
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Contains the `ImageToolsViewController` class, which manages the UI of a stack of tools buttons.
import Cocoa
    `ImageToolsViewController` manages a list of tool controls. The controls can be
    detached from the tool stack once their contained view becomes too small and 
    displayed in an overflow menu.
class ImageToolsViewController: NSViewController, NSStackViewDelegate {
    // MARK: Properties
    @IBOutlet var stackView: NSStackView!
        The button shown when the tool stack is too small to present all of its
        buttons. Clicking on the overflow button shows a menu with representations 
        of the detached buttons.
    lazy var overflowRevealButton: NSButton = {
        let overflowRevealButton = NSButton()
        overflowRevealButton.bezelStyle = .shadowlessSquare
        overflowRevealButton.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        overflowRevealButton.attributedTitle = NSAttributedString(string: "...", attributes: [
            NSFontAttributeName: NSFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 13.0)
        overflowRevealButton.alphaValue = 0.75
        overflowRevealButton.target = self
        overflowRevealButton.action = #selector(ImageToolsViewController.popUpOverflowMenu(_:))
        return overflowRevealButton
    // MARK: Life Cycle
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        stackView.detachesHiddenViews = true
    // MARK: Overflow Menu
        Creates a menu for the detached views in the stack. The title, target, 
        and action of the menu items match the associated buttons. If there were 
        no detached items, returns nil.
    var overflowMenu: NSMenu? {
        let detachedButtons = stackView.detachedViews.flatMap { $0 as? NSButton }
        if !detachedButtons.isEmpty {
            let menu = NSMenu(title: "Detached Items")
                Do not use auto-validation, the menu items will have the same 
                enabled state as their represented button.
            menu.autoenablesItems = false
                Add a menu item for each detached button, transferring the applicable
                button state to the menu item.
            for button in detachedButtons {
                let menuItem = menu.addItem(withTitle: button.title, action: button.action, keyEquivalent: button.keyEquivalent)
                menuItem.target = button.target
                menuItem.isEnabled = button.isEnabled
                menuItem.representedObject = button
            return menu
        return nil
    @objc fileprivate func popUpOverflowMenu(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
        // Show the overflow menu (if we one exists) underneath the overflow button.
        let popUpMenuLocation = NSPoint(x: overflowRevealButton.bounds.minX, y: overflowRevealButton.bounds.maxY)
        overflowMenu?.popUp(positioning: nil, at: popUpMenuLocation, in: overflowRevealButton)
    // MARK: NSStackView Delegate
    func stackView(_ stackView: NSStackView, willDetach views: [NSView]) {
            If the stack view did not previously have any detached views, these 
            are the first, so the overflow button needs to be added and constrained.
        if stackView.detachedViews.isEmpty {
                Add the overflow button (not as an arranged subview), and constraints 
                to position it on the trailing edge of the stack view.
            overflowRevealButton.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stackView.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
            overflowRevealButton.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stackView.topAnchor).isActive = true
            overflowRevealButton.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stackView.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
    func stackView(_ stackView: NSStackView, didReattach views: [NSView]) {
            If the stack view no longer has any detached views, these were the last, 
            so the overflow button needs to be removed.
        if stackView.detachedViews.isEmpty {
            // Removing the overflow button will also remove constraints associated with it.