Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: FSCopyObject.c |
Contains: A Copy/Delete Files/Folders engine which uses HFS+ API's. |
This code takes some tricks/techniques from MoreFilesX and |
MPFileCopy, wraps them all up into an easy to use API, and |
adds a bunch of features. It will run on Mac OS 9.1 through |
9.2.x and 10.1.x and up (Classic, Carbon and Mach-O) |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Copyright © 2002-2004 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
*/ |
#include "FSCopyObject.h" |
#include "GenLinkedList.h" |
#include <UnicodeConverter.h> |
#endif |
#include <stddef.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#pragma mark ----- Tunable Parameters ----- |
/* The following constants control the behavior of the copy engine. */ |
enum { /* BufferSizeForVolSpeed */ |
/* kDefaultCopyBufferSize = 2L * 1024 * 1024,*/ /* 2MB, Fast but not very responsive. */ |
kDefaultCopyBufferSize = 256L * 1024, /* 256kB, Slower but can still use machine. */ |
kMaximumCopyBufferSize = 2L * 1024 * 1024, |
kMinimumCopyBufferSize = 1024 |
}; |
enum { /* CheckForDestInsideSrc */ |
errFSDestInsideSource = -1234 |
}; |
enum { |
/* for use with PBHGetDirAccess in IsDropBox */ |
kPrivilegesMask = kioACAccessUserWriteMask | kioACAccessUserReadMask | kioACAccessUserSearchMask, |
/* for use with FSGetCatalogInfo and FSPermissionInfo->mode */ |
/* from sys/stat.h... note -- sys/stat.h definitions are in octal */ |
/* */ |
/* You can use these values to adjust the users/groups permissions */ |
/* on a file/folder with FSSetCatalogInfo and extracting the */ |
/* kFSCatInfoPermissions field. See code below for examples */ |
kRWXUserAccessMask = 0x01C0, |
kReadAccessUser = 0x0100, |
kWriteAccessUser = 0x0080, |
kExecuteAccessUser = 0x0040, |
kRWXGroupAccessMask = 0x0038, |
kReadAccessGroup = 0x0020, |
kWriteAccessGroup = 0x0010, |
kExecuteAccessGroup = 0x0008, |
kRWXOtherAccessMask = 0x0007, |
kReadAccessOther = 0x0004, |
kWriteAccessOther = 0x0002, |
kExecuteAccessOther = 0x0001, |
kDropFolderValue = kWriteAccessOther | kExecuteAccessOther |
}; |
#define kNumObjects 80 |
#define VolHasCopyFile(volParms) (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasCopyFile)) != 0) |
#pragma mark ----- Struct Definitions ----- |
/* The CopyParams data structure holds the copy buffer used */ |
/* when copying the forks over, as well as special case */ |
/* info on the destination */ |
struct CopyParams { |
void *copyBuffer; |
ByteCount copyBufferSize; |
Boolean copyingToDropFolder; |
Boolean copyingToLocalVolume; |
Boolean volHasCopyFile; |
DupeAction dupeAction; |
}; |
typedef struct CopyParams CopyParams; |
/* The FilterParams data structure holds the date and info */ |
/* that the caller wants passed into the Filter Proc, as well */ |
/* as the Filter Proc Pointer itself */ |
struct FilterParams { |
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo; |
CopyObjectFilterProcPtr filterProcPtr; |
Boolean containerChanged; |
Boolean wantSpec; |
Boolean wantName; |
void *yourDataPtr; |
}; |
typedef struct FilterParams FilterParams; |
/* The ForkTracker data structure holds information about a specific fork, */ |
/* specifically the name and the refnum. We use this to build a list of */ |
/* all the forks before we start copying them. We need to do this because */ |
/* if we're copying into a drop folder, we must open all the forks before */ |
/* we start copying data into any of them. */ |
/* Plus it's a convenient way to keep track of all the forks... */ |
struct ForkTracker { |
HFSUniStr255 forkName; |
SInt64 forkSize; |
SInt16 forkDestRefNum; |
}; |
typedef struct ForkTracker ForkTracker; |
typedef ForkTracker *ForkTrackerPtr; |
/* The FolderListData data structure holds FSRefs to the source and */ |
/* coorisponding destination folder, as well as which level its on */ |
/* for use in ProcessFolderList. */ |
struct FolderListData |
{ |
FSRef sourceDirRef; |
FSRef destDirRef; |
UInt32 level; |
}; |
typedef struct FolderListData FolderListData; |
/* The FSCopyFolderGlobals data structure holds the information needed to */ |
/* copy a directory */ |
struct FSCopyFolderGlobals |
{ |
FSRef *sourceDirRef; |
FSRef *destDirRef; |
FSCatalogInfo *catInfoList; |
FSRef *srcRefList; |
HFSUniStr255 *nameList; |
GenLinkedList folderList; |
GenIteratorPtr folderListIter; |
CopyParams *copyParams; |
FilterParams *filterParams; |
Boolean containerChanged; |
ItemCount maxLevels; |
ItemCount currentLevel; |
}; |
typedef struct FSCopyFolderGlobals FSCopyFolderGlobals; |
/* The FSDeleteObjectGlobals data structure holds information needed to */ |
/* recursively delete a directory */ |
struct FSDeleteObjectGlobals |
{ |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; /* FSCatalogInfo */ |
ItemCount actualObjects; /* number of objects returned */ |
OSErr result; /* result */ |
}; |
typedef struct FSDeleteObjectGlobals FSDeleteObjectGlobals; |
#pragma mark ----- Local Prototypes ----- |
static OSErr FSCopyObjectPreflight ( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *destDir, |
const DupeAction dupeAction, |
FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo, |
CopyParams *copyParams, /* can be NULL */ |
HFSUniStr255 *newObjectName, |
FSRef *deleteMeRef, |
Boolean *isReplacing, |
Boolean *isDirectory ); |
static OSErr FSCopyFile ( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *destDir, |
const FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo, |
