
**  Project Name:   DropShell
**     File Name:   DSUserProcs.c
**   Description:   Specific AppleEvent handlers used by the DropBox
**                       A U T H O R   I D E N T I T Y
**  Initials    Name
**  --------    -----------------------------------------------
**  LDR         Leonard Rosenthol
**  MTC         Marshall Clow
**  SCS         Stephan Somogyi
**                      R E V I S I O N   H I S T O R Y
**    Date      Time    Author  Description
**  --------    -----   ------  ---------------------------------------------
**  06/23/94            LDR     Added support for ProcessItem and ProcessFolder handling
**  02/20/94            LDR     Modified Preflight & Postflight to take item count
**  01/25/92            LDR     Removed the use of const on the userDataHandle
**  12/09/91            LDR     Added the new SelectFile userProc
**                              Added the new Install & DisposeUserGlobals procs
**                              Modified PostFlight to only autoquit on odoc, not pdoc
**  11/24/91            LDR     Added the userProcs for pdoc handler
**                              Cleaned up the placement of braces
**                              Added the passing of a userDataHandle
**  10/29/91            SCS     Changes for THINK C 5
**  10/28/91            LDR     Officially renamed DropShell (from QuickShell)
**                              Added a bunch of comments for clarification
**  10/06/91    00:02   MTC     Converted to MPW C
**  04/09/91    00:02   LDR     Added to Projector
#include <StandardFile.h>
#include "DSGlobals.h"
#include "DSUserProcs.h"
#include "TestPrinterClass.h"
#include "ListInDialog.h"
#include "SafeNameRegistry.h"
char printername[255];
long blocksize;
int repeat;
// Static Prototypes
static OSErr ProcessItem(FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr);
static OSErr ProcessFolder(FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr);
    Uncomment this line if you want each item of a dropped folder processed
    as an individual item
// #define qWalkFolders
    This routine is called during init time.
    It allows you to install more AEVT Handlers beyond the standard four
#pragma segment Main
pascal void InstallOtherEvents (void) {
    This routine is called when an OAPP event is received.
    Currently, all it does is set the gOApped flag, so you know that
    you were called initally with no docs, and therefore you shouldn't 
    quit when done processing any following odocs.
#pragma segment Main
pascal void OpenApp (void) {
    gOApped = true;
    This routine is called when an QUIT event is received.
    We simply set the global done flag so that the main event loop can
    gracefully exit.  We DO NOT call ExitToShell for two reasons:
    1) It is a pretty ugly thing to do, but more importantly
    2) The Apple event manager will get REAL upset!
#pragma segment Main
pascal void QuitApp (void) {
    gDone = true;   /*  All Done! */
    This routine is the first one called when an ODOC or PDOC event is received.
    In this routine you would place code used to setup structures, etc. 
    which would be used in a 'for all docs' situation (like "Archive all
    dropped files")
    Obviously, the opening boolean tells you whether you should be opening
    or printing these files based on the type of event recieved.
    NEW IN 2.0!
    The itemCount parameter is simply the number of items that were dropped on
    the application and that you will be processing.  This gives you the ability
    to do a single preflight for memory allocation needs, rather than doing it
    once for each item as in previous versions.
    userDataHandle is a handle that you can create & use to store your own
    data structs.  This dataHandle will be passed around to the other 
    odoc/pdoc routines so that you can get at your data without using
    globals - just like the new StandardFile.  
    We also return a boolean to tell the caller if you support this type
    of event.  By default, our dropboxes don't support the pdoc, so when
    opening is FALSE, we return FALSE to let the caller send back the
    proper error code to the AEManager.
    You will probably want to remove the #pragma unused (currently there to fool the compiler!)
#pragma segment Main
pascal Boolean PreFlightDocs (Boolean opening, short itemCount, Handle *userDataHandle) {
#pragma unused ( itemCount )
#pragma unused ( userDataHandle )
    return opening;     // we support opening, but not printing - see above
    This routine is called for each file passed in the ODOC event.
    In this routine you would place code for processing each file/folder/disk that
    was dropped on top of you.
    You will probably want to remove the #pragma unused (currently there to fool the compiler!)
#pragma segment Main
pascal void OpenDoc ( FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr, Boolean opening, Handle userDataHandle ) {
#pragma unused ( myFSSPtr )
#pragma unused ( opening )
#pragma unused ( userDataHandle )
    OSErr   err = noErr;
    #ifdef qWalkFolders
        For this case we need to determine if the FSSpec is a file or folder.
        If it's a folder, we then need to process each item in that folder,
        otherwise just process the item.
    if (FSpIsFolder(myFSSPtr))
        err = ProcessFolder(myFSSPtr);
        err = ProcessItem(myFSSPtr);
        For this case we just call ProcessItem on the FSSpec above.
    err = ProcessItem(myFSSPtr);
    // you should probably do something if you get back an error ;)
    This routine is the last routine called as part of an ODOC event.
    In this routine you would place code to process any structures, etc. 
    that you setup in the PreflightDocs routine.
    NEW IN 2.0!
    The itemCount parameter was the number of items that you processed.
    It is passed here just in case you need it ;)  
    If you created a userDataHandle in the PreFlightDocs routines, this is
    the place to dispose of it since the Shell will NOT do it for you!
    You will probably want to remove the #pragma unusued (currently there to fool the compiler!)
#pragma segment Main
pascal void PostFlightDocs ( Boolean opening, short itemCount, Handle userDataHandle ) {
#pragma unused ( opening )
#pragma unused ( itemCount )
#pragma unused ( userDataHandle )
    if ( (opening) && (!gOApped) )
        gDone = true;   //  close everything up!
        The reason we do not auto quit is based on a recommendation in the
        Apple event Registry which specifically states that you should NOT
        quit on a 'pdoc' as the Finder will send you a 'quit' when it is 
        ready for you to do so.
