Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: EI_MovieExport.c |
Description: QuickTime component version information |
Author: QuickTime Enginering, era |
Copyright: © Copyright 1999 - 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Change History (most recent first): |
<2> 04/21/03 era initial release updated for X and windows |
<1> 11/28/99 QTE first file |
*/ |
/* Movie data export components provide functions that allow the Movie Toolbox to request a data |
conversion operation. The MovieExportToHandle function instructs your component to place the |
converted data into a specified handle. The MovieExportToFile function instructs you to put |
the data into a file. You should set the appropriate flags in your component's componentFlags |
field to indicate which of these functions your component supports. Note that your component |
may support both functions. Supporting MovieExportToDataRef will allow an application to request |
that data be exported to a data reference instead of specifically to a file. You can also implement |
MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef function to support exporting data from sources other than |
QuickTime movies. |
Because many applications expect to be able to perform an export operation from a movie or track, |
export components should support MovieExportToFile, MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef and MovieExportToDataRef |
at a minimum. Using the routines described at the following URL, |
< > it is |
possible to provide small implementations of older routines that simply call the newer |
MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef to perform the actual operation. To do this, the export component |
must implement callback functions that provide services to the movie data export component. |
The export component's MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef routine performs data exporting. When |
executed, that routine makes callbacks to retrieve characteristics (called properties) and media |
data from each data source. |
Movie Export Component Registration: |
QuickTime 3 introduced a new movie export component routine that returns the same information that |
would have been previously stored in the componentManufacturer field of the registered Movie Export |
'spit' components. An export-specific component flag indicates that the export component implements |
the new protocol. This enables developers and QuickTime to differentiate between older components and those |
using the newer mechanism. By implementing the MovieExportGetSourceMediaType routine, the export component's |
componentManufacturer field can be used to differentiate components. |
MovieExportGetSourceMediaType returns an OSType value through its mediaType parameter, which is interpreted |
in exactly the same way that the componentManufacturer was previously interpreted. If the export component |
requires a particular type of track to exist in a movie, it returns that media handler type for example, |
VideoMediaType, SoundMediaType and so on through the mediaType argument. If the export component works |
for an entire movie, it returns 0 through this parameter. |
The following component flag indicates that this routine is implemented: |
movieExportMustGetSourceMediaType = 1L << 19, |
If you implement the MovieExportGetSourceMediaType routine, you must register the component with this flag. |
Otherwise, the Movie Toolbox will not know to call the routine and will assume the older semantics for |
the componentManufacturer field. As in the past, using this mechanism does NOT replace the need forimplementing |
MovieExportValidate. This mechanism is only used to find candidate components. |
*/ |
#include "EIComponentWindowsPrefix.h" |
#define STAND_ALONE 1 |
#endif |
#if __MACH__ |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h> |
#define USE_NIB_FILE 1 |
#else |
#include <ConditionalMacros.h> |
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h> |
#include <MediaHandlers.h> |
#include <ControlDefinitions.h> |
#include <Resources.h> |
#include <NumberFormatting.h> |
#include <FixMath.h> |
#include <StdDef.h> // for offsetof |
#endif |
#include "EI_Image.h" |
#include "EI_MovieExportVersion.h" |
#pragma mark- Data Structures |
// Data structures |
#pragma options align=packed |
#pragma pack(push, 1) |
#pragma pack(1) |
#endif |
typedef struct { |
UInt8 red; |
UInt8 green; |
UInt8 blue; |
} PackedColor; |
typedef struct { |
UInt8 opcode; |
UInt8 pixelData[1]; |
} RLE8Packet; |
typedef struct { |
UInt8 opcode; |
UInt16 pixelData[1]; |
} RLE16Packet; |
typedef struct { |
UInt8 opcode; |
UInt32 pixelData[1]; |
} RLE32Packet; |
#pragma options align=reset |
#pragma pack(pop) |
#pragma pack() |
#endif |
typedef struct OutputTrackRecord { |
long trackID; |
MovieExportGetPropertyUPP getPropertyProc; |
MovieExportGetDataUPP getDataProc; |
void *refCon; |
TimeScale sourceTimeScale; |
Fixed width; |
Fixed height; |
Fixed fps; |
short depth; |
TimeValue time; |
long numOfFrames; |
Ptr compressBuffer; |
Size compressBufferSize; |
long lastDescSeed; |
ImageSequence decompressSequence; |
GWorldPtr gw; |
PixMapHandle hPixMap; |
} OutputTrackRecord, *OutputTrackPtr; |
typedef struct { |
ComponentInstance self; |
ComponentInstance quickTimeMovieExporter; |
OutputTrackPtr outputTrack; |
MovieProgressUPP progressProc; |
long progressRefcon; |
Fixed fps; |
short depth; |
Boolean canceled; |
} EI_MovieExportGlobalsRecord, *EI_MovieExportGlobals; |
enum { |
kColorPopupMenuItem = 3, |
kFrameRatePopupMenuItem = 4 |
}; |
enum { |
kEI_MovieExportFileNameExtention = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('eim '), |
kEI_MovieExportSettingsColor = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('colr'), // color depth container |
kEI_MovieExportSettingsDepth = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dpth'), // depth value |
kEI_MovieExportSettingsFPS = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fps ') // frames per second value |
}; |
#define kEI_MovieExportDialogResID 512 |
#define kEI_MovieExportShortFileTypeNamesResID 1025 |
#pragma mark- Internal Prototypes |
// Prototypes |
static OSErr WriteFrame(OutputTrackPtr outputTrack, DataHandler dataH, long *offsetPtr); |
static OSErr WriteImageFrameHeader(OutputTrackPtr outputTrack, DataHandler dataH, long *offsetPtr); |
static OSErr WriteColorTable(CTabHandle cTabHdl, DataHandler dataH, long *offsetPtr); |
static void EmptyOutputTrack(OutputTrackPtr outputTrack); |
static OSErr ConfigureQuickTimeMovieExporter(EI_MovieExportGlobals store); |
static void GetExportProperty(EI_MovieExportGlobals store); |
static OSErr CompressRLE(PixMapHandle pixMapHdl, Ptr compressBuffer, Size *compressBufferSizePtr); |
static void CompressRLE8(UInt8 *srcPtr, Size srcSize, Ptr compressBuffer, Size *compressBufferSizePtr); |
static void CompressRLE16(UInt16 *srcPtr, Size srcSize, Ptr compressBuffer, Size *compressBufferSizePtr); |
static void CompressRLE32(UInt32 *srcPtr, Size srcSize, Ptr compressBuffer, Size *compressBufferSizePtr); |
#pragma mark- Component Dispatch |
// Setup required for ComponentDispatchHelper.c |
#define MOVIEEXPORT_BASENAME() EI_MovieExport |
#define MOVIEEXPORT_GLOBALS() EI_MovieExportGlobals storage |
#define COMPONENT_DISPATCH_FILE "EI_MovieExportDispatch.h" |
#define COMPONENT_UPP_SELECT_ROOT() MovieExport |
#if __MACH__ |
#include <CoreServices/Components.k.h> |
#include <QuickTime/QuickTimeComponents.k.h> |
#include <QuickTime/ComponentDispatchHelper.c> |
#else |
#include <Components.k.h> |
#include <QuickTimeComponents.k.h> |
#include <ComponentDispatchHelper.c> |
#endif |
#pragma mark- |
// Component Open Request - Required |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportOpen(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, ComponentInstance self) |
{ |
ComponentDescription cd; |
ComponentResult err; |