const HFSUniStr255 *newFileName, |
CopyParams *copyParams, |
FilterParams *filterParams, |
FSRef *newFileRef, /* can be NULL */ |
FSSpec *newFileSpec ); /* can be NULL */ |
static OSErr CopyFile ( const FSRef *source, |
FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo, |
const FSRef *destDir, |
const HFSUniStr255 *destName, /* can be NULL */ |
CopyParams *copyParams, |
FSRef *newRef, /* can be NULL */ |
FSSpec *newSpec ); /* can be NULL */ |
static OSErr FSUsePBHCopyFile ( const FSRef *srcFileRef, |
const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef, |
const HFSUniStr255 *destName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */ |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
FSRef *newRef, /* can be NULL */ |
FSSpec *newSpec ); /* can be NULL */ |
static OSErr DoCopyFile ( const FSRef *source, |
FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo, |
const FSRef *destDir, |
const HFSUniStr255 *destName, |
CopyParams *params, |
FSRef *newRef, /* can be NULL */ |
FSSpec *newSpec ); /* can be NULL */ |
static OSErr FSCopyFolder ( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *destDir, |
const FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo, |
const HFSUniStr255 *newFoldName, |
CopyParams *copyParams, |
FilterParams *filterParams, |
ItemCount maxLevels, |
FSRef *outDirRef, /* can be NULL */ |
FSSpec *outDirSpec ); /* can be NULL */ |
static OSErr ProcessFolderList ( FSCopyFolderGlobals *folderGlobals ); |
static OSErr CopyFolder ( FSCopyFolderGlobals *folderGlobals ); |
static OSErr CheckForDestInsideSrc ( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *destDir ); |
static OSErr CopyForks ( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *dest, |
CopyParams *params ); |
static OSErr CopyForksToDisk ( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *dest, |
CopyParams *params ); |
static OSErr CopyForksToDropBox ( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *dest, |
CopyParams *params ); |
static OSErr OpenAllForks ( const FSRef *dest, |
GenLinkedList *forkList ); |
static OSErr WriteFork ( const SInt16 srcRefNum, |
const SInt16 destRefNum, |
const CopyParams *params, |
const SInt64 forkSize ); |
static UInt32 CalcBufferSizeForVol ( const GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParms, |
UInt32 volParmsSize ); |
static UInt32 BufferSizeForVolSpeed ( UInt32 volumeBytesPerSecond ); |
static OSErr FSDeleteFolder ( const FSRef *container ); |
static void FSDeleteFolderLevel ( const FSRef *container, |
FSDeleteObjectGlobals *theGlobals ); |
static OSErr IsDropBox ( const FSRef *source, |
Boolean *isDropBox ); |
static OSErr GetMagicBusyCreateDate( UTCDateTime *date ); |
static OSErr FSGetVRefNum ( const FSRef *ref, |
FSVolumeRefNum *vRefNum ); |
static OSErr FSGetVolParms ( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
UInt32 bufferSize, |
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer*volParmsInfo, |
UInt32 *actualInfoSize ); /* Can Be NULL */ |
static OSErr UniStrToPStr ( const HFSUniStr255 *uniStr, |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
Boolean isVolumeName, |
Str255 pStr ); |
static OSErr FSMakeFSRef ( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
SInt32 dirID, |
ConstStr255Param name, |
FSRef *ref ); |
static OSErr SetupDestination ( const FSRef *destDir, |
const DupeAction dupeAction, |
HFSUniStr255 *sourceName, |
FSRef *deleteMeRef, |
Boolean *isReplacing); |
static OSErr GetUniqueName ( const FSRef *destDir, |
HFSUniStr255 *sourceName ); |
static OSErr GetObjectName ( const FSRef *sourceRef, |
HFSUniStr255 *sourceName, |
TextEncoding *sourceEncoding ); |
static OSErr CreateFolder ( const FSRef *sourceRef, |
const FSRef *destDirRef, |
const FSCatalogInfo *catalogInfo, |
const HFSUniStr255 *folderName, |
CopyParams *params, |
FSRef *newFSRefPtr, |
FSSpec *newFSSpecPtr ); |
static OSErr DoCreateFolder ( const FSRef *sourceRef, |
const FSRef *destDirRef, |
const FSCatalogInfo *catalogInfo, |
const HFSUniStr255 *folderName, |
CopyParams *params, |
FSRef *newFSRefPtr, |
FSSpec *newFSSpecPtr); |
static pascal void MyDisposeDataProc ( void *pData ); |
static pascal void MyCloseForkProc ( void *pData ); |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Copy Objects ----- |
/* This routine acts as the top level of the copy engine. */ |
OSErr FSCopyObject( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *destDir, |
ItemCount maxLevels, |
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, |
DupeAction dupeAction, |
const HFSUniStr255 *newObjectName, /* can be NULL */ |
Boolean wantFSSpec, |
Boolean wantName, |
CopyObjectFilterProcPtr filterProcPtr, /* can be NULL */ |
void *yourDataPtr, /* can be NULL */ |
FSRef *newObjectRef, /* can be NULL */ |
FSSpec *newObjectSpec) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
CopyParams copyParams; |
FilterParams filterParams; |
FSCatalogInfo sourceCatInfo; |
HFSUniStr255 sourceName, |
tmpObjectName; |
FSRef tmpObjectRef, |
deleteMeRef; |
Boolean isDirectory, |
isReplacing = false; |
OSErr err = ( source != NULL && destDir != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
/* Zero out these two FSRefs in case an error occurs before or */ |
/* inside FSCopyObjectPreflight. Paranoia mainly... */ |
BlockZero( &deleteMeRef, sizeof( FSRef ) ); |
BlockZero( &tmpObjectRef, sizeof( FSRef ) ); |
/* setup filterParams */ |
filterParams.whichInfo = whichInfo; |
filterParams.filterProcPtr = filterProcPtr; |
