
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    An extension on `BaseScene` to manage the recording of a level's gameplay with `ReplayKit`. This extension is only included in the iOS version of the project.
import ReplayKit
extension BaseScene: RPPreviewViewControllerDelegate, RPScreenRecorderDelegate {
    // MARK: Computed Properties
    var screenRecordingToggleEnabled: Bool {
        return UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: screenRecorderEnabledKey)
    // MARK: Start/Stop Screen Recording
    func startScreenRecording() {
        // Do nothing if screen recording hasn't been enabled.
        guard screenRecordingToggleEnabled else { return }
        let sharedRecorder = RPScreenRecorder.shared()
        // Register as the recorder's delegate to handle errors.
        sharedRecorder.delegate = self
        sharedRecorder.startRecording() { error in
            if let error = error {
                self.showScreenRecordingAlert(message: error.localizedDescription)
    func stopScreenRecording(withHandler handler:@escaping (() -> Void)) {
        let sharedRecorder = RPScreenRecorder.shared()
        sharedRecorder.stopRecording { previewViewController, error in
            if let error = error {
                // If an error has occurred, display an alert to the user.
                self.showScreenRecordingAlert(message: error.localizedDescription)
            if let previewViewController = previewViewController {
                // Set delegate to handle view controller dismissal.
                previewViewController.previewControllerDelegate = self
                    Keep a reference to the `previewViewController` to
                    present when the user presses on preview button.
                self.previewViewController = previewViewController
    func showScreenRecordingAlert(message: String) {
        // Pause the scene and un-pause after the alert returns.
        isPaused = true
        // Show an alert notifying the user that there was an issue with starting or stopping the recorder.
        let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "ReplayKit Error", message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
        let alertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertActionStyle.`default`) { _ in
            self.isPaused = false
            `ReplayKit` event handlers may be called on a background queue. Ensure
            this alert is presented on the main queue.
        DispatchQueue.main.async() {
            self.view?.window?.rootViewController?.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)
    func discardRecording() {
        // When we no longer need the `previewViewController`, tell `ReplayKit` to discard the recording and nil out our reference
        RPScreenRecorder.shared().discardRecording {
            self.previewViewController = nil
    // MARK: RPScreenRecorderDelegate
    func screenRecorder(_ screenRecorder: RPScreenRecorder, didStopRecordingWithError error: Error, previewViewController: RPPreviewViewController?) {
        // Display the error the user to alert them that the recording failed.
        showScreenRecordingAlert(message: error.localizedDescription)
        /// Hold onto a reference of the `previewViewController` if not nil.
        if previewViewController != nil {
            self.previewViewController = previewViewController
    // MARK: RPPreviewViewControllerDelegate
    func previewControllerDidFinish(previewController: RPPreviewViewController) {
        previewViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)