Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: DumpNetworkSetup.c |
Contains: Program to render Network Setup database as text. |
Written by: Quinn "The Eskimo!" |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Change History (most recent first): |
21 Nov 2000 Quinn Integrated more changes from Joss Graessley, this time |
AppleTalk preference printing. |
28 Sep 2000 Quinn Integrated vector printing changes from Joss Graessley. |
Updated to build with UI 3.3.1 Network Setup headers. |
7/22/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// MoreIsBetter Setup |
#include "MoreSetup.h" |
// Pick up lots of OT interfaces. |
#include <OpenTransport.h> |
#include <OpenTptInternet.h> |
#include <OpenTptLinks.h> |
// Pick up standard system interfaces. |
#include <CodeFragments.h> |
#include <Resources.h> |
#include <Errors.h> |
#include <Fonts.h> |
#include <Windows.h> |
#include <Menus.h> |
#include <TextEdit.h> |
#include <Dialogs.h> |
#include <StandardFile.h> |
#include <DateTimeUtils.h> |
// Pick up ANSI C interfaces |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <FSp_fopen.h> |
#include <string.h> |
// Pick up Network Setup stuff. |
#include <NetworkSetup.h> |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- Binary to String ----- |
static char gFormatInetHostBuffer[256]; |
static char *FormatInetHost(InetHost ipAddr) |
// Non-reentrant, but I don't care. |
{ |
OTInetHostToString(ipAddr, gFormatInetHostBuffer); |
return gFormatInetHostBuffer; |
} |
static char *ClassToString(OSType class) |
{ |
switch (class) { |
case kCfgClassAnyEntity: |
return "kCfgClassAnyEntity"; |
break; |
case kCfgClassUnknownEntity: |
return "kCfgClassUnknownEntity"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgClassNetworkConnection: |
return "kOTCfgClassNetworkConnection"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgClassGlobalSettings: |
return "kOTCfgClassGlobalSettings"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgClassServer: |
return "kOTCfgClassServer"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgClassSetOfSettings: |
return "kOTCfgClassSetOfSettings"; |
break; |
default: |
return "unknown"; |
} |
} |
static char *TypeToString(OSType class) |
{ |
switch (class) { |
case kCfgTypeAnyEntity: |
return "kCfgTypeAnyEntity"; |
break; |
case kCfgTypeUnknownEntity: |
return "kCfgTypeUnknownEntity"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTypeAppleTalk: |
return "kOTCfgTypeAppleTalk"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTypeTCPv4: |
return "kOTCfgTypeTCPv4"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTypeTCPv6: |
return "kOTCfgTypeTCPv6"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTypeRemote: |
return "kOTCfgTypeRemote"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTypeDial: |
return "kOTCfgTypeDial"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTypeModem: |
return "kOTCfgTypeModem"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTypeInfrared: |
return "kOTCfgTypeInfrared"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTypeSetOfSettings: |
return "kOTCfgTypeSetOfSettings"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTypeDNS: |
return "kOTCfgTypeDNS"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTypeGeneric: |
return "kOTCfgTypeGeneric"; |
break; |
default: |
return "unknown"; |
} |
} |
static char *TCPConfigMethodToString(UInt8 configMethod) |
{ |
switch (configMethod) { |
case 0: |
return "Manual"; |
break; |
case 1: |
return "RARP"; |
break; |
case 2: |
return "BOOTP"; |
break; |
case 3: |
return "DHCP"; |
break; |
case 4: |
return "MacIP"; |
break; |
default: |
return "unknown"; |
} |
} |
static FILE *gOutput; |
static void DefaultPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
UInt32 row; |
UInt32 col; |
UInt32 rowCount; |
UInt8 ch; |
rowCount = (length - 1) / 16 + 1; |
for (row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { |
fprintf(gOutput, " %04lX : ", row * 16); |
for (col = 0; col < 16; col++) { |
if ( (row * 16) + col < length ) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "%02X ", data[(row * 16) + col]); |
} else { |
fprintf(gOutput, " "); |
} |
} |
for (col = 0; col < 16; col++) { |
if ( (row * 16) + col < length ) { |
ch = data[(row * 16) + col]; |
if ( ch < ' ' || ch == 127 ) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "."); |
} else { |
fprintf(gOutput, "%c", ch); |
} |
} |
} |
fprintf(gOutput, "\n"); |
} |
} |
static void DecimalPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
switch (length) { |
case sizeof(SInt8): |
fprintf(gOutput, " value = %d\n", *((SInt8*) data)); |
break; |
case sizeof(SInt16): |
fprintf(gOutput, " value = %ld\n", *((SInt16*) data)); |
break; |
case sizeof(SInt32): |
fprintf(gOutput, " value = %ld\n", *((SInt32*) data)); |
break; |
default: |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ DecimalPrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
break; |
} |
} |
static void PStringPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
if ((*data + 1) != length) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ PStringPrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} else { |
fprintf(gOutput, " Ò\\p%#sÓ\n", data); |
} |
} |
static void CStringPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
if ((strlen((char *) data) + 1) != length) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ CStringPrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} else { |
fprintf(gOutput, " Ò%sÓ\n", data); |
} |
} |
static void DateTimePrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
UInt32 dateTime; |
Str255 dateStr; |
Str255 timeStr; |
if (length != sizeof(UInt32)) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ DateTimePrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} else { |
dateTime = *((UInt32 *) data); |
DateString(dateTime, shortDate, dateStr, nil); |
