Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: EI_Codec.c |
Description: Compressor component sample for Electric Image files |
Author: QuickTime Engineering, JSAM |
Copyright: © Copyright 2001 - 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Change History (most recent first): |
<4> 05/05/03 era added frameType and wantedDestinationPixelType |
<3> 06/07/01 ERA added ImageCodecGetMPWorkFunction QT5 |
<2> 01/19/01 ERA updated for X |
<1> 11/28/99 QTE first file |
*/ |
#include "EIComponentWindowsPrefix.h" |
#endif |
#if __MACH__ |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h> |
#else |
#include <ConditionalMacros.h> |
#include <Endian.h> |
#include <ImageCodec.h> |
#endif |
#include "EI_CodecVersion.h" |
#include "EI_Image.h" |
// Constants |
const UInt8 kNumPixelFormatsSupported = 1; |
// Data structures |
typedef struct { |
ComponentInstance self; |
ComponentInstance delegateComponent; |
ComponentInstance target; |
OSType** wantedDestinationPixelTypeH; |
ImageCodecMPDrawBandUPP drawBandUPP; |
} EI_GlobalsRecord, *EI_Globals; |
typedef struct { |
long width; |
long height; |
long depth; |
} EI_DecompressRecord; |
// Prototypes |
static OSErr EI_Decompress1RLE(UInt8 *dataPtr, ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc, UInt8 *baseAddr, long rowBump, long width, long height); |
static OSErr EI_Decompress8RLE(UInt8 *dataPtr, ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc, UInt8 *baseAddr, long rowBump, long width, long height); |
static OSErr EI_Decompress16RLE(UInt8 *dataPtr, ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc, UInt8 *baseAddr, long rowBump, long width, long height); |
static OSErr EI_Decompress24RLE(UInt8 *dataPtr, ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc, UInt8 *baseAddr, long rowBump, long width, long height); |
static OSErr EI_Decompress32RLE(UInt8 *dataPtr, ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc, UInt8 *baseAddr, long rowBump, long width, long height); |
// Setup required for ComponentDispatchHelper.c |
#define IMAGECODEC_BASENAME() EI_ImageCodec |
#define IMAGECODEC_GLOBALS() EI_Globals storage |
#define COMPONENT_UPP_PREFIX() uppImageCodec |
#define COMPONENT_DISPATCH_FILE "EI_CodecDispatch.h" |
#define COMPONENT_SELECT_PREFIX() kImageCodec |
#define GET_DELEGATE_COMPONENT() (storage->delegateComponent) |
#if __MACH__ |
#include <CoreServices/Components.k.h> |
#include <QuickTime/ImageCodec.k.h> |
#include <QuickTime/ComponentDispatchHelper.c> |
#else |
#include <Components.k.h> |
#include <ImageCodec.k.h> |
#include <ComponentDispatchHelper.c> |
#endif |
/* -- This Image Decompressor User the Base Image Decompressor Component -- |
The base image decompressor is an Apple-supplied component |
that makes it easier for developers to create new decompressors. |
The base image decompressor does most of the housekeeping and |
interface functions required for a QuickTime decompressor component, |
including scheduling for asynchronous decompression. |
*/ |
// Component Open Request - Required |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecOpen(EI_Globals glob, ComponentInstance self) |
{ |
ComponentResult err; |
// Allocate memory for our globals, set them up and inform the component manager that we've done so |
glob = (EI_Globals)NewPtrClear(sizeof(EI_GlobalsRecord)); |
if (err = MemError()) goto bail; |
SetComponentInstanceStorage(self, (Handle)glob); |
glob->self = self; |
glob->target = self; |
glob->wantedDestinationPixelTypeH = (OSType **)NewHandle(sizeof(OSType) * (kNumPixelFormatsSupported + 1)); |
if (err = MemError()) goto bail; |
glob->drawBandUPP = NULL; |
// Open and target an instance of the base decompressor as we delegate |
// most of our calls to the base decompressor instance |
err = OpenADefaultComponent(decompressorComponentType, kBaseCodecType, &glob->delegateComponent); |
if (err) goto bail; |
ComponentSetTarget(glob->delegateComponent, self); |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// Component Close Request - Required |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecClose(EI_Globals glob, ComponentInstance self) |
{ |
// Make sure to close the base component and dealocate our storage |
if (glob) { |
if (glob->delegateComponent) { |
CloseComponent(glob->delegateComponent); |
} |
if (glob->wantedDestinationPixelTypeH) { |
DisposeHandle((Handle)glob->wantedDestinationPixelTypeH); |
} |
if (glob->drawBandUPP) { |
DisposeImageCodecMPDrawBandUPP(glob->drawBandUPP); |
} |
DisposePtr((Ptr)glob); |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