// Allocate memory for our globals, and inform the component manager that we've done so |
store = (EI_MovieExportGlobals)NewPtrClear(sizeof(EI_MovieExportGlobalsRecord)); |
err = MemError(); |
if ( err ) goto bail; |
store->self = self; |
SetComponentInstanceStorage(self, (Handle)store); |
// Get the QuickTime Movie export component |
// Because we use the QuickTime Movie export component, search for |
// the 'MooV' exporter using the following ComponentDescription values |
cd.componentType = MovieExportType; |
cd.componentSubType = kQTFileTypeMovie; |
cd.componentManufacturer = kAppleManufacturer; |
cd.componentFlags = canMovieExportFromProcedures | movieExportMustGetSourceMediaType; |
cd.componentFlagsMask = cd.componentFlags; |
err = OpenAComponent(FindNextComponent(NULL, &cd), &store->quickTimeMovieExporter); |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// Component Close Request - Required |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportClose(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, ComponentInstance self) |
{ |
#pragma unused(self) |
// Make sure to deallocate our storage |
if (store) { |
if (store->quickTimeMovieExporter) |
CloseComponent(store->quickTimeMovieExporter); |
if (store->outputTrack) { |
EmptyOutputTrack(store->outputTrack); |
DisposePtr((Ptr)store->outputTrack); |
} |
DisposePtr((Ptr)store); |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
// Component Version Request - Required |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportVersion(EI_MovieExportGlobals store) |
{ |
#pragma unused(store) |
return kEI_MovieExportVersion; |
} |
#pragma mark- |
// MovieExportToFile |
// Exports data to a file. The requesting program or Movie Toolbox must create the destination file |
// before calling this function. Your component may not destroy any data in the destination file. If you |
// cannot add data to the specified file, return an appropriate error. If your component can write data to |
// a file, be sure to set the canMovieExportFiles flag in the componentFlags field of your component's |
// ComponentDescription structure. Your component must be prepared to perform this function at any time. |
// You should not expect that any of your component's configuration functions will be called first. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportToFile(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, const FSSpec *theFilePtr, |
Movie theMovie, Track onlyThisTrack, TimeValue startTime, |
TimeValue duration) |
{ |
AliasHandle alias; |
ComponentResult err; |
err = QTNewAlias(theFilePtr, &alias, true); |
if ( err ) goto bail; |
// Implement the export though a file dataRef |
err = MovieExportToDataRef(store->self, (Handle)alias, rAliasType, theMovie, onlyThisTrack, startTime, duration); |
DisposeHandle((Handle)alias); |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// MovieExportToDataRef |
// Allows an application to request that data be exported to a data reference. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportToDataRef(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, |
Movie theMovie, Track onlyThisTrack, TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration) |
{ |
TimeScale scale; |
MovieExportGetPropertyUPP getVideoPropertyProc = NULL; |
MovieExportGetDataUPP getVideoDataProc = NULL; |
void *videoRefCon; |
long trackID; |
ComponentResult err; |
// Set up the video source |
// This call returns a MovieExportGetPropertyProc (MovieExportGetPropertyUPP) and a MovieExportGetDataProc (MovieExportGetDataUPP) |
// callbacks that can be passed to MovieExportAddDataSource to create a new data source. This function provides a standard way of |
// getting data using this protocol out of a movie or track. The returned procedures must be disposed by calling |
// MovieExportDisposeGetDataAndPropertiesProcs. |
err = MovieExportNewGetDataAndPropertiesProcs(store->quickTimeMovieExporter, // A movie export component instance |
VideoMediaType, // The format of the data to be generated by the returned MovieExportGetDataProc |
&scale, // The time scale returned from this function - should be passed |
// on to MovieExportAddDataSource with the returned procedures |
theMovie, // The movie for this operation, Your component may use this identifier to |
// obtain sample data from the movie or to obtain information about the movie |
onlyThisTrack, // The track for this operation |
startTime, // The starting point of the track or movie segment to be converted - This |
// time value is expressed in the movie's time coordinate system |
duration, // The duration of the track or movie segment to be converted - This |
// duration value is expressed in the movie's time coordinate system |
&getVideoPropertyProc, // A callback that provides information about processing source samples |
&getVideoDataProc, // A callback that the export component uses to request sample data |
&videoRefCon); // Passed to the procedures specified in the getPropertyProc and getDataProc |
// parameters - Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing |
// any information your callbacks need |
if (err) goto bail; |
// ** Add the video data source ** |
// Before starting an export operation, all the data sources must be defined by calling this function once for each data source |
err = MovieExportAddDataSource(store->self, VideoMediaType, scale, &trackID, getVideoPropertyProc, getVideoDataProc, videoRefCon); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Perform the export operation |
err = MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef(store->self, dataRef, dataRefType); |
bail: |
if (getVideoPropertyProc || getVideoDataProc) |
// Dispose the the memory associated with the procedures returned by MovieExportNewGetDataAndPropertiesProcs |
MovieExportDisposeGetDataAndPropertiesProcs(store->quickTimeMovieExporter, getVideoPropertyProc, getVideoDataProc, videoRefCon); |
return err; |
} |
// MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef |
// Exports data provided by MovieExportAddDataSource to a location specified by dataRef and dataRefType. |
// Movie data export components that support export operations from procedures must set the canMovieExportFromProcedures |
// flag in their component flags. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType) |
{ |
OutputTrackPtr outputTrack; |
long offset; |
ImageHeader imgHeader; |
long numOfFrames = 0; |
TimeValue duration = 0; |
DataHandler dataH = NULL; |
Boolean progressOpen = false; |
ComponentResult err; |
if (!dataRef || !dataRefType) |
return paramErr; |
// Get and open a Data Handler Component that can write to the dataRef |
err = OpenAComponent(GetDataHandler(dataRef, dataRefType, kDataHCanWrite), &dataH); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Set the DataRef |
DataHSetDataRef(dataH, dataRef); |
// Create the file |
err = DataHCreateFile(dataH, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), false); |
if ( err ) goto bail; |
// Set the file type - this will fail on some platforms, and that's fine |
DataHSetMacOSFileType(dataH, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('EIDI')); |
// Open for write operations |
err = DataHOpenForWrite(dataH); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// If we have an outputTrack added in the MovieExportAddDataSource call, write some frames |
outputTrack = store->outputTrack; |
if (outputTrack) { |
// Since the property proc we call may be a proc returned from MovieExportNewGetDataAndPropertiesProcs, |
// configure the QT movie exporter so that it's properties match what we have as our defaults. |
// Before we call the proc, we always init the video property to the current default. The proc can either |
// be a client proc or one of the procs returned from MovieExportNewGetDataAndPropertiesProcs. In the |
// first case, if the proc returns an error for a property selector, the default will be used. If the |
