
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.r>
#include "AUValidSamplesVersion.h"
// Note that resource IDs must be spaced 2 apart for the 'STR ' name and description
#define kAudioUnitResID_AUValidSamples              10000
// So you need to define these appropriately for your audio unit.
// For the name the convention is to provide your company name and end it with a ':',
// then provide the name of the AudioUnit.
// The Description can be whatever you want.
// For an effect unit the Type and SubType should be left the way they are defined here...
#define RES_ID          kAudioUnitResID_AUValidSamples
#define COMP_TYPE       kAudioUnitType_Effect
#define COMP_SUBTYPE    'vsmp'
#define COMP_MANUF      'appl'  
#define VERSION         kAUValidSamplesVersion
#define NAME            "Apple_DEBUG: AUValidSamples"
#define DESCRIPTION     "Validates the samples as it passes through the AU"
#define ENTRY_POINT     "AUValidSamplesEntry"
#include "AUResources.r"
#define RES_ID          1002
#define COMP_TYPE       kAudioUnitCarbonViewComponentType
#define COMP_SUBTYPE    'vsmp'
#define COMP_MANUF      'appl'
#define VERSION         0x00010000
#define NAME            "Apple_DEBUG: AUValidSamples"
#define DESCRIPTION     "View for the AUValidSamples"
#define ENTRY_POINT     "AUValidSamplesViewEntry"
#include "AUResources.r"