Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: ExampleIPBCompressor.c, part of ExampleIPBCodec |
Abstract: Example Image Compressor using new IPB-capable component interface in QuickTime 7. |
Version: 1.0 |
© Copyright 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to |
you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in |
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not agree with these terms, please do not use, |
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In consideration of your agreement to abide by |
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Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive |
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The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS |
*/ |
#if __APPLE_CC__ |
#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h> |
#else |
#include <ConditionalMacros.h> |
#include <Endian.h> |
#include <ImageCodec.h> |
#endif |
#include "ExampleIPBCodecVersion.h" |
#include "NaiveEncoder.h" |
#include "NaiveDecoder.h" |
enum { |
kMaxQueuedFrames = 10 // maximum number of source frames we'll hold at a time |
}; |
typedef struct { |
ComponentInstance self; |
ComponentInstance target; |
ICMCompressorSessionRef session; // NOTE: we do not need to retain or release this |
ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef sessionOptions; |
long width; |
long height; |
size_t maxEncodedDataSize; |
int nextDecodeNumber; |
// We maintain a queue of source frames that we have yet to encode, so that we can reorder them. |
// This can also be used as a lookahead queue to guide rate control and encoding tricks. |
// You can use CFArray or STL or whatever you like to hold these; this example uses a simple array. |
// Note that the compressor retains the source frames when adding them and releases them when removing them. |
ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef queuedFrames[ kMaxQueuedFrames ]; |
Boolean queuedFrameKeyFrame[ kMaxQueuedFrames ]; |
int queuedFrameCount; |
int keyFrameCountDown; |
// We also track the decoder state so that we know what the decoder can use for prediction. |
struct InternalPixelBuffer storedFrameArray[kMaxStoredFrames]; |
Boolean storedFrameAvailable[kMaxStoredFrames]; |
int nextStorageIndex; |
struct InternalPixelBuffer currentFrame; // holds the frame currently being encoded |
} ExampleIPBCompressorGlobalsRecord, *ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals; |
// Setup required for ComponentDispatchHelper.c |
#define IMAGECODEC_GLOBALS() ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals storage |
#define COMPONENT_UPP_PREFIX() uppImageCodec |
#define COMPONENT_DISPATCH_FILE "ExampleIPBCompressorDispatch.h" |
#define COMPONENT_SELECT_PREFIX() kImageCodec |
#if __APPLE_CC__ |
#include <CoreServices/Components.k.h> |
#include <QuickTime/ImageCodec.k.h> |
#include <QuickTime/ImageCompression.k.h> |
#include <QuickTime/ComponentDispatchHelper.c> |
#else |
#include <Components.k.h> |
#include <ImageCodec.k.h> |
#include <ImageCompression.k.h> |
#include <ComponentDispatchHelper.c> |
#endif |
// Prototypes for local utility functions defined later: |
static ComponentResult addFrameToQueue( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame, Boolean forceKeyFrame ); |
static Boolean isFrameInQueue( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame ); |
static void removeFrameFromQueue( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame ); |
static void emptyQueue( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob ); |
static ComponentResult encodeSomeSourceFrames( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob ); |
static ComponentResult encodeThisSourceFrame( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame, ICMFrameType frameType, Boolean keyFrame, Boolean partialSyncFrame, Boolean droppableFrame ); |
// Open a new instance of the component. |
// Allocate component instance storage ("globals") and associate it with the new instance so that other |
// calls will receive it. |
// Note that "one-shot" component calls like CallComponentVersion and ImageCodecGetCodecInfo work by opening |
// an instance, making that call and then closing the instance, so you should avoid performing very expensive |
// initialization operations in a component's Open function. |
ComponentResult |
ExampleIPB_COpen( |
ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, |
ComponentInstance self ) |
