Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: EI_MovieImport.c |
Description: QuickTime movie import component for Electric Image files |
Author: QuickTime Engineering, era |
Copyright: © Copyright 1999 - 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
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Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
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The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Change History (most recent first): |
<3> 05/03/03 era added validate calls |
<2> 12/10/99 ERA updated for X |
<1> 11/28/99 QTE first file |
*/ |
/* < > |
Movie data import components translate foreign (that is, nonmovie) data formats into QuickTime |
movie data format. For example, a movie data import component might convert images from a paint |
application into frames in a QuickTime movie. |
Movie data import components have a component type value of 'eat ', which is defined by the |
MovieImportType constant and use their component subtype and manufacturer values to indicate |
the type of data that they support. The subtype value indicates the type of data that these |
components can import or export. For example, movie data import components that convert text |
into QuickTime movie data have a component subtype value of 'TEXT' . A single data exchange |
component may support only one data type. |
The manufacturer field indicates the QuickTime media type that is supported by the component. For |
example, movie data export components that can read data from a sound media have a manufacturer value |
of 'soun' (this value is defined by the SoundMediaType constant). If a data exchange component can work |
with more than one media type, it specifies a manufacturer value of 0. As of QuickTime 6 you can support |
MovieImportGetDestinationMediaType and return the media type you would have put in the manufacturer field. |
Be sure to set the movie import flag movieImportMustGetDestinationMediaType. This will allow you to use |
the manufacturer field for, well, the manufacturer. |
Movie data import components may provide one or two functions that allow the Movie Toolbox to request a |
data conversion operation. The MovieImportHandle function instructs your component to retrieve the data |
that is to be imported from a specified handle. The MovieImportFile function instructs you to retrieve |
the data from a file. You should set the appropriate flags in your component's componentFlags field to |
indicate which of these functions your component supports. Note that your component may support both |
functions. |
Your component may provide one or more configuration functions. These functions allow applications to |
configure your component before the Movie Toolbox calls your component to start the import process. |
Note that applications may call these functions directly. All of these functions are optional. If your |
component receives a request that it does not support, you should return the badComponentSelector error |
code. Your component should work properly even if none of these functions is called. |
Your movie data import component may provide a user dialog box. You may use this dialog box in any way |
that is appropriate for your component--for example, to obtain certain parameter information governing |
the import operation, such as the image-compression method. For an import component, you need to implement |
MovieImportDoUserDialog. For example, the text import component presents a dialog box with options for |
setting the font, size, and style of the text media it will add to the movie. |
Some movie data import components can create a movie from a file without having to write to a separate disk file. |
Examples include MPEG, AIFF, DV, and AVI import components; data in files of these types can be played directly by |
the appropriate media handler components without any data conversion. In such cases it is inappropriate for the user |
to have to specify a destination file, because there is no need for such a file. |
If your import component can operate in this manner, set the canMovieImportInPlace flag to 1 in your component flags |
when you register your component. The standard file dialog box uses this flag to determine how to import files. |
*/ |
#include "EIComponentWindowsPrefix.h" |
#endif |
#if __MACH__ |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h> |
#else |
#include <ConditionalMacros.h> |
#include <Endian.h> |
#include <Movies.h> |
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h> |
#include <FixMath.h> // for fixed1 |
#endif |
#include "EI_Image.h" |
#include "EI_MakeImageDescription.h" |
