Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: AudioCDDocument.m |
Contains: Document class for handling creation of RedBook audio CDs |
Copyright: (c) Copyright 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Change History (most recent first): |
1.0 (July 5th, 2005) |
*/ |
#import "AudioCDDocument.h" |
#import "AudioCDWindowController.h" |
#import "EABDictionaryHelpers.h" |
#import "EABQuickTimeHelpers.h" |
/* Keys for the disc info dictionary */ |
NSString * const EABDiscCDTextEnabled = @"EABDiscCDTextEnabled"; |
NSString * const EABDiscMCNEnabled = @"EABDiscMCNEnabled"; |
NSString * const EABDiscMCN = @"EABDiscMCN"; |
/* Keys for the track info dictionaries */ |
NSString * const EABTrackFilePath = @"EABTrackFilePath"; |
NSString * const EABTrackLength = @"EABTrackLength"; |
NSString * const EABTrackPreGap = @"EABTrackPreGap"; |
NSString * const EABTrackPreEmphasisEnabled = @"EABTrackPreEmphasisEnabled"; |
NSString * const EABTrackIndexPointsEnabled = @"EABTrackIndexPointsEnabled"; |
NSString * const EABTrackIndexPoints = @"EABTrackIndexPoints"; |
NSString * const EABTrackISRCEnabled = @"EABTrackISRCEnabled"; |
NSString * const EABTrackISRC = @"EABTrackISRC"; |
NSString * const EABTrackISRCInCDText = @"EABTrackISRCInCDText"; |
/* Notifications */ |
NSString * const EABAudioCDTrackListChanged = @"EABAudioCDTrackListChanged"; |
NSString * const EABAudioCDDiscPropertyChanged = @"EABAudioCDDiscPropertyChanged"; |
NSString * const EABAudioCDTrackPropertyChanged = @"EABAudioCDTrackPropertyChanged"; |
NSString * const EABWhichPropertyKey = @"EABWhichPropertyKey"; |
NSString * const EABWhichTrackKey = @"EABWhichTrackKey"; |
/* Localized strings */ |
NSString * EABUntitledCD = nil; |
@interface AudioCDDocument (PrivateHelpers) |
// Bottlenecks used for undo/redo |
- (void)addTrackDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary*)track atIndex:(unsigned)index; |
- (void)removeTrackDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary*)track atIndex:(unsigned)index; |
- (void)moveTrackDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary*)track from:(unsigned)oldIndex to:(unsigned)newIndex; |
// Called when the track list changes (tracks added, removed, reorganized) |
- (void)trackListChanged:(int)trackIndex; |
// Called when a disc property changes |
- (void)discPropertyChanged:(NSString*)property; |
// Called when a track property changes |
- (void)track:(unsigned)index propertyChanged:(NSString*)property; |
// Returns properly formatted MCN or ISRC data |
- (NSData*)mcnDataForDisc; |
- (NSData*)isrcDataForTrack:(unsigned)index; |
@end |
#pragma mark - |
@implementation AudioCDDocument |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// init |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// NSObject - initializes a new instance. |
// |
- (id)init |
{ |
[super init]; |
if (self) { |
// Load the appropriate untitled string. |
if (EABUntitledCD == nil) |
EABUntitledCD = NSLocalizedString(@"Untitled CD",@"Name for new document"); |
// Allocate an array to hold both disc and track info dictionaries. |
trackArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:100]; |
// There's always at least one entry in the track array, the entry for the disc. |
NSMutableDictionary *discInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; |
[trackArray addObject:discInfo]; |
// Initialize an untitled document. |
[discInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:EABDiscCDTextEnabled]; |
[discInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:EABDiscMCNEnabled]; |
[discInfo setObject:EABUntitledCD forKey:DRCDTextTitleKey]; |
} |
return self; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// dealloc |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// NSObject - releases memory for an instance. |
// |
- (void)dealloc |
{ |
// Log deallocations to make sure they're happening when we expect them to. |
//NSLog(@"-[AudioCDDocument dealloc]"); |
// We're going away, so nobody should be listening to notifications for us anymore. |
[(NSNotificationCenter *)[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:nil name:nil object:self]; |
// Release our objects. |
[windowController release]; |
[trackArray release]; |
[_menuSaveDocument release]; |
[super dealloc]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// displayName |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// NSDocument - overridden to use a custom untitled string. |