filterParams.wantSpec = ( filterProcPtr && wantFSSpec ); /* only get this info if */ |
filterParams.wantName = ( filterProcPtr && wantName ); /* a filterProc is provied */ |
filterParams.yourDataPtr = yourDataPtr; |
/* Get and store away the name of the source object */ |
/* and setup the initial name of the new object */ |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = GetObjectName( source, &sourceName, NULL ); |
if( err == noErr ) |
tmpObjectName = (newObjectName != NULL) ? *newObjectName : sourceName; |
if( err == noErr ) /* preflight/prep the destination and our internal variables */ |
err = FSCopyObjectPreflight( source, destDir, dupeAction, &sourceCatInfo, ©Params, &tmpObjectName, &deleteMeRef, &isReplacing, &isDirectory ); |
/* now that we have some info, lets print it */ |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
dwarning(( "%s -- err: %d, maxLevels: %u, whichInfo: %08x,\n", __FUNCTION__, err, (unsigned int)maxLevels, (int)whichInfo )); |
dwarning(( "\t\t\t\tdupeAction: %s, wantSpec: %s, wantName: %s,\n", ((dupeAction == kDupeActionReplace) ? "replace" : ((dupeAction == kDupeActionRename) ? "rename" : "standard")), (filterParams.wantSpec)?"yes":"no", (filterParams.wantName)?"yes":"no" )); |
dwarning(( "\t\t\t\tfilterProcPtr: 0x%08x, yourDataPtr: 0x%08x,\n", (unsigned int)filterProcPtr, (unsigned int)yourDataPtr )); |
dwarning(( "\t\t\t\tnewObjectRef: 0x%08x, newObjectSpec: 0x%08x,\n", (unsigned int)newObjectRef, (unsigned int)newObjectSpec )); |
dwarning(( "\t\t\t\tcopyBufferSize: %dkB, isDirectory: %s, isLocal: %s,\n", (int)copyParams.copyBufferSize/1024, (isDirectory)?"yes":"no", (copyParams.copyingToLocalVolume)?"yes":"no" )); |
dwarning(( "\t\t\t\tisDropBox: %s, PBHCopyFileSync supported: %s\n\n", (copyParams.copyingToDropFolder)?"yes":"no", (copyParams.volHasCopyFile)?"yes":"no" )); |
} |
if( err == noErr ) /* now copy the file/folder... */ |
{ /* is it a folder? */ |
if ( isDirectory ) |
{ /* yes */ |
err = CheckForDestInsideSrc(source, destDir); |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = FSCopyFolder( source, destDir, &sourceCatInfo, &tmpObjectName, ©Params, &filterParams, maxLevels, &tmpObjectRef, newObjectSpec ); |
} |
else /* no */ |
err = FSCopyFile(source, destDir, &sourceCatInfo, &tmpObjectName, ©Params, &filterParams, &tmpObjectRef, newObjectSpec); |
} |
/* if an object existed in the destination with the same name as */ |
/* the source and the caller wants to replace it, we had renamed it */ |
/* to ".DeleteMe" earlier. If no errors, we delete it, else delete */ |
/* the one we just created and rename the origenal back to its */ |
/* origenal name. */ |
/* */ |
/* This is done mainly to cover the case of the source being in the */ |
/* destination directory when kDupeActionReplace is selected */ |
/* (3188701) */ |
if( copyParams.dupeAction == kDupeActionReplace && isReplacing == true ) |
{ |
dwarning(("%s -- Cleaning up, this might take a moment. err : %d\n", __FUNCTION__, err)); |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = FSDeleteObjects( &deleteMeRef ); |
else |
{ /* not much we can do if the delete or rename fails, we need to preserve */ |
/* the origenal error code that got us here. */ |
/* */ |
/* If an error occurs before or inside SetupDestination, newFileRef and */ |
/* deleteMeRef will be invalid so the delete and rename will simply fail */ |
/* leaving the source and destination unchanged */ |
myverify_noerr( FSDeleteObjects( &tmpObjectRef ) ); |
myverify_noerr( FSRenameUnicode( &deleteMeRef, sourceName.length, sourceName.unicode, sourceCatInfo.textEncodingHint, NULL ) ); |
} |
} |
if( err == noErr && newObjectRef != NULL ) |
*newObjectRef = tmpObjectRef; |
/* Clean up for space and safety... Who me? */ |
if( copyParams.copyBuffer != NULL ) |
DisposePtr((char*)copyParams.copyBuffer); |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* Does a little preflighting (as the name suggests) to figure out the optimal */ |
/* buffer size, if its a drop box, on a remote volume etc */ |
static OSErr FSCopyObjectPreflight( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *destDir, |
const DupeAction dupeAction, |
FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo, |
CopyParams *copyParams, |
HFSUniStr255 *newObjectName, |
FSRef *deleteMeRef, |
Boolean *isReplacing, |
Boolean *isDirectory) |
{ |
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer srcVolParms, |
destVolParms; |
UInt32 srcVolParmsSize = 0, |
destVolParmsSize = 0; |
FSVolumeRefNum srcVRefNum, |
destVRefNum; |
OSErr err = ( source != NULL && destDir != NULL && |
sourceCatInfo != NULL && copyParams != NULL && |
newObjectName != NULL && deleteMeRef != NULL && |
isDirectory != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
BlockZero( copyParams, sizeof( CopyParams ) ); |
copyParams->dupeAction = dupeAction; |
if( err == noErr ) /* Get the info we will need later about the source object */ |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo( source, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, sourceCatInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL ); |
if( err == noErr ) /* get the source's vRefNum */ |
err = FSGetVRefNum( source, &srcVRefNum ); |
if( err == noErr ) /* get the source's volParams */ |
err = FSGetVolParms( srcVRefNum, sizeof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer), &srcVolParms, &srcVolParmsSize ); |
if( err == noErr ) /* get the destination's vRefNum */ |
err = FSGetVRefNum( destDir, &destVRefNum ); |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