// proc is a movie exporter proc, it will always return a property -- namely the property configured for |
// the current exporter. If we don't configure the movie exporter, the wrong default would be returned. |
err = ConfigureQuickTimeMovieExporter(store); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Call the property proc to get our export properties |
GetExportProperty(store); |
// If there's a progress proc call it with open request |
if (store->progressProc) { |
TimeRecord durationTimeRec; |
// Get the track duration if it is available |
if (InvokeMovieExportGetPropertyUPP(outputTrack->refCon, 1, movieExportDuration, &durationTimeRec, outputTrack->getPropertyProc) == noErr) { |
ConvertTimeScale(&durationTimeRec, outputTrack->sourceTimeScale); |
duration = durationTimeRec.value.lo; |
InvokeMovieProgressUPP(NULL, movieProgressOpen, progressOpExportMovie, 0, store->progressRefcon, store->progressProc); |
progressOpen = true; |
} |
} |
// Reserve some space for the image header |
offset = sizeof(imgHeader); |
while (true) { |
// Write out a frame |
err = WriteFrame(outputTrack, dataH, &offset); |
if (err) { |
if (err == eofErr) break; |
goto bail; |
} |
// Indicate our components progress if required |
if (progressOpen) { |
Fixed percentDone = FixDiv(outputTrack->time, duration); |
if (percentDone > 0x010000) |
percentDone = 0x010000; |
err = InvokeMovieProgressUPP(NULL, movieProgressUpdatePercent, progressOpExportMovie, percentDone, store->progressRefcon, store->progressProc); |
if (err) goto bail; |
} |
} |
numOfFrames = outputTrack->numOfFrames; |
} |
// Write the image header |
imgHeader.imageVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(5); |
imgHeader.imageFrames = EndianU32_NtoB(numOfFrames); |
err = DataHWrite(dataH, (Ptr)&imgHeader, 0, sizeof(imgHeader), NULL, 0); |
bail: |
if (outputTrack) |
EmptyOutputTrack(outputTrack); |
if (dataH) |
CloseComponent(dataH); |
// Call the progress proc with a close request if required |
if (progressOpen) |
InvokeMovieProgressUPP(NULL, movieProgressClose, progressOpExportMovie, 0, store->progressRefcon, store->progressProc); |
return err; |
} |
// MovieExportAddDataSource |
// Defines a data source for use with an export operation performed by MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef. |
// Before starting an export operation, all the data sources must be defined by calling this function once for each data source. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportAddDataSource(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, OSType trackType, TimeScale scale, |
long *trackIDPtr, MovieExportGetPropertyUPP getPropertyProc, |
MovieExportGetDataUPP getDataProc, void *refCon) |
{ |
ComponentResult err = noErr; |
// We need these or we can't add the data source |
if (!scale || !trackType || !getDataProc || !getPropertyProc) |
return paramErr; |
if (trackType == VideoMediaType && !store->outputTrack) { |
OutputTrackPtr outputTrack; |
// Initialize all fields to 0 by calling NewPtrClear |
outputTrack = (OutputTrackPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(OutputTrackRecord)); |
err = MemError(); |
if (err) goto bail; |
outputTrack->trackID = 1; |
outputTrack->getPropertyProc = getPropertyProc; |
outputTrack->getDataProc = getDataProc; |
outputTrack->refCon = refCon; |
outputTrack->sourceTimeScale = scale; |
store->outputTrack = outputTrack; |
*trackIDPtr = outputTrack->trackID; |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// MovieExportValidate |
// Determines whether a movie export component can export all the data for a specified movie or track. |
// This function allows an application to determine if a particular movie or track could be exported by the specified |
// movie data export component. The movie or track is passed in the theMovie and onlyThisTrack parameters as they are |
// passed to MovieExportToFile. Although a movie export component can export one or more media types, it may not be able |
// to export all the kinds of data stored in those media. Movie data export components that implement this function must |
// also set the canMovieExportValidateMovie flag. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportValidate(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, Movie theMovie, Track onlyThisTrack, Boolean *valid) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
// The QT movie export component must be cool with this before we can be |
err = MovieExportValidate(store->quickTimeMovieExporter, theMovie, onlyThisTrack, valid); |
if (err) goto bail; |
if (*valid == true) { |
// We need to check for some kind of image, or this won't work |
if (onlyThisTrack == NULL) { |
if (GetMovieIndTrackType(theMovie, 1, VisualMediaCharacteristic, movieTrackCharacteristic | movieTrackEnabledOnly) == NULL) |
*valid = false; |
} else { |
MediaHandler mh = GetMediaHandler(GetTrackMedia(onlyThisTrack)); |
Boolean hasIt = false; |
MediaHasCharacteristic(mh, VisualMediaCharacteristic, &hasIt); |
if (hasIt == false) |
*valid = false; |
} |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
/* Your component may provide configuration functions. These functions allow applications to configure your component before |
the Movie Toolbox calls your component to start the export process. Note that applications may call these functions directly. |
These functions are optional. If your component receives a request that it does not support, you should return the badComponentSelector |
error code. In addition, your component should work properly even if none of these functions is called. |
Applications may retrieve additional data from your component by calling MovieExportGetAuxiliaryData. |
Applications may specify a progress function callback for use by your component by calling MovieExportSetProgressProc. |
Applications may instruct your component to display it's configuration dialog box by calling MovieExportDoUserDialog. |
*/ |
// MovieExportSetProgressProc |
// Assigns a movie progress function to your component. This progress functions supports the same interface |
// as Movie Toolbox progress functions. Note that this interface not only allows you to report progress to the |
// application, but also allows the application to cancel the request. |
// See |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportSetProgressProc(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, MovieProgressUPP proc, long refcon) |
{ |
store->progressProc = proc; |
store->progressRefcon = refcon; |
return noErr; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark ---- Using Interface Builder |
// Settings Dialogs may be implemented in a number of ways. This sample demonstrates how to support both newer |
// techniques for Mac OS X where Interface Builder is used to build a Nib file and Carbon Event Handlers drive the UI, |
// as well as traditional techniques required for non-carbon components (this includes Windows) where tools such as ResEdit, |
// Resorcerer(r)(, Rez, DeRez, RezWack and so on are required to create and work with resources. |
// When building a Stand Alone Mach-O component for Mac OS X use a Nib file for the Export Settings Dialog instead |
// of traditional Macintosh Resources (.rsrc or .r file containing the DLOG, DITL, CNTL etc.) |
// SettingsWindowEventHandler |
// Carbon Event handler for the Modal Settings Dialog. |
static pascal OSStatus SettingsWindowEventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inHandler, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData) |
{ |
#pragma unused (inHandler,inUserData) |
WindowRef window = NULL; |
HICommand command; |
ControlRef colorPopupMenuCtrl, fpsPopupMenuCtrl; |
ControlID colorMenuID = {'eiie', kColorPopupMenuItem}, |
fpsMenuID = {'eiie', kFrameRatePopupMenuItem}; |
UInt32 ctrlValue; |
short depth; |
Fixed fps; |
Str255 fpsStr; |
long fpsLong; |
