Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/****************************************************************************** |
** |
** Project Name: DropShell |
** File Name: DSUserProcs.c |
** |
** Description: Specific AppleEvent handlers used by the DropBox |
** |
******************************************************************************* |
** A U T H O R I D E N T I T Y |
******************************************************************************* |
** |
** Initials Name |
** -------- ----------------------------------------------- |
** LDR Leonard Rosenthol |
** MTC Marshall Clow |
** SCS Stephan Somogyi |
** |
******************************************************************************* |
** R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y |
******************************************************************************* |
** |
** Date Time Author Description |
** -------- ----- ------ --------------------------------------------- |
** 06/23/94 LDR Added support for ProcessItem and ProcessFolder handling |
** 02/20/94 LDR Modified Preflight & Postflight to take item count |
** 01/25/92 LDR Removed the use of const on the userDataHandle |
** 12/09/91 LDR Added the new SelectFile userProc |
** Added the new Install & DisposeUserGlobals procs |
** Modified PostFlight to only autoquit on odoc, not pdoc |
** 11/24/91 LDR Added the userProcs for pdoc handler |
** Cleaned up the placement of braces |
** Added the passing of a userDataHandle |
** 10/29/91 SCS Changes for THINK C 5 |
** 10/28/91 LDR Officially renamed DropShell (from QuickShell) |
** Added a bunch of comments for clarification |
** 10/06/91 00:02 MTC Converted to MPW C |
** 04/09/91 00:02 LDR Added to Projector |
** |
******************************************************************************/ |
#include <StandardFile.h> |
#include "DSGlobals.h" |
#include "DSUserProcs.h" |
#include "TestPrinterClass.h" |
#include "ListInDialog.h" |
#include "SafeNameRegistry.h" |
char printername[255]; |
long blocksize; |
int repeat; |
// Static Prototypes |
static OSErr ProcessItem(FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr); |
static OSErr ProcessFolder(FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr); |
/* |
Uncomment this line if you want each item of a dropped folder processed |
as an individual item |
*/ |
// #define qWalkFolders |
/* |
This routine is called during init time. |
It allows you to install more AEVT Handlers beyond the standard four |
*/ |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void InstallOtherEvents (void) { |
} |
/* |
This routine is called when an OAPP event is received. |
Currently, all it does is set the gOApped flag, so you know that |
you were called initally with no docs, and therefore you shouldn't |
quit when done processing any following odocs. |
*/ |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void OpenApp (void) { |
gOApped = true; |
} |
/* |
This routine is called when an QUIT event is received. |
We simply set the global done flag so that the main event loop can |
gracefully exit. We DO NOT call ExitToShell for two reasons: |
1) It is a pretty ugly thing to do, but more importantly |
2) The Apple event manager will get REAL upset! |
*/ |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void QuitApp (void) { |
gDone = true; /* All Done! */ |
} |
/* |
This routine is the first one called when an ODOC or PDOC event is received. |
In this routine you would place code used to setup structures, etc. |
which would be used in a 'for all docs' situation (like "Archive all |
dropped files") |
Obviously, the opening boolean tells you whether you should be opening |
or printing these files based on the type of event recieved. |
NEW IN 2.0! |
The itemCount parameter is simply the number of items that were dropped on |
the application and that you will be processing. This gives you the ability |
to do a single preflight for memory allocation needs, rather than doing it |
once for each item as in previous versions. |
userDataHandle is a handle that you can create & use to store your own |
data structs. This dataHandle will be passed around to the other |
odoc/pdoc routines so that you can get at your data without using |
globals - just like the new StandardFile. |
We also return a boolean to tell the caller if you support this type |
of event. By default, our dropboxes don't support the pdoc, so when |
opening is FALSE, we return FALSE to let the caller send back the |
proper error code to the AEManager. |