{ |
ComponentResult err = noErr; |
glob = calloc( sizeof( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobalsRecord ), 1 ); |
if( ! glob ) { |
err = memFullErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
SetComponentInstanceStorage( self, (Handle)glob ); |
glob->self = self; |
glob->target = self; |
glob->nextDecodeNumber = 1; |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// Closes the instance of the component. |
// Release all storage associated with this instance. |
// Note that if a component's Open function fails with an error, its Close function will still be called. |
ComponentResult |
ExampleIPB_CClose( |
ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, |
ComponentInstance self ) |
{ |
if( glob ) { |
int frameIndex; |
// There should be no queued frames left, but: |
emptyQueue( glob ); |
for( frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < kMaxStoredFrames; frameIndex++ ) { |
freeInternalPixelBuffer( &glob->storedFrameArray[frameIndex] ); |
} |
freeInternalPixelBuffer( &glob->currentFrame ); |
ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRelease( glob->sessionOptions ); |
glob->sessionOptions = NULL; |
free( glob ); |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
// Return the version of the component. |
// This does not need to correspond in any way to the human-readable version numbers found in |
// Get Info windows, etc. |
// The principal use of component version numbers is to choose between multiple installed versions |
// of the same component: if the component manager sees two components with the same type, subtype |
// and manufacturer codes and either has the componentDoAutoVersion registration flag set, |
// it will deregister the one with the older version. (If componentAutoVersionIncludeFlags is also |
// set, it only does this when the component flags also match.) |
// By convention, the high short of the component version is the interface version, which Apple |
// bumps when there is a major change in the interface. |
// We recommend bumping the low short of the component version every time you ship a release of a component. |
// The version number in the 'thng' resource should be the same as the number returned by this function. |
ComponentResult |
ExampleIPB_CVersion(ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob) |
{ |
return kExampleIPBCompressorVersion; |
} |
// Sets the target for a component instance. |
// When a component wants to make a component call on itself, it should make that call on its target. |
// This allows other components to delegate to the component. |
// By default, a component's target is itself -- see the Open function. |
ComponentResult |
ExampleIPB_CTarget(ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, ComponentInstance target) |
{ |
glob->target = target; |
return noErr; |
} |
// Your component receives the ImageCodecGetCodecInfo request whenever an application calls the Image Compression Manager's GetCodecInfo function. |
// Your component should return a formatted compressor information structure defining its capabilities. |
// Both compressors and decompressors may receive this request. |
ComponentResult |
ExampleIPB_CGetCodecInfo(ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, CodecInfo *info) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
if (info == NULL) { |
err = paramErr; |
} |
else { |
CodecInfo **tempCodecInfo; |
err = GetComponentResource((Component)glob->self, codecInfoResourceType, 256, (Handle *)&tempCodecInfo); |
if (err == noErr) { |
*info = **tempCodecInfo; |
DisposeHandle((Handle)tempCodecInfo); |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
// Return the maximum size of compressed data for the image in bytes. |
// Note that this function is only used when the ICM client is using a compression sequence |
// (created with CompressSequenceBegin, not ICMCompressionSessionCreate). |
// Nevertheless, it's important to implement it because such clients need to know how much |
// memory to allocate for compressed frame buffers. |
ComponentResult |
ExampleIPB_CGetMaxCompressionSize( |
ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, |
PixMapHandle src, |
const Rect * srcRect, |
short depth, |
CodecQ quality, |
long * size) |
{ |
ComponentResult err = noErr; |
size_t maxBytes = 0; |
if( ! size ) |
return paramErr; |
NaiveEncoder_GetMaxEncodedDataSize( |
srcRect->right - srcRect->left, |
srcRect->bottom - srcRect->top, |