// |
- (NSString *)displayName |
{ |
if ([self fileName] == nil) |
return EABUntitledCD; |
else |
return [super displayName]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// makeWindowControllers |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// NSDocument - loads our custom window controller. |
// |
- (void)makeWindowControllers |
{ |
// Load the window controller. |
windowController = [[AudioCDWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"AudioCDDocument"]; |
[self addWindowController:windowController]; |
// Get the "save" menu item since we're going to need it. |
NSMutableArray *items = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[[NSApp mainMenu] itemArray]]; |
NSMenuItem *item; |
while ((item = [items objectAtIndex:0]) != nil) |
{ |
NSMenu *menu = [item submenu]; |
if (menu != nil) |
[items addObjectsFromArray:[menu itemArray]]; |
SEL action = [item action]; |
if (action == @selector(saveDocument:)) { |
_menuSaveDocument = [item retain]; |
break; |
} |
[items removeObjectAtIndex:0]; |
} |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// validateMenuItem: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// NSDocument - overridden to transform "Save" on a new document into "Save As". |
// |
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)item |
{ |
BOOL result = [super validateMenuItem:item]; |
if (result == NO) |
{ |
SEL action = [item action]; |
if (action == @selector(saveDocument:)) |
result = YES; |
} |
return result; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// saveDocument: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// NSDocument - if the "Save" command is disabled, map it to "Save As". |
// |
- (IBAction)saveDocument:(id)sender |
{ |
if ([super validateMenuItem:_menuSaveDocument] == NO) |
[self saveDocumentAs:sender]; |
else |
[super saveDocument:sender]; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark General accessors |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// discInfo |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Returns a dictionary describing the disc. |
// |
- (NSDictionary*)discInfo |
{ |
return (NSDictionary*)[trackArray objectAtIndex:0]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// trackInfoForTrack |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Returns the info for a specific track. |
// |
- (NSDictionary*)trackInfoForTrack:(unsigned)zeroBasedIndex |
{ |
return (NSDictionary*)[trackArray objectAtIndex:zeroBasedIndex+1]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// trackInfo |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Returns the entire track info array. |
// |
- (NSArray*)trackInfo |
{ |
return trackArray; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// count |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Returns the number of tracks in the document. |
// |
- (unsigned)count |
{ |
unsigned arraySize = [trackArray count]; |
return (arraySize > 0) ? (arraySize - 1):0; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// totalLength |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Returns the total length of the tracks in the document. |
// |
- (DRMSF*)totalLength |
{ |
uint64_t frames = 0; |
unsigned i, count; |
for (i=0, count=[self count]; i<count; ++i) |
{ |
NSDictionary *trackInfo = [self trackInfoForTrack:i]; |
frames += [[trackInfo numberForKey:EABTrackLength] unsignedLongLongValue]; |
} |
return [DRMSF msfWithFrames:(unsigned long)frames]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// hasValidISRCForTrack: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Returns whether the track ISRC is valid. Empty is considered valid. |
// |
- (BOOL)hasValidISRCForTrack:(unsigned)index |
{ |
NSDictionary *trackInfo = [self trackInfoForTrack:index]; |
NSString *isrc = [trackInfo stringForKey:EABTrackISRC]; |
// Check for empty ISRC. |
if ([isrc isEqualToString:@""]) |
return YES; |
// Call through to the other method. |
return [self isValidISRC:isrc incomplete:NO]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// isValidISRC:incomplete: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Checks the ISRC string for validity. |
// |
- (BOOL)isValidISRC:(NSString*)isrc incomplete:(BOOL)incomplete |
{ |
// Get the string as ASCII, and make sure it's 12 bytes long. |
NSData *data = [isrc dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; |
if (data == nil) |
return NO; |
// Check the length. |
unsigned length = [data length]; |