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr; |
EI_MovieExportGlobals store = (EI_MovieExportGlobals)(inUserData); |
window = ActiveNonFloatingWindow(); |
if (NULL == window) goto bail; |
GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &command); |
GetControlByID(window, &colorMenuID, &colorPopupMenuCtrl); |
GetControlByID(window, &fpsMenuID, &fpsPopupMenuCtrl); |
switch (command.commandID) { |
case kHICommandOK: |
// Get the selected color depth |
ctrlValue = GetControl32BitValue(colorPopupMenuCtrl); |
switch (ctrlValue) { |
case 1: |
depth = 0; |
break; |
case 3: |
depth = 1; |
break; |
case 4: |
depth = 40; // 256 Grays |
break; |
case 5: |
depth = 8; |
break; |
case 6: |
depth = 16; |
break; |
case 7: |
depth = 32; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
// Get the selected frame rate |
ctrlValue = GetControl32BitValue(fpsPopupMenuCtrl); |
if (ctrlValue == 1) { |
fps = 0; |
} else { |
GetMenuItemText(GetControlPopupMenuHandle(fpsPopupMenuCtrl), ctrlValue, fpsStr); |
StringToNum(fpsStr, &fpsLong); |
fps = Long2Fix(fpsLong); |
} |
store->depth = depth; |
store->fps = fps; |
store->canceled = false; |
QuitAppModalLoopForWindow(window); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kHICommandCancel: |
store->canceled = true; |
QuitAppModalLoopForWindow(window); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
bail: |
return result; |
} |
// MovieExportDoUserDialog |
// Requests that the export component display it's configuration dialog box. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportDoUserDialog(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, Movie theMovie, Track onlyThisTrack, |
TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration, Boolean *canceledPtr) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theMovie, onlyThisTrack, startTime, duration) |
CFBundleRef bundle = NULL; |
IBNibRef nibRef = NULL; |
WindowRef window = NULL; |
Boolean portChanged = false; |
ControlID colorMenuID = {'eiie', kColorPopupMenuItem}, |
fpsMenuID = {'eiie', kFrameRatePopupMenuItem}; |
ControlRef colorPopupMenuCtrl, fpsPopupMenuCtrl; |
MenuHandle fpsMenuHdl; |
Fixed fps; |
short depth; |
UInt32 ctrlValue; |
Str255 fpsStr; |
long fpsLong; |
short i, numOfMenuItems; |
CGrafPtr savedPort; |
OSErr err = resFNotFound; |
EventTypeSpec eventList[] = {{kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess}}; |
EventHandlerUPP settingsWindowEventHandlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(SettingsWindowEventHandler); |
bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR("")); |
if (NULL == bundle) goto bail; |
err = CreateNibReferenceWithCFBundle(bundle, CFSTR("EI_Export"), &nibRef); |
if (err) goto bail; |
err = CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("Settings"), &window); |
if (err) goto bail; |
portChanged = QDSwapPort(GetWindowPort(window), &savedPort); |
*canceledPtr = false; |
fps = store->fps; |
depth = store->depth; |
GetControlByID(window, &colorMenuID, &colorPopupMenuCtrl); |
GetControlByID(window, &fpsMenuID, &fpsPopupMenuCtrl); |
fpsMenuHdl = GetControlPopupMenuHandle(fpsPopupMenuCtrl); |
// Un-Check the default items as set up by IB - if we don't do this here the pop-up menu ends up |
// having both the current selection as well as the defaults checked at the same time - lame! |
CheckMenuItem(GetControlPopupMenuHandle(colorPopupMenuCtrl), 1, false); |
CheckMenuItem(fpsMenuHdl, 1, false); |
// Set current pixel depth |
switch (depth) { |
case 0: |
ctrlValue = 1; |
break; |
case 1: |
ctrlValue = 3; |
break; |
case 40: // 256 Grays |
ctrlValue = 4; |
break; |
case 8: |
ctrlValue = 5; |
break; |
case 16: |
ctrlValue = 6; |
break; |
case 32: |
ctrlValue = 7; |
break; |
default: |
ctrlValue = 1; |
break; |
} |
SetControl32BitValue(colorPopupMenuCtrl, ctrlValue); |
// Set current frame rate |
if (fps == 0) { |
SetControl32BitValue(fpsPopupMenuCtrl, 1); |
} else { |
numOfMenuItems = CountMenuItems(fpsMenuHdl); |
for (i = 3; i <= numOfMenuItems; i++) { |
GetMenuItemText(fpsMenuHdl, i, fpsStr); |
StringToNum(fpsStr, &fpsLong); |
if (fps == Long2Fix(fpsLong)) { |
SetControl32BitValue(fpsPopupMenuCtrl, i); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
InstallWindowEventHandler(window, settingsWindowEventHandlerUPP, GetEventTypeCount(eventList), eventList, store, NULL); |
ShowWindow(window); |
RunAppModalLoopForWindow(window); |
*canceledPtr = store->canceled; |
bail: |
if (window) { |
if (portChanged) { |
QDSwapPort(savedPort, NULL); |
} |
DisposeWindow(window); |
} |
if (settingsWindowEventHandlerUPP) |
DisposeEventHandlerUPP(settingsWindowEventHandlerUPP); |
if (nibRef) |
DisposeNibReference(nibRef); |
return err; |
} |
#else |
#pragma mark ---- Using Traditional Mac Resources |
// Export Settings Dialog using traditional Mac Resources |
// On Macintosh this uses a .rsrc file and on Windows a DeRezed .r version of the same resources. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportDoUserDialog(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, Movie theMovie, Track onlyThisTrack, |
TimeValue startTime, TimeValue duration, Boolean *canceledPtr) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theMovie, onlyThisTrack, startTime, duration) |
Fixed fps; |
short depth; |
short ctrlValue; |
ControlRef colorPopupMenuCtrl, |
fpsPopupMenuCtrl; |
#else |
ControlHandle colorPopupMenuCtrl, |
fpsPopupMenuCtrl; |
DialogItemType itemType; |
Rect itemRect; |
#endif |
MenuHandle fpsMenuHdl; |
Str255 fpsStr; |
long fpsLong; |
short i, numOfMenuItems; |
short itemHit; |
short resRef = kResFileNotOpened; |
DialogPtr dialog = NULL; |
short saveResFile = CurResFile(); |
OSErr err = noErr; |
*canceledPtr = false; |
fps = store->fps; |
depth = store->depth; |
#ifdef STAND_ALONE |
// If the component is not built into an application open the res file |
err = OpenAComponentResFile((Component)store->self, &resRef); |
if ( err ) goto bail; |
#endif |
dialog = GetNewDialog(kEI_MovieExportDialogResID, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1); |
if (!dialog) { |
err = resNotFound; |
goto bail; |
} |
SetDialogDefaultItem(dialog, ok); |
SetDialogCancelItem(dialog, cancel); |
GetDialogItemAsControl(dialog, kColorPopupMenuItem, &colorPopupMenuCtrl); |
GetDialogItemAsControl(dialog, kFrameRatePopupMenuItem, &fpsPopupMenuCtrl); |
fpsMenuHdl = GetControlPopupMenuHandle(fpsPopupMenuCtrl); |
#else |
GetDialogItem(dialog, kColorPopupMenuItem, &itemType, (Handle *)&colorPopupMenuCtrl, &itemRect); |
GetDialogItem(dialog, kFrameRatePopupMenuItem, &itemType, (Handle *)&fpsPopupMenuCtrl, &itemRect); |
fpsMenuHdl = (**(PopupPrivateDataHandle)(**fpsPopupMenuCtrl).contrlData).mHandle; |
#endif |
// Set current pixel depth |
switch (depth) { |
case 0: |
ctrlValue = 1; |
break; |
case 1: |
ctrlValue = 3; |
break; |
case 40: // 256 Grays |
ctrlValue = 4; |
break; |
case 8: |
ctrlValue = 5; |
break; |
case 16: |
ctrlValue = 6; |
break; |
case 32: |
ctrlValue = 7; |
break; |
default: |
ctrlValue = 1; |
break; |
} |
SetControlValue(colorPopupMenuCtrl, ctrlValue); |
// Set current frame rate |
if (fps == 0) { |
SetControlValue(fpsPopupMenuCtrl, 1); |
} else { |
numOfMenuItems = CountMenuItems(fpsMenuHdl); |
for (i = 3; i <= numOfMenuItems; i++) { |
GetMenuItemText(fpsMenuHdl, i, fpsStr); |
StringToNum(fpsStr, &fpsLong); |
if (fps == Long2Fix(fpsLong)) { |
SetControlValue(fpsPopupMenuCtrl, i); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
ShowWindow(GetDialogWindow(dialog)); |
#else |
MacShowWindow(dialog); |
#endif |
do { |
ModalDialog(NULL, &itemHit); |
} while (!(itemHit == ok || itemHit == cancel)); |
if (itemHit == ok) { |
// Get the selected color depth |
ctrlValue = GetControlValue(colorPopupMenuCtrl); |
switch (ctrlValue) { |
case 1: |
depth = 0; |
break; |
case 3: |
depth = 1; |
break; |
case 4: |
depth = 40; // 256 Grays |
break; |
case 5: |
depth = 8; |
break; |
case 6: |
depth = 16; |
break; |
case 7: |