&maxBytes ); |
*size = maxBytes; |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// Utility to add an SInt32 to a CFMutableDictionary. |
static void |
addNumberToDictionary( CFMutableDictionaryRef dictionary, CFStringRef key, SInt32 numberSInt32 ) |
{ |
CFNumberRef number = CFNumberCreate( NULL, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &numberSInt32 ); |
if( ! number ) |
return; |
CFDictionaryAddValue( dictionary, key, number ); |
CFRelease( number ); |
} |
// Utility to add a double to a CFMutableDictionary. |
static void |
addDoubleToDictionary( CFMutableDictionaryRef dictionary, CFStringRef key, double numberDouble ) |
{ |
CFNumberRef number = CFNumberCreate( NULL, kCFNumberDoubleType, &numberDouble ); |
if( ! number ) |
return; |
CFDictionaryAddValue( dictionary, key, number ); |
CFRelease( number ); |
} |
// Utility to round up to a multiple of 16. |
static int |
roundUpToMultipleOf16( int n ) |
{ |
if( 0 != ( n & 15 ) ) |
n = ( n + 15 ) & ~15; |
return n; |
} |
// Create a dictionary that describes the kinds of pixel buffers that we want to receive. |
// The important keys to add are kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey, |
// kCVPixelBufferWidthKey and kCVPixelBufferHeightKey. |
// Many compressors will also want to set kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixels, |
// kCVPixelBufferBytesPerRowAlignmentKey, kCVImageBufferGammaLevelKey and kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrixKey. |
static OSStatus |
createPixelBufferAttributesDictionary( SInt32 width, SInt32 height, |
const OSType *pixelFormatList, int pixelFormatCount, |
CFMutableDictionaryRef *pixelBufferAttributesOut ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = memFullErr; |
int i; |
CFMutableDictionaryRef pixelBufferAttributes = NULL; |
CFNumberRef number = NULL; |
CFMutableArrayRef array = NULL; |
SInt32 widthRoundedUp, heightRoundedUp, extendRight, extendBottom; |
pixelBufferAttributes = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( |
NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks ); |
if( ! pixelBufferAttributes ) goto bail; |
array = CFArrayCreateMutable( NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks ); |
if( ! array ) goto bail; |
// Under kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey, add the list of source pixel formats. |
// This can be a CFNumber or a CFArray of CFNumbers. |
for( i = 0; i < pixelFormatCount; i++ ) { |
number = CFNumberCreate( NULL, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &pixelFormatList[i] ); |
if( ! number ) goto bail; |
CFArrayAppendValue( array, number ); |
CFRelease( number ); |
number = NULL; |
} |
CFDictionaryAddValue( pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey, array ); |
CFRelease( array ); |
array = NULL; |
// Add kCVPixelBufferWidthKey and kCVPixelBufferHeightKey to specify the dimensions |
// of the source pixel buffers. Normally this is the same as the compression target dimensions. |
addNumberToDictionary( pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferWidthKey, width ); |
addNumberToDictionary( pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferHeightKey, height ); |
// If you want to require that extra scratch pixels be allocated on the edges of source pixel buffers, |
// add the kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixels{Left,Top,Right,Bottom}Keys to indicate how much. |
// Internally our encoded can only support multiples of 16x16 macroblocks; |
// we will round the compression dimensions up to a multiple of 16x16 and encode that size. |
// (Note that if your compressor needs to copy the pixels anyhow (eg, in order to convert to a different |
// format) you may get better performance if your copy routine does not require extended pixels.) |
widthRoundedUp = roundUpToMultipleOf16( width ); |
heightRoundedUp = roundUpToMultipleOf16( height ); |
extendRight = widthRoundedUp - width; |
extendBottom = heightRoundedUp - height; |
if( extendRight || extendBottom ) { |
addNumberToDictionary( pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsRightKey, extendRight ); |
addNumberToDictionary( pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsBottomKey, extendBottom ); |
} |
// Altivec code is most efficient reading data aligned at addresses that are multiples of 16. |
// Pretending that we have some altivec code, we set kCVPixelBufferBytesPerRowAlignmentKey to |