if (length > 12) |
return NO; |
if (!incomplete && length != 12) |
return NO; |
// Make sure the characters are within the right ranges. |
const char *byte = (char*)[data bytes]; |
unsigned i; |
for (i=0; i<length; ++i) |
{ |
char c = byte[i]; |
BOOL alpha = (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); |
BOOL num = (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); |
if (i<2) { // first two chars are A-Z |
if (!alpha) return NO; |
} else if (i<5) { // next three chars are 0-9 A-Z |
if (!alpha && !num) return NO; |
} else { // remaining chars are 0-9 |
if (!num) return NO; |
} |
} |
// Looks valid. |
return YES; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Disc and Track Properties |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// discPropertyForKey: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Returns the specified disc property. |
// |
- (id)discPropertyForKey:(NSString*)key |
{ |
// Sanity check that the key is valid. |
if (key == nil) |
return nil; |
return [(NSDictionary *)[trackArray objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:key]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// setDiscProperty:forKey: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Modifies the specified disc property. A nil value removes the specified |
// property. |
// |
// All modifications must go through here so that undo is properly supported. |
// |
- (void)setDiscProperty:(id)property forKey:(NSString*)key |
{ |
// Remap empty strings and zero numbers to nil. |
if (property != nil && |
(([property isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] && [(NSString*)property length] == 0) || |
([property isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] && [(NSNumber*)property intValue] == 0))) |
property = nil; |
// Sanity check that the key is valid. |
if (key == nil) |
return; |
// This is a no-op if the property isn't actually changing. |
id currentValue = [self discPropertyForKey:key]; |
if (property == currentValue || [property isEqual:currentValue]) |
return; |
// Tell the undo manager how to undo this action. |
//NSLog(@"-[AudioCDDocument setDiscProperty:%@ forKey:%@]", property, key); |
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] |
setDiscProperty:currentValue forKey:key]; |
// Set the property. |
if (property == nil) |
[(NSMutableDictionary *)[trackArray objectAtIndex:0] removeObjectForKey:key]; |
else |
[(NSMutableDictionary *)[trackArray objectAtIndex:0] setObject:property forKey:key]; |
// A disc property has changed. |
[self discPropertyChanged:key]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// propertyForKey:ofTrack: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Returns the specified track property. |
// |
- (id)propertyForKey:(NSString*)key ofTrack:(unsigned)index |
{ |
// Sanity check that the key and index are valid. |
if (key == nil || index > [self count]) |
return nil; |
return [(NSDictionary *)[trackArray objectAtIndex:(index+1)] objectForKey:key]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// setProperty:forKey:ofTrack: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Modifies the specified track property. A nil value removes the specified |
// property. |
// |
// All modifications must go through here so that undo is properly supported. |
// |
- (void)setProperty:(id)property forKey:(NSString*)key ofTrack:(unsigned)index |
{ |
// Remap empty strings and zero numbers to nil. |
if (property != nil && |
(([property isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] && [(NSString*)property length] == 0) || |
([property isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] && [(NSNumber*)property intValue] == 0))) |
property = nil; |
// Sanity check that the key and index are valid. |
if (key == nil || index > [self count]) |
return; |
// This is a no-op if the property isn't actually changing. |
id currentValue = [self propertyForKey:key ofTrack:index]; |
if (property == currentValue || [property isEqual:currentValue]) |
return; |
// Tell the undo manager how to undo this action. |
//NSLog(@"-[AudioCDDocument setProperty:%@ forKey:%@ ofTrack:%u]", property, key, index); |
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] |
setProperty:currentValue forKey:key ofTrack:index]; |
// Set the property. |
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [trackArray objectAtIndex:(index+1)]; |
if (property == nil) |
[dict removeObjectForKey:key]; |