#include "EI_MovieImportVersion.h" |
#define kTimeScale (600) |
// Component globals |
typedef struct { |
ComponentInstance self; |
long dataHOffset; |
long fileSize; |
ComponentInstance dataHandler; |
} EI_MovieImportGlobalsRecord, *EI_MovieImportGlobals; |
#pragma mark- Component Dispatch |
// Setup required for ComponentDispatchHelper.c |
#define MOVIEIMPORT_BASENAME() EI_MovieImport |
#define MOVIEIMPORT_GLOBALS() EI_MovieImportGlobals storage |
#define COMPONENT_DISPATCH_FILE "EI_MovieImportDispatch.h" |
#define COMPONENT_UPP_SELECT_ROOT() MovieImport |
#if __MACH__ |
#include <CoreServices/Components.k.h> |
#include <QuickTime/QuickTimeComponents.k.h> |
#include <QuickTime/ComponentDispatchHelper.c> |
#else |
#include <Components.k.h> |
#include <QuickTimeComponents.k.h> |
#include <ComponentDispatchHelper.c> |
#endif |
#pragma mark- |
// Component Open Request - Required |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieImportOpen(EI_MovieImportGlobals store, ComponentInstance self) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
// Allocate memory for our globals, and inform the component manager that we've done so |
store = (EI_MovieImportGlobals)NewPtrClear(sizeof(EI_MovieImportGlobalsRecord)); |
if (err = MemError()) goto bail; |
store->self = self; |
SetComponentInstanceStorage(self, (Handle)store); |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// Component Close Request - Required |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieImportClose(EI_MovieImportGlobals store, ComponentInstance self) |
{ |
#pragma unused(self) |
// Make sure to dealocate our storage |
if (store) |
DisposePtr((Ptr)store); |
return noErr; |
} |
// Component Version Request - Required |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieImportVersion(EI_MovieImportGlobals store) |
{ |
#pragma unused(store) |
return kEI_MovieImportVersion; |
#else |
return kEI_MovieImportVersionPPC; |
#endif |
} |
#pragma mark- |
// MovieImportFile |
// The Movie Toolbox calls the MovieImportFile function in order to import movie data from a file. |
// The file's type corresponds to the component subtype of your movie data import component. Your component |
// must read the data from the supplied file, perform appropriate conversions on that data, and place the |
// data into the movie. If your component can accept data from a file, be sure to set the canMovieImportFiles |
// flag in your component's componentFlags field. Your component must be prepared to perform this function at |
// any time. You should not expect that any of your component's configuration functions will be called first. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieImportFile(EI_MovieImportGlobals store, const FSSpec *theFile, |
Movie theMovie, Track targetTrack, Track *usedTrack, |
TimeValue atTime, TimeValue *durationAdded, |
long inFlags, long *outFlags) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
AliasHandle alias = NULL; |
*outFlags = 0; |
err = NewAliasMinimal(theFile, &alias); |
if (err) goto bail; |
err = MovieImportDataRef(store->self, |
(Handle)alias, |
rAliasType, |
theMovie, |
targetTrack, |
usedTrack, |
atTime, |
durationAdded, |
inFlags, |
outFlags); |
bail: |
if (alias) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)alias); |
return err; |
} |
// MovieImportDataRef |
// The MovieImportDataRef function lets you specify the data reference to use for the import operation. |
// If your component can import from a dataRef, be sure to set the canMovieImportDataReferences |
// flag in your component's componentFlags field. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieImportDataRef(EI_MovieImportGlobals store, Handle dataRef, |
OSType dataRefType, Movie theMovie, |
Track targetTrack, Track *usedTrack, |
TimeValue atTime, TimeValue *durationAdded, |
long inFlags, long *outFlags) |
{ |
#pragma unused(store,targetTrack) |
OSErr err = noErr; |
Track videoTrack = NULL; |
Media videoMedia; |
ImageDescriptionHandle videoDesc = NULL; |
ComponentInstance dataHandler = 0; |
ImageHeader header; |
long fileOffset = 0, fileSize; |
long frameCount; |
Ptr colors = NULL; |
TimeValue lastFrameDuration = (kTimeScale / 30); |
*outFlags = 0; |
// movieImportMustUseTrack indicates that we must use an existing track, because we |
// don't support this and always create a new track return paramErr. |
if (inFlags & movieImportMustUseTrack) |
return paramErr; |
// Retrieve the best data handler component to use with the given data reference, |
// the kDataHCanRead flag specifies that you intend to use the data handler component to read data. |
// Then open the returned component using standard Component Manager calls. |