/* Calculate the optimal copy buffer size for the src vol */ |
copyParams->copyBufferSize = CalcBufferSizeForVol( &srcVolParms, srcVolParmsSize ); |
/* if src and dest on different volumes, get its vol parms */ |
/* and calculate its optimal buffer size */ |
/* else destVolParms = srcVolParms */ |
if( srcVRefNum != destVRefNum ) |
{ |
err = FSGetVolParms( destVRefNum, sizeof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer), &destVolParms, &destVolParmsSize ); |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
ByteCount tmpBufferSize = CalcBufferSizeForVol( &destVolParms, destVolParmsSize ); |
if( tmpBufferSize < copyParams->copyBufferSize ) |
copyParams->copyBufferSize = tmpBufferSize; |
} |
} |
else |
destVolParms = srcVolParms; |
} |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = ((copyParams->copyBuffer = NewPtr( copyParams->copyBufferSize )) != NULL ) ? noErr : MemError(); |
/* figure out if source is a file or folder */ |
/* if it is on a local volume, */ |
/* if destination is a drop box */ |
/* if source and dest are on same server */ |
/* and if it supports PBHCopyFile */ |
if( err == noErr ) /* is the destination a Drop Box */ |
err = IsDropBox( destDir, ©Params->copyingToDropFolder ); |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
/* Is it a directory */ |
*isDirectory = ((sourceCatInfo->nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0); |
/* destVolParms.vMServerAdr is non-zero for remote volumes */ |
copyParams->copyingToLocalVolume = (destVolParms.vMServerAdr == 0); |
if( !copyParams->copyingToLocalVolume ) |
{ |
/* If the destination is on a remote volume, and source and dest are on */ |
/* the same server, then it might support PBHCopyFileSync */ |
/* If not, then PBHCopyFileSync won't work */ |
/* figure out if the volumes support PBHCopyFileSync */ |
copyParams->volHasCopyFile = ( err == noErr && destVolParms.vMServerAdr == srcVolParms.vMServerAdr ) ? |
VolHasCopyFile(&srcVolParms) : false; |
} |
} |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = SetupDestination( destDir, copyParams->dupeAction, newObjectName, deleteMeRef, isReplacing ); |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark ----- Copy Files ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
static OSErr FSCopyFile( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *destDir, |
const FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo, |
const HFSUniStr255 *newFileName, |
CopyParams *copyParams, |
FilterParams *filterParams, |
FSRef *outFileRef, |
FSSpec *outFileSpec ) |
{ |
FSCatalogInfo catInfo = *sourceCatInfo; |
FSRef newFileRef; |
FSSpec newFileSpec; |
OSErr err = ( source != NULL && destDir != NULL && |
copyParams != NULL && filterParams != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
/* If you would like a Pre-Copy filter (i.e to weed out objects */ |
/* you don't want to copy) you should add it here */ |
if( err == noErr ) /* copy the file over */ |
err = CopyFile( source, &catInfo, destDir, newFileName, copyParams, &newFileRef, (filterParams->wantSpec || outFileSpec) ? &newFileSpec : NULL ); |
/* Call the IterateFilterProc _after_ the new file was created even if an error occured. */ |
/* Note: if an error occured above, the FSRef and other info might not be valid */ |
if( filterParams->filterProcPtr != NULL ) |
{ |
/* get the extra info the user wanted on the new file that we don't have */ |
if( err == noErr && (filterParams->whichInfo & ~kFSCatInfoSettableInfo) != kFSCatInfoNone ) |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo( &newFileRef, filterParams->whichInfo & ~kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, &catInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL ); |
err = CallCopyObjectFilterProc( filterParams->filterProcPtr, false, 0, err, &catInfo, &newFileRef, |
(filterParams->wantSpec) ? &newFileSpec : NULL, |
(filterParams->wantName) ? newFileName : NULL, |
filterParams->yourDataPtr); |
} |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
if( outFileRef != NULL ) |
*outFileRef = newFileRef; |
if( outFileSpec != NULL ) |
*outFileSpec = newFileSpec; |
} |
mycheck_noerr(err); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
static OSErr CopyFile( const FSRef *source, |
FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo, |
const FSRef *destDir, |
const HFSUniStr255 *destName, /* can be NULL */ |
CopyParams *params, |
FSRef *newFile, /* can be NULL */ |
FSSpec *newSpec ) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSErr err = paramErr; |
/* Clear the "inited" bit so that the Finder positions the icon for us. */ |
((FInfo *)(sourceCatInfo->finderInfo))->fdFlags &= ~kHasBeenInited; |
/* if the volumes support PBHCopyFileSync, try to use it */ |
if( params->volHasCopyFile == true ) |
err = FSUsePBHCopyFile( source, destDir, destName, kTextEncodingUnknown, newFile, newSpec ); |
/* if PBHCopyFile didn't work or not supported, */ |
if( err != noErr ) /* then try old school file transfer */ |
err = DoCopyFile( source, sourceCatInfo, destDir, destName, params, newFile, newSpec ); |
mycheck_noerr(err); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* Wrapper function for PBHCopyFileSync */ |
static OSErr FSUsePBHCopyFile( const FSRef *srcFileRef, |
const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef, |
const HFSUniStr255 *destName, /* can be NULL */ |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
FSRef *newRef, /* can be NULL */ |
