/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
The state `FlyingBot`s are in during their blast cloud attack. |
*/ |
import SpriteKit |
import GameplayKit |
class FlyingBotBlastState: GKState { |
// MARK: Properties |
unowned var entity: TaskBot |
/// A template emitter node (loaded from file) for the `FlyingBot` "good" attack. |
let templateGoodEmitterNode: SKEmitterNode |
/// A template emitter node (loaded from file) for the `FlyingBot` "bad" attack. |
let templateBadEmitterNode: SKEmitterNode |
/// The current emitter node (if any) in use in the scene. |
var currentEmitterNode: SKEmitterNode? |
/// The amount of time the `TaskBot` has been in the "blast" state. |
var elapsedTime: TimeInterval = 0.0 |
/// The `AnimationComponent` associated with the `entity`. |
var animationComponent: AnimationComponent { |
guard let animationComponent = entity.component(ofType: AnimationComponent.self) else { fatalError("A FlyingBotBlastState's entity must have an AnimationComponent.") } |
return animationComponent |
} |
/// The `RenderComponent` associated with the `entity`. |
var renderComponent: RenderComponent { |
guard let renderComponent = entity.component(ofType: RenderComponent.self) else { fatalError("A FlyingBotBlastState's entity must have a RenderComponent.") } |
return renderComponent |
} |
// MARK: Initializers |
required init(entity: TaskBot) { |
self.entity = entity |
// Load and configure the "good" and "bad" template emitter nodes. |
templateGoodEmitterNode = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "FlyingBotGoodAttackParticleEmitter")! |
templateBadEmitterNode = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "FlyingBotBadAttackParticleEmitter")! |
/* |
Use a zPosition of -25 (relative to the entity's render node) to make sure |
that the blast emitter nodes' particles are behind this `FlyingBot`'s body texture. |
*/ |
templateGoodEmitterNode.zPosition = -25.0 |
templateBadEmitterNode.zPosition = -25.0 |
// Offset the emitter nodes to place them behind the correct part of the `FlyingBot`. |
templateGoodEmitterNode.position = GameplayConfiguration.FlyingBot.blastEmitterOffset |
templateBadEmitterNode.position = GameplayConfiguration.FlyingBot.blastEmitterOffset |
} |
// MARK: GKState Life Cycle |
override func didEnter(from previousState: GKState?) { |
super.didEnter(from: previousState) |
// Reset the "length of this blast" tracker when entering the "blast" state. |
elapsedTime = 0.0 |
/* |
Add the "blast" node to the `FlyingBot`'s render node. |
We make a copy of the template emitter node to ensure that the emitter |
starts from a "zero" state with no existing particles. |
*/ |
if entity.isGood { |
currentEmitterNode = templateGoodEmitterNode.copy() as? SKEmitterNode |
} |
else { |
currentEmitterNode = templateBadEmitterNode.copy() as? SKEmitterNode |
} |
renderComponent.node.addChild(currentEmitterNode!) |
// Request the appropriate "attack" animation for this `TaskBot`. |
animationComponent.requestedAnimationState = .attack |
} |
override func update(deltaTime seconds: TimeInterval) { |
super.update(deltaTime: seconds) |
// Check if the `FlyingBot` has reached the end of its blast duration. |
elapsedTime += seconds |
if elapsedTime >= GameplayConfiguration.FlyingBot.blastDuration { |
// Return to an agent-controlled state if the blast has completed. |
stateMachine?.enter(TaskBotAgentControlledState.self) |
return |
} |
else if elapsedTime < GameplayConfiguration.FlyingBot.blastEffectDuration { |
// Perform either a "good" or "bad" blast, based on the `TaskBot`'s current state. |
if entity.isGood { |
performGoodBlast() |
} |
else { |
performBadBlast(withDeltaTime: seconds) |
} |
} |
} |
override func isValidNextState(_ stateClass: AnyClass) -> Bool { |
switch stateClass { |
case is TaskBotAgentControlledState.Type, is TaskBotZappedState.Type: |
return true |
default: |
return false |
} |
} |
override func willExit(to nextState: GKState) { |
super.willExit(to: nextState) |
// Remove the blast effect emitter node from the `TaskBot` when leaving the blast state. |
currentEmitterNode?.removeFromParent() |
currentEmitterNode = nil |
} |
// MARK: Convenience |
/// Finds all entities (`PlayerBot`s and `TaskBot`s) who are in range of this blast attack. |
func entitiesInRange() -> [GKEntity] { |
// Retrieve an entity snapshot containing the distances from this `TaskBot` to other entities in the `LevelScene`. |
guard let level = renderComponent.node.scene as? LevelScene else { return [] } |
guard let entitySnapshot = level.entitySnapshotForEntity(entity: entity) else { return [] } |
// Convert the array of `EntityDistance`s to an array of `GKEntity`s where the distance to the entity is within the blast radius. |
let entitiesInRange: [GKEntity] = entitySnapshot.entityDistances.flatMap { |
if $0.distance <= GameplayConfiguration.FlyingBot.blastRadius { |
return $ |
} |
return nil |
} |
return entitiesInRange |
} |
/// Performs a beneficial "curing" blast that converts any "bad" `TaskBot`s into "good" `TaskBot`s. |
func performGoodBlast() { |
// Filter and map the entities inside the blast radius to an array of `TaskBot`s. |
let taskBotsInRange = entitiesInRange().flatMap { $0 as? TaskBot } |
// Iterate through the `TaskBot`s in range. |
for taskBot in taskBotsInRange { |
// Retrieve the current intelligence state for the `TaskBot`. |
guard let currentState = taskBot.component(ofType: IntelligenceComponent.self)?.stateMachine.currentState else { continue } |
// If the entity is a "bad" `TaskBot` that isn't currently attacking, turn it "good". |
if taskBot.isGood { continue } |
switch currentState { |
case is FlyingBotBlastState, is GroundBotAttackState: |
break |
default: |
taskBot.isGood = true |
} |
} |
} |
/// Performs a "bad" blast that removes charge from the `PlayerBot` and turns "good" `TaskBot`s "bad". |
func performBadBlast(withDeltaTime seconds: TimeInterval) { |
// Calculate how much charge `PlayerBot`s should lose if hit by this application of the blast attack. |
let chargeToLose = GameplayConfiguration.FlyingBot.blastChargeLossPerSecond * seconds |
// Iterate through all of the entities inside the blast radius. |
let entities = entitiesInRange() |
for entity in entities { |
if let playerBot = entity as? PlayerBot, !playerBot.isPoweredDown, |
let chargeComponent = entity.component(ofType: ChargeComponent.self) { |
// Decrease the charge of a `PlayerBot` if it is in range and not powered down. |
chargeComponent.loseCharge(chargeToLose: chargeToLose) |
} |
else if let taskBot = entity as? TaskBot, taskBot.isGood { |
// Turn a `TaskBot` "bad" if it is in range and "good". |
taskBot.isGood = false |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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