depth = 32; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
// Get the selected frame rate |
ctrlValue = GetControlValue(fpsPopupMenuCtrl); |
if (ctrlValue == 1) { |
fps = 0; |
} else { |
GetMenuItemText(GetControlPopupMenuHandle(fpsPopupMenuCtrl), ctrlValue, fpsStr); |
#else |
GetMenuItemText((**(PopupPrivateDataHandle)(**fpsPopupMenuCtrl).contrlData).mHandle, ctrlValue, fpsStr); |
#endif |
StringToNum(fpsStr, &fpsLong); |
fps = Long2Fix(fpsLong); |
} |
store->fps = fps; |
store->depth = depth; |
} else { |
*canceledPtr = true; |
} |
bail: |
if (dialog) |
DisposeDialog(dialog); |
if (resRef != kResFileNotOpened) |
CloseComponentResFile(resRef); |
UseResFile(saveResFile); |
return err; |
} |
#endif // USE_NIB_FILE |
#pragma mark - |
// Below is the structure of our exporter settings. |
// At the root of the QT atom container are two settings atoms |
// |
// kEI_MovieExportSettingsColor |
// kEI_MovieExportSettingsDepth ??? |
// |
// kQTSettingsTime |
// kEI_MovieExportSettingsFPS ??? |
// MovieExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer |
// Retrieves the current settings from the movie export component. |
// Applications can call this function to obtain a correctly formatted atom container to use with MovieExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer. |
// This might be done after a call to MovieExportDoUserDialog, for example, to apply the user-obtained settings to a series of exports. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, QTAtomContainer *settings) |
{ |
QTAtom atom; |
Fixed tempFPS; |
short tempDepth; |
QTAtomContainer theSettings = NULL; |
OSErr err; |
if(!settings) |
return paramErr; |
err = QTNewAtomContainer(&theSettings); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Add the color depth setting |
err = QTInsertChild(theSettings, kParentAtomIsContainer, kEI_MovieExportSettingsColor, 1, 0, 0, NULL, &atom); |
if (err) goto bail; |
tempDepth = EndianS16_NtoB(store->depth); |
err = QTInsertChild(theSettings, atom, kEI_MovieExportSettingsDepth, 1, 0, sizeof(tempDepth), &tempDepth, NULL); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Add the frames per second setting |
err = QTInsertChild(theSettings, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTSettingsTime, 1, 0, 0, NULL, &atom); |
if (err) goto bail; |
tempFPS = EndianU32_NtoB(store->fps); |
err = QTInsertChild(theSettings, atom, kEI_MovieExportSettingsFPS, 1, 0, sizeof(tempFPS), &tempFPS, NULL); |
if (err) goto bail; |
bail: |
if (err && theSettings) { |
QTDisposeAtomContainer(theSettings); |
theSettings = NULL; |
} |
*settings = theSettings; |
return err; |
} |
// MovieExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer |
// Sets the movie export component's current configuration from passed settings data. |
// The atom container may contain atoms other than those expected by the particular component type |
// or may be missing certain atoms. This function should use only those settings it understands. |
// Some movie export components can treat sample descriptions as part of their settings in which case |
// the component may not implement MovieExportSetSampleDescription and may require applications to pass |
// in the SampleDescriptions using this function. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, QTAtomContainer settings) |
{ |
QTAtom atom; |
OSErr err = noErr; |
if(!settings) |
return paramErr; |
// Set color depth setting |
atom = QTFindChildByID(settings, kParentAtomIsContainer, kEI_MovieExportSettingsColor, 1, NULL); |
if (atom) { |
atom = QTFindChildByID(settings, atom, kEI_MovieExportSettingsDepth, 1, NULL); |
if (atom) { |
short tempDepth; |
err = QTCopyAtomDataToPtr(settings, atom, false, sizeof(tempDepth), &tempDepth, NULL); |
if (err) goto bail; |
store->depth = EndianS16_BtoN(tempDepth); |
} |
} |
// Set frames per second setting |
atom = QTFindChildByID(settings, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTSettingsTime, 1, NULL); |
if (atom) { |
atom = QTFindChildByID(settings, atom, kEI_MovieExportSettingsFPS, 1, NULL); |
if (atom) { |
Fixed tempFPS; |
err = QTCopyAtomDataToPtr(settings, atom, false, sizeof(tempFPS), &tempFPS, NULL); |
if (err) goto bail; |
store->fps = EndianU32_BtoN(tempFPS); |
} |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark- |
// MovieExportGetFileNameExtension |
// Returns an OSType of the movie export components current file name extention. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportGetFileNameExtension(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, OSType *extension) |
{ |
#pragma unused(store) |
*extension = kEI_MovieExportFileNameExtention; |
return noErr; |
} |
// MovieExportGetShortFileTypeString |
// Returns a pascal file type string for the exported file. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportGetShortFileTypeString(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, Str255 typeString) |
{ |
return GetComponentIndString((Component)store->self, typeString, kEI_MovieExportShortFileTypeNamesResID, 1); |
} |
// MovieExportGetSourceMediaType |
// Return either the track type if the movie export component is track-specific or 0 if it is track-independent. |
// This routine returns the same values that were previously stored in the componentManufacturer field of the ComponentDescription |
// structure. This frees up the manufacturer field to be used for, well, um...the manufacturer. Movie data export components that |
// implement this function must set the movieExportMustGetSourceMediaType flag. The mechanism is only used to find candidate components. |
// By implementing the routine, the export component's componentManufacturer field can be used to differentiate export components. |
// This routine returns an OSType value through its mediaType parameter, which is interpreted in exactly the same way that the |
// componentManufacturer was interpreted prior to QT 3. If the export component requires a particular type of track to exist in a movie, |
// it returns that media handler type (e.g., VideoMediaType ,SoundMediaType , etc.) through the mediaType argument. If the export component |
// works for an entire movie, it returns 0 through this parameter. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieExportGetSourceMediaType(EI_MovieExportGlobals store, OSType *mediaType) |
{ |
#pragma unused(store) |
if (!mediaType) |
return paramErr; |
// video track specific |
*mediaType = VideoMediaType; |
return noErr; |
} |
#pragma mark- |
// WriteFrame |
// This funtions calls the MovieExportGetDataProc to get some source data, sets up a decompression |
// so we can get RGB pixels from the source then RLE compresses the source frame and writes it out. |
static OSErr WriteFrame(OutputTrackPtr outputTrack, DataHandler dataH, long *offsetPtr) |
{ |
MovieExportGetDataParams gdp; |
CodecFlags whoCares; |
OSErr err; |
// Set up the param block used by the MovieExportGetDataProc |
gdp.recordSize = sizeof(MovieExportGetDataParams); // Contains the total size in bytes of the MovieExportGetDataParams struct |
gdp.trackID = outputTrack->trackID; // Specifies the data source. The trackID is returned when the data source is added in MovieExportAddDataSource |
gdp.requestedTime = outputTrack->time; // Specifies the time scale for this data source. This value is the same time scale that is passed to MovieExportAddDataSource |
gdp.sourceTimeScale = outputTrack->sourceTimeScale; // Specifies the time of the media requested by the exporter. The time scale is the same one specified when adding a data source with MovieExportAddDataSource |
gdp.actualTime = 0; // Specifies the time actually referred to by the returned media data. This value is provided by MovieExportGetDataProc, and is usually the same as requestedTime. |
gdp.dataPtr = NULL; // Contains a 32-bit pointer to the media data. |
gdp.dataSize = 0; // Specifies the size in bytes of the data pointed to by dataPtr. |