// ensure that each row of pixels starts at a 16-byte-aligned address. |
addNumberToDictionary( pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferBytesPerRowAlignmentKey, 16 ); |
// This codec accepts YCbCr input in the form of '2vuy' format pixel buffers. |
// We recommend explicitly defining the gamma level and YCbCr matrix that should be used. |
addDoubleToDictionary( pixelBufferAttributes, kCVImageBufferGammaLevelKey, 2.2 ); |
CFDictionaryAddValue( pixelBufferAttributes, kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrixKey, kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4 ); |
err = noErr; |
*pixelBufferAttributesOut = pixelBufferAttributes; |
pixelBufferAttributes = NULL; |
bail: |
if( pixelBufferAttributes ) CFRelease( pixelBufferAttributes ); |
if( number ) CFRelease( number ); |
if( array ) CFRelease( array ); |
return err; |
} |
// Prepare to compress frames. |
// Compressor should record session and sessionOptions for use in later calls. |
// Compressor may modify imageDescription at this point. |
// Compressor may create and return pixel buffer options. |
ComponentResult |
ExampleIPB_CPrepareToCompressFrames( |
ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, |
ICMCompressorSessionRef session, |
ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef sessionOptions, |
ImageDescriptionHandle imageDescription, |
void *reserved, |
CFDictionaryRef *compressorPixelBufferAttributesOut) |
{ |
ComponentResult err = noErr; |
CFMutableDictionaryRef compressorPixelBufferAttributes = NULL; |
OSType pixelFormatList[] = { k422YpCbCr8PixelFormat }; // also known as '2vuy' |
Fixed gammaLevel; |
int frameIndex; |
SInt32 widthRoundedUp, heightRoundedUp; |
// Record the compressor session for later calls to the ICM. |
// Note: this is NOT a CF type and should NOT be CFRetained or CFReleased. |
glob->session = session; |
// Retain the session options for later use. |
ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRelease( glob->sessionOptions ); |
glob->sessionOptions = sessionOptions; |
ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRetain( glob->sessionOptions ); |
// Modify imageDescription here if needed. |
// We'll set the image description gamma level to say "2.2". |
gammaLevel = kQTCCIR601VideoGammaLevel; |
err = ICMImageDescriptionSetProperty( imageDescription, |
kQTPropertyClass_ImageDescription, |
kICMImageDescriptionPropertyID_GammaLevel, |
sizeof(gammaLevel), |
&gammaLevel ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
// Record the dimensions from the image description. |
glob->width = (*imageDescription)->width; |
glob->height = (*imageDescription)->height; |
// Create a pixel buffer attributes dictionary. |
err = createPixelBufferAttributesDictionary( glob->width, glob->height, |
pixelFormatList, sizeof(pixelFormatList) / sizeof(OSType), |
&compressorPixelBufferAttributes ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
*compressorPixelBufferAttributesOut = compressorPixelBufferAttributes; |
compressorPixelBufferAttributes = NULL; |
// Work out the upper bound on encoded frame data size -- we'll allocate buffers of this size. |
NaiveEncoder_GetMaxEncodedDataSize( glob->width, glob->height, &glob->maxEncodedDataSize ); |
glob->keyFrameCountDown = ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetMaxKeyFrameInterval( glob->sessionOptions ); |
// Create internal pixel buffers for the encoder and decoder. |
widthRoundedUp = roundUpToMultipleOf16( glob->width ); |
heightRoundedUp = roundUpToMultipleOf16( glob->height ); |
for( frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < kMaxStoredFrames; frameIndex++ ) { |
err = callocInternalPixelBuffer( widthRoundedUp, heightRoundedUp, &glob->storedFrameArray[frameIndex] ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
} |
err = callocInternalPixelBuffer( widthRoundedUp, heightRoundedUp, &glob->currentFrame ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
bail: |
if( compressorPixelBufferAttributes ) CFRelease( compressorPixelBufferAttributes ); |
return err; |
} |
// Presents the compressor with a frame to encode. |
// The compressor may encode the frame immediately or queue it for later encoding. |
// If the compressor queues the frame for later decode, it must retain it (by calling ICMCompressorSourceFrameRetain) |
// and release it when it is done with it (by calling ICMCompressorSourceFrameRelease). |
// Pixel buffers are guaranteed to conform to the pixel buffer options returned by ImageCodecPrepareToCompressFrames. |