TimeString(dateTime, true, timeStr, nil); |
fprintf(gOutput, " %#s, %#s\n", dateStr, timeStr); |
} |
} |
static void DeviceTypePrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
char *str; |
Boolean printRaw; |
UInt16 value; |
if (length != sizeof(UInt16)) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ DeviceTypePrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} else { |
printRaw = false; |
value = *((UInt16 *) data); |
switch ( value ) { |
case kOTNoDeviceType: str = "kOTNoDeviceType"; break; |
case kOTADEVDevice: str = "kOTADEVDevice"; break; |
case kOTMDEVDevice: str = "kOTMDEVDevice"; break; |
case kOTLocalTalkDevice: str = "kOTLocalTalkDevice"; break; |
case kOTIRTalkDevice: str = "kOTIRTalkDevice"; break; |
case kOTTokenRingDevice: str = "kOTTokenRingDevice"; break; |
case kOTISDNDevice: str = "kOTISDNDevice"; break; |
case kOTATMDevice: str = "kOTATMDevice"; break; |
case kOTSMDSDevice: str = "kOTSMDSDevice"; break; |
case kOTSerialDevice: str = "kOTSerialDevice"; break; |
case kOTEthernetDevice: str = "kOTEthernetDevice"; break; |
case kOTSLIPDevice: str = "kOTSLIPDevice"; break; |
case kOTPPPDevice: str = "kOTPPPDevice"; break; |
case kOTModemDevice: str = "kOTModemDevice"; break; |
case kOTFastEthernetDevice: str = "kOTFastEthernetDevice"; break; |
case kOTFDDIDevice: str = "kOTFDDIDevice"; break; |
case kOTIrDADevice: str = "kOTIrDADevice"; break; |
case kOTATMSNAPDevice: str = "kOTATMSNAPDevice"; break; |
case kOTFibreChannelDevice: str = "kOTFibreChannelDevice"; break; |
case kOTFireWireDevice: str = "kOTFireWireDevice"; break; |
case kOTPseudoDevice: str = "kOTPseudoDevice"; break; |
default: str = "unknown"; printRaw = true; break; |
} |
fprintf(gOutput, " %s (%d)\n", str, value); |
if (printRaw){ |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} |
} |
} |
static Boolean UnpackTCPSearchList(const UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, OTCfgTCPSearchList *searchListPref) |
{ |
const UInt8 *cursor; |
MoreAssertQ(data != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(searchListPref != nil); |
cursor = data; |
if (cursor + sizeof(SInt8) <= data + length) { |
searchListPref->fPrimaryInterfaceIndex = *cursor; |
cursor += sizeof(SInt8); |
} |
if (cursor + *cursor + 1 <= data + length) { |
BlockMoveData(cursor, searchListPref->fLocalDomainName, *cursor + 1); |
cursor += (*cursor + 1); |
} |
if (cursor + *cursor + 1 <= data + length) { |
BlockMoveData(cursor, searchListPref->fAdmindomain, *cursor + 1); |
cursor += (*cursor + 1); |
} |
return (cursor == data + length); |
} |
static void TCPSearchListPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
OTCfgTCPSearchList searchListPref; |
if ( ! UnpackTCPSearchList(data, length, &searchListPref) ) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ TCPSearchListPrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} else { |
fprintf(gOutput, " fPrimaryInterfaceIndex = %d\n", searchListPref.fPrimaryInterfaceIndex); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fLocalDomainName = Ò\\p%#sÓ\n", searchListPref.fLocalDomainName); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fAdmindomain = Ò\\p%#sÓ\n", searchListPref.fAdmindomain); |
} |
} |
static void TCPServersListPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
SInt16 serverCount; |
ItemCount serverIndex; |
serverCount = ((OTCfgTCPDNSServersList *) data)->fCount; |
if ( length < sizeof(SInt16) || length != (sizeof(SInt16) + serverCount * sizeof(InetHost))) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ TCPSearchListPrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} else { |
fprintf(gOutput, " fCount = %d\n", serverCount); |
for (serverIndex = 0; serverIndex < serverCount; serverIndex++) { |
fprintf(gOutput, " fAddressesList[%d] = %s\n", serverIndex, |
FormatInetHost((((OTCfgTCPDNSServersList *)data)->fAddressesList)[serverIndex])); |
} |
} |
} |
static void TCPUnloadTypeAtrrPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
SInt16 value; |
char *name; |
if ( length != sizeof(SInt16) ) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ TCPUnloadTypeAtrrPrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} else { |
value = *((SInt16*)data); |
switch ( value ) { |
case 1: name = "kActiveLoadedOnDemand"; break; |
case 2: name = "kActiveAlwaysLoaded"; break; |
case 3: name = "kInactive"; break; |
default: name = "unknown"; break; |
} |
fprintf(gOutput, " %s (%d)\n", name, value); |
} |
} |
static Boolean UnpackOTCfgIITFPrefs(const UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, UInt8 **cursorPtr, |
OTCfgTCPInterfacesUnpacked *unpacked, Str255 appleTalkZone) |
{ |
Boolean ok; |
UInt8 *cursor; |
MoreAssertQ(data != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(cursorPtr != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(*cursorPtr >= data && *cursorPtr < data + length); |
MoreAssertQ(unpacked != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(appleTalkZone != nil); |
cursor = *cursorPtr; |
ok = true; |
unpacked->fCount = 0; |
if ( ok && (cursor + sizeof(UInt8) <= data + length) ) { |
unpacked->fConfigMethod = *cursor; |
cursor += sizeof(UInt8); |
} else { |
ok = false; |
} |
if ( ok && (cursor + sizeof(InetHost) <= data + length) ) { |
BlockMoveData(cursor, &unpacked->fIPAddress, sizeof(InetHost)); |
cursor += sizeof(InetHost); |
} else { |
ok = false; |
} |
if ( ok && (cursor + sizeof(InetHost) <= data + length) ) { |
BlockMoveData(cursor, &unpacked->fSubnetMask, sizeof(InetHost)); |
cursor += sizeof(InetHost); |
} else { |
ok = false; |
} |
if ( ok && (cursor + sizeof(SInt8) <= data + length) ) { |
// OTCfgIITFPrefs only defines 1 byte of storage for fAppleTalkZone, |
// so we have to return it in an extra Str255 parameter. |
unpacked->fAppleTalkZone[0] = 0; |
appleTalkZone[0] = *cursor; |
cursor += sizeof(UInt8); |
} else { |
ok = false; |
} |
