Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Rez |
The Rez tool allows creation of resource files from .r files. Rez is a DOS Console Application. |
The following options are available from the command line. |
Rez [option...] [file...] < file |
-a[ppend] # merge resource into output resource file |
-align word | longword # align resource to word or longword boundaries |
-d[efine] name[=value] # equivalent to: #define macro [value] |
-i[nclude] pathname # path to search when looking for #include files |
-m[odification] # don't change the output file's modification date |
-o file # write output to file (default Rez.Out) |
-ov # ok to overwrite protected resources when appending |
-p # write progress information to diagnostics |
-rd # suppress warnings for redeclared types |
-s[earch] pathname # path to search when looking for INCLUDE resources |
-u[ndef] name # equivalent to: #undef name |
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RezWack |
The RezWack embeds a resource fork in a dll or executable. RezWack is a DOS Console Application. |
The following options are available from the command line. |
RezWack -d dataForkName [-do dataForkOffset] |
-r resourceForkName [-ro resourceForkOffset] |
-o outputFileName [-f] |
-d dataForkName is required. It is the name of the "data" fork or core of your file. |
If you are going to wack a dll, it would be the name of your dll (ie. myCoolComponent.dll) |
-do dataForkOffset is optional. If you have header information in the front of your data file |
that you do not want to include, use this offset to skip the appropriate number of bytes. |
An obscure feature to stay away from. |
-r resourceForkName is required. It is the name of the "Rez"d resource file. It is NOT the name |
of a raw .r resource source file. The data in this file will be appended to the dataFork in the |
new file. |
-ro resourceForkOffset is optional. If there is header information in the front of your resource |
file that you do not want to include, use this offset. Another obscure feature to stay away from. |
-o outputFileName is required. It is the name of the resulting output file. Do not use the same |
name as either of the input files. |
-f is optional. It allows you to overwrite the filename specified in the -o option. |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-02-25