FSSpec *newSpec) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
FSSpec srcFileSpec; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
HParamBlockRec pb; |
Str255 hfsName; |
OSErr err = ( srcFileRef != NULL && dstDirectoryRef != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
if( err == noErr ) /* get FSSpec of source FSRef */ |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo(srcFileRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &srcFileSpec, NULL); |
if( err == noErr ) /* get the destination vRefNum and nodeID (nodeID is the dirID) */ |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo(dstDirectoryRef, kFSCatInfoVolume | kFSCatInfoNodeID, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
if( err == noErr ) /* gather all the info needed */ |
{ |
pb.copyParam.ioVRefNum = srcFileSpec.vRefNum; |
pb.copyParam.ioDirID = srcFileSpec.parID; |
pb.copyParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr); |
pb.copyParam.ioDstVRefNum = catalogInfo.volume; |
pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID = (long)catalogInfo.nodeID; |
pb.copyParam.ioNewName = NULL; |
if( destName != NULL ) |
err = UniStrToPStr( destName, textEncodingHint, false, hfsName ); |
pb.copyParam.ioCopyName = ( destName != NULL && err == noErr ) ? hfsName : NULL; |
} |
if( err == noErr ) /* tell the server to copy the object */ |
err = PBHCopyFileSync(&pb); |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
if( newSpec != NULL ) /* caller wants an FSSpec, so make it */ |
myverify_noerr(FSMakeFSSpec( pb.copyParam.ioDstVRefNum, pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID, pb.copyParam.ioCopyName, newSpec)); |
if( newRef != NULL ) /* caller wants an FSRef, so make it */ |
myverify_noerr(FSMakeFSRef( pb.copyParam.ioDstVRefNum, pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID, pb.copyParam.ioCopyName, newRef)); |
} |
if( err != paramErr ) /* returning paramErr is ok, it means PBHCopyFileSync was not supported */ |
mycheck_noerr(err); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* Copies a file referenced by source to the directory referenced by */ |
/* destDir. destName is the name the file we are going to copy to the */ |
/* destination. sourceCatInfo is the catalog info of the file, which */ |
/* is passed in as an optimization (we could get it by doing a */ |
/* FSGetCatalogInfo but the caller has already done that so we might as */ |
/* well take advantage of that). */ |
/* */ |
static OSErr DoCopyFile(const FSRef *source, |
FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo, |
const FSRef *destDir, |
const HFSUniStr255 *destName, |
CopyParams *params, |
FSRef *newRef, |
FSSpec *newSpec ) |
{ |
FSRef dest; |
FSSpec tmpSpec; |
FSPermissionInfo originalPermissions; |
OSType originalFileType = 'xxxx'; |
UInt16 originalNodeFlags = kFSCatInfoNone; |
Boolean getSpec; |
OSErr err = noErr; |
/* If we're copying to a drop folder, we won't be able to reset this */ |
/* information once the copy is done, so we don't mess it up in */ |
/* the first place. We still clear the locked bit though; items dropped */ |
/* into a drop folder always become unlocked. */ |
if (!params->copyingToDropFolder) |
{ |
/* Remember to clear the file's type, so the Finder doesn't */ |
/* look at the file until we're done. */ |
originalFileType = ((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo)->fdType; |
((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo)->fdType = kFirstMagicBusyFiletype; |
/* Remember and clear the file's locked status, so that we can */ |
/* actually write the forks we're about to create. */ |
originalNodeFlags = sourceCatInfo->nodeFlags; |
} |
sourceCatInfo->nodeFlags &= ~kFSNodeLockedMask; |
/* figure out if we should get the FSSpec to the new file or not */ |
/* If the caller asked for it, or if we need it for symlinks */ |
getSpec = ( ( newSpec != NULL ) || ( !params->copyingToDropFolder && originalFileType == 'slnk' && ((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo)->fdCreator == 'rhap' ) ); |
/* we need to have user level read/write/execute access to the file we are */ |
/* going to create otherwise FSCreateFileUnicode will return */ |
/* -5000 (afpAccessDenied), and the FSRef returned will be invalid, yet */ |
/* the file is created (size 0k)... bug? */ |
originalPermissions = *((FSPermissionInfo*)sourceCatInfo->permissions); |
((FSPermissionInfo*)sourceCatInfo->permissions)->mode |= kRWXUserAccessMask; |
/* Classic only supports 9.1 and higher, so we don't have to worry */ |
/* about 2397324 */ |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = FSCreateFileUnicode(destDir, destName->length, destName->unicode, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, sourceCatInfo, &dest, ( getSpec ) ? &tmpSpec : NULL ); |
if( err == noErr ) /* Copy the forks over to the new file */ |
err = CopyForks(source, &dest, params); |
/* Restore the original file type, creation and modification dates, */ |
/* locked status and permissions. */ |
/* This is one of the places where we need to handle drop */ |
/* folders as a special case because this FSSetCatalogInfo will fail for */ |
/* an item in a drop folder, so we don't even attempt it. */ |
if (err == noErr && !params->copyingToDropFolder) |
{ |
((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo)->fdType = originalFileType; |
sourceCatInfo->nodeFlags = originalNodeFlags; |
*((FSPermissionInfo*)sourceCatInfo->permissions) = originalPermissions; |