// Component Version Request - Required |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecVersion(EI_Globals glob) |
{ |
#pragma unused(glob) |
return kEI_CodecVersion; |
#else |
return kEI_CodecVersionPPC; |
#endif |
} |
// Component Target Request |
// Allows another component to "target" you i.e., you call another component whenever |
// you would call yourself (as a result of your component being used by another component) |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecTarget(EI_Globals glob, ComponentInstance target) |
{ |
glob->target = target; |
return noErr; |
} |
// Component GetMPWorkFunction Request |
// Allows your image decompressor component to perform asynchronous decompression |
// in a single MP task by taking advantage of the Base Decompressor. If you implement |
// this selector, your DrawBand function must be MP-safe. MP safety means not |
// calling routines that may move or purge memory and not calling any routines which |
// might cause 68K code to be executed. Ideally, your DrawBand function should not make |
// any API calls whatsoever. Obviously don't implement this if you're building a 68k component. |
#if !TARGET_CPU_68K |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecGetMPWorkFunction(EI_Globals glob, ComponentMPWorkFunctionUPP *workFunction, void **refCon) |
{ |
if (NULL == glob->drawBandUPP) |
glob->drawBandUPP = NewImageCodecMPDrawBandProc(EI_ImageCodecDrawBand); |
#else |
glob->drawBandUPP = NewImageCodecMPDrawBandUPP((ImageCodecMPDrawBandProcPtr)EI_ImageCodecDrawBand); |
#endif |
return ImageCodecGetBaseMPWorkFunction(glob->delegateComponent, workFunction, refCon, glob->drawBandUPP, glob); |
} |
#endif // !TARGET_CPU_68K |
#pragma mark- |
// ImageCodecInitialize |
// The first function call that your image decompressor component receives from the base image |
// decompressor is always a call to ImageCodecInitialize . In response to this call, your image decompressor |
// component returns an ImageSubCodecDecompressCapabilities structure that specifies its capabilities. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecInitialize(EI_Globals glob, ImageSubCodecDecompressCapabilities *cap) |
{ |
#pragma unused(glob) |
// Secifies the size of the ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord structure |
// and say we can support asyncronous decompression |
// With the help of the base image decompressor, any image decompressor |
// that uses only interrupt-safe calls for decompression operations can |
// support asynchronous decompression. |
cap->decompressRecordSize = sizeof(EI_DecompressRecord); |
cap->canAsync = true; |
return noErr; |
} |
// ImageCodecPreflight |
// The base image decompressor gets additional information about the capabilities of your image |
// decompressor component by calling ImageCodecPreflight. The base image decompressor uses this |
// information when responding to a call to the ImageCodecPredecompress function, |
// which the ICM makes before decompressing an image. You are required only to provide values for |
// the wantedDestinationPixelSize and wantedDestinationPixelTypes fields and can also modify other |
// fields if necessary. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecPreflight(EI_Globals glob, CodecDecompressParams *p) |
{ |
#pragma unused(glob) |
CodecCapabilities *capabilities = p->capabilities; |
OSTypePtr formats = *glob->wantedDestinationPixelTypeH; |
UInt8 depth = (**p->imageDescription).depth; |
// Fill in formats for wantedDestinationPixelTypeH |
// Terminate with an OSType value 0 - see IceFloe #7 |
// |
if (depth == 24) |
depth = 32; |
*formats++ = depth; |
*formats++ = 0; |
// Specify the minimum image band height supported by the component |
// bandInc specifies a common factor of supported image band heights - |
// if your component supports only image bands that are an even |
// multiple of some number of pixels high report this common factor in bandInc |
capabilities->bandMin = (**p->imageDescription).height; |
capabilities->bandInc = capabilities->bandMin; |
// Indicate the wanted destination using the wantedDestinationPixelTypeH previously set up |
capabilities->wantedPixelSize = 0; |
p->wantedDestinationPixelTypes = glob->wantedDestinationPixelTypeH; |
// Specify the number of pixels the image must be extended in width and height if |
// the component cannot accommodate the image at its given width and height |
capabilities->extendWidth = 0; |
capabilities->extendHeight = 0; |
return noErr; |
} |
// ImageCodecBeginBand |