ComponentResult |
ExampleIPB_CEncodeFrame( |
ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, |
ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame, |
UInt32 flags ) |
{ |
ComponentResult err = noErr; |
ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef frameOptions; |
Boolean forceKeyFrame; |
// Determine whether this frame must be a key frame. |
// If the session options do not allow temporal compression, all frames must be key frames. |
// Frame options can be used to force specific frames to be key frames. |
// We also count down from the "maximum key frame interval" to determine when it is time |
// to generate a regular key frame. |
// The compressor is also allowed to decide to generate more key frames than required, but not fewer. |
frameOptions = ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetFrameOptions( sourceFrame ); |
forceKeyFrame = |
( ! ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetAllowTemporalCompression( glob->sessionOptions ) ) |
|| ICMCompressionFrameOptionsGetForceKeyFrame( frameOptions ) |
|| ( 0 == glob->keyFrameCountDown ); |
if( forceKeyFrame ) |
glob->keyFrameCountDown = ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetMaxKeyFrameInterval( glob->sessionOptions ); |
else |
glob->keyFrameCountDown -= 1; |
// Put this frame on the end of the queue. |
err = addFrameToQueue( glob, sourceFrame, forceKeyFrame ); |
if( err ) goto bail; |
// If the queue is full, we have to complete a frame. |
if( glob->queuedFrameCount >= kMaxQueuedFrames ) { |
err = encodeSomeSourceFrames( glob ); |
if( err ) goto bail; |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// Directs the compressor to finish with a queued source frame, either emitting or dropping it. |
// This frame does not necessarily need to be the first or only source frame emitted or dropped |
// during this call, but the compressor must call either ICMCompressorSessionDropFrame or |
// ICMCompressorSessionEmitEncodedFrame with this frame before returning. |
// The ICM will call this function to force frames to be encoded for the following reasons: |
// - the maximum frame delay count or maximum frame delay time in the sessionOptions |
// does not permit more frames to be queued |
// - the client has called ICMCompressionSessionCompleteFrames. |
ComponentResult |
ExampleIPB_CCompleteFrame( |
ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, |
ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame, |
UInt32 flags ) |
{ |
ComponentResult err = noErr; |
// Encode frames until sourceFrame is no longer in the queue. |
while( isFrameInQueue( glob, sourceFrame ) ) { |
err = encodeSomeSourceFrames( glob ); |
if( err ) goto bail; |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// Put this frame on the end of the queue. |
static ComponentResult |
addFrameToQueue( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame, Boolean forceKeyFrame ) |
{ |
if( kMaxQueuedFrames == glob->queuedFrameCount ) |
return paramErr; // already full |
ICMCompressorSourceFrameRetain( sourceFrame ); |
glob->queuedFrames[ glob->queuedFrameCount ] = sourceFrame; |
glob->queuedFrameKeyFrame[ glob->queuedFrameCount ] = forceKeyFrame; |
glob->queuedFrameCount++; |
return noErr; |
} |
// Test whether this source frame is in our queue. |
static Boolean |
isFrameInQueue( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame ) |
{ |
int index; |
for( index = 0; index < glob->queuedFrameCount; index++ ) { |
if( glob->queuedFrames[ index ] == sourceFrame ) |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
// Remove a single frame from the queue. |
static void |
removeFrameFromQueue( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame ) |
{ |
int index; |
for( index = 0; index < glob->queuedFrameCount; index++ ) { |
if( glob->queuedFrames[ index ] == sourceFrame ) { |
ICMCompressorSourceFrameRelease( glob->queuedFrames[ index ] ); |
memmove( &glob->queuedFrames[ index ], |
&glob->queuedFrames[ index+1 ], |
( glob->queuedFrameCount - index - 1 ) * sizeof( ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef ) ); |
memmove( &glob->queuedFrameKeyFrame[ index ], |
&glob->queuedFrameKeyFrame[ index+1 ], |
( glob->queuedFrameCount - index - 1 ) * sizeof( Boolean ) ); |
glob->queuedFrames[ glob->queuedFrameCount-1 ] = NULL; |
glob->queuedFrameCount--; |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
// Release all frames in the queue. |
static void |
