
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    A class encapsulating the work necessary to load a scene and its resources based on a given `SceneMetadata` instance.
import GameplayKit
    Use these constants with `NSNotificationCenter` to listen for events from the
    scene resource states.
    The `object` property of the notification will contain the `SceneLoader`.
extension NSNotification.Name {
    public static let SceneLoaderDidCompleteNotification    = NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "SceneLoaderDidCompleteNotification")
    public static let SceneLoaderDidFailNotification        = NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "SceneLoaderDidFailNotification")
/// A class encapsulating the work necessary to load a scene and its resources based on a given `SceneMetadata` instance.
class SceneLoader {
    // MARK: Properties
    lazy var stateMachine: GKStateMachine = {
        var states = [
            SceneLoaderInitialState(sceneLoader: self),
            SceneLoaderResourcesAvailableState(sceneLoader: self),
            SceneLoaderPreparingResourcesState(sceneLoader: self),
            SceneLoaderResourcesReadyState(sceneLoader: self)
        #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
        // States associated with on demand resources only apply to iOS and tvOS.
        states += [
            SceneLoaderDownloadingResourcesState(sceneLoader: self),
            SceneLoaderDownloadFailedState(sceneLoader: self)
        return GKStateMachine(states: states)
    /// The metadata describing the scene whose resources should be loaded.
    let sceneMetadata: SceneMetadata
    /// The actual scene after it has been successfully loaded. Set in `SceneLoaderPreparingResourcesState`.
    var scene: BaseScene?
    /// The error, if one occurs, from fetching resources.
    var error: Error?
        A parent progress, constructed when `prepareSceneForPresentation()`
        is called. Child progress objects are added by the 
        `SceneLoaderDownloadingResourcesState` and `SceneLoaderPreparingResourcesState` 
    var progress: Progress? {
        didSet {
            guard let progress = progress else { return }
            progress.cancellationHandler = { [unowned self] in
                // Cleanup the `SceneLoader`'s state and assign an appropriate error.
                self.requestedForPresentation = false
                self.error = NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: NSUserCancelledError, userInfo: nil)
                // Notify any interested objects that the download was not completed.
       NSNotification.Name.SceneLoaderDidFailNotification, object: self)
    #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
        The current `NSBundleResourceRequest` used to download the necessary resources.
        We keep a reference to the resource request so that it can be modified
        while it is in progress, and pin the resources when complete.
        For example: the `loadingPriority` is updated when the user reaches
        the loading scene, and the request is cancelled and released as part of
        cleaning up the scene loader.
    var bundleResourceRequest: NSBundleResourceRequest?
        A computed property that returns `true` if the scene's resources are expected
        to take a long time to load.
    var requiresProgressSceneForPreparing: Bool {
        return sceneMetadata.loadableTypes.contains { $0.resourcesNeedLoading }
        Indicates whether the scene we are loading has been requested to be presented
        to the user. Used to change how aggressively the resources are being made available.
    var requestedForPresentation = false {
        didSet {
                Don't adjust resource loading priorities if `requestedForPresentation`
                was just set to `false`.
            guard requestedForPresentation else { return }
            #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
            if stateMachine.currentState is SceneLoaderDownloadingResourcesState {
                    The presentation of this scene is blocked by downloading the
                    scene's resources, so mark the bundle resource request's loading
                    priority as urgent.
                bundleResourceRequest?.loadingPriority = NSBundleResourceRequestLoadingPriorityUrgent
            if let preparingState = stateMachine.currentState as? SceneLoaderPreparingResourcesState {
                    The presentation of this scene is blocked by the preparation of
                    the scene's resources, so bump up the quality of service of
                    the operation queue that is preparing the resources.
                preparingState.operationQueue.qualityOfService = .userInteractive
    // MARK: Initialization
    init(sceneMetadata: SceneMetadata) {
        self.sceneMetadata = sceneMetadata
        // Enter the initial state as soon as the scene loader is created.
    #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
        Moves the state machine to the appropriate state when a request is made to
        download the `sceneLoader`'s scene.
    func downloadResourcesIfNecessary() {
        if sceneMetadata.requiresOnDemandResources {
        else {
        Ensures that the resources for a scene are downloaded and begins loading them into memory.
        Creates and returns a progress object for tracking loading the scene for presentation.
        Note: On iOS there are two distinct steps to loading: downloading on demand resources
        -> loading assets into memory.
    func asynchronouslyLoadSceneForPresentation() -> Progress {
        // If a valid progress already exists it means the scene is already being prepared.
        if let progress = progress , !progress.isCancelled {
            return progress
        switch stateMachine.currentState {
            case is SceneLoaderResourcesReadyState:
                // No additional work needs to be done.
                progress = Progress(totalUnitCount: 0)
            case is SceneLoaderResourcesAvailableState:
                progress = Progress(totalUnitCount: 1)
                    Begin preparing the scene's resources.
                    The `SceneLoaderPreparingResourcesState`'s progress is added to the `SceneLoader`s
                    progress when the operation is started.
                #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
                // Set two units of progress to account for both downloading and then loading into memory.
                progress = Progress(totalUnitCount: 2)
                let downloadingState = stateMachine.state(forClass: SceneLoaderDownloadingResourcesState.self)!
                downloadingState.enterPreparingStateWhenFinished = true
                guard let bundleResourceRequest = bundleResourceRequest else {
                    fatalError("In the `SceneLoaderDownloadingResourcesState`, but a valid resource request has not been created.")
                    Add the `bundleResourceRequest`'s' progress to the `sceneLoader`'s overall progress.
                    Note: The `SceneLoaderPreparingResourcesState`'s progress will be added to
                    the `SceneLoader`'s progress when the state is entered and the
                    operation is started.
                progress!.addChild(bundleResourceRequest.progress, withPendingUnitCount: 1)
                // Increase the priority for the requested scene because it is about to be presented.
                bundleResourceRequest.loadingPriority = 0.8
                #elseif os(OSX)
                fatalError("Invalid `currentState`: \(stateMachine.currentState).")
        return progress!
    #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
    /// Marks the resources as no longer necessary cancelling any pending requests.
    func purgeResources() {
        // Cancel any pending requests.
        // Reset the state machine back to the initial state.
        // Unpin any on demand resources.
        bundleResourceRequest = nil
        // Release the loaded scene instance.
        scene = nil
        // Discard any errors in preparation for a new loading attempt.
        error = nil