/* 2796751, FSSetCatalogInfo returns -36 when setting the Finder Info */ |
/* for a symlink. To workaround this, when the file is a */ |
/* symlink (slnk/rhap) we will finish the copy in two steps. First */ |
/* setting everything but the Finder Info on the file, then calling */ |
/* FSpSetFInfo to set the Finder Info for the file. I would rather use */ |
/* an FSRef function to set the Finder Info, but FSSetCatalogInfo is */ |
/* the only one... catch-22... */ |
/* */ |
/* The Carbon File Manager always sets the type/creator of a symlink to */ |
/* slnk/rhap if the file is a symlink we do the two step, if it isn't */ |
/* we use FSSetCatalogInfo to do all the work. */ |
if ((originalFileType == 'slnk') && (((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo)->fdCreator == 'rhap')) |
{ /* Its a symlink */ |
/* set all the info, except the Finder info */ |
err = FSSetCatalogInfo(&dest, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags | kFSCatInfoPermissions, sourceCatInfo); |
if ( err == noErr ) /* set the Finder Info to that file */ |
err = FSpSetFInfo( &tmpSpec, ((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo) ); |
} |
else /* its a regular file */ |
err = FSSetCatalogInfo(&dest, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags | kFSCatInfoFinderInfo | kFSCatInfoPermissions, sourceCatInfo); |
} |
/* If we created the file and the copy failed, try to clean up by */ |
/* deleting the file we created. We do this because, while it's */ |
/* possible for the copy to fail halfway through and the File Manager */ |
/* doesn't really clean up that well in that case, we *really* don't want */ |
/* any half-created files being left around. */ |
/* if the file already existed, we don't want to delete it */ |
if( err == noErr || err == dupFNErr ) |
{ /* if everything was fine, then return the new file Spec/Ref */ |
if( newRef != NULL ) |
*newRef = dest; |
if( newSpec != NULL ) |
*newSpec = tmpSpec; |
} |
else |
myverify_noerr( FSDeleteObjects(&dest) ); |
mycheck_noerr(err); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Copy Folders ----- |
static OSErr FSCopyFolder( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *destDir, |
const FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo, |
const HFSUniStr255 *newObjectName, |
CopyParams *copyParams, |
FilterParams *filterParams, |
ItemCount maxLevels, |
FSRef *outDirRef, |
FSSpec *outDirSpec ) |
{ |
FSCopyFolderGlobals folderGlobals; |
FolderListData *tmpListData = NULL; |
FSCatalogInfo catInfo = *sourceCatInfo; |
FSRef newDirRef; |
FSSpec newDirSpec; |
OSErr err; |
/* setup folder globals */ |
folderGlobals.catInfoList = (FSCatalogInfo*) NewPtr( sizeof( FSCatalogInfo ) * kNumObjects ); |
folderGlobals.srcRefList = (FSRef*) NewPtr( sizeof( FSRef ) * kNumObjects ); |
folderGlobals.nameList = (HFSUniStr255*) NewPtr( sizeof( HFSUniStr255 ) * kNumObjects ); |
folderGlobals.folderListIter = NULL; |
folderGlobals.copyParams = copyParams; |
folderGlobals.filterParams = filterParams; |
folderGlobals.maxLevels = maxLevels; |
folderGlobals.currentLevel = 0; |
/* if any of the NewPtr calls failed, we MUST bail */ |
err = ( folderGlobals.catInfoList != NULL && |
folderGlobals.srcRefList != NULL && |
folderGlobals.nameList != NULL ) ? noErr : memFullErr; |
/* init the linked list we will use to keep track of the folders */ |
InitLinkedList( &folderGlobals.folderList, MyDisposeDataProc ); |
if( err == noErr && !copyParams->copyingToDropFolder ) |
err = GetMagicBusyCreateDate( &catInfo.createDate ); |
if( err == noErr ) /* create the directory */ |
err = DoCreateFolder( source, destDir, &catInfo, newObjectName, folderGlobals.copyParams, &newDirRef, (filterParams->wantSpec || outDirSpec ) ? &newDirSpec : NULL ); |
/* Note: if an error occured above, the FSRef and other info might not be valid */ |
if( filterParams->filterProcPtr != NULL ) |
{ |
/* get the info the user wanted about the source directory we don't have */ |
if( err == noErr && (filterParams->whichInfo & ~kFSCatInfoSettableInfo) != kFSCatInfoNone ) |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&newDirRef, filterParams->whichInfo & ~kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, &catInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
err = CallCopyObjectFilterProc(filterParams->filterProcPtr, false, folderGlobals.currentLevel, |
err, &catInfo, &newDirRef, |
( filterParams->wantSpec ) ? &newDirSpec : NULL, |
( filterParams->wantName ) ? newObjectName : NULL, |
filterParams->yourDataPtr); |
} |
if( err == noErr ) /* create the memory for this folder */ |
err = ( ( tmpListData = (FolderListData*) NewPtr( sizeof( FolderListData ) ) ) != NULL ) ? noErr : MemError(); |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ /* setup the folder info */ |
tmpListData->sourceDirRef = *source; |
tmpListData->destDirRef = newDirRef; |
tmpListData->level = folderGlobals.currentLevel; |
/* add this folder to the list to give ProcessFolderList something to chew on */ |
err = AddToTail( &folderGlobals.folderList, tmpListData ); |
if( err == noErr ) /* tmpListData added successfully */ |
err = ProcessFolderList( &folderGlobals ); |
else /* error occured, so dispose of memory */ |
DisposePtr( (char*) tmpListData ); |
} |
dwarning(("\n%s -- %u folders were found\n", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned int)GetNumberOfItems( &folderGlobals.folderList ) )); |
/* when we're done destroy the list and free up any memory we allocated */ |
DestroyList( &folderGlobals.folderList ); |