err = OpenAComponent(GetDataHandler(dataRef, dataRefType, kDataHCanRead), &dataHandler); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Provide a data reference to the data handler. |
// Once you have assigned a data reference to the data handler, you may start reading and/or writing |
// movie data from that data reference. |
err = DataHSetDataRef(dataHandler, dataRef); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Open a read path to the current data reference. You need to do this before your component can read |
// data using a data handler component. |
err = DataHOpenForRead(dataHandler); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Get the size, in bytes, of the current data reference, this is |
// functionally equivalent to the File Manager's GetEOF function. |
err = DataHGetFileSize(dataHandler, &fileSize); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Get the File Header - synchronous read |
// This function provides both a synchronous and an asynchronous read interface. Synchronous read operations |
// work like the DataHGetData function--the data handler component returns control to the client program only |
// after it has serviced the read request. Asynchronous read operations allow client programs to schedule read |
// requests in the context of a specified QuickTime time base. The DataHandler queues the request and immediately |
// returns control to the caller. After the component actually reads the data, it calls the completion function - |
// calling of the completion will occurs in DataHTask. Not all data handlers support scheduling, if they don't |
// they'll complete synchronously and then call the completion function. Additionally as a note, some DataHandlers |
// support 64-bit file offsets, for example DataHScheduleData64, we're not using this call here but you could use |
// 64-bit versions first, and if they fail fall back to the older calls. |
err = DataHScheduleData(dataHandler, // DataHandler Component Instance |
(Ptr)&header, // Specifies the location in memory that is to receive the data |
fileOffset, // Offset in the data reference from which you want to read |
sizeof(header), // The number of bytes to read |
0, // refCon |
NULL, // pointer to a schedule record - NULL for Synchronous operation |
NULL); // pointer to a data-handler completion function - NULL for Syncronous operation |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Move the file offset accordingly because we just read in the header |
fileOffset += sizeof(header); |
// Get the frame count from the header |
// Endian flipping routines are documented in Endian.h in this case convert a Big Endian 32-bit |
// unsigned integer and a Big Endian 16-bit unsigned integer to the current native format. |
// If the Image Version is not what we like or there's not even a single frame bail. |
frameCount = EndianU32_BtoN(header.imageFrames); |
if ((EndianU16_BtoN(header.imageVersion) != 5) || (frameCount < 1)) { |
err = codecBadDataErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
while (frameCount--) { |
ImageFrame frame; |
short colorCount; |
QTFloatSingle frameTimeFloat; |
TimeValue frameTime; |
TimeValue frameDuration; |
long frameSize; |
err = DataHScheduleData(dataHandler, (Ptr)&frame, fileOffset, sizeof(frame), 0, NULL, NULL); |
if (err) goto bail; |
colorCount = EndianU16_BtoN(frame.framePalettes); |
colors = NewPtr(3 * colorCount); |
if (err = MemError()) goto bail; |
err = DataHScheduleData(dataHandler, colors, fileOffset + sizeof(frame), 3 * colorCount, 0, NULL, NULL); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Create an image description |
err = EI_MakeImageDescription(&frame, colorCount, (UInt8 *)colors, &videoDesc); |
if (err) goto bail; |
if (videoTrack == NULL) { |
// Create a new video track |
videoTrack = NewMovieTrack(theMovie, // Specify the Movie |
(**videoDesc).width << 16, // A fixed denoting width of the track, in pixels. |
(**videoDesc).height << 16, // A fixed denoting height of the track, in pixels |
kNoVolume); // Specifies the volume setting of the track, kNoVolume = 0 |
// Create a media for the track. The media refers to the actual data samples used by the track. |
videoMedia = NewTrackMedia(videoTrack, // Specifies the track for this operation |
VideoMediaType, // Type of media to create |
kTimeScale, // Set the time scale, this defines the media's time coordinate system |
dataRef, // Specifies the data reference |
dataRefType); // Specifies the type of data reference |
if (err = GetMoviesError()) goto bail; |
// Enable the track. |
SetTrackEnabled(videoTrack, true); |
} |