gdp.desc = NULL; // Contains a SampleDescriptionHandle describing the format of the data pointed to by dataPtr. For video data, this is an ImageDescriptionHandle. For sound data, this is a SoundDescriptionHandle. |
gdp.descType = 0; // Specifies the type of SampleDescriptionHandle; For example, if SampleDescriptionHandle is an ImageDescriptionHandle, descType is set to VideoMediaType. |
gdp.descSeed = 0; // Specifies which SampleDescriptionHandle represented by the current value of desc. Some data sources contain different kinds of data at different times. |
// For example, a video data source may contain both JPEG and uncompressed raw data. Whenever the data source switches from one type of data to another, |
// the descSeed is changed to notify the exporter. In the case of an export operation that is providing its source data from a QuickTime movie track, |
// descSeed is equal to the sample description index of the sample being returned. |
gdp.requestedSampleCount = 0; // Specifies the number of samples the exporter can work with. The function can return more or fewer samples than requested. For video, this value is always 1. |
gdp.actualSampleCount = 0; // Specifies the number of samples actually returned. The MovieExportGetDataProc function must fill in this field. |
gdp.durationPerSample = 1; // Specifies the duration of every sample returned. For sound data, durationPerSample always contains 1. For video data, durationPerSample contains the duration of the returned sample, |
// expressed in the time scale defined when the data source was created. |
gdp.sampleFlags = 0; // Contains flags for the returned samples. For example, mediaSampleNotSync. The MovieExportGetDataProc function must fill in this field. |
// Call the MovieExportGetDataProc - This function was passed to MovieExportAddDataSource |
// to define a new data source for the export operation and is used to request source media |
// data to be used in the export operation. For example, in a video export operation, frames |
// of video data (either compressed or uncompressed) are provided. In a sound export operation, |
// buffers of audio (either compressed or uncompressed) are provided. The data pointed to by |
// gdp.dataPtr must remain valid until the next call to the MovieExportGetDataProc function. |
// The MovieExportGetDataProc function is responsible for allocating and disposing of the memory |
// associated with this data pointer. |
err = InvokeMovieExportGetDataUPP(outputTrack->refCon, &gdp, outputTrack->getDataProc); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// If it's not image data we can't handle it |
if (gdp.descType != VideoMediaType) { |
err = paramErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
// Good to go, set up a Decompression Sequence for the source |
if (gdp.descSeed != outputTrack->lastDescSeed) { |
MatrixRecord mr; |
short depth; |
short width, height; |
Rect dstRect, srcRect; |
// Initialize outputTrack... |
if (outputTrack->compressBuffer) { |
DisposePtr(outputTrack->compressBuffer); |
outputTrack->compressBuffer = NULL; |
} |
if (outputTrack->decompressSequence) { |
CDSequenceEnd(outputTrack->decompressSequence); |
outputTrack->decompressSequence = 0; |
} |
if (outputTrack->gw) { |
DisposeGWorld(outputTrack->gw); |
outputTrack->gw = NULL; |
outputTrack->hPixMap = NULL; |
} |
// ... using values returned in the ImageDescription from the call to |
// MovieExportGetDataParams or values set up previously by SetSettingsFromAtomContainer |
if (outputTrack->width == 0) |
width = (**(ImageDescriptionHandle)gdp.desc).width; |
else |
width = FixRound(outputTrack->width); |
if (outputTrack->height == 0) |
height = (**(ImageDescriptionHandle)gdp.desc).height; |
else |
height = FixRound(outputTrack->height); |
dstRect.left = 0; | = 0; |
dstRect.right = width; |
dstRect.bottom = height; |
srcRect.left = 0; | = 0; |
srcRect.right = (**(ImageDescriptionHandle)gdp.desc).width; |
srcRect.bottom = (**(ImageDescriptionHandle)gdp.desc).height; |
RectMatrix(&mr, &srcRect, &dstRect); |
if (outputTrack->depth == 0) |
depth = (**(ImageDescriptionHandle)gdp.desc).depth; |
else |
depth = outputTrack->depth; |
// Depth may be 24 if the 'default' (i.e. BEST) preference was chosen resulting |
// in the depth setting coming from the ImageDescription -- normally our settings |
// would result in 1, 8, 16 or 32 - Because we always need to write from 32bit |
// data for both 24 or 32 (a, r, g, b) (see EI_Image.h), in this case we need to |
// make sure the source we compress from is 32bit. On Macintosh this isn't really |
// an issue as k24RGBPixelFormat is just a synonym for k32ARGBPixelFormat with no |
// alpha -- On Windows however, asking for a k24RGBPixelFormat GWorld results in |
// 24bit PixMap data which is no good to us -- so, we make it easy and always ask |
// for k32ARGBPixelFormat when presented with 24. |
if (k24RGBPixelFormat == depth) |
depth = k32ARGBPixelFormat; |
// Create a GWorld for the approprate depth property |
err = QTNewGWorld(&outputTrack->gw, depth, &dstRect, NULL, NULL, kICMTempThenAppMemory); |
if (err || NULL == outputTrack->gw) goto bail; |
outputTrack->hPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(outputTrack->gw); |
LockPixels(outputTrack->hPixMap); |
err = DecompressSequenceBeginS(&outputTrack->decompressSequence, (ImageDescriptionHandle)gdp.desc, gdp.dataPtr, |
gdp.dataSize, outputTrack->gw, NULL, NULL, &mr, ditherCopy, NULL, 0, codecHighQuality, NULL); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Allocate memory enough to store maximum compressed data |
outputTrack->compressBuffer = NewPtrClear(width * height * depth * 2); |
err = MemError(); |
if (err) goto bail; |
outputTrack->lastDescSeed = gdp.descSeed; |
} |
// At this point we have some source data, a destination GWorld and a DecompressionSequence so we can decompress |
// the source into this GWorld to give us some pixels. We then take the pixels from the GWorld and RLE compress |
// into the CompressBuffer -- this is the image data written out to the file. |
// Decompress a frame to our GWorld |
err = DecompressSequenceFrameS(outputTrack->decompressSequence, gdp.dataPtr, gdp.dataSize, 0, &whoCares, NULL); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Compress the pixels from the GWorld so we get our RLE compressed image data |
err = CompressRLE(outputTrack->hPixMap, outputTrack->compressBuffer, &outputTrack->compressBufferSize); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Write the image frame header |
err = WriteImageFrameHeader(outputTrack, dataH, offsetPtr); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Write the colorTable |
err = WriteColorTable((**(outputTrack->hPixMap)).pmTable, dataH, offsetPtr); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Write the image data |
err = DataHWrite(dataH, outputTrack->compressBuffer, *offsetPtr, outputTrack->compressBufferSize, NULL, 0); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Advance the offset |
*offsetPtr += outputTrack->compressBufferSize; |
// Advance a frame number |
outputTrack->numOfFrames++; |
// Advance the time |
if ( outputTrack->fps == 0 ) |
outputTrack->time += gdp.durationPerSample; |
else |
outputTrack->time = FixDiv(outputTrack->numOfFrames * outputTrack->sourceTimeScale, outputTrack->fps); |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// WriteImageFrameHeader |
// The routine writes the image frame header out to the file, see 'EI_Image.h'. |
static OSErr WriteImageFrameHeader(OutputTrackPtr outputTrack, DataHandler dataH, long *offsetPtr) |
{ |
ImageFrame imgFrame; |
CTabHandle cTabHdl = (**(outputTrack->hPixMap)).pmTable; |
OSType pixelFormat = GETPIXMAPPIXELFORMAT(*(outputTrack->hPixMap)); |
short depth = QTGetPixelSize(pixelFormat); |
QTFloatSingle frameTime = (QTFloatSingle)(outputTrack->time / (QTFloatSingle)outputTrack->sourceTimeScale); |
OSErr err; |