// The ImageCodecBeginBand function allows your image decompressor component to save information about |
// a band before decompressing it. This function is never called at interrupt time. The base image decompressor |
// preserves any changes your component makes to any of the fields in the ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord |
// or CodecDecompressParams structures. If your component supports asynchronous scheduled decompression, it |
// may receive more than one ImageCodecBeginBand call before receiving an ImageCodecDrawBand call. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecBeginBand(EI_Globals glob, CodecDecompressParams *p, ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord *drp, long flags) |
{ |
#pragma unused(glob,flags) |
long offsetH, offsetV; |
EI_DecompressRecord *myDrp = (EI_DecompressRecord *)drp->userDecompressRecord; |
offsetH = (long)(p->dstRect.left - p->dstPixMap.bounds.left) * (long)(p->dstPixMap.pixelSize >> 3); |
offsetV = (long)(p-> - p-> * (long)drp->rowBytes; |
drp->baseAddr = p->dstPixMap.baseAddr + offsetH + offsetV; |
// Let base codec know that all our frames are key frames (a.k.a., sync samples) |
// This allows the base codec to perform frame dropping on our behalf if needed |
drp->frameType = kCodecFrameTypeKey; |
myDrp->width = (**p->imageDescription).width; |
myDrp->height = (**p->imageDescription).height; |
myDrp->depth = (**p->imageDescription).depth; |
return noErr; |
} |
// ImageCodecDrawBand |
// The base image decompressor calls your image decompressor component's ImageCodecDrawBand function |
// to decompress a band or frame. Your component must implement this function. If the ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord |
// structure specifies a progress function or data-loading function, the base image decompressor will never call ImageCodecDrawBand |
// at interrupt time. If the ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord structure specifies a progress function, the base image decompressor |
// handles codecProgressOpen and codecProgressClose calls, and your image decompressor component must not implement these functions. |
// If not, the base image decompressor may call the ImageCodecDrawBand function at interrupt time. |
// When the base image decompressor calls your ImageCodecDrawBand function, your component must perform the decompression specified |
// by the fields of the ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord structure. The structure includes any changes your component made to it |
// when performing the ImageCodecBeginBand function. If your component supports asynchronous scheduled decompression, |
// it may receive more than one ImageCodecBeginBand call before receiving an ImageCodecDrawBand call. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecDrawBand(EI_Globals glob, ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord *drp) |
{ |
#pragma unused(glob) |
OSErr err = noErr; |
EI_DecompressRecord *myDrp = (EI_DecompressRecord *)drp->userDecompressRecord; |
unsigned char *dataPtr = (unsigned char *)drp->codecData; |
ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc = drp->dataProcRecord.dataProc ? &drp->dataProcRecord : NULL; |
ImageFramePtr framePtr = (ImageFramePtr)dataPtr; |
// skip the Image Frame Header and palette |
dataPtr += sizeof(ImageFrame); |
dataPtr += EndianU16_BtoN(framePtr->framePalettes) * 3; |
if (framePtr->framePacking == 0) { |
// uncompressed data |
} |
else if (framePtr->framePacking == 1) { |
// decompress appropriately |
switch (myDrp->depth) { |
case 1: |
err = EI_Decompress1RLE(dataPtr, dataProc, (UInt8 *)drp->baseAddr, drp->rowBytes - ((myDrp->width + 7) / 8), myDrp->width, myDrp->height); |
break; |
case 8: |
err = EI_Decompress8RLE(dataPtr, dataProc, (UInt8 *)drp->baseAddr, drp->rowBytes - (myDrp->width * 1), myDrp->width, myDrp->height); |
break; |
case 16: |
err = EI_Decompress16RLE(dataPtr, dataProc, (UInt8 *)drp->baseAddr, drp->rowBytes - (myDrp->width * 2), myDrp->width, myDrp->height); |
break; |
case 24: |
err = EI_Decompress24RLE(dataPtr, dataProc, (UInt8 *)drp->baseAddr, drp->rowBytes - (myDrp->width * 4), myDrp->width, myDrp->height); |
break; |
case 32: |
err = EI_Decompress32RLE(dataPtr, dataProc, (UInt8 *)drp->baseAddr, drp->rowBytes - (myDrp->width * 4), myDrp->width, myDrp->height); |
break; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ImageCodecEndBand |
// The ImageCodecEndBand function notifies your image decompressor component that decompression of a band has finished or |