// Who the hell thought putting a packed pascal string into the middle |
// of a structure was a good idea!?! |
if ( ok && (cursor + appleTalkZone[0] <= data + length) ) { |
BlockMoveData(cursor, &appleTalkZone[1], appleTalkZone[0]); |
cursor += appleTalkZone[0]; |
} else { |
ok = false; |
} |
if ( ok && (cursor + 36 <= data + length) ) { |
BlockMoveData(cursor, unpacked->path, 36); |
cursor += 36; |
} else { |
ok = false; |
} |
if ( ok && (cursor + 32 <= data + length) ) { |
BlockMoveData(cursor, unpacked->module, 32); |
cursor += 32; |
} else { |
ok = false; |
} |
if ( ok && (cursor + sizeof(UInt32) <= data + length) ) { |
BlockMoveData(cursor, &unpacked->framing, sizeof(UInt32)); |
cursor += sizeof(UInt32); |
} else { |
ok = false; |
} |
*cursorPtr = cursor; |
return ok; |
} |
static void TCPPrefsPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
UInt8 *cursor; |
SInt16 prefCount; |
SInt16 prefIndex; |
OTCfgTCPInterfacesUnpacked prefData; |
Str255 appleTalkZone; |
if ( length < sizeof(SInt16) ) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ TCPPrefsPrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} else { |
cursor = data; |
prefCount = *((SInt16 *)cursor); |
cursor += sizeof(SInt16); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fCount = %d\n", prefCount); |
for (prefIndex = 0; prefIndex < prefCount; prefIndex++) { |
fprintf(gOutput, " [%d]\n", prefIndex); |
if ( UnpackOTCfgIITFPrefs(data, length, &cursor, &prefData, appleTalkZone) ) { |
fprintf(gOutput, " fConfigMethod = %s (%d)\n", TCPConfigMethodToString(prefData.fConfigMethod), prefData.fConfigMethod); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fIPAddress = %s\n", FormatInetHost(prefData.fIPAddress)); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fSubnetMask = %s\n", FormatInetHost(prefData.fSubnetMask)); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fAppleTalkZone = Ò%#sÓ\n", appleTalkZone); |
fprintf(gOutput, " path = Ò%#sÓ\n", prefData.path); |
fprintf(gOutput, " module = Ò%#sÓ\n", prefData.module); |
fprintf(gOutput, " framing = %08x\n", prefData.framing); |
} else { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ TCPPrefsPrinter: Error parsing data data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
break; |
} |
} |
if (prefIndex == prefCount) { |
if (cursor != data + length) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ TCPPrefsPrinter: Didn't consume all the data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} |
} else { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ TCPPrefsPrinter: Didn't iterate far enough\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} |
} |
} |
static void DomainListPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
UInt8 *cursor; |
SInt16 domainCount; |
SInt16 domainIndex; |
Str255 thisDomain; |
if ( length < sizeof(SInt16) ) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ DomainListPrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} else { |
cursor = data; |
domainCount = *((SInt16 *)cursor); |
cursor += sizeof(SInt16); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fCount = %d\n", domainCount); |
for (domainIndex = 0; domainIndex < domainCount; domainIndex++) { |
if ( cursor + sizeof(UInt8) <= data + length ) { |
thisDomain[0] = *cursor; |
cursor += 1; |
if ( cursor + thisDomain[0] <= data + length ) { |
BlockMoveData(cursor, &thisDomain[1], thisDomain[0]); |
cursor += thisDomain[0]; |
fprintf(gOutput, " [%d] = Ò%#sÓ\n", domainIndex, thisDomain); |
} else { |
break; |
} |
} else { |
break; |
} |
} |
if (domainIndex == domainCount) { |
if (cursor != data + length) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ DomainListPrinter: Didn't consume all the data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} |
} else { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ DomainListPrinter: Didn't iterate far enough\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} |
} |
} |
static void RouterListPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
SInt16 routeCount; |
SInt16 routeIndex; |
OTCfgTCPRoutersList *prefData; |
prefData = (OTCfgTCPRoutersList *)data; |
routeCount = prefData->fCount; |
if ( length < sizeof(SInt16) || ( length != sizeof(SInt16) + routeCount * sizeof(OTCfgTCPRoutersListEntry)) ) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ RouterListPrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} else { |
fprintf(gOutput, " fCount = %d\n", routeCount); |
for (routeIndex = 0; routeIndex < routeCount; routeIndex++) { |
fprintf(gOutput, " fList[%d].fToHost = %s\n", routeIndex, FormatInetHost(prefData->fList[routeIndex].fToHost)); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fList[%d].fViaHost = %s\n", routeIndex, FormatInetHost(prefData->fList[routeIndex].fViaHost)); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fList[%d].fLocal = %d\n", routeIndex, prefData->fList[routeIndex].fLocal); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fList[%d].fHost = %d\n", routeIndex, prefData->fList[routeIndex].fHost); |
} |
} |
} |
static void UserLevelPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
SInt16 value; |
char *name; |
if ( length != sizeof(SInt16) ) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "¥¥¥ UserLevelPrinter: Weird size preference data\n"); |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, nil); |
} else { |
value = *((SInt16*)data); |
switch ( value ) { |
case 1: name = "kBasicMode"; break; |
case 2: name = "kAdvancedMode"; break; |
case 3: name = "kAdminMode"; break; |
default: name = "unknown"; break; |
} |
fprintf(gOutput, " %s (%d)\n", name, value); |
} |
} |
static void VectorPrinter( UInt8* data, ByteCount length, void* cookie ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( cookie ) |
CfgSetsVector* pVectorData = (CfgSetsVector*)data; |
UInt32 i = 0; |
if ( length != (sizeof( CfgSetsElement ) * pVectorData->fCount) + sizeof(pVectorData->fCount) ) |
