Completed Lab/ImageCompressionUtilities.h

#ifndef __MOVIES__
    #include <Movies.h>
// _____________________ Image Compression Utilities _____________________ //
//OSErr CompressPictAsTransparentRLE( void );
//OSErr CompressPICTResourcesAsTransparentRLE( Boolean withHitTesting );
//void MakePictTransparent( PicHandle pic, RGBColor *keyColor );
// Given a QuickDraw picture, extract QuickTime compressed image data and description, if any
OSErr ExtractCompressData( PicHandle thePict, Handle *dataOut, ImageDescriptionHandle *idh );
// Utilities for compressing from various types of sources
OSErr RecompressCompressedImageWithTransparency( ImageDescriptionHandle originalDesc, Handle originalImageData,
                                                    RGBColor *keyColor, 
                                                    RgnHandle limitHitTestRegion,
                                                    ImageDescriptionHandle *idh, Handle * imageData );
OSErr RecompressPictureWithTransparency ( PicHandle originalPicture,
                                                    RGBColor *keyColor, 
                                                    RgnHandle limitHitTestRegion,
                                                    ImageDescriptionHandle *idh, Handle * imageData );
OSErr RecompressPictureFileWithTransparency ( FSSpec * spec, 
                                                    RGBColor *keyColor, 
                                                    RgnHandle limitHitTestRegion,
                                                    ImageDescriptionHandle *idh, Handle * imageData );
// Low-level callback procedure based routine to compress with/without transparency & hit-testing
enum {
    kRecoProcInitMsg = 1,                   // message and refcon are valid
    kRecoProcDisposeMsg = 2,                // message and refcon are valid
    kRecoProcGetBoundsMsg = 3,              // message, bounds and refcon are valid. Proc fills in bounds with rectangle to use for compressed image.
    kRecoProcDrawMsg = 4                    // message, bounds, drawingPort, portType and refcon are valid. portType is 'imag' if drawing into
                                            // image GWorld, 'imap' if drawing into hit testing GWorld.
enum {
    kRecoProcOriginalImageType =            FOUR_CHAR_CODE('imag'),
    kRecoProcHitTestingImageType =          FOUR_CHAR_CODE('imap')
typedef pascal OSErr (*CompressDrawProc)( short message, Rect * bounds, GWorldPtr drawingPort, OSType drawingImageType, void * refcon );
OSErr RecompressWithTransparencyFromProc( CompressDrawProc drawProc, void * drawProcRefcon, 
                                                    Boolean includeHitTesting,
                                                    RGBColor *keyColor, 
                                                    RgnHandle hitTestRegion,
                                                    ImageDescriptionHandle *idh, Handle * imageData );