
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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    An enumeration that converts between rotations (in radians) and 16-point compass point orientations (with east as zero). Used when determining which animation to use for an entity's current orientation.
import CoreGraphics
/// The different directions that an animated character can be facing.
enum CompassDirection: Int {
    case east = 0, eastByNorthEast, northEast, northByNorthEast
    case north, northByNorthWest, northWest, westByNorthWest
    case west, westBySouthWest, southWest, southBySouthWest
    case south, southBySouthEast, southEast, eastBySouthEast
    /// Convenience array of all available directions.
    static let allDirections: [CompassDirection] =
            .east, .eastByNorthEast, .northEast, .northByNorthEast,
            .north, .northByNorthWest, .northWest, .westByNorthWest,
            .west, .westBySouthWest, .southWest, .southBySouthWest,
            .south, .southBySouthEast, .southEast, .eastBySouthEast
    /// The angle of rotation that the orientation represents.
    var zRotation: CGFloat {
        // Calculate the number of radians between each direction.
        let stepSize = CGFloat(M_PI * 2.0) / CGFloat(CompassDirection.allDirections.count)
        return CGFloat(self.rawValue) * stepSize
    /// Creates a new `FacingDirection` for a given `zRotation` in radians.
    init(zRotation: CGFloat) {
        let twoPi = M_PI * 2
        // Normalize the node's rotation.
        let rotation = (Double(zRotation) + twoPi).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: twoPi)
        // Convert the rotation of the node to a percentage of a circle.
        let orientation = rotation / twoPi
        // Scale the percentage to a value between 0 and 15.
        let rawFacingValue = round(orientation * 16.0).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 16.0)
        // Select the appropriate `CompassDirection` based on its members' raw values, which also run from 0 to 15.
        self = CompassDirection(rawValue: Int(rawFacingValue))!
    init(string: String) {
        switch string {
            case "North":
                self = .north
            case "NorthEast":
                self = .northEast
            case "East":
                self = .east
            case "SouthEast":
                self = .southEast
            case "South":
                self = .south
            case "SouthWest":
                self = .southWest
            case "West":
                self = .west
            case "NorthWest":
                self = .northWest
                fatalError("Unknown or unsupported string - \(string)")