// that it was terminated by the Image Compression Manager. Your image decompressor component is not required to implement |
// the ImageCodecEndBand function. The base image decompressor may call the ImageCodecEndBand function at interrupt time. |
// After your image decompressor component handles an ImageCodecEndBand call, it can perform any tasks that are required |
// when decompression is finished, such as disposing of data structures that are no longer needed. Because this function |
// can be called at interrupt time, your component cannot use this function to dispose of data structures; this |
// must occur after handling the function. The value of the result parameter should be set to noErr if the band or frame was |
// drawn successfully. If it is any other value, the band or frame was not drawn. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecEndBand(EI_Globals glob, ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord *drp, OSErr result, long flags) |
{ |
#pragma unused(glob, drp,result, flags) |
return noErr; |
} |
// ImageCodecQueueStarting |
// If your component supports asynchronous scheduled decompression, the base image decompressor calls your image decompressor component's |
// ImageCodecQueueStarting function before decompressing the frames in the queue. Your component is not required to implement this function. |
// It can implement the function if it needs to perform any tasks at this time, such as locking data structures. |
// The base image decompressor never calls the ImageCodecQueueStarting function at interrupt time. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecQueueStarting(EI_Globals glob) |
{ |
#pragma unused(glob) |
return noErr; |
} |
// ImageCodecQueueStopping |
// If your image decompressor component supports asynchronous scheduled decompression, the ImageCodecQueueStopping function notifies |
// your component that the frames in the queue have been decompressed. Your component is not required to implement this function. |
// After your image decompressor component handles an ImageCodecQueueStopping call, it can perform any tasks that are required when decompression |
// of the frames is finished, such as disposing of data structures that are no longer needed. |
// The base image decompressor never calls the ImageCodecQueueStopping function at interrupt time. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecQueueStopping(EI_Globals glob) |
{ |
#pragma unused(glob) |
return noErr; |
} |
// ImageCodecGetCompressedImageSize |
// Your component receives the ImageCodecGetCompressedImageSize request whenever an application calls the ICM's GetCompressedImageSize function. |
// You can use the ImageCodecGetCompressedImageSize function when you are extracting a single image from a sequence; therefore, you don't have an |
// image description structure and don't know the exact size of one frame. In this case, the Image Compression Manager calls the component to determine |
// the size of the data. Your component should return a long integer indicating the number of bytes of data in the compressed image. You may want to store |
// the image size somewhere in the image description structure, so that you can respond to this request quickly. Only decompressors receive this request. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecGetCompressedImageSize(EI_Globals glob, ImageDescriptionHandle desc, Ptr data, long dataSize, ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc, long *size) |
{ |
#pragma unused(glob,dataSize,dataProc,desc) |
ImageFramePtr framePtr = (ImageFramePtr)data; |
if (size == NULL) |
return paramErr; |
*size = EndianU32_BtoN(framePtr->frameSize) + sizeof(ImageFrame); |
return noErr; |
} |
// ImageCodecGetCodecInfo |
// Your component receives the ImageCodecGetCodecInfo request whenever an application calls the Image Compression Manager's GetCodecInfo function. |
// Your component should return a formatted compressor information structure defining its capabilities. |
// Both compressors and decompressors may receive this request. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecGetCodecInfo(EI_Globals glob, CodecInfo *info) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
if (info == NULL) { |
err = paramErr; |
} |
else { |
CodecInfo **tempCodecInfo; |
err = GetComponentResource((Component)glob->self, codecInfoResourceType, 256, (Handle *)&tempCodecInfo); |
if (err == noErr) { |
*info = **tempCodecInfo; |
DisposeHandle((Handle)tempCodecInfo); |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark- |
//****** RLE Decompression Routines ****** |
