Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: ExampleVideoPanel.c |
Contains: Example video panel component routines. |
Written by: Gary Woodcock |
Copyright: © 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
Change History (most recent first): |
*/ |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// includes |
#include "ExampleVideoPanelPrivate.h" |
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h> |
#include <Errors.h> |
#include <Resources.h> |
#include <SysEqu.h> |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
#ifdef DEBUG_IT |
// Use this declaration when we're running linked (for debugging) |
pascal ComponentResult |
ExampleVideoPanelDispatcher (ComponentParameters *params, Handle storage) |
#else |
// Use this declaration when we're a standalone component |
pascal ComponentResult |
main (ComponentParameters *params, Handle storage) |
#endif DEBUG_IT |
{ |
// This routine is the main dispatcher for the component |
ComponentResult result = noErr; |
ComponentFunction exampleFunction = nil; |
// Did we get a Component Manager request code (< 0)? |
if (params->what < 0) |
{ |
switch (params->what) |
{ |
case kComponentOpenSelect: // Open request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelOpen; |
break; |
} |
case kComponentCloseSelect: // Close request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelClose; |
break; |
} |
case kComponentCanDoSelect: // Can Do request |
{ |
result = CallComponentFunction (params, |
(ComponentFunction) _ExampleVideoPanelCanDo); |
break; |
} |
case kComponentVersionSelect: // Version request |
{ |
result = CallComponentFunction (params, |
(ComponentFunction) _ExampleVideoPanelVersion); |
break; |
} |
case kComponentTargetSelect: // Target request not supported |
case kComponentRegisterSelect: // Register request not supported |
default: // Unknown request |
{ |
result = badComponentSelector; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
else // Was it one of our request codes? |
{ |
switch (params->what) |
{ |
case kSGCPanelGetDitlSelect: // SGPanelGetDitl request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelGetDitl; |
break; |
} |
case kSGCPanelGetTitleSelect: // SGPanelGetTitle request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelGetTitle; |
break; |
} |
case kSGCPanelCanRunSelect: // SGPanelCanRun request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelCanRun; |
break; |
} |
case kSGCPanelInstallSelect: // SGPanelInstall request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelInstall; |
break; |
} |
case kSGCPanelEventSelect: // SGPanelEvent request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelEvent; |
break; |
} |
case kSGCPanelItemSelect: // SGPanelItem request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelItem; |
break; |
} |
case kSGCPanelRemoveSelect: // SGPanelRemove request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelRemove; |
break; |
} |
case kSGCPanelSetGrabberSelect: // SGPanelSetGrabber request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelSetGrabber; |
break; |
} |
case kSGCPanelSetResFileSelect: // SGPanelSetResFile request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelSetResFile; |
break; |
} |
case kSGCPanelGetSettingsSelect: // SGPanelGetSettings request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelGetSettings; |
break; |
} |
case kSGCPanelSetSettingsSelect: // SGPanelSetSettings request |
{ |
exampleFunction = _ExampleVideoPanelSetSettings; |
break; |
} |
default: // Unknown request |
{ |
result = badComponentSelector; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (exampleFunction != nil) |
{ |
result = CallComponentFunctionWithStorage (storage, params, exampleFunction); |
} |
return (result); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelOpen (Handle storage, ComponentInstance self) |
{ |
#pragma unused (storage) |
PanelGlobalsHdl globals; |
ComponentResult result = noErr; |
#ifdef THINK_C |
SetComponentInstanceA5 (self, *(long *) CurrentA5); |
#endif THINK_C |
// Can we open another instance? |
if (CountComponentInstances ((Component) self) <= kMaxExampleVideoPanelInstances) |
{ |
// Did we get our storage? |
globals = (PanelGlobalsHdl) NewHandleClear (sizeof (PanelGlobals)); |
if (globals != nil) |
{ |
// Keep a reference to self |
(**globals).self = (Component) self; |
// Set storage ref |
SetComponentInstanceStorage (self, (Handle) globals); |
} |
else // NewHandleClear failed |
{ |
result = MemError(); |
} |
} |
else // No more instances can be opened |
{ |
result = kGenericError; |
} |
return (result); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelClose (Handle storage, ComponentInstance self) |
{ |
PanelGlobalsHdl globals = (PanelGlobalsHdl) storage; |
ComponentResult result = noErr; |
// Do we have any clean up to do? |
if (globals != nil) |
{ |
// Dispose globals |
DisposHandle ((Handle) globals); |
} |
return (result); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelCanDo (short selector) |
{ |
// Case on the request code |
switch (selector) |
{ |
// Component Manager request codes |
case kComponentOpenSelect: |
case kComponentCloseSelect: |
case kComponentCanDoSelect: |
case kComponentVersionSelect: |
// Sequence grabber panel component request codes |
case kSGCPanelGetDitlSelect: |
case kSGCPanelGetTitleSelect: |
