();                         // initialize fields to known values    
    // Create Window.
    TEnvironment myEnvironment;                 // check out our environment if Color QD is present
    if (myEnvironment.HasColorQD())
        fWindow = ::NewCWindow(NULL, &fRect, fWindowTitle, true, noGrowDocProc, (WindowPtr) - 1L, true, 0L);
        fColorWindow = true;
        fWindow = ::NewWindow(NULL, &fRect, fWindowTitle, true, noGrowDocProc, (WindowPtr) - 1L, true, 0L);
    ASSERT(fWindow != NULL, "\pProblems with TWindow::TWindow, NewWindow");
    fWindowRecord = (WindowPeek)fWindow;        // get ptr to the real window record        
#pragma segment Window
TWindow::TWindow(short windowID)
// Create window based on resource ID.
    fColorWindow = false;                       // can't assume anythingÉ
    // Create Window.
    TEnvironment myEnvironment;                 // check out our environment if Color QD is present
    if (myEnvironment.HasColorQD())
        fWindow = ::GetNewCWindow(windowID, NULL, (WindowPtr) - 1);
        fColorWindow = true;
        fWindow = ::GetNewCWindow(windowID, NULL, (WindowPtr) - 1);
    ASSERT(fWindow != NULL, "\pProblems with TWindow::TWindow(ResID), GetNewWindow");
    fWindowRecord = (WindowPeek)fWindow;        // get ptr to the real window record        
#pragma segment Window
// Default destructor -- get rid of the window memory allocations.
    ::DisposeWindow(fWindow);                   // dispose our WindowPtr
#pragma segment Window
void TWindow::Initialize()
// Initialize the window to a known state (title, position).
    Pstrcpy(fWindowTitle, "\pUntitled");        // set default window title = TWindow::kTop;                  // set default window rect
    fRect.left = TWindow::kLeft;
    fRect.bottom = TWindow::kBottom;
    fRect.right = TWindow::kRight;
    fColorWindow = false;                       // can't assume anythingÉ
#pragma segment Window
void TWindow::Draw()
// Draw is an implementation dependent function, you need to override this one
// and create your own drawing routines.
#pragma segment Window
void TWindow::DoClick()
// DoClick is an implementation dependent function, you need to override this one
// and create your own mouse click routines.
#pragma segment Window
void TWindow::Show()
// Make window visible.
#pragma segment Window
void TWindow::Hide()
// Make window invisible.
#pragma segment Window
WindowPtr TWindow::GetWindowPtr() const
// Get the actual windowPtr record.
    return fWindow;
#pragma segment Window
void TWindow::SetTitle(const Str255* title)
// Set window title.
    Str255 oldTitle;
    // Get old title, if still the same, don't bother changing it (less flicker)
    ::GetWTitle(fWindow, oldTitle);
    if (!CompareStr255(&oldTitle, title))
        ::SetWTitle(fWindow, *title);
#pragma segment Window
void TWindow::GetTitle(Str255* result) const
// Get window title.
    if (fWindow)                                // we have a valid window?
        ::GetWTitle(fWindow, *result);
        Pstrcpy(*result, "\p");                 // copy in an empty string
#pragma segment Window
Rect TWindow::GetExtent() const
// Get the internal Rect of window.
    return fWindow->portRect;
#pragma segment Window
Rect TWindow::GetFrame() const
// Get the frame Rect of window.
    Rect frame;
    frame.left = -1; = -1;
    // Include one pixel for the the frame itself!
    frame.right = fWindow->portRect.right - fWindow->portRect.left + 1;
    frame.bottom = fWindow->portRect.bottom - fWindow-> + 1;
    return frame;
#pragma segment Window
Boolean TWindow::Contains(Point test) const
// Check if point is inside window.
    return (::PtInRgn(test, fWindowRecord->contRgn));
#pragma segment Window
Boolean TWindow::IsColorWindow() const
// Return true/false if window is a color grafport based one.
    return fColorWindow;
// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //
/*  Change History (most recent last):
  No        Init.   Date        Comment
  1         khs     11/7/92     New file
  2         khs     1/7/93      Cleanup