{ |
fprintf( gOutput, "Vector data corrupt, size invalid" ); |
return; |
} |
fprintf( gOutput, " Elements: %d\n", pVectorData->fCount ); |
for ( i = 0; i < pVectorData->fCount; i++ ) |
{ |
CfgSetsElement* pElement = &pVectorData->fElements[ i ]; |
fprintf( gOutput, " Vector %d\n", i ); |
fprintf( gOutput, " fEntityRef.fLoc: %d\n", pElement->fEntityRef.fLoc ); |
fprintf( gOutput, " fEntityRef.fReserved: %d\n", pElement->fEntityRef.fReserved ); |
fprintf( gOutput, " fEntityRef.fID: %#s\n", pElement->fEntityRef.fID ); |
fprintf( gOutput, " fEntityInfo.fClass: '%4.4s'\n", &pElement->fEntityInfo.fClass ); |
fprintf( gOutput, " fEntityInfo.fType: '%4.4s'\n", &pElement->fEntityInfo.fType ); |
fprintf( gOutput, " fEntityInfo.fName: %#s\n", pElement->fEntityInfo.fName ); |
fprintf( gOutput, " fEntityInfo.fIcon:\n" ); |
DefaultPrinter((UInt8*)&pElement->fEntityInfo.fIcon, sizeof(pElement->fEntityInfo.fIcon), nil); |
} |
} |
#define TrueOrFalse( inBool ) (inBool ? "true" : "false") |
static void AppleTalkPrefPrinter(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie) |
{ |
#pragma unused(cookie) |
OTCfgATalkGeneral* pPrefs = (OTCfgATalkGeneral*)data; |
if ( length != sizeof( OTCfgATalkGeneral ) ) |
{ |
DefaultPrinter(data, length, cookie); |
} |
else |
{ |
fprintf(gOutput, " fVersion = %d\n", pPrefs->fVersion ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fNumPrefs = %d\n", pPrefs->fNumPrefs ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fPort = 0x%.8X\n", pPrefs->fPort ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fLink = 0x%.8X\n", pPrefs->fLink ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fPrefs[0-7] not displayed, valid at runtime only\n" ); |
// fprintf(gOutput, " fPrefs[0] = 0x%.8X\n", pPrefs->fPrefs[0] ); |
// fprintf(gOutput, " fPrefs[1] = 0x%.8X\n", pPrefs->fPrefs[1] ); |
// fprintf(gOutput, " fPrefs[2] = 0x%.8X\n", pPrefs->fPrefs[2] ); |
// fprintf(gOutput, " fPrefs[3] = 0x%.8X\n", pPrefs->fPrefs[3] ); |
// fprintf(gOutput, " fPrefs[4] = 0x%.8X\n", pPrefs->fPrefs[4] ); |
// fprintf(gOutput, " fPrefs[5] = 0x%.8X\n", pPrefs->fPrefs[5] ); |
// fprintf(gOutput, " fPrefs[6] = 0x%.8X\n", pPrefs->fPrefs[6] ); |
// fprintf(gOutput, " fPrefs[7] = 0x%.8X\n", pPrefs->fPrefs[7] ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aarpPrefs.fVersion = %d\n", pPrefs->aarpPrefs.fVersion ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aarpPrefs.fSize = %d\n", pPrefs->aarpPrefs.fSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aarpPrefs.fAgingCount = %d\n", pPrefs->aarpPrefs.fAgingCount ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aarpPrefs.fAgingInterval = %d\n", pPrefs->aarpPrefs.fAgingInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aarpPrefs.fProtAddrLen = %d\n", pPrefs->aarpPrefs.fProtAddrLen ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aarpPrefs.fHWAddrLen = %d\n", pPrefs->aarpPrefs.fHWAddrLen ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aarpPrefs.fMaxEntries = %d\n", pPrefs->aarpPrefs.fMaxEntries ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aarpPrefs.fProbeInterval = %d\n", pPrefs->aarpPrefs.fProbeInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aarpPrefs.fProbeRetryCount = %d\n", pPrefs->aarpPrefs.fProbeRetryCount ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aarpPrefs.fRequestInterval = %d\n", pPrefs->aarpPrefs.fRequestInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aarpPrefs.fRequestRetryCount = %d\n", pPrefs->aarpPrefs.fRequestRetryCount ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fVersion = %d\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fVersion ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fSize = %d\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fTSDUSize = %d\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fTSDUSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fLoadType = %d (Ignored in OT 3.0)\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fLoadType ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fNode = %u\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fNode ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fNetwork = %u\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fNetwork ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fRTMPRequestLimit = %u\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fRTMPRequestLimit ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fRTMPRequestInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fRTMPRequestInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fAddressGenLimit = %u\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fAddressGenLimit ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fBRCAgingInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fBRCAgingInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fRTMPAgingInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fRTMPAgingInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fMaxAddrTries = %u\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fMaxAddrTries ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fDefaultChecksum = %s\n", TrueOrFalse( pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fDefaultChecksum ) ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fIsFixedNode = %s\n", TrueOrFalse( pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fIsFixedNode ) ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " ddpPrefs.fMyZone = %#s\n", pPrefs->ddpPrefs.fMyZone ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " nbpPrefs.fVersion = %u\n", pPrefs->nbpPrefs.fVersion ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " nbpPrefs.fSize = %u\n", pPrefs->nbpPrefs.fSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " nbpPrefs.fTSDUSize = %u\n", pPrefs->nbpPrefs.fTSDUSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " nbpPrefs.fDefaultRetryInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->nbpPrefs.fDefaultRetryInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " nbpPrefs.fDefaultRetryCount = %u\n", pPrefs->nbpPrefs.fDefaultRetryCount ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " nbpPrefs.fDefaultRetryCount = %u\n", pPrefs->nbpPrefs.fDefaultRetryCount ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " nbpPrefs.fCaseSensitiveCompare = %s\n", TrueOrFalse( pPrefs->nbpPrefs.fCaseSensitiveCompare ) ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " nbpPrefs.fPad = %u\n", pPrefs->nbpPrefs.fPad ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " zipPrefs.fVersion = %u\n", pPrefs->zipPrefs.fVersion ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " zipPrefs.fSize = %u\n", pPrefs->zipPrefs.fSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " zipPrefs.fGetZoneInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->zipPrefs.fGetZoneInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " zipPrefs.fZoneListInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->zipPrefs.fZoneListInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " zipPrefs.fDDPInfoTimeout = %u\n", pPrefs->zipPrefs.fDDPInfoTimeout ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " zipPrefs.fGetZoneRetries = %u\n", pPrefs->zipPrefs.fGetZoneRetries ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " zipPrefs.fZoneListRetries = %u\n", pPrefs->zipPrefs.fZoneListRetries ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " zipPrefs.fChecksumFlag = %s\n", TrueOrFalse( pPrefs->zipPrefs.fChecksumFlag) ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " zipPrefs.fPad = %u\n", pPrefs->zipPrefs.fPad ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " atpPrefs.fVersion = %u\n", pPrefs->atpPrefs.fVersion ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " atpPrefs.fSize = %u\n", pPrefs->atpPrefs.fSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " atpPrefs.fTSDUSize = %u\n", pPrefs->atpPrefs.fTSDUSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " atpPrefs.fDefaultRetryInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->atpPrefs.fDefaultRetryInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " atpPrefs.fDefaultRetryCount = %u\n", pPrefs->atpPrefs.fDefaultRetryCount ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " atpPrefs.fDefaultReleaseTimer = %u\n", pPrefs->atpPrefs.fDefaultReleaseTimer ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " atpPrefs.fDefaultALOSetting = %u\n", pPrefs->atpPrefs.fDefaultALOSetting ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fVersion = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fVersion ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fSize = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fDefaultSendBlocking = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fDefaultSendBlocking ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fTSDUSize = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fTSDUSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fETSDUSize = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fETSDUSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fDefaultOpenInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fDefaultOpenInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fDefaultProbeInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fDefaultProbeInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fMinRoundTripTime = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fMinRoundTripTime ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fDefaultSendInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fDefaultSendInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fDefaultRecvWindow = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fDefaultRecvWindow ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fDefaultOpenRetries = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fDefaultOpenRetries ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fDefaultBadSeqMax = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fDefaultBadSeqMax ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fDefaultProbeRetries = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fDefaultProbeRetries ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fMaxConsecutiveDataPackets = %u\n", pPrefs->adspPrefs.fMaxConsecutiveDataPackets ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fDefaultChecksum = %s\n", TrueOrFalse( pPrefs->adspPrefs.fDefaultChecksum ) ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " adspPrefs.fDefaultEOM = %s\n", TrueOrFalse( pPrefs->adspPrefs.fDefaultEOM ) ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " papPrefs.fVersion = %u\n", pPrefs->papPrefs.fVersion ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " papPrefs.fSize = %u\n", pPrefs->papPrefs.fSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " papPrefs.fDefaultOpenInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->papPrefs.fDefaultOpenInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " papPrefs.fDefaultTickleInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->papPrefs.fDefaultTickleInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " papPrefs.fDefaultOpenRetries = %u\n", pPrefs->papPrefs.fDefaultOpenRetries ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " papPrefs.fDefaultTickleRetries = %u\n", pPrefs->papPrefs.fDefaultTickleRetries ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " papPrefs.fDefaultReplies = %u\n", pPrefs->papPrefs.fDefaultReplies ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " papPrefs.fDefaultPAPEOMEnabled = %s\n", TrueOrFalse( pPrefs->papPrefs.fDefaultPAPEOMEnabled ) ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aspPrefs.fVersion = %u\n", pPrefs->aspPrefs.fVersion ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aspPrefs.fSize = %u\n", pPrefs->aspPrefs.fSize ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aspPrefs.fDefaultTickleInterval = %u\n", pPrefs->aspPrefs.fDefaultTickleInterval ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aspPrefs.fDefaultTickleRetries = %u\n", pPrefs->aspPrefs.fDefaultTickleRetries ); |
