
 * QuickTime for Java SDK Sample Code
 * Usage subject to restrictions in SDK License Agreement
 * Copyright: © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.
import quicktime.std.*;
import quicktime.*;
import quicktime.std.clocks.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.awt.*;
/* This class retreives statistical information about the presentation and displays it in the 
 * main application window 
public class StatDrawer extends Tasking {
    private static TaskThread updateThread = new TaskThread ("Default SG Tasker", 600);
    /* Constructor- sets up the default tasking thread */
    public StatDrawer (SimplePres p) {
        this.pres = p;
    /* This method resets the active SimplePres object to get data from */
    public void setPres (SimplePres p) {
        boolean tasking = (getTasker() == null);
        this.pres = p;
        if ( tasking )
     * This method performs idle processing for the SGDrawer and will be automatically
     * called if this object is added to the TaskThread object.
     * It the sequence grabber has completed its capture task this method
     * will stop tasking the SGDrawer, stop the sequence grabber and call
     * the SGCaptureCallback if registered to notify the application that Sequence grabbing
     * is complete.
     * @see quicktime.util.TaskThread
    public synchronized final void task() throws QTException { 
        TimeBase t = pres.pres.getTimeBase();
        TimeRecord r = t.getTRTime();
        timeLabel.setText( timeRecordToHHMMSSFF(r, 30, ':', '.'));
        rateLabel.setText (new Integer(pres.pres.getTotalDataRate()).toString());
    * Returns the specified time record as a hour-minutes-seconds-frames string
    * according to the specified frames per second value. The first char
    * argument is used to separate hours, minutes and seconds and the second
    * char is used to separate the frames from the rest of the HHMMSSFF string.
    * A null time record or a zero frames-per-second value will result in a null
    * returned by the function. Negative frames-per-second values are converted
    * to positive integers (absolute value). If frames-per-second exceeds 1000
    * 1000 will be used.
    * @author Ilias Argyriou <>
    * Examples:
    * timeRecordToHHMMSSFF(<TimeRecord>, 10, '-', '-')  -> "HH-MM-SS-F"
    * timeRecordToHHMMSSFF(<TimeRecord>, 30, ':', '.')  -> "HH:MM:SS.FF"
    * timeRecordToHHMMSSFF(<TimeRecord>, 500, ';', '.') -> "HH;MM;SS.FFF"
    public static String timeRecordToHHMMSSFF(TimeRecord tr, int fps, char ss, char fs) {
        if (tr == null || fps == 0) {
            return null;
        fps = Math.abs(fps);
        // If frames-per-second exceeds 1000, 1000 will be used.
        if (fps > 1000) {
            fps = 1000;
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        long value = tr.getValue();
        int scale = tr.getScale();
        if (scale <= 0) {
            return null;
        long h = value / (scale * 3600);
        long m = (value / (scale * 60)) % 60;
        long s = (value / scale) % 60;
        long f = value % scale;
        if (fps <= 10) {
        } else if (fps <= 100) {
        } else if (fps <= 1000) {
        return sb.toString();
//_________________________ INSTANCE VARIABLES
    private SimplePres pres;
    public Label timeLabel, rateLabel;
        /** DecimalFormats used to display integer values as strings. */
    private static DecimalFormat SINGLE_DIGIT_DF = new DecimalFormat("0");
    private static DecimalFormat DOUBLE_DIGIT_DF = new DecimalFormat("00");
    private static DecimalFormat TRIPLE_DIGIT_DF = new DecimalFormat("000");