/* now that the copy is complete, we can set things back to normal */ |
/* for the directory we just created. */ |
/* We have to do this only for the top directory of the copy */ |
/* all subdirectories were created all at once */ |
if( err == noErr && !folderGlobals.copyParams->copyingToDropFolder ) |
err = FSSetCatalogInfo( &newDirRef, kFSCatInfoCreateDate | kFSCatInfoPermissions, sourceCatInfo ); |
/* Copy went as planned, and caller wants an FSRef/FSSpec to the new directory */ |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
if( outDirRef != NULL) |
*outDirRef = newDirRef; |
if( outDirSpec != NULL ) |
*outDirSpec = newDirSpec; |
} |
/* clean up for space and safety, who me? */ |
if( folderGlobals.catInfoList ) |
DisposePtr( (char*) folderGlobals.catInfoList ); |
if( folderGlobals.srcRefList ) |
DisposePtr( (char*) folderGlobals.srcRefList ); |
if( folderGlobals.nameList ) |
DisposePtr( (char*) folderGlobals.nameList ); |
mycheck_noerr(err); |
return ( err ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* We now store a list of all the folders/subfolders we encounter in the source */ |
/* Each node in the list contains an FSRef to the source, an FSRef to the */ |
/* mirror folder in the destination, and the level in the source that folder */ |
/* is on. This is done so that we can use FSGetCatalogInfoBulk to its full */ |
/* potential (getting items in bulk). We copy the source one folder at a time. */ |
/* Copying over the contents of each folder before we continue on to the next */ |
/* folder in the list. This allows us to use the File Manager's own caching */ |
/* system to our advantage. */ |
static OSErr ProcessFolderList( FSCopyFolderGlobals *folderGlobals ) |
{ |
FolderListData *folderListData; |
OSErr err = noErr; |
/* iterate through the list of folders and copy over each one individually */ |
for( InitIterator( &folderGlobals->folderList, &folderGlobals->folderListIter ); folderGlobals->folderListIter != NULL && err == noErr; Next( &folderGlobals->folderListIter ) ) |
{ |
/* Get the data for this folder */ |
folderListData = (FolderListData*) GetData( folderGlobals->folderListIter ); |
if( folderListData != NULL ) |
{ |
{ |
char path[1024]; |
myverify_noerr(FSRefMakePath( &(folderListData->sourceDirRef), (unsigned char*)path, 1024 )); |
dwarning(("\n\n%s -- Copying contents of\n\t%s\n", __FUNCTION__, path)); |
myverify_noerr(FSRefMakePath( &(folderListData->destDirRef), (unsigned char*)path, 1024 )); |
dwarning(("\t\tto\n\t%s\n", path)); |
} |
#endif |
/* stuff the data into our globals */ |
folderGlobals->sourceDirRef = &(folderListData->sourceDirRef); |
folderGlobals->destDirRef = &(folderListData->destDirRef); |
folderGlobals->currentLevel = folderListData->level; |
/* Copy over this folder and add any subfolders to our list of folders */ |
/* so they will get processed later */ |
err = CopyFolder( folderGlobals ); |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* Copy the contents of the source into the destination. If any subfolders */ |
/* are found, add them to a local list of folders during the loop stage */ |
/* Once the copy is done, insert the local list into the global list right */ |
/* after the current position in the list. This is done so we don't jump */ |
/* all over the disk getting the different folders to copy */ |
static OSErr CopyFolder( FSCopyFolderGlobals *folderGlobals ) |
{ |
GenLinkedList tmpList; |
FolderListData *tmpListData = NULL; |
FilterParams *filterPtr = folderGlobals->filterParams; |
FSIterator iterator; |
FSRef newRef; |
FSSpec newSpec; |
UInt32 actualObjects; |
OSErr err, |
junkErr; |
int i; |
/* Init the local list */ |
InitLinkedList( &tmpList, MyDisposeDataProc); |
err = FSOpenIterator( folderGlobals->sourceDirRef, kFSIterateFlat, &iterator ); |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
do |
{ |
/* grab a bunch of objects (kNumObjects) from this folder and copy them over */ |
err = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk( iterator, kNumObjects, &actualObjects, &filterPtr->containerChanged, |
kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, folderGlobals->catInfoList, folderGlobals->srcRefList, |
NULL, folderGlobals->nameList ); |
if( ( err == noErr || err == errFSNoMoreItems ) && |
( actualObjects != 0 ) ) |
{ |
dwarning(("%s -- actualObjects retrieved from FSGetCatalogInfoBulk: %u\n",__FUNCTION__, (unsigned int)actualObjects )); |
/* iterate over the objects actually returned */ |
for( i = 0; i < actualObjects; i++ ) |
{ |
/* Any errors in here will be passed to the filter proc */ |
/* we don't want an error in here to prematurely cancel the copy */ |
/* If you would like a Pre-Copy filter (i.e to weed out objects */ |
/* you don't want to copy) you should add it here */ |
/* Is the new object a directory? */ |
if( ( folderGlobals->catInfoList[i].nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask ) != 0 ) |
{ /* yes */ |
junkErr = CreateFolder( &folderGlobals->srcRefList[i], folderGlobals->destDirRef, |
&folderGlobals->catInfoList[i], &folderGlobals->nameList[i], |
folderGlobals->copyParams, &newRef, (filterPtr->wantSpec) ? &newSpec : NULL ); |
/* If maxLevels is zero, we aren't checking levels */ |
/* If currentLevel+1 < maxLevels, add this folder to the list */ |
if( folderGlobals->maxLevels == 0 || (folderGlobals->currentLevel + 1) < folderGlobals->maxLevels ) |
{ |
if( junkErr == noErr ) /* Create memory for folder list data */ |