frameSize = EndianU32_BtoN(frame.frameSize) + sizeof(frame) + (3 * colorCount); |
// Endian-flipping floats looks awful, doesn't it? |
*(UInt32 *)&frameTimeFloat = EndianU32_BtoN( *(UInt32 *)&frame.frameTime ); |
frameTime = (kTimeScale * frameTimeFloat); |
if (frameCount == 0) |
// Last frame set the frame duration accordingly |
frameDuration = lastFrameDuration; |
else { |
// Look ahead for next frame time to determine duration of this frame |
QTFloatSingle nextFrameTimeFloat; |
TimeValue nextFrameTime; |
err = DataHScheduleData(dataHandler, (Ptr)&frame, fileOffset + frameSize, sizeof(frame), 0, NULL, NULL); |
if (err) goto bail; |
*(UInt32 *)&nextFrameTimeFloat = EndianU32_BtoN( *(UInt32 *)&frame.frameTime ); |
nextFrameTime = (kTimeScale * nextFrameTimeFloat); |
frameDuration = nextFrameTime - frameTime; |
lastFrameDuration = frameDuration; |
} |
// Add the sample - AddMediaSampleReference does not add sample data to the file or device that contains a media. |
// Rather, it defines references to sample data contained elswhere. Note that one reference may refer to more |
// than one sample--all the samples described by a reference must be the same size. This function does not update the movie data |
// as part of the add operation therefore you do not have to call BeginMediaEdits before calling AddMediaSampleReference. |
err = AddMediaSampleReference(videoMedia, // Specifies the media for this operation |
fileOffset, // Specifies the offset into the data file |
frameSize, // Specifies the number of bytes of sample data to be identified by the reference |
frameDuration, // Specifies the duration of each sample in the reference |
(SampleDescriptionHandle)videoDesc, // Handle to a sample description |
1, // Specifies the number of samples contained in the reference |
0, // Contains flags that control the operation |
NULL); // Returns the time where the reference was inserted, NULL to ignore |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Increment to the next frame |
fileOffset += frameSize; |
// Dispose of temporary pieces |
DisposeHandle((Handle)videoDesc); |
videoDesc = NULL; |
DisposePtr(colors); |
colors = NULL; |
} |
// Insert the added media into the track |
// The InsertMediaIntoTrack function inserts a reference to a media segment into a track. Specify the segment in the media |
// by providing a starting time and duration and specify the point in the destination track by providing a time in the track |
err = InsertMediaIntoTrack(videoTrack, // Specifies the track |
atTime, // Time value specifying where the segment is to be inserted in the movie's time scale |
// -1 to add the media data to the end of the track |
0, // Time value specifying the starting point of the segment in the media's time scale |
GetMediaDuration(videoMedia), // time value specifying the duration of the media's segment in the media's time scale |
fixed1); // Specifies the media's rate, 1.0 indicates natural playback rate - value should be a positive, nonzero 0x010000 |
if (err) goto bail; |
// Report the duration added |
*durationAdded = GetTrackDuration(videoTrack) - atTime; |
bail: |
if (videoTrack) { |
if (err) { |
DisposeMovieTrack(videoTrack); |
videoTrack = NULL; |
} else { |
// Set the outFlags to reflect what was done. |
*outFlags |= movieImportCreateTrack; |
} |
} |
if (videoDesc) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)videoDesc); |
if (colors) |
DisposePtr(colors); |
// Remember to close what you open. |
if (dataHandler) |
CloseComponent(dataHandler); |
// Return the track identifier of the track that received the imported data in the usedTrack pointer. Your component |
// needs to set this parameter only if you operate on a single track or if you create a new track. If you modify more |
// than one track, leave the field referred to by this parameter unchanged. |
if (usedTrack) *usedTrack = videoTrack; |
return err; |
} |
// MovieImportValidate |
// Allows your movie data import component to validate the data to be passed to your component. |
// Movie import components can implement this function to allow applications to determine if a given file or handle to data |
// is acceptable for a particular import component. As this function may be called on many files, the validation process |
// should be as fast as possible. If the data or file can be imported, return TRUE. Otherwise, return FALSE. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieImportValidate(EI_MovieImportGlobals store, const FSSpec *theFile, Handle theData, Boolean *valid) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theData) |
OSErr err = noErr; |
AliasHandle alias = NULL; |
*valid = false; |
err = NewAliasMinimal(theFile, &alias); |