else |
[dict setObject:property forKey:key]; |
// A track property has changed. |
[self track:index propertyChanged:key]; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Track List |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// addTrackFromFile: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Creates a new track from the file, appending it to the end of the list. |
// |
- (void)addTrackFromFile:(NSString*)pathToFile |
{ |
[self addTrackFromFile:pathToFile atIndex:[self count]]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// addTrackFromFile:atIndex: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Creates a new track from the file, inserting at the specified zero-based |
// track index. |
// |
- (void)addTrackFromFile:(NSString*)pathToFile atIndex:(unsigned)index |
{ |
DRTrack * track = nil; |
NSMutableDictionary* trackInfo = nil; |
uint64_t trackLength = 0; |
// Check that the array index is valid. |
if (index > [self count]) |
[NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"Invalid index %u when adding track - there are currently %u tracks", index, [self count]]; |
// Double check that we aren't going over the capacity of 99 tracks. |
if ([self count] >= 99) |
[NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"No more than 99 tracks allowed"]; |
// Sanity check that the file is producable. This track is disposable and |
// we don't remember it; it's just thrown away into the autorelease pool. |
track = [DRTrack trackForAudioFile:pathToFile]; |
trackLength = [track estimateLength]; |
// Allocate and fill in a fresh, default track info dictionary. |
trackInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; |
[trackInfo setObject:pathToFile forKey:EABTrackFilePath]; |
[trackInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(unsigned long long)trackLength] forKey:EABTrackLength]; |
[trackInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:EABTrackPreEmphasisEnabled]; |
[trackInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:EABTrackPreGap]; |
[trackInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:EABTrackIndexPointsEnabled]; |
[trackInfo setObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:98] forKey:EABTrackIndexPoints]; |
[trackInfo setObject:[[pathToFile lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension] forKey:DRCDTextTitleKey]; |
// Open the file with QT to extract length and CD-Text information. |
Movie movie = NULL; |
short movieFile = -1; |
if (CreateMovieFromAudioFile(pathToFile,&movie,&movieFile) == noErr) |
{ |
// Update the length if DRTrack couldn't estimate it. |
if (trackLength == 0) |
{ |
trackLength = GetLengthOfMovie(movie); |
[trackInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(unsigned long long)trackLength] forKey:EABTrackLength]; |
} |
// Add the CD-Text if we find any. |
NSMutableDictionary* cdtext = ExtractCDTextFromMovie(movie); |
[trackInfo addEntriesFromDictionary:cdtext]; |
DisposeMovie(movie); |
CloseMovieFile(movieFile); |
} |
// Add the new track dictionary to the array. |
[self addTrackDictionary:trackInfo atIndex:index]; |
} |
- (void)addTrackDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary*)track atIndex:(unsigned)index |
{ |
//NSLog(@"-[AudioCDDocument addTrackDictionary:atIndex:]"); |
// Tell the undo manager how to undo this action. |
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] |
removeTrackDictionary:track atIndex:index]; |
// Insert the dictionary into the array at the specified index. |
[trackArray insertObject:track atIndex:(index+1)]; |
// The track list has changed. |
[self trackListChanged:(int)index]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// removeTrackAtIndex: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Removes the track at the specified zero-based index. Index 0 is track 1, |
// etc. |
// |
- (void)removeTrackAtIndex:(unsigned)index |
{ |
// Pass through to the other removal function so that the content |
// of the track's dictionary will be preserved when undoing. |
[self removeTrackDictionary:[trackArray objectAtIndex:(index+1)] atIndex:index]; |
} |
- (void)removeTrackDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary*)track atIndex:(unsigned)index |
{ |
//NSLog(@"-[AudioCDDocument removeTrackDictionary:atIndex:]"); |
// Tell the undo manager how to undo this action. |
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] |
addTrackDictionary:track atIndex:index]; |
// Remove the dictionary from the specified index. |