// Someday you may find yourself on an architecture where misaligned reads |
// are ultra-expensive. On that day you can cheerfully adjust these macros to compensate. |
#define Get32(x) (*(long*)(x)) |
#define GetU32(x) (*(unsigned long*)(x)) |
#define Set32(x,y) (*(long*)(x)) = ((long)(y)) |
#define Get16(x) (*(short*)(x)) |
#define GetU16(x) (*(unsigned short*)(x)) |
#define Set16(x,y) (*(short*)(x)) = ((short)(y)) |
#define kSpoolChunkSize (16384) |
#define kInfiniteDataSize (0x7fffffff) |
OSErr EI_Decompress32RLE(UInt8 *dataPtr, ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc, UInt8 *baseAddr, long rowBump, long width, long height) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
UInt8 *endOfScanLine; |
long availableData = dataProc ? codecMinimumDataSize : kInfiniteDataSize; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 4); |
while (height) { |
UInt16 opcode; |
if (availableData < kSpoolChunkSize) { |
// get some more source data |
err = InvokeICMDataUPP((Ptr *)&dataPtr, codecMinimumDataSize, dataProc->dataRefCon, dataProc->dataProc); |
if (err == eofErr) err = noErr; |
if (err) goto bail; |
availableData = codecMinimumDataSize; |
} |
opcode = *dataPtr++; |
if (opcode <= 127) { |
// repeat |
UInt32 pixel = GetU32(dataPtr); |
dataPtr += sizeof(UInt32); |
opcode++; |
availableData -= 5; |
while (opcode--) { |
Set32(baseAddr, pixel); |
baseAddr += sizeof(long); |
if (baseAddr == endOfScanLine) { |
baseAddr += rowBump; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 4); |
height--; |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
// quote |
opcode -= 127; |
availableData -= (1 + (opcode * 4)); |
while (opcode--) { |
Set32(baseAddr, GetU32(dataPtr)); |
baseAddr += sizeof(long); |
dataPtr += sizeof(long); |
if (baseAddr == endOfScanLine) { |
baseAddr += rowBump; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 4); |
height--; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
OSErr EI_Decompress24RLE(UInt8 *dataPtr, ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc, UInt8 *baseAddr, long rowBump, long width, long height) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
UInt8 *endOfScanLine; |
long availableData = dataProc ? codecMinimumDataSize : kInfiniteDataSize; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 4); |
while (height) { |
UInt16 opcode; |
if (availableData < kSpoolChunkSize) { |
// get some more source data |
err = InvokeICMDataUPP((Ptr *)&dataPtr, codecMinimumDataSize, dataProc->dataRefCon, dataProc->dataProc); |
if (err == eofErr) err = noErr; |
if (err) goto bail; |
availableData = codecMinimumDataSize; |
} |
opcode = *dataPtr++; |
if (opcode <= 127) { |
// repeat |
UInt32 pixel = ((GetU32(dataPtr) >> 8) | 0xFF000000); // make sure we're not transparent on X |
#else |
UInt32 pixel = ((GetU32(dataPtr) << 8) | 0x000000FF); |
#endif |
dataPtr += 3; |
opcode++; |
availableData -= 4; |
while (opcode--) { |
Set32(baseAddr, pixel); |
baseAddr += sizeof(long); |
if (baseAddr == endOfScanLine) { |
baseAddr += rowBump; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 4); |
height--; |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
// quote |
opcode -= 127; |
availableData -= (1 + (opcode * 3)); |
while (opcode--) { |
UInt32 pixel = ((GetU32(dataPtr) >> 8) | 0xFF000000); // make sure we're not transparent on X |
#else |
UInt32 pixel = ((GetU32(dataPtr) << 8) | 0x000000FF); |
#endif |
Set32(baseAddr, pixel); |
baseAddr += sizeof(UInt32); |
dataPtr += 3; |
if (baseAddr == endOfScanLine) { |
baseAddr += rowBump; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 4); |
height--; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
OSErr EI_Decompress16RLE(UInt8 *dataPtr, ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc, UInt8 *baseAddr, long rowBump, long width, long height) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
UInt8 *endOfScanLine; |
long availableData = dataProc ? codecMinimumDataSize : kInfiniteDataSize; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 2); |
while (height) { |
UInt16 opcode; |
if (availableData < kSpoolChunkSize) { |
// get some more source data |
err = InvokeICMDataUPP((Ptr *)&dataPtr, codecMinimumDataSize, dataProc->dataRefCon, dataProc->dataProc); |
if (err == eofErr) err = noErr; |
if (err) goto bail; |
availableData = codecMinimumDataSize; |
} |
opcode = *dataPtr++; |
if (opcode <= 127) { |
// repeat |
UInt16 pixel = GetU16(dataPtr); |
dataPtr += sizeof(UInt16); |
opcode++; |
availableData -= 3; |
while (opcode--) { |
Set16(baseAddr, pixel); |
baseAddr += sizeof(UInt16); |
