
 Copyright (C) 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 The renderer class creates and draws the OpenGL shaders.
#ifndef __RENDERER__
#define __RENDERER__
#import <OpenGL/gl3.h>
#import <OpenGL/gl3ext.h>
#import <GLKit/GLKMath.h>
#import <GLKit/GLKMatrixStack.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "GeoUtils.h"
const uint32_t kShaderCount = 5;
const uint32_t kNumMRT = 3; // multiple render targets (MRT)
const uint32_t kNumFBO = 1;
const uint32_t kNumTextures = 4;
class OpenGLRenderer
    const GLubyte* rendererString;
    char* resourcePath;
    uint32_t width, height;
    mat4 cameraMatrix;
    GLint shaders[kShaderCount];
    GLint recordGBufferDataPass, deferredLightingPass, displayTextureContentsPass;
    GLuint fbos[kNumFBO];
    GLuint tex[kNumTextures];
    GLuint orientationMatrixLocation, cameraTransformLocation, colorLocation,
            normTexLocation, positionTexLocation,
            light1Pos, light1Color,
            light2Pos, light2Color,
            light3Pos, light3Color,
            light4Pos, light4Color;
    GLint projectionUniformIdx;
    //for visualization of the buffers
    GLint displayTexLocation;
    GLuint quadID, quadElementID;
    GLuint teapotVertexId, teapotNormalId, teapotElementId; //Lili
    GLuint cube_vertices, cube_indices;
    GLenum buffers[kNumMRT];
    uint8_t showBuffer;
    uint8_t animationStep, animate;
    float animationDelta;
    uint32_t kAnimationLoopValue;
    vec4 l1Pos, l2Pos, l3Pos, l4Pos;
    vec3 l1Color, l2Color, l3Color, l4Color;
    OpenGLRenderer(const char* pathToResources, size_t len);
    const char* getRendererString()
        return (const char*) rendererString;
    bool setupQuad();
    bool setupTeapot();
    bool setupGL();
    void resizeViewport(uint32_t w, uint32_t h);
    void draw();
    void updateAnimations();
    void updateGBufferContents();
    void showPositionBuffer();
    void showNormalBuffer();
    void showAlbedoBuffer();
    void showFinalImage();
    void drawQuad();
    void attachShadersToProgram(GLint program, GLint vertShaderID, GLint fragShaderID);
    GLboolean linkAndValidateProgram(GLint program, GLint vertShaderID, GLint fragShaderID);
    GLshort loadShaders();
    GLboolean loadShaderFromFile(const char* shaderName, GLenum shaderType, GLint* shaderID);
    void setShowBuffer(uint8_t buf) 
        showBuffer = buf; 
    void toggleAnimation()
        animate = !animate;
    void resetAnimation()
        animationStep = 0;
    void setAnimationDelta(float d)
        animationDelta = d;
        kAnimationLoopValue = 360.0 / animationDelta;