You will probably want to remove the #pragma unused (currently there to fool the compiler!) |
*/ |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal Boolean PreFlightDocs (Boolean opening, short itemCount, Handle *userDataHandle) { |
#pragma unused ( itemCount ) |
#pragma unused ( userDataHandle ) |
return opening; // we support opening, but not printing - see above |
} |
/* |
This routine is called for each file passed in the ODOC event. |
In this routine you would place code for processing each file/folder/disk that |
was dropped on top of you. |
You will probably want to remove the #pragma unused (currently there to fool the compiler!) |
*/ |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void OpenDoc ( FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr, Boolean opening, Handle userDataHandle ) { |
#pragma unused ( myFSSPtr ) |
#pragma unused ( opening ) |
#pragma unused ( userDataHandle ) |
OSErr err = noErr; |
#ifdef qWalkFolders |
/* |
For this case we need to determine if the FSSpec is a file or folder. |
If it's a folder, we then need to process each item in that folder, |
otherwise just process the item. |
*/ |
if (FSpIsFolder(myFSSPtr)) |
err = ProcessFolder(myFSSPtr); |
else |
err = ProcessItem(myFSSPtr); |
#else |
/* |
For this case we just call ProcessItem on the FSSpec above. |
*/ |
err = ProcessItem(myFSSPtr); |
#endif |
// you should probably do something if you get back an error ;) |
} |
/* |
This routine is the last routine called as part of an ODOC event. |
In this routine you would place code to process any structures, etc. |
that you setup in the PreflightDocs routine. |
NEW IN 2.0! |
The itemCount parameter was the number of items that you processed. |
It is passed here just in case you need it ;) |
If you created a userDataHandle in the PreFlightDocs routines, this is |
the place to dispose of it since the Shell will NOT do it for you! |
You will probably want to remove the #pragma unusued (currently there to fool the compiler!) |
*/ |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void PostFlightDocs ( Boolean opening, short itemCount, Handle userDataHandle ) { |
#pragma unused ( opening ) |
#pragma unused ( itemCount ) |
#pragma unused ( userDataHandle ) |
if ( (opening) && (!gOApped) ) |
gDone = true; // close everything up! |
/* |
The reason we do not auto quit is based on a recommendation in the |
Apple event Registry which specifically states that you should NOT |
quit on a 'pdoc' as the Finder will send you a 'quit' when it is |
ready for you to do so. |
*/ |
} |
/* |
This routine gets called for each item (which could be either a file or a folder) |
that the caller wants dropped. The determining factor is the definition of the |
qWalkFolder compiler directive. Either way, the item in question should be |
processed as a single item and not "dissected" into component units (like subfiles |
of a folder!) |
*/ |
static OSErr ProcessItem(FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
short wdRefNum; |
OpenWD( myFSSPtr->vRefNum, myFSSPtr->parID, 0, &wdRefNum ); |
SetVol( nil, wdRefNum ); |
err = sendusb( printername, (char *) p2cstr(myFSSPtr->name), blocksize, repeat ); |
return(err); |
} |
/* |
This routine gets called for any folder (or disk) that the caller wants |
processed as a set of component items, instead of as a single entity. |
The determining factor is the definition of the qWalkFolder compiler directive. |
*/ |
static OSErr ProcessFolder(FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
short index, oldIndex, localIndex; |
FSSpec localFSSpec, curFSSpec; |
CInfoPBRec cipb; |
Str255 fName, vFName; |
long dirID, origDirID; |
Boolean foundPosition; |
// copy the source locally to avoid recursion problems |
BlockMoveData(myFSSPtr, &localFSSpec, sizeof(FSSpec)); |
// get the dirID for THIS folder, not it's parent! |
BlockMoveData(, fName, 32); |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioCompletion = 0L; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = fName; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = localFSSpec.vRefNum; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0; // use the dir & vRefNum; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID = localFSSpec.parID; |
err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&cipb); |
if (!err) { |
origDirID = cipb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID; // copy the sucker |
index = 1; |
// index through all contents of this folder |
while (err == noErr) { |
dirID = origDirID; |
localIndex = index; |