emptyQueue( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob ) |
{ |
int index; |
for( index = 0; index < glob->queuedFrameCount; index++ ) { |
ICMCompressorSourceFrameRelease( glob->queuedFrames[ index ] ); |
glob->queuedFrames[ index ] = NULL; |
} |
glob->queuedFrameCount = 0; |
} |
// Test whether any source frames in the queue have earlier display numbers than displayNumber. |
static Boolean |
doesQueueContainEarlierDisplayNumbers( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, long displayNumber ) |
{ |
int index; |
for( index = 0; index < glob->queuedFrameCount; index++ ) { |
if( ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetDisplayNumber( glob->queuedFrames[ index ] ) < displayNumber ) |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
static ICMFrameType |
getRequestedFrameType( ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame ) |
{ |
ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef frameOptions = ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetFrameOptions( sourceFrame ); |
ICMFrameType requestedFrameType = frameOptions ? ICMCompressionFrameOptionsGetFrameType( frameOptions ) : kICMFrameType_Unknown; |
return requestedFrameType; |
} |
// Select one or more frames, encode them and remove them from the source frame queue. |
// The source frame queue contains frames in display order, and the order in which we |
// encode them will become the decode order, so this is where the frame reordering pattern |
// is defined. |
// |
// If frame reordering has not been enabled by the client, then decode order must be the same |
// as display order, so we always encode the first frame in the source frame queue next. |
// Otherwise, we look ahead for the a frame to encode as the next I or P frame, |
// encode it, and then encode all the earlier frames as B frames. |
// Clients may request particular frames be I/P/B frames through frame options; we honor those |
// requests if possible. |
// Given no other guidance, we pick a regular B frame spacing. |
// A smarter codec could pick good I/P frames based on analysis of the image data. |
// |
// Note that although this example basically follows the MPEG-2 IPB reordering patterns, |
// compressors are allowed to use more free-form frame reordering if they like. |
static ComponentResult |
encodeSomeSourceFrames( ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob ) |
{ |
ComponentResult err = noErr; |
ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame = NULL; |
int nextFrameIndex; |
ICMFrameType frameType; |
Boolean keyFrame; |
Boolean partialSyncFrame; |
Boolean droppableFrame; |
int i; |
// This function should not be called when there are no queued source frames. |
if( 0 == glob->queuedFrameCount ) { |
err = paramErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
// If frame reordering has not been enabled by the client, then decode order must be the same |
// as display order, so we always encode the first frame in the source frame queue next. |
if( ! ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetAllowFrameReordering( glob->sessionOptions ) ) { |
ICMFrameType requestedFrameType = getRequestedFrameType( glob->queuedFrames[ 0 ] ); |
nextFrameIndex = 0; |
if( glob->queuedFrameKeyFrame[ 0 ] |
|| ( kICMFrameType_I == requestedFrameType ) ) { |
// Encode this frame as a key frame. |
frameType = kICMFrameType_I; |
keyFrame = true; |
partialSyncFrame = false; |
droppableFrame = false; |
} |
else { |
// Encode this frame as a P frame. |
frameType = kICMFrameType_P; |
keyFrame = false; |
partialSyncFrame = false; |
droppableFrame = false; |
} |
} |
else { |
const int kDefaultMaxConsecutiveBFrames = 2; |
// Otherwise, we look ahead for the a frame to encode as the next P frame (or non-key I frame), |
// encode it, and then encode all the earlier frames as B frames. |
for( i = 0; i < glob->queuedFrameCount; i++ ) { |
ICMFrameType requestedFrameType = getRequestedFrameType( glob->queuedFrames[ i ] ); |
if( glob->queuedFrameKeyFrame[ i ] ) { |
// Encode this frame as a key frame. |
nextFrameIndex = i; |
frameType = kICMFrameType_I; |
keyFrame = true; |
partialSyncFrame = false; |
droppableFrame = false; |
break; |
} |
else if( kICMFrameType_P == requestedFrameType ) { |
// OK, generate a P frame. |
nextFrameIndex = i; |
frameType = kICMFrameType_P; |
keyFrame = false; |
partialSyncFrame = false; |
droppableFrame = false; |
break; |
} |
else if( kICMFrameType_I == requestedFrameType ) { |