if (baseAddr == endOfScanLine) { |
baseAddr += rowBump; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 2); |
height--; |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
// quote |
opcode -= 127; |
availableData -= (1 + (opcode * 2)); |
while (opcode--) { |
Set16(baseAddr, GetU16(dataPtr)); |
baseAddr += sizeof(UInt16); |
dataPtr += sizeof(UInt16); |
if (baseAddr == endOfScanLine) { |
baseAddr += rowBump; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 2); |
height--; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
OSErr EI_Decompress8RLE(UInt8 *dataPtr, ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc, UInt8 *baseAddr, long rowBump, long width, long height) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
UInt8 *endOfScanLine; |
long availableData = dataProc ? codecMinimumDataSize : kInfiniteDataSize; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 1); |
while (height) { |
UInt16 opcode; |
if (availableData < kSpoolChunkSize) { |
// get some more source data |
err = InvokeICMDataUPP((Ptr *)&dataPtr, codecMinimumDataSize, dataProc->dataRefCon, dataProc->dataProc); |
if (err == eofErr) err = noErr; |
if (err) goto bail; |
availableData = codecMinimumDataSize; |
} |
opcode = *dataPtr++; |
if (opcode <= 127) { |
// repeat |
UInt8 pixel = *(UInt8 *)dataPtr; |
dataPtr += sizeof(UInt8); |
opcode++; |
availableData -= 2; |
while (opcode--) { |
*(UInt8 *)baseAddr = pixel; |
baseAddr += sizeof(UInt8); |
if (baseAddr == endOfScanLine) { |
baseAddr += rowBump; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 1); |
height--; |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
// quote |
opcode -= 127; |
availableData -= (1 + (opcode * 1)); |
while (opcode--) { |
*(UInt8 *)baseAddr = *(UInt8 *)dataPtr; |
baseAddr += sizeof(UInt8); |
dataPtr += sizeof(UInt8); |
if (baseAddr == endOfScanLine) { |
baseAddr += rowBump; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + (width * 1); |
height--; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
OSErr EI_Decompress1RLE(UInt8 *dataPtr, ICMDataProcRecordPtr dataProc, UInt8 *baseAddr, long rowBump, long width, long height) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
UInt8 *endOfScanLine; |
long availableData = dataProc ? codecMinimumDataSize : kInfiniteDataSize; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + ((width + 7) / 8); |
while (height) { |
UInt16 opcode; |
if (availableData < kSpoolChunkSize) { |
// get some more source data |
err = InvokeICMDataUPP((Ptr *)&dataPtr, codecMinimumDataSize, dataProc->dataRefCon, dataProc->dataProc); |
if (err == eofErr) err = noErr; |
if (err) goto bail; |
availableData = codecMinimumDataSize; |
} |
opcode = *dataPtr++; |
if (opcode <= 127) { |
// repeat |
UInt8 pixel = *(UInt8 *)dataPtr; |
dataPtr += sizeof(UInt8); |
opcode++; |
availableData -= 2; |
while (opcode--) { |
*(UInt8 *)baseAddr = pixel; |
baseAddr += sizeof(UInt8); |
if (baseAddr == endOfScanLine) { |
baseAddr += rowBump; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + ((width + 7) / 8); |
height--; |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
// quote |
opcode -= 127; |
availableData -= (1 + (opcode * 1)); |
while (opcode--) { |
*(UInt8 *)baseAddr = *(UInt8 *)dataPtr; |
baseAddr += sizeof(UInt8); |
dataPtr += sizeof(UInt8); |
if (baseAddr == endOfScanLine) { |
baseAddr += rowBump; |
endOfScanLine = baseAddr + ((width + 7) / 8); |
height--; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark- |
// When building the *Application Version Only* make our component available for use by applications (or other clients). |
// Once the Component Manager has registered a component, applications can find and open the component using standard |
// Component Manager routines. |
void EI_CodecRegister(void); |
void EI_CodecRegister(void) |
{ |
ComponentDescription td; |
ComponentRoutineUPP componentEntryPoint = NewComponentRoutineProc(EI_ImageCodecComponentDispatch); |
#else |
ComponentRoutineUPP componentEntryPoint = NewComponentRoutineUPP((ComponentRoutineProcPtr)EI_ImageCodecComponentDispatch); |
#endif |
td.componentType = decompressorComponentType; |
td.componentSubType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('EIDI'); |
td.componentManufacturer = kAppleManufacturer; |
td.componentFlags = codecInfoDoes32; |
td.componentFlagsMask = 0; |
RegisterComponent(&td,componentEntryPoint, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
} |
#endif // !STAND_ALONE && TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
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