[trackArray removeObject:track inRange:NSMakeRange(index+1,1)]; |
// The track list has changed. |
[self trackListChanged:(int)EABTracksRemoved]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// moveTracks:from:to:copying: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Reorganizes the track list. "tracks" is an array of NSNumbers |
// representing zero-based track indices. |
// |
// Returns the new index of the first item. |
// |
- (unsigned)moveTracks:(NSArray*)array to:(unsigned)destination copying:(BOOL)copying |
{ |
//NSLog(@"-[AudioCDDocument moveTracks:to:copying:]"); |
NSMutableArray *movedTracks = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[array count]]; |
NSEnumerator *iter = [array reverseObjectEnumerator]; |
unsigned result = destination; |
id val; |
// Accumulate the selected elements from the track array, accumulating |
// them in movedTracks. We iterate backwards to avoid changing the |
// dragged track numbers. |
while ((val = [iter nextObject]) != NULL) |
{ |
int trackToMove = [val intValue]; |
NSMutableDictionary *track = [trackArray objectAtIndex:(trackToMove+1)]; |
// If we're copying then duplicate the item. |
if (copying) |
track = [track mutableCopy]; |
// Accumulate this track into the array. |
[movedTracks addObject:track]; |
// If we're moving then remove the original item. |
// This may change the destination index. |
if (!copying) |
{ |
[self removeTrackAtIndex:trackToMove]; |
if (trackToMove <= destination) |
destination -= 1; |
} |
} |
// Preserve the new index since we're going to return it. |
result = destination; |
// Now add the objects back into the track array at the specified |
// row. We iterate movedTracks backwards, but since they were |
// added backwards we're actually getting them in normal |
// (lowest-to-highest) order! |
iter = [movedTracks reverseObjectEnumerator]; |
while ((val = [iter nextObject]) != NULL) |
[self addTrackDictionary:val atIndex:(destination++)]; |
return result; |
} |
- (unsigned)moveTrack:(unsigned)source to:(unsigned)destination copying:(BOOL)copying |
{ |
// We can pass this call through to the array variant. |
return [self moveTracks:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:source]] |
to:destination copying:copying]; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Posting Notifications |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// trackListChanged: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Called internally when the track list changes. |
// |
- (void)trackListChanged:(int)trackIndex |
{ |
// Post a notification to clients. |
[(NSNotificationCenter *)[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] |
postNotificationName:EABAudioCDTrackListChanged object:self |
userInfo:[NSDictionary |
dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:trackIndex] |
forKey:EABWhichTrackKey]]; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// discPropertyChanged: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Called internally when a disc property changes. |
// |
- (void)discPropertyChanged:(NSString*)key |
{ |
// Post a notification to clients. |
if (key == nil) |
{ |
[(NSNotificationCenter *)[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] |
postNotificationName:EABAudioCDDiscPropertyChanged object:self]; |
} |
else |
{ |
[(NSNotificationCenter *)[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] |
postNotificationName:EABAudioCDDiscPropertyChanged object:self |
userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:key forKey:EABWhichPropertyKey]]; |
} |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// track:propertyChanged: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Called internally when a track property changes. |
// |
- (void)track:(unsigned)index propertyChanged:(NSString*)key |
{ |
[(NSNotificationCenter *)[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] |
postNotificationName:EABAudioCDTrackPropertyChanged object:self |
userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: |
key, EABWhichPropertyKey, |
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:index], EABWhichTrackKey, nil]]; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Saving and Loading |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// dataRepresentationOfType: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// NSDocument - flattens document into an NSData, for saving. |
// |