// Endian flipping floats is damn ugly |
*(UInt32 *)&imgFrame.frameTime = EndianU32_NtoB(*(UInt32 *)&frameTime); | = 0; |
imgFrame.frameRect.left = 0; |
{ |
Rect theRect; |
GetPortBounds(outputTrack->gw, &theRect); |
imgFrame.frameRect.bottom = EndianU16_NtoB(theRect.bottom); |
imgFrame.frameRect.right = EndianU16_NtoB(theRect.right); |
} |
#else |
imgFrame.frameRect.bottom = EndianU16_NtoB(outputTrack->gw->portRect.bottom); |
imgFrame.frameRect.right = EndianU16_NtoB(outputTrack->gw->portRect.right); |
#endif |
imgFrame.frameBitDepth = (depth == 32 ? 24 : depth); |
imgFrame.frameType = (depth > 8 ? 0 : 1); |
imgFrame.framePackRect = imgFrame.frameRect; |
imgFrame.framePacking = 1; |
imgFrame.frameAlpha = (depth == 32 ? 8 : 0); |
imgFrame.frameSize = EndianU32_NtoB(outputTrack->compressBufferSize); |
imgFrame.framePalettes = EndianU16_NtoB((**cTabHdl).ctSize + 1); |
imgFrame.frameBackground = EndianU16_NtoB((**cTabHdl).ctSize); |
err = DataHWrite(dataH, (Ptr)&imgFrame, *offsetPtr, sizeof(imgFrame), NULL, 0); |
if ( err ) goto bail; |
// Advance the offset |
*offsetPtr += sizeof(imgFrame); |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// WriteColorTable |
// This rountine writes out the color table and get called after the image frame header is written. |
static OSErr WriteColorTable(CTabHandle cTabHdl, DataHandler dataH, long *offsetPtr) |
{ |
PackedColor colors[256]; |
ColorSpec *ctTable = (**cTabHdl).ctTable; |
UInt16 i, numOfColorEntries = (**cTabHdl).ctSize + 1; // ctSize is number of entries in array of ColorSpec records minus 1 |
OSErr err; |
for (i = 0; i < numOfColorEntries; i++) { |
colors[i].red = (UInt8)(ctTable[i] >> 8); |
colors[i].green = (UInt8)(ctTable[i] >> 8); |
colors[i].blue = (UInt8)(ctTable[i] >> 8); |
} |
err = DataHWrite(dataH, (Ptr)colors, *offsetPtr, sizeof(PackedColor) * numOfColorEntries, NULL, 0); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Advance the offset |
*offsetPtr += sizeof(PackedColor) * numOfColorEntries; |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// EmptyOutputTrack |
// Dispose and clean up what was allocated in AddDataSource. |
static void EmptyOutputTrack(OutputTrackPtr outputTrack) |
{ |
if (outputTrack->compressBuffer) { |
DisposePtr(outputTrack->compressBuffer); |
outputTrack->compressBuffer = NULL; |
} |
if ( outputTrack->decompressSequence ) { |
CDSequenceEnd(outputTrack->decompressSequence); |
outputTrack->decompressSequence = NULL; |
} |
if (outputTrack->gw ) { |
DisposeGWorld(outputTrack->gw); |
outputTrack->gw = NULL; |
} |
outputTrack->width = 0; |
outputTrack->height = 0; |
outputTrack->fps = 0; |
outputTrack->depth = 0; |
outputTrack->time = 0; |
outputTrack->numOfFrames = 0; |
outputTrack->compressBufferSize = 0; |
outputTrack->lastDescSeed = 0; |
} |
// ConfigureQuickTimeMovieExporter |
// Since the property proc we call may be a proc returned from MovieExportNewGetDataAndPropertiesProcs, |
// configure the QuickTime Movie Exporter so that it's properties match what we have as our defaults. |
static OSErr ConfigureQuickTimeMovieExporter(EI_MovieExportGlobals store) |
{ |
SCTemporalSettings temporalSettings; |
SCSpatialSettings spatialSettings; |
ComponentInstance stdImageCompression = NULL; |
QTAtomContainer movieExporterSettings = NULL; |
OSErr err; |
// Open the Standard Compression component |
err = OpenADefaultComponent(StandardCompressionType, StandardCompressionSubType, &stdImageCompression); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Set the frame rate |
temporalSettings.frameRate = store->fps; |
err = SCSetInfo(stdImageCompression, scTemporalSettingsType, &temporalSettings); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Set the depth |
spatialSettings.depth = store->depth; |
err = SCSetInfo(stdImageCompression, scSpatialSettingsType, &spatialSettings); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Get the settings atom |
err = SCGetSettingsAsAtomContainer(stdImageCompression, &movieExporterSettings); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Set the compression settings for the QT Movie Exporter |
err = MovieExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer(store->quickTimeMovieExporter, movieExporterSettings); |
bail: |
if (stdImageCompression) |
CloseComponent(stdImageCompression); |
if (movieExporterSettings) |
DisposeHandle(movieExporterSettings); |
return err; |
} |
// GetExportProperty |
// This routine calls the MovieExportGetPropertyProc to set up our output properties |
static void GetExportProperty(EI_MovieExportGlobals store) |
{ |
SCTemporalSettings temporalSettings; |
SCSpatialSettings spatialSettings; |
Fixed width, height; |
OutputTrackPtr outputTrack = store->outputTrack; |
// Get the defaults |
outputTrack->fps = store->fps; |
outputTrack->depth = store->depth; |
// The getPropertyProc may override some values |
if (InvokeMovieExportGetPropertyUPP(outputTrack->refCon, outputTrack->trackID, scTemporalSettingsType, &temporalSettings, outputTrack->getPropertyProc) == noErr) |
outputTrack->fps = temporalSettings.frameRate; |
if (InvokeMovieExportGetPropertyUPP(outputTrack->refCon, outputTrack->trackID, scSpatialSettingsType, &spatialSettings, outputTrack->getPropertyProc) == noErr) |
outputTrack->depth = spatialSettings.depth; |
if (InvokeMovieExportGetPropertyUPP(outputTrack->refCon, outputTrack->trackID, movieExportWidth, &width, outputTrack->getPropertyProc) == noErr) |
outputTrack->width = width; |
if (InvokeMovieExportGetPropertyUPP(outputTrack->refCon, outputTrack->trackID, movieExportHeight, &height, outputTrack->getPropertyProc) == noErr) |
outputTrack->height = height; |
} |
#pragma mark- |
// CompressRLE |
// Main compress routine, this function will call the appropriate RLE compression |
// method depending on the pixel depth of the source image. |
static OSErr CompressRLE(PixMapHandle pixMapHdl, Ptr compressBuffer, Size *compressBufferSizePtr) |
{ |
Handle hdl = NULL; |
Ptr tempPtr = NULL; |
Ptr pixBaseAddr = GetPixBaseAddr(pixMapHdl); |
OSType pixelFormat = GETPIXMAPPIXELFORMAT(*pixMapHdl); |
short depth = QTGetPixelSize(pixelFormat); |
long rowBytes = QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes(pixMapHdl); |
short width = (**pixMapHdl).bounds.right - (**pixMapHdl).bounds.left; |
short i, height = (**pixMapHdl).bounds.bottom - (**pixMapHdl); |
Size widthByteSize = (depth * width + 7) >> 3; |
OSErr err = noErr; |
// Make a temp buffer for the source |
hdl = NewHandleClear(height * widthByteSize); |
err = MemError(); |
if (err) goto bail; |
HLock(hdl); |
tempPtr = *hdl; |
// Get rid of row bytes padding |
for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { |
BlockMoveData(pixBaseAddr, tempPtr, widthByteSize); |
tempPtr += widthByteSize; |
pixBaseAddr += rowBytes; |
} |
// Compress |
switch (depth) { |
case 1: |
CompressRLE8((UInt8 *)*hdl, height * widthByteSize, compressBuffer, compressBufferSizePtr); |
break; |
case 8: |
CompressRLE8((UInt8 *)*hdl, height * widthByteSize, compressBuffer, compressBufferSizePtr); |
break; |
case 16: |
CompressRLE16((UInt16 *)*hdl, height * (widthByteSize >> 1), compressBuffer, compressBufferSizePtr); |
break; |
case 32: |
CompressRLE32((UInt32 *)*hdl, height * (widthByteSize >> 2), compressBuffer, compressBufferSizePtr); |
break; |
} |
bail: |
if (hdl) |
DisposeHandle(hdl); |
return err; |
} |
// CompressRLE8 |
static void CompressRLE8(UInt8 *srcPtr, Size srcSize, Ptr compressBuffer, Size *compressBufferSizePtr) |
{ |
UInt8 prevPixel, currentPixel; |
UInt8 sameCharCount; |
UInt8 diffCharCount; |
RLE8Packet *packetPtr; |
// Initialize some stuff |
sameCharCount = 1; |
diffCharCount = 0; |
packetPtr = (RLE8Packet *)compressBuffer; |
prevPixel = *srcPtr++; |
while (srcSize >= 2 ) { |
currentPixel = *srcPtr++; |
if (prevPixel == currentPixel) { |
// If diffCharCount > 0, we are holding pixels which should be read literally |
if (diffCharCount > 0) { |
packetPtr->opcode = 127 + diffCharCount; |