case kSGCPanelCanRunSelect: |
case kSGCPanelInstallSelect: |
case kSGCPanelEventSelect: |
case kSGCPanelItemSelect: |
case kSGCPanelRemoveSelect: |
case kSGCPanelSetGrabberSelect: |
case kSGCPanelSetResFileSelect: |
case kSGCPanelGetSettingsSelect: |
case kSGCPanelSetSettingsSelect: |
{ |
return (true); |
} |
// Unsupported or unknown request codes |
case kComponentRegisterSelect: // Register request not supported |
case kComponentTargetSelect: // Target request not supported |
default: // Not a request code we recognize |
{ |
return (false); |
} |
} |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelVersion (void) |
{ |
// Return the version info |
return (exampleVideoPanelInterfaceRevision); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelGetDitl (Handle storage, Handle *ditl) |
{ |
// This routine gets our ditl and hands it back to the sequence grabber |
#pragma unused (storage) |
ComponentResult result = noErr; |
Handle panelDITL = GetResource ('DITL', kExampleVideoPanelDITLID); |
// Did we get the DITL resource okay? |
result = ResError(); |
if (panelDITL != nil) |
{ |
// Detach it |
DetachResource (panelDITL); |
} |
*ditl = panelDITL; |
return (result); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelGetTitle (Handle storage, Str255 title) |
{ |
#pragma unused (storage) |
#pragma unused (title) |
// Nothing to do here right now |
return (paramErr); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelCanRun (Handle storage, SGChannel c) |
{ |
#pragma unused (storage) |
#pragma unused (c) |
// Our 'thng' resource has the channelFlagHasDependency flag set, |
// which means that this routine gets called to find out if |
// it can run in the current environment. This usually means |
// finding out if the panel is compatible with the currently |
// selected digitizer. This is handy for adding manufacturer |
// specific panels to the settings dialog. We don't do anything |
// here except SysBeep just to show we actually get called. |
SysBeep(5); |
return (noErr); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelInstall (Handle storage, SGChannel c, DialogPtr d, |
short itemOffset) |
{ |
// Do our setup in this routine |
#pragma unused (d) |
#pragma unused (itemOffset) |
PanelGlobalsHdl globals = (PanelGlobalsHdl) storage; |
ComponentResult result = noErr; |
// Get our gray pattern |
*(long *)((**globals).grayPat) = *(long *)((**globals).grayPat + 4) = 0x55AA55AA; |
// Get current black level |
result = VDGetBlackLevelValue (SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent (c), &((**globals).savedBlackLevel)); |
if (result != noErr) |
{ |
// Can't get the black level, so we can't do zero black level |
HiliteControl ((ControlHandle) GetItemHandle (d, itemOffset + kZeroBlackButton), 255); |
} |
return (noErr); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelEvent (Handle storage, SGChannel c, DialogPtr d, |
short itemOffset, EventRecord *theEvent, short *itemHit, Boolean *handled) |
{ |
// This routine is quite similar to a normal event filter proc. |
PanelGlobalsHdl globals = (PanelGlobalsHdl) storage; |
ComponentResult result = noErr; |
GrafPtr savedPort; |
PenState savedPen; |
// Set up the port stuff |
GetPort (&savedPort); |
SetPort (d); |
GetPenState (&savedPen); |
// Assume we don't handle it |
*handled = false; |
// Look for a key hit |
if ((theEvent->what == keyDown) || (theEvent->what == autoKey)) |
{ |
char theChar = theEvent->message & charCodeMask; |
char theKeyCode = ((theEvent->message & keyCodeMask) >> 8); |
Boolean cmdKeyDown = ((theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) != 0) ? true : false; |
if (cmdKeyDown && (theKeyCode == kDKey)) |
{ |
unsigned short maxBlackLevel = 0; |
// Fake a "Do it" button hit |
FakeDialogButtonHit (d, itemOffset + kZeroBlackButton); |
result = VDSetBlackLevelValue (SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent (c), &maxBlackLevel); |
*itemHit = itemOffset + kZeroBlackButton; |
*handled = true; |
} |
else if (cmdKeyDown && (theKeyCode == kRKey)) |
{ |
// Fake a "Reset" button hit |
FakeDialogButtonHit (d, itemOffset + kResetButton); |
result = VDSetBlackLevelValue (SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent (c), &((**globals).savedBlackLevel)); |
*itemHit = itemOffset + kResetButton; |
*handled = true; |
} |
} |
else if (theEvent->what == updateEvt) |
{ |
Rect r; |
// Draw the separator line whenever we get an update cuz I'm lazy |
GetItemBox (d, itemOffset + kSeparator, &r); |
PenPat ((**globals).grayPat); |
FrameRect (&r); |
} |
// Restore stuff |
SetPenState (&savedPen); |
SetPort (savedPort); |
return (result); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelItem (Handle storage, SGChannel c, DialogPtr d, |
short itemOffset, short itemNum) |
{ |
#pragma unused (d) |
PanelGlobalsHdl globals = (PanelGlobalsHdl) storage; |
ComponentResult result = noErr; |
short theItem = itemNum - itemOffset; // Remember to account for the item offset |
// What item got hit? |
switch (theItem) |
{ |
case kZeroBlackButton: |
{ |
unsigned short maxBlackLevel = 0; |
result = VDSetBlackLevelValue (SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent (c), &maxBlackLevel); |
break; |
} |
case kResetButton: |
{ |
result = VDSetBlackLevelValue (SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent (c), &((**globals).savedBlackLevel)); |
