
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    An option set used for categorizing physics bodies in SpriteKit's physics world.
import SpriteKit
import GameplayKit
struct ColliderType: OptionSet, Hashable, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    // MARK: Static properties
    /// A dictionary to specify which `ColliderType`s should be notified of contacts with other `ColliderType`s.
    static var requestedContactNotifications = [ColliderType: [ColliderType]]()
    /// A dictionary of which `ColliderType`s should collide with other `ColliderType`s.
    static var definedCollisions = [ColliderType: [ColliderType]]()
    // MARK: Properties
    let rawValue: UInt32
    // MARK: Options
    static var Obstacle: ColliderType  { return self.init(rawValue: 1 << 0) }
    static var PlayerBot: ColliderType { return self.init(rawValue: 1 << 1) }
    static var TaskBot: ColliderType   { return self.init(rawValue: 1 << 2) }
    // MARK: Hashable
    var hashValue: Int {
        return Int(rawValue)
    // MARK: CustomDebugStringConvertible
    var debugDescription: String {
        switch self.rawValue {
            case ColliderType.Obstacle.rawValue:
                return "ColliderType.Obstacle"
            case ColliderType.PlayerBot.rawValue:
                return "ColliderType.PlayerBot"
            case ColliderType.TaskBot.rawValue:
                return "ColliderType.TaskBot"
                return "UnknownColliderType(\(self.rawValue))"
    // MARK: SpriteKit Physics Convenience
    /// A value that can be assigned to a 'SKPhysicsBody`'s `categoryMask` property.
    var categoryMask: UInt32 {
        return rawValue
    /// A value that can be assigned to a 'SKPhysicsBody`'s `collisionMask` property.
    var collisionMask: UInt32 {
        // Combine all of the collision requests for this type using a bitwise or.
        let mask = ColliderType.definedCollisions[self]?.reduce(ColliderType()) { initial, colliderType in
            return initial.union(colliderType)
        // Provide the rawValue of the resulting mask or 0 (so the object doesn't collide with anything).
        return mask?.rawValue ?? 0
    /// A value that can be assigned to a 'SKPhysicsBody`'s `contactMask` property.
    var contactMask: UInt32 {
        // Combine all of the contact requests for this type using a bitwise or.
        let mask = ColliderType.requestedContactNotifications[self]?.reduce(ColliderType()) { initial, colliderType in
            return initial.union(colliderType)
        // Provide the rawValue of the resulting mask or 0 (so the object doesn't need contact callbacks).
        return mask?.rawValue ?? 0
    // MARK: ContactNotifiableType Convenience
        Returns `true` if the `ContactNotifiableType` associated with this `ColliderType` should be
        notified of contact with the passed `ColliderType`.
    func notifyOnContactWith(_ colliderType: ColliderType) -> Bool {
        if let requestedContacts = ColliderType.requestedContactNotifications[self] {
            return requestedContacts.contains(colliderType)
        return false