if (err) goto bail; |
err = MovieImportValidateDataRef(store->self, (Handle)alias, rAliasType, (UInt8 *)valid); |
bail: |
if (alias) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)alias); |
return err; |
} |
// MovieImportGetMIMETypeList |
// Returns a list of MIME types supported by the movie import component. |
// To indicate that your movie import component supports this function, set the hasMovieImportMIMEList flag in the |
// componentFlags field of the component description record. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieImportGetMIMETypeList(EI_MovieImportGlobals store, QTAtomContainer *retMimeInfo) |
{ |
// Note that GetComponentResource is only available in QuickTime 3.0 or later. |
// However, it's safe to call it here because GetMIMETypeList is only defined in QuickTime 3.0 or later. |
return GetComponentResource((Component)store->self, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mime'), 512, (Handle *)retMimeInfo); |
} |
// MovieImportValidateDataRef |
// Validates the data file indicated by the data reference. |
// Movie import components can implement this function to allow applications to determine if a given file referenced |
// by a data reference is acceptable for a particular import component. The data reference can refer to any data for |
// which there is a suitable data handler component installed and available to QuickTime. As this function may be called |
// on many files, the validation process should be as fast as possible. Furthermore, the importer should probably limit |
// the amount of reading it performs, especially when the data handler refers to data on the Internet. |
// Unlike MovieImportValidate, the valid parameter for this function is a value that can be interpreted as the degree to |
// which the importer can interpret the file's contents. In all cases, returning 0 indicates the file cannot be interpreted |
// by the importer. However, other non-zero values can be used to determine the relative weighting between multiple importers |
// that can import a particular kind of file. For now, it is best to return either 0 or 128 only. |
pascal ComponentResult EI_MovieImportValidateDataRef(EI_MovieImportGlobals store, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, UInt8 *valid) |
{ |
#pragma unused(store) |
OSErr err = noErr; |
DataHandler dataHandler = 0; |
ImageHeader header; |
long frameCount; |
*valid = 0; |
// OpenADataHandler is a 'convenience' function which finds, opens, and sets up a data handler |
// component in a single call. It's internal implementation uses the sequence of GetDataHandler, |
// OpenAComponent and SetDataRef calls. |
err = OpenADataHandler(dataRef, dataRefType, NULL, NULL, NULL, kDataHCanRead, &dataHandler); |
if (err || NULL == dataHandler) goto bail; |
err = DataHScheduleData(dataHandler, (Ptr)&header, 0, sizeof(header), 0, NULL, NULL); |
if (err) goto bail; |
// If your image format has a "magic number" at the start, this is where you should look for it. |
// Electric Image files don't have a magic number, but they do have a version code, which should |
// be a big-endian two-byte integer "5". So we'll check that and the number of frames which should |
// be at least 1. |
frameCount = EndianU32_BtoN(header.imageFrames); |
if ((EndianU16_BtoN(header.imageVersion) == 5) && (frameCount >= 1)) { |
*valid = 128; |
} |
bail: |
if (dataHandler) |
CloseComponent(dataHandler); |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark- |
// When building the *Application Version Only* make our component available for use by applications (or other clients). |
// Once the Component Manager has registered a component, applications can find and open the component using standard |
// Component Manager routines. |
void EI_MovieImporterRegister(void); |
void EI_MovieImporterRegister(void) |
{ |
ComponentDescription foo; |
ComponentRoutineUPP componentEntryPoint = NewComponentRoutineProc(EI_MovieImportComponentDispatch); |
#else |
ComponentRoutineUPP componentEntryPoint = NewComponentRoutineUPP((ComponentRoutineProcPtr)EI_MovieImportComponentDispatch); |
#endif |
foo.componentType = MovieImportType; |
foo.componentSubType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('EIDI'); |
foo.componentManufacturer = VideoMediaType; |
foo.componentFlags = canMovieImportFiles | canMovieImportInPlace | canMovieImportDataReferences; |
foo.componentFlagsMask = 0; |
RegisterComponent(&foo, componentEntryPoint, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
} |
#endif // !STAND_ALONE && !TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
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