fprintf(gOutput, " aspPrefs.fDefaultReplies = %u\n", pPrefs->aspPrefs.fDefaultReplies ); |
} |
} |
typedef void (*PrinterProc)(UInt8 *data, ByteCount length, void *cookie); |
static void GetPrefTypeInfo(OSType prefType, char **userVisibleString, PrinterProc *printerProc, void **printerCookie) |
{ |
*userVisibleString = "unknown"; |
*printerProc = DefaultPrinter; |
*printerCookie = nil; |
switch (prefType) { |
// Backward Compatibility Preferences |
case 'resn': |
*userVisibleString = "Backward Compatibility Resource Name"; |
*printerProc = PStringPrinter; |
break; |
case 'resi': |
*userVisibleString = "Backward Compatibility Resource ID"; |
*printerProc = DecimalPrinter; |
break; |
case 'time': |
*userVisibleString = "Backward Compatibility Timestamp"; |
*printerProc = DateTimePrinter; |
break; |
case 'ccfg': |
*userVisibleString = "kSelectedConfigType"; |
*printerProc = DecimalPrinter; |
break; |
// Generic |
case 'pnam': |
*userVisibleString = "Preference Name"; |
*printerProc = PStringPrinter; |
break; |
case kOTCfgSetsStructPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgSetsStructPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgSetsElementPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgSetsElementPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgSetsVectorPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgSetsVectorPref"; |
*printerProc = VectorPrinter; |
break; |
case kCfgFreePref: |
*userVisibleString = "kCfgTypefree"; |
break; |
// Common to all the control panels |
case kOTCfgPrefWindowPositionPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgPrefWindowPositionPref"; |
break; |
// case kInfraredWindowPosAttr: |
// *userVisibleString = "kInfraredWindowPosAttr"; |
// break; |
// case kTCPWindowPositionAttr: |
// *userVisibleString = "kTCPWindowPositionAttr"; |
// break; |
case kOTCfgVersionPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgVersionPref"; |
*printerProc = DecimalPrinter; |
break; |
// case kCVRSResType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kCVRSResType"; |
// break; |
// case kTCPVersionAttr: |
// *userVisibleString = "kTCPVersionAttr"; |
// break; |
case kOTCfgPortUserVisibleNamePref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgPortUserVisibleNamePref"; |
*printerProc = PStringPrinter; |
break; |
// case kPORTResType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kPORTResType"; |
// break; |
// case kTCPPortAttr: |
// *userVisibleString = "kTCPPortAttr"; |
// break; |
// case kRAConfigTypePort: |
// *userVisibleString = "kRAConfigTypePort"; |
// break; |
case 'cnam': |
*userVisibleString = "kResourceCount"; |
break; |
// case kATResourceCount: |
// *userVisibleString = "kATResourceCount"; |
// break; |
// case kTCPResourceCount: |
// *userVisibleString = "kTCPResourceCount"; |
// break; |
// case kModemResourceCount: |
// *userVisibleString = "kModemResourceCount"; |
// break; |
// case kRAConfigNameType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kRAConfigNameType"; |
// break; |
case kOTCfgProtocolUserVisibleNamePref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgProtocolUserVisibleNamePref"; |
*printerProc = CStringPrinter; |
break; |
// case kTCPProtocolAttr: |
// *userVisibleString = "kTCPProtocolAttr"; |
// break; |
case kOTCfgAdminPasswordPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgAdminPasswordPref"; |
break; |
// case kTCPPasswordAttr: |
// *userVisibleString = "kTCPPasswordAttr"; |
// break; |
case kOTCfgUserModePref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgUserModePref"; |
*printerProc = UserLevelPrinter; |
break; |
// case kUserModeResType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kUserModeResType"; |
// break; |
// case kTCPUserLevelAttr: |
// *userVisibleString = "kTCPUserLevelAttr"; |
// break; |
// case kTCPSelectedConfigType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kTCPSelectedConfigType"; |
// break; |
// case kModemSelectedConfigType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kModemSelectedConfigType"; |
// break; |
// case kRemoteSelectedConfigType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kRemoteSelectedConfigType"; |
// break; |
// AppleTalk |
case kOTCfgATalkGeneralPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgATalkGeneralPref"; |
*printerProc = AppleTalkPrefPrinter; |
break; |
case kOTCfgATalkLocksPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgATalkLocksPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgATalkPortDeviceTypePref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgATalkPortDeviceTypePref"; |
break; |
// Infrared |
// case kInfraredPrefsAttr: |
// *userVisibleString = "kInfraredPrefsAttr"; |
// break; |
case 'irgo': |
*userVisibleString = "Infrared Globals"; |
break; |
// TCP/IP |
case 'alis': |
*userVisibleString = "TCP/IP alias"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTCPDHCPClientIDPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgTCPDHCPClientIDPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTCPDeviceTypePref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgTCPDeviceTypePref"; |
*printerProc = DeviceTypePrinter; |
break; |
// case kIDNSResType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kIDNSResType"; |
// break; |
// case kIHSTResType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kIHSTResType"; |
// break; |
// case kIITFResType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kIITFResType"; |
// break; |
// case kARAResType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kARAResType"; |
// break; |