- (NSData *)dataRepresentationOfType:(NSString *)aType |
{ |
// All of our data is contained in a single array, so when creating |
// our data representation we simply flatten that. |
NSString *errorDescription = nil; |
NSData *data = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:trackArray format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 errorDescription:&errorDescription]; |
// Log errors if they occur here, which they shouldn't. |
if (data == nil || errorDescription) |
NSLog(@"Error serializing AudioCDDocument: %@", errorDescription); |
return data; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// loadDataRepresentation:ofType: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// NSDocument - reconstitutes docuemnt from an NSData, for loading. |
// |
- (BOOL)loadDataRepresentation:(NSData *)data ofType:(NSString *)aType |
{ |
// Reconstruct the track array we generated above. |
NSString *errorDescription = nil; |
NSPropertyListFormat format = NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0; |
NSArray *loaded = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:data |
mutabilityOption:NSPropertyListMutableContainers |
format:&format |
errorDescription:&errorDescription]; |
if (loaded == nil || errorDescription) { |
NSLog(@"Invalid AudioCDDocument: %@", errorDescription); |
return NO; |
} |
// Sanity check that it's really an array. |
if (![loaded isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]]) { |
NSLog(@"Invalid AudioCDDocument - top-level plist is not an array!"); |
return NO; |
} |
// Sanity check that there's at least 1 and no more than 100 items. |
// That's 1 entry for the disc and up to 99 tracks. |
unsigned count = [loaded count]; |
if (count == 0 || count > 100) { |
NSLog(@"Invalid AudioCDDocument - %s items in top-level array!", (count == 0) ? "not enough":"too many"); |
return NO; |
} |
// Iterate the array and make sure every item is a dictionary, and contains |
// at least the required keys. |
unsigned i; |
for (i=0; i<count; ++i) |
{ |
NSMutableDictionary *info = [loaded objectAtIndex:i]; |
// Each element of the array has to be a dictionary. |
if (![info isKindOfClass:[NSMutableDictionary class]]) { |
NSLog(@"Invalid AudioCDDocument - element %d of top-level array isn't a dictionary!", i); |
return NO; |
} |
// The track file path is the only key that's absolutely required; |
// all the rest can be reconstructed in document editing. |
NSString *requiredKey = (i == 0) ? nil:EABTrackFilePath; |
if (i != 0 && ![[info objectForKey:EABTrackFilePath] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) |
{ |
NSLog(@"Invalid AudioCDDocument - element %d of top-level array is missing required key EABTrackFilePath!", i, requiredKey); |
return NO; |
} |
} |
// Okay, it looks valid. Stash it away in our guts. |
[trackArray release]; |
trackArray = [loaded retain]; |
// Send notifications to any clients that might be listening. |
[self trackListChanged:EABTracksRemoved]; |
for (i=0; i<count; ++i) |
[self trackListChanged:i]; |
[self discPropertyChanged:nil]; |
return YES; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Burning |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// setBurnProperties: |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Fills in the properties for a DRBurn object according to the settings |
// in the document. |
// |
- (void)setBurnProperties:(DRBurn*)burn |
{ |
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; |
DRCDTextBlock *cdtext = nil; |
NSData *mcn = nil; |
NSMutableDictionary *burnProperties = [[burn properties] mutableCopy]; |
// Are we adding an MCN to the disc? |
if ([[self discPropertyForKey:EABDiscMCNEnabled] boolValue] != NO) |
{ |
// Get the MCN. |
mcn = [self mcnDataForDisc]; |
// Add it to the burn properties. |
if (mcn != nil) |
[burnProperties setObject:mcn forKey:DRMediaCatalogNumberKey]; |
} |
// Are we adding CD-Text to the disc? |
if ([[self discPropertyForKey:EABDiscCDTextEnabled] boolValue] != NO) |
{ |
// Allocate an empty CD-Text block. |
cdtext = [DRCDTextBlock cdTextBlockWithLanguage:@"" |
encoding:DRCDTextEncodingISOLatin1Modified]; |
// Go through the document and copy all of the CD-Text |
// information into the block. |
unsigned i, count = [trackArray count]; |
for (i=0; i<count; ++i) |
{ |
NSDictionary *dict = [trackArray objectAtIndex:i]; |
NSArray *keys = [dict allKeys]; |
NSEnumerator *iter = [keys objectEnumerator]; |
NSString *key; |
while ((key = [iter nextObject]) != nil) |
