Read Me • DefProcs.txt

Read Me ¥ DefProcs
Last updated:  07 Mar 90
This folder contains the Apple source code to many of the System
Software 6.0.4 defprocs.  Apple makes these examples available to
developers to help guide in the creation of custom defprocs.  These
examples are for informational purposes only and may not be included
ÒasisÓ in third-party applications.
butcdef   - CDEF for a simple button, radio button, and
            check box controls
LDefProc0 - Standard LDEF that displays text.
mdefproc  - Standard menu defproc for scrolling and hierarchical menus.
rdocproc  - WDEF for rounded-corner windows.
sbarcdef  - Scroll bar CDEF.
wprocasm  - Standard WDEF for documentProc, dBoxProc, plainDBox,
            altDBoxProc, noGrowDocProc, zoomdocproc, zoomNoGrow.