
 Copyright (C) 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 Utility class for creating a 2D I/O surface with immutable properties.
#import <IOSurface/IOSurface.h>
// NOTE:  If the image is RGB, all constructors
//        will create an i/o surface 2d image
//        that is RGBA.
@interface IOSurface2D : NSObject <NSCopying>
// Default (auto-released) initializer.  In addtion you can always
// instantiate a default object using alloc and init.
+ (nullable instancetype) surface;
// Designated initializer to create a 2D I/O surface from an image.
- (nullable instancetype) initWithImage:(nullable NSImage *)image;
+ (nullable instancetype) surfaceWithImage:(nullable NSImage *)image;
// Designated initializer to create a 2D I/O surface from an image
// reference.
- (nullable instancetype) initWithImageRef:(nullable CGImageRef)image;
+ (nullable instancetype) surfaceWithImageRef:(nullable CGImageRef)image;
// Designated initializer to create a 2D I/O surface from an image
// file located at a URL.
- (nullable instancetype) initWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url;
+ (nullable instancetype) surfaceWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url;
// Designated initializer to create a 2D I/O surface from an image
// file located at an absolute path.
- (nullable instancetype) initWithFile:(nullable NSString *)path;
+ (nullable instancetype) surfaceWithFile:(nullable NSString *)path;
// Designated initializer to create a 2D I/O surface from an image
// file in application's bundle.
- (nullable instancetype) initWithResource:(nullable NSString *)name;
+ (nullable instancetype) surfaceWithResource:(nullable NSString *)name;
// I/O surface reference
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) IOSurfaceRef surface;
// I/O surface bytes-per-row
@property (nonatomic, readonly) size_t bytesPerRow;
// I/O surface bytes-per-pixel
@property (nonatomic, readonly) size_t bytesPerPixel;
// I/O surface allocation size
@property (nonatomic, readonly) size_t size;
// I/O surface pixel format
@property (nonatomic, readonly) OSType format;
// I/O surface samples-per-pixel
@property (nonatomic, readonly) size_t samplesPerPixel;
// If you want to detect/avoid a potentially expensive paging operation
// (such as readback from a GPU to system memory) when you lock the buffer,
// you may include this flag. If locking the buffer requires a readback,
// the lock will fail with an error return of kIOReturnCannotLock.
@property (nonatomic) BOOL avoidSync;
// I/O surface bits-per-component
@property (nonatomic) size_t bitsPerComponent;
// I/O surface bits-per-pixel
@property (nonatomic) size_t bitsPerPixel;
// I/O surface alpha info
@property (nonatomic) CGImageAlphaInfo alphaInfo;
// I/O surface width
@property (nonatomic) size_t width;
// I/O surface height
@property (nonatomic) size_t height;
// Create a new I/O surface if the properties were set and default
// initializer was used to instantiate the object. The backing-store
// is created for representing RGBA 32-bit or 64-bit images.
- (BOOL) acquire;
// Update the I/O surface data.  Does not require locking or unlocking.
// Also, note that the source data properties used here for write must
// match the created i/o surface.  You can not use this method to copy
// RGB to RGBA image.
- (BOOL) update:(nullable const uint8_t *)baseAddr;
// The copy methods below do not require locking or unlocking.
// Also, note that the source i/o surface properties used here
// for copy must match the created i/o surface.  Furthermore,
// you can not use this method to copy RGB to RGBA i/o surface.
// Make a copy of an I/O surface image in a plane with index 0.
- (BOOL) copy:(nullable const IOSurfaceRef)surface;
// Make a copy of an I/O surface image in a plane at an index.
- (BOOL) copy:(nullable const IOSurfaceRef)surface
        index:(const size_t)index;
// Map the base address of the I/O surface for reading/writing data
- (nullable uint8_t *) map;
// Map the base address of the I/O surface for reading/writing data
- (nullable uint8_t *) map:(const NSPoint)point;
// Lock the I/O surface before mapping to read or write
- (BOOL) lock:(const BOOL)isReadOnly;
// Unlock the I/O surface after a mapped read or write
- (BOOL) unlock;