/* |
Copyright (C) 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
This view controller manages the child view controllers: CompletedReminders, PastDueReminders and UpcomingReminders. |
It calls TimedReminderStore to check access to the Reminders application. It listens and handles TimedReminderStore notifications. |
It calls TimedReminderStore to fetch upcoming, past-due, and completed reminders. It notifies the UpcomingReminders, PastDueReminders, |
and CompletedReminders view controllers upon receiving their associated data. |
*/ |
#import "EKRSConstants.h" |
#import "EKRSHelperClass.h" |
#import "TimedReminderStore.h" |
#import "TimedTabBarController.h" |
@interface TimedTabBarController () |
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *rsObservers; |
@end |
@implementation TimedTabBarController |
- (void)viewDidLoad |
{ |
[super viewDidLoad]; |
TimedTabBarController * __weak weakSelf = self; |
NSOperationQueue *mainQueue = [NSOperationQueue mainQueue]; |
NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; |
// Register for TimedReminderStore notifications |
id accessGranted = [center addObserverForName:EKRSAccessGrantedNotification |
object:[TimedReminderStore sharedInstance] |
queue:mainQueue |
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) { |
[weakSelf handleRSAccessGrantedNotification:note]; |
}]; |
id accessDenied = [center addObserverForName:EKRSAccessDeniedNotification |
object:[TimedReminderStore sharedInstance] |
queue:mainQueue |
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) { |
[weakSelf handleRSAccessDeniedNotification:note]; |
}]; |
id refreshData = [center addObserverForName:EKRSRefreshDataNotification |
object:[TimedReminderStore sharedInstance] |
queue:mainQueue |
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) { |
[weakSelf handleRSRefreshDataNotification:note]; |
}]; |
id upcoming = [center addObserverForName:EKRSUpcomingRemindersNotification |
object:[TimedReminderStore sharedInstance] |
queue:mainQueue |
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) { |
[weakSelf handleRSUpcomingRemindersNotification:note]; |
}]; |
id pastDue = [center addObserverForName:EKRSPastDueRemindersNotification |
object:[TimedReminderStore sharedInstance] |
queue:mainQueue |
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note){ |
[weakSelf handleRSPastDueRemindersNotification:note]; |
}]; |
id completed = [center addObserverForName:EKRSCompletedRemindersNotification |
object:[TimedReminderStore sharedInstance] |
queue:mainQueue |
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note){ |
[weakSelf handleRSCompletedRemindersNotification:note]; |
}]; |
id failure = [center addObserverForName:EKRSFailureNotification |
object:[TimedReminderStore sharedInstance] |
queue:mainQueue |
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note){ |
[weakSelf handleRSFailureNotification:note]; |
}]; |
// Keep track of all the created notifications |
self.rsObservers = @[accessGranted, accessDenied, refreshData, upcoming, pastDue, completed, failure]; |
// Check whether EKTimedReminders has access to Reminders |
[[TimedReminderStore sharedInstance] checkEventStoreAuthorizationStatus]; |
} |
#pragma mark - Handle Access Granted Notification |
// Handle the RSAccessGrantedNotification notification |
-(void)handleRSAccessGrantedNotification:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:TTBAccessGrantedNotification object:self]; |
[self accessGrantedForReminders]; |
} |
// Access was granted to Reminders. Fetch past-due, pending, and completed reminders |
-(void)accessGrantedForReminders |
{ |
[[TimedReminderStore sharedInstance] fetchUpcomingRemindersWithDueDate:[EKRSHelperClass dateByAddingDays:7]]; |
[[TimedReminderStore sharedInstance] fetchPastDueRemindersWithDateStarting:[EKRSHelperClass dateByAddingDays:-7]]; |
[[TimedReminderStore sharedInstance] fetchCompletedRemindersWithDueDateStarting:[EKRSHelperClass dateByAddingDays:-7] |
ending:[EKRSHelperClass dateByAddingDays:7]]; |
} |
#pragma mark - Handle Access Denied Notification |
// Handle the RSAccessDeniedNotification notification |
-(void)handleRSAccessDeniedNotification:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
UIAlertController *alert = [EKRSHelperClass alertWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Access Status", nil) |
message:NSLocalizedString(@"Access was not granted for Reminders.", nil)]; |
[self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil]; |
} |
#pragma mark - Handle Refresh Data Notification |
// Handle the RSRefreshDataNotification notification |
-(void)handleRSRefreshDataNotification:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
[self accessGrantedForReminders]; |
} |
#pragma mark - Handle Failure Notification |
// Handle the RSFailureNotification notification. |
// An error has occured. Display an alert with the error message. |
-(void)handleRSFailureNotification:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
TimedReminderStore *myNotification = (TimedReminderStore *)notification.object; |
UIAlertController *alert = [EKRSHelperClass alertWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Status", nil) |
message:myNotification.errorMessage]; |
[self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil]; |
} |
#pragma mark - Handle Upcoming Reminders Notification |
// Handle the RSUpcomingRemindersNotification notification |
-(void)handleRSUpcomingRemindersNotification:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
TimedReminderStore *myNotification = (TimedReminderStore *) notification.object; |
// Update the number of upcoming reminders in the tab bar |
((self.tabBar.items)[0]).badgeValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu",(unsigned long)myNotification.upcomingReminders.count]; |
// Notify the listener that there are past-due reminders |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:TTBUpcomingRemindersNotification object:self]; |
} |
#pragma mark - Handle Past-Due Reminders Notification |
// Handle the RSPastDueRemindersNotification notification |
-(void)handleRSPastDueRemindersNotification:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
TimedReminderStore *myNotification = (TimedReminderStore *)notification.object; |
// Update the number of past-due reminders in the tab bar |
((self.tabBar.items)[1]).badgeValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu",(unsigned long)myNotification.pastDueReminders.count]; |
// Notify the listener that there are past-due reminders |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:TTBPastDueRemindersNotification object:self]; |
} |
#pragma mark - Handle Completed Reminders Notification |
// Handle the RSCompletedRemindersNotification notification |
-(void)handleRSCompletedRemindersNotification:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
TimedReminderStore *myNotification = (TimedReminderStore *)notification.object; |
// Update the number of completed reminders in the tab bar |
((self.tabBar.items)[2]).badgeValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu",(unsigned long)myNotification.completedReminders.count]; |
// Notify the listener that there are completed reminders |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:TTBCompletedRemindersNotification object:self]; |
} |
#pragma mark - Memory Management |
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning |
{ |
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; |
} |
- (void)dealloc |
{ |
// Unregister for all observers saved in rsObservers |
for (id anObserver in self.rsObservers) |
{ |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:anObserver]; |
} |
} |
@end |
Copyright © 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2015-11-13