// case kIRTEResType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kIRTEResType"; |
// break; |
// case kISDMResType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kISDMResType"; |
// break; |
// case kSTNGResType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kSTNGResType"; |
// break; |
// case kUNLDResType: |
// *userVisibleString = "kUNLDResType"; |
// break; |
case 'dvty': |
*userVisibleString = "'dvty'"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTCPInterfacesPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgTCPInterfacesPref"; |
*printerProc = TCPPrefsPrinter; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTCPDNSServersListPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgTypeTCPServersList"; |
*printerProc = TCPServersListPrinter; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTCPSearchListPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgTCPSearchListPref"; |
*printerProc = TCPSearchListPrinter; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTCPRoutersListPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgTCPRoutersListPref"; |
*printerProc = RouterListPrinter; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTCPSearchDomainsPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgTCPSearchDomainsPref"; |
*printerProc = DomainListPrinter; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTCPLocksPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgTCPLocksPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgTCPUnloadAttrPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgTCPUnloadAttrPref"; |
*printerProc = TCPUnloadTypeAtrrPrinter; |
break; |
// Modem |
case kOTCfgModemGeneralPrefs: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgModemGeneralPrefs"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgModemLocksPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgModemLocksPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgModemAdminPasswordPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgModemAdminPasswordPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgModemApplicationPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgModemApplicationPref"; |
break; |
// Remote Access |
case kOTCfgRemoteARAPPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteARAPPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteAddressPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteAddressPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteChatPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteChatPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteDialingPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteDialingPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteAlternateAddressPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteAlternateAddressPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteClientLocksPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteClientLocksPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteClientMiscPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteClientMiscPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteConnectPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteConnectPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteUserPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteUserPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteDialAssistPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteDialAssistPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteIPCPPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteIPCPPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteLCPPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteLCPPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteLogOptionsPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteLogOptionsPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemotePasswordPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemotePasswordPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteServerPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteServerPref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteUserModePref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteUserModePref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteX25Pref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteX25Pref"; |
break; |
case kOTCfgRemoteApplicationPref: |
*userVisibleString = "kOTCfgRemoteApplicationPref"; |
break; |
default: |
// do nothing |
break; |
} |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ----- Core Implementation ----- |
static OSStatus DumpPref(CfgEntityAccessID prefsRefNum, OSType prefType, PrinterProc printerProc, void *printerCookie) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
ByteCount prefSize; |
UInt8 *prefData; |
prefData = nil; |
err = OTCfgGetPrefsSize(prefsRefNum, prefType, &prefSize); |
if (err == noErr && prefSize != 0) { |
prefData = (UInt8*) NewPtr(prefSize); |
err = MemError(); |
if (err == noErr) { |
MoreAssertQ(prefData != nil); |
err = OTCfgGetPrefs(prefsRefNum, prefType, prefData, prefSize); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
printerProc(prefData, prefSize, printerCookie); |
} |
} |
if (prefData != nil) { |
DisposePtr( (Ptr) prefData ); |
MoreAssertQ(MemError() == noErr); |
} |
return err; |
} |
// static CfgPrefsHeader gPrefsTOCs[40]; |
static OSStatus DumpEntity(CfgDatabaseRef ref, CfgEntityRef entity) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
OSStatus err2; |
CfgEntityAccessID accessID; |
ItemCount prefsTOCCount; |
ItemCount i; |
char *userVisibleString; |
PrinterProc printerProc; |
void *printerCookie; |
CfgPrefsHeader *prefsTOCs; |
prefsTOCs = nil; |
err = OTCfgOpenPrefs(ref, &entity, false, &accessID); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = OTCfgGetPrefsTOCCount(accessID, &prefsTOCCount); |
if (err == noErr) { |