break; |
} |
default: |
{ |
break; |
} |
} |
return (result); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelRemove (Handle storage, SGChannel c, DialogPtr d, |
short itemOffset) |
{ |
#pragma unused (storage) |
#pragma unused (c) |
#pragma unused (d) |
#pragma unused (itemOffset) |
// This is where you do your panel related cleanup. Note that |
// this is different from the cleanup you do in your close component |
// routine. Basically, this gets called when your ditl is getting |
// removed from the dialog and a new one is being added (like when |
// someone chooses a different panel from the panel popup menu). |
// Examples of stuff you might do here include getting rid of any |
// custom controls or popup menus, or saving panel settings. |
return (noErr); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelSetGrabber (Handle storage, SeqGrabComponent sg) |
{ |
PanelGlobalsHdl globals = (PanelGlobalsHdl) storage; |
// Save our grabber |
(**globals).seqGrabber = sg; |
return (noErr); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelSetResFile (Handle storage, short resRef) |
{ |
PanelGlobalsHdl globals = (PanelGlobalsHdl) storage; |
// Since we don't have the channelFlagDontOpenResFile flag |
// set in our 'thng' resource, the sequence grabber will |
// open our resource file for us. |
// Save our resfile ref |
(**globals).resRefNum = resRef; |
return (noErr); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelGetSettings (Handle storage, SGChannel c, UserData *ud, long flags) |
{ |
#pragma unused (c) |
#pragma unused (flags) |
ComponentResult result = noErr; |
UserData userStuff = 0L; |
// You HAVE to give something valid back as user data when you |
// return from this routine or your panel will fail to install. |
// What is being asked for basically amounts to a handle to some |
// state info specific to your panel. We don't really have any |
// state info we care about, so we just hand back an empty user |
// data just to keep everyone happy. |
if ((result = NewUserData (&userStuff)) == noErr) |
{ |
*ud = userStuff; |
} |
return (result); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelSetSettings (Handle storage, SGChannel c, UserData ud, long flags) |
{ |
#pragma unused (storage) |
#pragma unused (c) |
#pragma unused (ud) |
#pragma unused (flags) |
// Here is where you would decode your user data structure and use |
// the info to set the state of your panel items. Again, we don't |
// really have anything that has any meaningful state in our panel, |
// so we ignore this. |
return (noErr); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal ComponentResult |
_ExampleVideoPanelValidateInput (Handle storage, Boolean *ok) |
{ |
#pragma unused (storage) |
// This is where you do a sanity check on the user-definable |
// items in your panel. If there are any bad values, you |
// should alert the user somehow, and return false for *ok. |
// If everything's fine, return true. We don't really have |
// anything to check on in our example, so we return true |
// all the time. |
*ok = true; |
return (noErr); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr |
FakeButtonHit (ControlHandle theButton) |
{ |
OSErr result = noErr; |
if (theButton != nil) |
{ |
long dummyTicks = 0L; |
HiliteControl (theButton, inButton); |
Delay (8, &dummyTicks); |
HiliteControl (theButton, 0); |
} |
else |
{ |
result = nilHandleErr; |
} |
return (result); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSErr |
FakeDialogButtonHit (DialogPtr theDialog, short theButtonItem) |
{ |
OSErr result = noErr; |
if (theDialog != nil) |
{ |
result = FakeButtonHit ((ControlHandle) GetItemHandle (theDialog, theButtonItem)); |
} |
else |
{ |
result = nilHandleErr; |
} |
return (result); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static void |
SetUserItem (DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, Handle userProc) |
{ |
Handle item; |
Rect box; |
short itemType; |
GetDItem (theDialog, theItem, &itemType, &item, &box); |
SetDItem (theDialog, theItem, itemType, userProc, &box); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static Handle |
GetItemHandle (DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem) |
{ |
Handle item; |
Rect box; |
short itemType; |
GetDItem (theDialog, theItem, &itemType, &item, &box); |
return (item); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static void |
GetItemBox (DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, Rect *theRect) |
{ |
Handle item; |
short itemType; |
GetDItem (theDialog, theItem, &itemType, &item, theRect); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
#ifdef THINK_C |
#ifdef DEBUG_IT |
void |
RegisterExampleVideoPanel (void); |
void |
RegisterExampleVideoPanel (void) |
{ |
ComponentDescription foo; |
Handle h; |
foo.componentType = SeqGrabPanelType; |
foo.componentSubType = 'vide'; |
foo.componentManufacturer = 'xmpl'; |
foo.componentFlags = channelFlagHasDependency | channelFlagDontOpenResFile; // Indicate that we want a can run message |
foo.componentFlagsMask = 0L; |
PtrToHand ("\pExample (linked)", &h, 17); |
RegisterComponent (&foo, (void *)ExampleVideoPanelDispatcher, 0, h, 0, 0); |
DisposHandle (h); |
} |
#endif DEBUG_IT |
#endif THINK_C |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14