    This routine gets called for each item (which could be either a file or a folder)
    that the caller wants dropped.  The determining factor is the definition of the 
    qWalkFolder compiler directive.   Either way, the item in question should be
    processed as a single item and not "dissected" into component units (like subfiles
    of a folder!)
static OSErr ProcessItem(FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr)
    OSErr       err = noErr;
    short       wdRefNum;
    OpenWD( myFSSPtr->vRefNum, myFSSPtr->parID, 0, &wdRefNum );
    SetVol( nil, wdRefNum );
    err = sendusb( printername, (char *) p2cstr(myFSSPtr->name), blocksize, repeat );
    This routine gets called for any folder (or disk) that the caller wants 
    processed as a set of component items, instead of as a single entity.
    The determining factor is the definition of the qWalkFolder compiler directive.
static OSErr ProcessFolder(FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr)
    OSErr       err = noErr;
    short       index, oldIndex, localIndex;
    FSSpec      localFSSpec, curFSSpec;
    CInfoPBRec  cipb;
    Str255      fName, vFName;
    long        dirID, origDirID;
    Boolean     foundPosition;
    // copy the source locally to avoid recursion problems
    BlockMoveData(myFSSPtr, &localFSSpec, sizeof(FSSpec));
    //  get the dirID for THIS folder, not it's parent!
    BlockMoveData(localFSSpec.name, fName, 32);
    cipb.hFileInfo.ioCompletion = 0L;
    cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr    = fName;
    cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum    = localFSSpec.vRefNum;
    cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex  = 0;    // use the dir & vRefNum;
    cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID      = localFSSpec.parID;
    err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&cipb);
    if (!err) {     
        origDirID = cipb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID; // copy the sucker
        index = 1;
        // index through all contents of this folder
        while (err == noErr) {
            dirID = origDirID;
            localIndex = index;
            fName [0] = 0;
            cipb.hFileInfo.ioCompletion = 0L;
            cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr    = fName;
            cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum    = localFSSpec.vRefNum;
            cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex  = localIndex;   // use a real index
            cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID      = dirID;
            err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&cipb);
            if (!err) {
                BlockMoveData(fName, curFSSpec.name, 32);
                curFSSpec.vRefNum   = cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum;
                curFSSpec.parID     = dirID;
                    Check to see if this entry is a folder.
                if (cipb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & ioDirMask) {
                    err = ProcessFolder(&curFSSpec);
                 } else
                    err = ProcessItem(&curFSSpec);
                /*  If we've had an error, get out! */
                if (err)    break;
                // dirID = origDirID;   
                localIndex = index; 
                    Now take into account new files being created
                    in the current directory & messing up our index.
                    See Dev.CD Vol. XI:Tools & Apps (Moof!):Misc Utilities:
                    Disinfectant & Source 2.5.1:Sample:Notes:Scan Alg   
                vFName [0] = 0;
                cipb.hFileInfo.ioCompletion = 0L;
                cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr    = vFName;
                cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum    = localFSSpec.vRefNum;
                cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex  = localIndex;   // use a real index
                cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID      = dirID;
                err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&cipb);
                oldIndex = index;
                if (!err) {
                    /*  If they're equal - same place, go to next */
                    if (EqualString (vFName, fName, false, false))
                /*  If we didn't advance, then perhaps a file was created or deleted */
                if (oldIndex == index) {
                    oldIndex        = index;    /* save off the old */
                    index           = 0;        /* and start at the beginning */
                    err             = noErr;
                    vFName [0]      = 0;
                    foundPosition   = false;
                    while (!foundPosition) {
                        vFName [0] = 0;
                        cipb.hFileInfo.ioCompletion = 0L;
                        cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr    = vFName;
                        cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum    = localFSSpec.vRefNum;
                        cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex  = index;    /* now use a real index */
                        cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID      = dirID;
                        err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&cipb);
                        if (err == fnfErr) {  // we've just been deleted
                            index = oldIndex;
                            foundPosition = true;
                            err = noErr;    // have to remember to reset this!
                    /*  found same file & same index position */
                    /*  so try the next item */
                        if ((!foundPosition) && EqualString(fName, vFName, false, false)) {
                            foundPosition = true;
    This routine is called when the user chooses "Select FileÉ" from the
    File Menu.
    Currently it simply calls the new StandardGetFile routine to have the
    user select a single file (any type, numTypes = -1) and then calls the
    SendODOCToSelf routine in order to process it.  
    The reason we send an odoc to ourselves is two fold: 1) it keeps the code
    cleaner as all file openings go through the same process, and 2) if events
    are ever recordable, the right things happen (this is called Factoring!)
    Modification of this routine to only select certain types of files, selection
    of multiple files, and/or handling of folder & disk selection is left 
    as an exercise to the reader.
pascal void SelectFile (void)
    StandardFileReply   stdReply;
    SFTypeList          theTypeList;
    StandardGetFile(NULL, -1, theTypeList, &stdReply);
    if (stdReply.sfGood)    // user did not cancel
        SendODOCToSelf(&stdReply.sfFile);   // so send me an event!
    This routine is called during the program's initialization and gives you
    a chance to allocate or initialize any of your own globals that your
    dropbox needs.
    You return a boolean value which determines if you were successful.
    Returning false will cause DropShell to exit immediately.
pascal Boolean InitUserGlobals(void)
    ChoosePrinter( printername, &blocksize, &repeat );
    return(true);   // nothing to do, it we must be successful!
    This routine is called during the program's cleanup and gives you
    a chance to deallocate any of your own globals that you allocated 
    in the above routine.
pascal void DisposeUserGlobals(void)
    // nothing to do for our sample dropbox