fName [0] = 0; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioCompletion = 0L; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = fName; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = localFSSpec.vRefNum; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = localIndex; // use a real index |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID = dirID; |
err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&cipb); |
if (!err) { |
BlockMoveData(fName,, 32); |
curFSSpec.vRefNum = cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum; |
curFSSpec.parID = dirID; |
/* |
Check to see if this entry is a folder. |
*/ |
if (cipb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & ioDirMask) { |
err = ProcessFolder(&curFSSpec); |
} else |
err = ProcessItem(&curFSSpec); |
/* If we've had an error, get out! */ |
if (err) break; |
// dirID = origDirID; |
localIndex = index; |
/* |
Now take into account new files being created |
in the current directory & messing up our index. |
See Dev.CD Vol. XI:Tools & Apps (Moof!):Misc Utilities: |
Disinfectant & Source 2.5.1:Sample:Notes:Scan Alg |
*/ |
vFName [0] = 0; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioCompletion = 0L; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = vFName; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = localFSSpec.vRefNum; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = localIndex; // use a real index |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID = dirID; |
err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&cipb); |
oldIndex = index; |
if (!err) { |
/* If they're equal - same place, go to next */ |
if (EqualString (vFName, fName, false, false)) |
index++; |
} |
/* If we didn't advance, then perhaps a file was created or deleted */ |
if (oldIndex == index) { |
oldIndex = index; /* save off the old */ |
index = 0; /* and start at the beginning */ |
err = noErr; |
vFName [0] = 0; |
foundPosition = false; |
while (!foundPosition) { |
index++; |
vFName [0] = 0; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioCompletion = 0L; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = vFName; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = localFSSpec.vRefNum; |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = index; /* now use a real index */ |
cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID = dirID; |
err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&cipb); |
if (err == fnfErr) { // we've just been deleted |
index = oldIndex; |
foundPosition = true; |
err = noErr; // have to remember to reset this! |
} |
/* found same file & same index position */ |
/* so try the next item */ |
if ((!foundPosition) && EqualString(fName, vFName, false, false)) { |
index++; |
foundPosition = true; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return(err); |
} |
/* |
This routine is called when the user chooses "Select FileÉ" from the |
File Menu. |
Currently it simply calls the new StandardGetFile routine to have the |
user select a single file (any type, numTypes = -1) and then calls the |
SendODOCToSelf routine in order to process it. |
The reason we send an odoc to ourselves is two fold: 1) it keeps the code |
cleaner as all file openings go through the same process, and 2) if events |
are ever recordable, the right things happen (this is called Factoring!) |
Modification of this routine to only select certain types of files, selection |
of multiple files, and/or handling of folder & disk selection is left |
as an exercise to the reader. |
*/ |
pascal void SelectFile (void) |
{ |
StandardFileReply stdReply; |
SFTypeList theTypeList; |
StandardGetFile(NULL, -1, theTypeList, &stdReply); |
if (stdReply.sfGood) // user did not cancel |
SendODOCToSelf(&stdReply.sfFile); // so send me an event! |
} |
/* |
This routine is called during the program's initialization and gives you |
a chance to allocate or initialize any of your own globals that your |
dropbox needs. |
You return a boolean value which determines if you were successful. |
Returning false will cause DropShell to exit immediately. |
*/ |
pascal Boolean InitUserGlobals(void) |
{ |
InitNameRegistryPtrs(); |
ChoosePrinter( printername, &blocksize, &repeat ); |
return(true); // nothing to do, it we must be successful! |
} |
/* |
This routine is called during the program's cleanup and gives you |
a chance to deallocate any of your own globals that you allocated |
in the above routine. |
*/ |
pascal void DisposeUserGlobals(void) |
{ |
// nothing to do for our sample dropbox |
RemoveNameRegistryPtrs(); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-26