packetPtr = (RLE8Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE8Packet, pixelData[diffCharCount])); |
diffCharCount = 0; |
} |
if (sameCharCount < 128) { |
sameCharCount++; |
} else { |
packetPtr->opcode = sameCharCount - 1; |
packetPtr->pixelData[0] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr = (RLE8Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE8Packet, pixelData[1])); |
sameCharCount = 1; |
} |
} else { |
// If sameCharCount > 1, we are holding pixels which should be read repeatedly |
if (sameCharCount > 1) { |
packetPtr->opcode = sameCharCount - 1; |
packetPtr->pixelData[0] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr = (RLE8Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE8Packet, pixelData[1])); |
sameCharCount = 1; |
} else { |
packetPtr->pixelData[diffCharCount++] = prevPixel; |
if (diffCharCount == 128) { |
packetPtr->opcode = 127 + diffCharCount; |
packetPtr = (RLE8Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE8Packet, pixelData[diffCharCount])); |
diffCharCount = 0; |
} |
} |
prevPixel = currentPixel; |
} |
srcSize--; |
} |
// If sameCharCount > 1, we are holding pixels which should be read repeatedly |
// If not so, we are holding pixels which should be read literally |
if (sameCharCount > 1) { |
packetPtr->opcode = sameCharCount - 1; |
packetPtr->pixelData[0] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr = (RLE8Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE8Packet, pixelData[1])); |
} else { |
packetPtr->pixelData[diffCharCount++] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr->opcode = 127 + diffCharCount; |
packetPtr = (RLE8Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE8Packet, pixelData[diffCharCount])); |
} |
*compressBufferSizePtr = (Ptr)packetPtr - compressBuffer; |
} |
// CompressRLE16 |
static void CompressRLE16(UInt16 *srcPtr, Size srcSize, Ptr compressBuffer, Size *compressBufferSizePtr) |
{ |
UInt16 prevPixel, currentPixel; |
UInt8 sameCharCount; |
UInt8 diffCharCount; |
RLE16Packet *packetPtr; |
// Initialize some stuff |
sameCharCount = 1; |
diffCharCount = 0; |
packetPtr = (RLE16Packet *)compressBuffer; |
prevPixel = *srcPtr++; |
while (srcSize >= 2) { |
currentPixel = *srcPtr++; |
if (prevPixel == currentPixel) { |
// If diffCharCount > 0, we are holding pixels which should be read literally |
if (diffCharCount > 0) { |
packetPtr->opcode = 127 + diffCharCount; |
packetPtr = (RLE16Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE16Packet, pixelData[diffCharCount])); |
diffCharCount = 0; |
} |
if (sameCharCount < 128) { |
sameCharCount++; |
} else { |
packetPtr->opcode = sameCharCount - 1; |
packetPtr->pixelData[0] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr = (RLE16Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE16Packet, pixelData[1])); |
sameCharCount = 1; |
} |
} else { |
// If sameCharCount > 1, we are holding pixels which should be read repeatedly |
if (sameCharCount > 1) |
{ |
packetPtr->opcode = sameCharCount - 1; |
packetPtr->pixelData[0] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr = (RLE16Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE16Packet, pixelData[1])); |
sameCharCount = 1; |
} else { |
packetPtr->pixelData[diffCharCount++] = prevPixel; |
if (diffCharCount == 128) |
{ |
packetPtr->opcode = 127 + diffCharCount; |
packetPtr = (RLE16Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE16Packet, pixelData[diffCharCount])); |
diffCharCount = 0; |
} |
} |
prevPixel = currentPixel; |
} |
srcSize--; |
} |
// If sameCharCount > 1, we are holding pixels which should be read repeatedly |
// If not so, we are holding pixels which should be read literally |
if (sameCharCount > 1) { |
packetPtr->opcode = sameCharCount - 1; |
packetPtr->pixelData[0] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr = (RLE16Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE16Packet, pixelData[1])); |
} else { |
packetPtr->pixelData[diffCharCount++] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr->opcode = 127 + diffCharCount; |
packetPtr = (RLE16Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE16Packet, pixelData[diffCharCount])); |
} |
*compressBufferSizePtr = (Ptr)packetPtr - compressBuffer; |
} |
// CompressRLE32 |
static void CompressRLE32(UInt32 *srcPtr, Size srcSize, Ptr compressBuffer, Size *compressBufferSizePtr) |
{ |
UInt32 prevPixel, currentPixel; |
UInt8 sameCharCount; |
UInt8 diffCharCount; |
RLE32Packet *packetPtr; |
// Initialize some stuff |
sameCharCount = 1; |
diffCharCount = 0; |
packetPtr = (RLE32Packet *)compressBuffer; |
prevPixel = *srcPtr++; |
while (srcSize >= 2) { |
currentPixel = *srcPtr++; |
if (prevPixel == currentPixel) { |
// If diffCharCount > 0, we are holding pixels which should be read literally |
if (diffCharCount > 0) { |
packetPtr->opcode = 127 + diffCharCount; |
packetPtr = (RLE32Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE32Packet, pixelData[diffCharCount])); |
diffCharCount = 0; |
} |
if (sameCharCount < 128) { |
sameCharCount++; |
} else { |
packetPtr->opcode = sameCharCount - 1; |
packetPtr->pixelData[0] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr = (RLE32Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE32Packet, pixelData[1])); |
sameCharCount = 1; |
} |
} else { |
// If sameCharCount > 1, we are holding pixels which should be read repeatedly |
if (sameCharCount > 1) { |
packetPtr->opcode = sameCharCount - 1; |
packetPtr->pixelData[0] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr = (RLE32Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE32Packet, pixelData[1])); |
sameCharCount = 1; |
} else { |
packetPtr->pixelData[diffCharCount++] = prevPixel; |
if (diffCharCount == 128) { |
packetPtr->opcode = 127 + diffCharCount; |
packetPtr = (RLE32Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE32Packet, pixelData[diffCharCount])); |
diffCharCount = 0; |
} |
} |
prevPixel = currentPixel; |
} |
srcSize--; |
} |
// If sameCharCount > 1, we are holding pixels which should be read repeatedly |
// If not so, we are holding pixels which should be read literally |
if (sameCharCount > 1) { |
packetPtr->opcode = sameCharCount - 1; |
packetPtr->pixelData[0] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr = (RLE32Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE32Packet, pixelData[1])); |
} else { |
packetPtr->pixelData[diffCharCount++] = prevPixel; |
packetPtr->opcode = 127 + diffCharCount; |
packetPtr = (RLE32Packet *)((Ptr)packetPtr + offsetof(RLE32Packet, pixelData[diffCharCount])); |
} |
*compressBufferSizePtr = (Ptr)packetPtr - compressBuffer; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
// When building the *Application Version Only* make our component available for use by applications (or other clients). |
// Once the Component Manager has registered a component, applications can find and open the component using standard |
// Component Manager routines. |
void EI_MovieExporterRegister(void); |
void EI_MovieExporterRegister(void) |
{ |
ComponentDescription foo; |
ComponentRoutineUPP componentEntryPoint = NewComponentRoutineProc(EI_MovieExportComponentDispatch); |
#else |
ComponentRoutineUPP componentEntryPoint = NewComponentRoutineUPP((ComponentRoutineProcPtr)EI_MovieExportComponentDispatch); |
#endif |
foo.componentType = MovieExportType; |
foo.componentSubType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('EIDI'); |
foo.componentManufacturer = kAppleManufacturer; |
foo.componentFlags = canMovieExportFiles | canMovieExportFromProcedures | movieExportMustGetSourceMediaType | hasMovieExportUserInterface | canMovieExportValidateMovie; |
foo.componentFlagsMask = 0; |
RegisterComponent(&foo, componentEntryPoint, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
} |
#endif // !STAND_ALONE && !TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
Copyright © 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2004-01-23