// Generate an I frame... |
nextFrameIndex = i; |
frameType = kICMFrameType_I; |
if( i > 0 ) { |
// If we're going to encode B frames with earlier display times, |
// we can choose to make this an open-GOP I frame. |
keyFrame = false; |
partialSyncFrame = true; |
} |
else { |
keyFrame = true; |
partialSyncFrame = false; |
} |
droppableFrame = false; |
break; |
} |
else if( kICMFrameType_B == requestedFrameType ) { |
// OK, we'll encode this as a B frame after we've encoded the next I or P frame. |
} |
else if( ( i >= kDefaultMaxConsecutiveBFrames ) || ( i+1 == glob->queuedFrameCount ) ) { |
// Generate a regular P frame here. |
nextFrameIndex = i; |
frameType = kICMFrameType_P; |
keyFrame = false; |
partialSyncFrame = false; |
droppableFrame = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if( 1 == glob->nextDecodeNumber ) { |
// The first frame we encode must be a key frame. |
frameType = kICMFrameType_I; |
keyFrame = true; |
partialSyncFrame = false; |
droppableFrame = false; |
} |
glob->nextDecodeNumber += 1; |
sourceFrame = glob->queuedFrames[ nextFrameIndex ]; |
err = encodeThisSourceFrame( glob, sourceFrame, frameType, keyFrame, partialSyncFrame, droppableFrame ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
// Take the source frame out of the queue and release it. |
removeFrameFromQueue( glob, sourceFrame ); |
// Encode the frames before that one as B frames. |
frameType = kICMFrameType_B; |
keyFrame = false; |
partialSyncFrame = false; |
droppableFrame = true; |
for( i = 0; i < nextFrameIndex; i++ ) { |
sourceFrame = glob->queuedFrames[ 0 ]; |
err = encodeThisSourceFrame( glob, sourceFrame, frameType, keyFrame, partialSyncFrame, droppableFrame ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
// Take the source frame out of the queue and release it. |
removeFrameFromQueue( glob, sourceFrame ); |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// Decide upon a byte budget for this frame. |
// We'll use the data rate settings if we can; otherwise, we'll use the compression quality. |
// This is simplistic -- a sophisticated compressor would average bit rate allocation over many frames. |
// In such a compressor it would be a good idea to also support the hard data rate limits in the session options |
// (see kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_DataRateLimits in ImageCompression.h). |
static ComponentResult |
getByteBudget( |
ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, |
ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame, |
size_t *byteBudgetOut ) |
{ |
ComponentResult err = noErr; |
TimeValue64 frameDisplayDuration = 0; |
TimeScale timescale = 0; |
ICMValidTimeFlags validTimeFlags = 0; |
SInt32 averageDataRate = 0; |
CodecQ quality = codecNormalQuality; |
size_t maxEncodedDataSize, minEncodedDataSize; |
// If we have a known frame duration and an average data rate, use them to guide the byte budget. |
err = ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetDisplayTimeStampAndDuration( sourceFrame, |
NULL, &frameDisplayDuration, ×cale, &validTimeFlags ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
if( glob->sessionOptions |
&& ( validTimeFlags & kICMValidTime_DisplayDurationIsValid ) |
&& ( frameDisplayDuration != 0 ) |
&& ( timescale != 0 ) ) { |
err = ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetProperty( glob->sessionOptions, |
kQTPropertyClass_ICMCompressionSessionOptions, |
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_AverageDataRate, |
sizeof( averageDataRate ), |
&averageDataRate, |
NULL ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
if( averageDataRate ) { |
// bytes = (bytes per second) * (seconds) |
*byteBudgetOut = averageDataRate * frameDisplayDuration / timescale; |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
// Otherwise, use the compression quality setting to guide this: in interests of simplicity, |
// let's use the compression quality to interpolate linearly between the best-case and worst-case compression sizes. |
if( glob->sessionOptions ) { |
err = ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetProperty( glob->sessionOptions, |
kQTPropertyClass_ICMCompressionSessionOptions, |
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_Quality, |
sizeof( quality ), |
&quality, |
NULL ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
} |
NaiveEncoder_GetMaxEncodedDataSize( glob->width, glob->height, &maxEncodedDataSize ); |