prefsTOCs = (CfgPrefsHeader *) NewPtr( prefsTOCCount * sizeof(CfgPrefsHeader)); |
err = MemError(); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = OTCfgGetPrefsTOC(accessID, &prefsTOCCount, prefsTOCs); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
for (i = 0; i < prefsTOCCount; i++) { |
GetPrefTypeInfo(prefsTOCs[i].fType, &userVisibleString, &printerProc, &printerCookie); |
fprintf(gOutput, " Preference\n"); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fSize = %hd\n", prefsTOCs[i].fSize); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fVersion = %hd\n", prefsTOCs[i].fVersion); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fType = '%4.4s' Ò%sÓ\n", &prefsTOCs[i].fType, userVisibleString); |
err = DumpPref(accessID, prefsTOCs[i].fType, printerProc, printerCookie); |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
err2 = OTCfgClosePrefs(accessID); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = err2; |
} |
} |
if (prefsTOCs != nil) { |
DisposePtr( (Ptr) prefsTOCs ); |
MoreAssertQ(MemError() == noErr); |
} |
return err; |
} |
// static CfgEntityRef gEntityRefs[20]; |
// static CfgEntityInfo gEntityInfos[20]; |
static OSStatus DumpArea(CfgDatabaseRef ref, CfgAreaID thisArea) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
OSStatus err2; |
ItemCount entityCount; |
Str255 entityName; |
ItemCount i; |
CfgEntityRef *entityRefs; |
CfgEntityInfo *entityInfos; |
entityRefs = nil; |
entityInfos = nil; |
err = OTCfgOpenArea(ref, thisArea); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = OTCfgGetEntitiesCount(ref, thisArea, kCfgClassAnyEntity, kCfgTypeAnyEntity, &entityCount); |
if (err == noErr) { |
entityRefs = (CfgEntityRef *) NewPtr( entityCount * sizeof(CfgEntityRef)); |
err = MemError(); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
entityInfos = (CfgEntityInfo *) NewPtr( entityCount * sizeof(CfgEntityInfo)); |
err = MemError(); |
} |
err = OTCfgGetEntitiesList(ref, thisArea, |
kCfgClassAnyEntity, |
kCfgTypeAnyEntity, |
&entityCount, |
entityRefs, |
entityInfos); |
if (err == noErr) { |
for (i = 0; i < entityCount; i++) { |
OTCfgGetEntityName(&entityRefs[i], entityName); |
fprintf(gOutput, " Dumping entity Ò%#sÓ\n", entityName); |
fprintf(gOutput, " CfgEntityRef\n"); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fLoc = %ld\n", entityRefs[i].fLoc); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fReserved = %ld\n", entityRefs[i].fReserved); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fID = %#s\n", entityRefs[i].fID); |
fprintf(gOutput, " CfgEntityInfo\n"); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fClass = '%4.4s' Ò%sÓ\n", &entityInfos[i].fClass, ClassToString(entityInfos[i].fClass)); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fType = '%4.4s' Ò%sÓ\n", &entityInfos[i].fType, TypeToString(entityInfos[i].fType)); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fIcon\n"); |
fprintf(gOutput, " fFile\n"); |
fprintf(gOutput, " vRefNum = %hd\n", entityInfos[i].fIcon.fFile.vRefNum); |
fprintf(gOutput, " parID = %ld\n", entityInfos[i].fIcon.fFile.parID); |
fprintf(gOutput, " name = %#s\n", entityInfos[i]; |
fprintf(gOutput, " fResID = %hd\n", entityInfos[i].fIcon.fResID); |
err = DumpEntity(ref, entityRefs[i]); |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
err2 = OTCfgCloseArea(ref, thisArea); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = err2; |
} |
} |
if (entityRefs != nil) { |
DisposePtr( (Ptr) entityRefs); |
MoreAssertQ(MemError() == noErr); |
} |
if (entityInfos != nil) { |
DisposePtr( (Ptr) entityInfos); |
MoreAssertQ(MemError() == noErr); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus DumpDatabaseToFile(void) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
OSStatus err2; |
CfgDatabaseRef ref; |
ItemCount areaCount; |
CfgAreaID currentArea; |
ItemCount i; |
CfgAreaID *areas; |
Str255 *areaNames; |
areas = nil; |
areaNames = nil; |
err = OTCfgOpenDatabase(&ref); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = OTCfgGetAreasCount(ref, &areaCount); |
if (err == noErr) { |
areas = (CfgAreaID *) NewPtr( areaCount * sizeof(CfgAreaID) ); |
err = MemError(); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
areaNames = (Str255 *) NewPtr( areaCount * sizeof(Str255) ); |
err = MemError(); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = OTCfgGetAreasList(ref, &areaCount, areas, areaNames); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = OTCfgGetCurrentArea(ref, ¤tArea); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
for (i = 0; i < areaCount; i++) { |
fprintf(gOutput, "Dumping area %ld Ò%#sÓ\n", areas[i], areaNames[i]); |
if ( OTCfgIsSameAreaID(currentArea, areas[i]) ) { |
fprintf(gOutput, " <current area>\n"); |
} |
err = DumpArea(ref, areas[i]); |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
err2 = OTCfgCloseDatabase(&ref); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = err2; |
} |
} |
if (areas != nil) { |
DisposePtr( (Ptr) areas); |
MoreAssertQ(MemError() == noErr); |
} |
if (areaNames != nil) { |
DisposePtr( (Ptr) areaNames); |
MoreAssertQ(MemError() == noErr); |
} |
return err; |
} |
static void InitToolbox(void) |
{ |
InitGraf(&qd.thePort); |
InitFonts(); |
InitWindows(); |
InitMenus(); |
TEInit(); |
InitDialogs(nil); |
MaxApplZone(); |
MoreMasters(); |
MoreMasters(); |
MoreMasters(); |
} |
extern void main(void) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
StandardFileReply reply; |
InitToolbox(); |
StandardPutFile("\pSave Network Setup database as text:", "\pNetworkSetup.txt", &reply); |
if (reply.sfGood) { |
(void) FSpDelete(&reply.sfFile); |
gOutput = FSp_fopen(&reply.sfFile, "w"); |
if (gOutput == nil) { |
err = -1; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = DumpDatabaseToFile(); |
(void) fclose(gOutput); |
} |
if (err != noErr) { |
printf("Failed with error %ld.\n", err); |
} |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-07-22