{ |
// Copy any CD-Text key into the CD-Text block. EAB is |
// the "namespace" we use for our application's private keys, |
// and everything else is a CD-Text key. |
if (![key hasPrefix:@"EAB"]) |
[cdtext setObject:[dict objectForKey:key] forKey:key ofTrack:i]; |
} |
// If the track has an ISRC specified and it's being added to |
// the CD-Text, do so. |
if (i>0 && [[dict numberForKey:EABTrackISRCInCDText] boolValue]) |
{ |
NSData *isrc = [self isrcDataForTrack:i-1]; |
if (isrc != nil) |
{ |
// Hyphenate the ISRC data to make it look nicer when it's |
// in CD-Text. |
char cstr[16]; |
char *ip = (char*)[isrc bytes]; |
snprintf(cstr,sizeof(cstr),"%.2s-%.3s-%.2s-%.5s",&ip[0],&ip[2],&ip[5],&ip[7]); |
cstr[15] = 0; |
[cdtext setObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:cstr] forKey:DRCDTextMCNISRCKey ofTrack:i]; |
} |
} |
} |
// If we had an MCN above, put it into the CD-Text too. |
if (mcn) |
[cdtext setObject:mcn forKey:DRCDTextMCNISRCKey ofTrack:0]; |
// Add the CD-Text block to the burn properties. |
[burnProperties setObject:cdtext forKey:DRCDTextKey]; |
} |
// Set the accumulated burn properties back onto the object. |
[burn setProperties:burnProperties]; |
[pool release]; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// createLayoutForBurn |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Creates an array of DRTracks from the settings in the document. |
// |
// May raise an NSObjectNotAvailableException if a track was not found |
// or could not be imported. |
// |
- (id)createLayoutForBurn |
{ |
unsigned i, count = [self count]; |
NSMutableArray *tracks = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:count]; |
for (i=0; i<count; ++i) |
{ |
NSDictionary *trackInfo = [self trackInfoForTrack:i]; |
NSString *path = [trackInfo objectForKey:EABTrackFilePath]; |
// Create the track. |
DRTrack *track = [DRTrack trackForAudioFile:path]; |
if (track == nil) |
{ |
NSLog(@"An error occurred at track %d: %@", (i+1), path); |
[NSException raise:NSObjectNotAvailableException |
format:@"Source file for track %u was not found, or could not be imported! Filename was %@", |
(i+1), path]; |
} |
// Set track properties from the document. |
unsigned preGapLengthInFrames = (unsigned)([[trackInfo numberForKey:EABTrackPreGap] floatValue] * 75.0); |
NSMutableDictionary *trackProperties = [[track properties] mutableCopy]; |
[trackProperties setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:preGapLengthInFrames] forKey:DRPreGapLengthKey]; |
[trackProperties setObject:[trackInfo numberForKey:EABTrackPreEmphasisEnabled] forKey:DRAudioPreEmphasisKey]; |
if ([[trackInfo numberForKey:EABTrackISRCEnabled] boolValue]) |
{ |
NSData *isrc = [self isrcDataForTrack:i]; |
if (isrc) |
[trackProperties setObject:isrc forKey:DRTrackISRCKey]; |
} |
if ([[trackInfo numberForKey:EABTrackIndexPointsEnabled] boolValue]) |
{ |
NSArray *indexPoints = [trackInfo objectForKey:EABTrackIndexPoints]; |
if (indexPoints) |
[trackProperties setObject:indexPoints forKey:DRIndexPointsKey]; |
} |
[track setProperties:trackProperties]; |
// Add this track to the list. |
[tracks addObject:track]; |
} |
return tracks; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// mcnDataForDisc |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Returns an NSData for the MCN of the specified disc. Only valid MCNs |
// are returned. |
// |
- (NSData*)mcnDataForDisc |
{ |
NSString *mcn = [self discPropertyForKey:EABDiscMCN]; |
if (mcn) |
{ |
// Convert the MCN into the appropriate format: |
// an NSData containing 13 bytes. |
NSData *data = [mcn dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; |
if ([data length] == 13) |
return data; |
} |
return nil; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// isrcDataForTrack: |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Returns an NSData for the ISRC of the specified track. Only valid ISRCs |
// are returned. |
// |
- (NSData*)isrcDataForTrack:(unsigned)index |
{ |
NSDictionary *trackInfo = [self trackInfoForTrack:index]; |
NSString *isrc = [trackInfo objectForKey:EABTrackISRC]; |
if (isrc && [self isValidISRC:isrc incomplete:NO]) |
{ |
// Convert the ISRC into the appropriate format: |
// an NSData containing 12 bytes. |
NSData *data = [isrc dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; |
if ([data length] == 12) |
return data; |
} |
return nil; |
} |
@end |
Copyright © 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2005-07-06