NaiveEncoder_GetMinEncodedDataSize( glob->width, glob->height, &minEncodedDataSize ); |
*byteBudgetOut = minEncodedDataSize + ((double)( maxEncodedDataSize - minEncodedDataSize )) * quality / codecLosslessQuality; |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
static ComponentResult |
encodeThisSourceFrame( |
ExampleIPBCompressorGlobals glob, |
ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame, |
ICMFrameType frameType, |
Boolean keyFrame, |
Boolean partialSyncFrame, |
Boolean droppableFrame ) |
{ |
ComponentResult err = noErr; |
ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef encodedFrame = NULL; |
UInt8 *dataPtr; |
const UInt8 *decoderDataPtr; |
size_t dataSize = 0; |
MediaSampleFlags mediaSampleFlags; |
CVPixelBufferRef sourcePixelBuffer = NULL; |
size_t byteBudget; |
int storageIndex = 0; |
// Create the buffer for the encoded frame. |
err = ICMEncodedFrameCreateMutable( glob->session, sourceFrame, glob->maxEncodedDataSize, &encodedFrame ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
// Decide how many bytes we're allowed to use encoding this frame. |
err = getByteBudget( glob, sourceFrame, &byteBudget ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
// For non-droppable frames, cycle between the storage buffers. |
if( ! droppableFrame ) { |
storageIndex = glob->nextStorageIndex; |
glob->nextStorageIndex = ( glob->nextStorageIndex + 1 ) % kMaxStoredFrames; |
} |
dataPtr = ICMEncodedFrameGetDataPtr( encodedFrame ); |
// Transfer the source frame into glob->currentFrame, converting it from chunky YUV422 to planar YUV420. |
sourcePixelBuffer = ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetPixelBuffer( sourceFrame ); |
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress( sourcePixelBuffer, 0 ); |
err = CopyChunkyYUV422ToPlanarYUV420( glob->width, glob->height, |
CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress( sourcePixelBuffer ), |
CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow( sourcePixelBuffer ), |
glob->currentFrame.planeArray[0].planeBaseAddr, |
glob->currentFrame.planeArray[0].planeRowBytes, |
glob->currentFrame.planeArray[1].planeBaseAddr, |
glob->currentFrame.planeArray[1].planeRowBytes, |
glob->currentFrame.planeArray[2].planeBaseAddr, |
glob->currentFrame.planeArray[2].planeRowBytes ); |
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress( sourcePixelBuffer, 0 ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
err = NaiveEncoder_EncodeFrame( |
glob->width, glob->height, &glob->currentFrame, dataPtr, &dataSize, byteBudget, |
glob->storedFrameAvailable, glob->storedFrameArray, keyFrame, droppableFrame, storageIndex ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
if( ! droppableFrame ) { |
// Non-droppable frames modify the state of the decoder, so we need to decode the frame |
// we just encoded so that we can accurately model the decoder's state. |
decoderDataPtr = dataPtr; |
err = NaiveDecoder_DecodeFramePayload( glob->width, glob->height, &decoderDataPtr, NULL, dataSize, |
glob->storedFrameArray, &glob->storedFrameArray[ storageIndex ] ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
glob->storedFrameAvailable[ storageIndex ] = true; |
} |
// Update the encoded frame to reflect the actual frame size, sample flags and frame type. |
err = ICMEncodedFrameSetDataSize( encodedFrame, dataSize ); |
if( err ) goto bail; |
mediaSampleFlags = 0; |
if( ! keyFrame ) { |
mediaSampleFlags |= mediaSampleNotSync; |
if( droppableFrame ) |
mediaSampleFlags |= mediaSampleDroppable; |
if( partialSyncFrame ) |
mediaSampleFlags |= mediaSamplePartialSync; |
} |
if( kICMFrameType_I == frameType ) |
mediaSampleFlags |= mediaSampleDoesNotDependOnOthers; |
if( doesQueueContainEarlierDisplayNumbers( glob, |
ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetDisplayNumber( sourceFrame ) ) ) |
mediaSampleFlags |= mediaSampleEarlierDisplayTimesAllowed; |
err = ICMEncodedFrameSetMediaSampleFlags( encodedFrame, mediaSampleFlags ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
err = ICMEncodedFrameSetFrameType( encodedFrame, frameType ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
// Output the encoded frame. |
err = ICMCompressorSessionEmitEncodedFrame( glob->session, encodedFrame, 1, &sourceFrame ); |
if( err ) |
goto bail; |
bail: |
// Since we created this, we must also release it. |
ICMEncodedFrameRelease( encodedFrame ); |
return err; |
} |
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