junkErr = ( ( tmpListData = (FolderListData*) NewPtr( sizeof( FolderListData ) ) ) != NULL ) ? noErr : MemError(); |
if( junkErr == noErr ) |
{ /* Setup the folder list data */ |
tmpListData->sourceDirRef = folderGlobals->srcRefList[i]; |
tmpListData->destDirRef = newRef; |
tmpListData->level = folderGlobals->currentLevel + 1; |
/* Add it to the local list */ |
junkErr = AddToTail( &tmpList, tmpListData ); |
} |
/* If an error occured and memory was created, we need to dispose of it */ |
/* since it was not added to the list */ |
if( junkErr != noErr && tmpListData != NULL ) |
DisposePtr( (char*) tmpListData ); |
} |
} |
else |
{ /* no */ |
junkErr = CopyFile( &folderGlobals->srcRefList[i], &folderGlobals->catInfoList[i], |
folderGlobals->destDirRef, &folderGlobals->nameList[i], |
folderGlobals->copyParams, &newRef, ( filterPtr->wantSpec ) ? &newSpec : NULL ); |
} |
/* Note: if an error occured above, the FSRef and other info might not be valid */ |
if( filterPtr->filterProcPtr != NULL ) |
{ |
if( junkErr == noErr && (filterPtr->whichInfo & ~kFSCatInfoSettableInfo) != kFSCatInfoNone ) /* get the extra info about the new object that the user wanted that we don't already have */ |
junkErr = FSGetCatalogInfo( &newRef, filterPtr->whichInfo & ~kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, &folderGlobals->catInfoList[i], NULL, NULL, NULL ); |
err = CallCopyObjectFilterProc( filterPtr->filterProcPtr, filterPtr->containerChanged, |
folderGlobals->currentLevel, junkErr, |
&folderGlobals->catInfoList[i], &newRef, |
( filterPtr->wantSpec ) ? &newSpec : NULL, |
( filterPtr->wantName ) ? &folderGlobals->nameList[i] : NULL, |
filterPtr->yourDataPtr); |
} |
} |
} |
}while( err == noErr ); |
/* errFSNoMoreItems is OK - it only means we hit the end of this level */ |
/* afpAccessDenied is OK too - it only means we cannot see inside the directory */ |
if( err == errFSNoMoreItems || err == afpAccessDenied ) |
err = noErr; |
/* Insert the local list of folders from the current folder into our global list. Even */ |
/* if no items were added to the local list (due to error, or empty folder), InsertList */ |
/* handles it correctly. We add the local list even if an error occurred. It will get */ |
/* disposed of when the global list is destroyed. Doesn't hurt to have a couple extra */ |
/* steps when we're going to bail anyways. */ |
InsertList( &folderGlobals->folderList, &tmpList, folderGlobals->folderListIter ); |
/* Close the FSIterator (closing an open iterator should never fail) */ |
(void) FSCloseIterator(iterator); |
} |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* Determines whether the destination directory is equal to the source */ |
/* item, or whether it's nested inside the source item. Returns a */ |
/* errFSDestInsideSource if that's the case. We do this to prevent */ |
/* endless recursion while copying. */ |
/* */ |
static OSErr CheckForDestInsideSrc( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *destDir) |
{ |
FSRef thisDir = *destDir; |
FSCatalogInfo thisDirInfo; |
Boolean done = false; |
OSErr err; |
do |
{ |
err = FSCompareFSRefs(source, &thisDir); |
if (err == noErr) |
err = errFSDestInsideSource; |
else if (err == diffVolErr) |
{ |
err = noErr; |
done = true; |
} |
else if (err == errFSRefsDifferent) |
{ |
/* This is somewhat tricky. We can ask for the parent of thisDir */ |
/* by setting the parentRef parameter to FSGetCatalogInfo but, if */ |
/* thisDir is the volume's FSRef, this will give us back junk. */ |
/* So we also ask for the parent's dir ID to be returned in the */ |
/* FSCatalogInfo record, and then check that against the node */ |
/* ID of the root's parent (ie 1). If we match that, we've made */ |
/* it to the top of the hierarchy without hitting source, so */ |
/* we leave with no error. */ |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&thisDir, kFSCatInfoParentDirID, &thisDirInfo, NULL, NULL, &thisDir); |
if( ( err == noErr ) && ( thisDirInfo.parentDirID == fsRtParID ) ) |
done = true; |
} |
} while ( err == noErr && ! done ); |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Copy Forks ----- |
/* This is where the majority of the work is done. I special cased */ |
/* DropBoxes in order to use FSIterateForks to its full potential for */ |
/* the more common case (read/write permissions). It also simplifies */ |
/* the code to have it seperate. */ |
static OSErr CopyForks( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *dest, |
CopyParams *params) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
err = ( !params->copyingToDropFolder ) ? CopyForksToDisk ( source, dest, params ) : |
CopyForksToDropBox ( source, dest, params ); |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/* Open each fork individually and copy them over to the destination */ |
static OSErr CopyForksToDisk( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *dest, |
CopyParams *params ) |
{ |
HFSUniStr255 forkName; |
CatPositionRec iterator; |
SInt64 forkSize; |
SInt16 srcRefNum, |
destRefNum; |
OSErr err; |
/* need to initialize the iterator before using it */ |
iterator.initialize = 0; |
do |
{ |
err = FSIterateForks( source, &iterator, &forkName, &forkSize, NULL ); |
/* Create the fork. Note: Data and Resource forks are automatically */ |
/* created when the file is created. FSCreateFork returns noErr for them */ |
/* We also want to create the fork even if there is no data to preserve */ |
/* empty forks */ |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = FSCreateFork( dest, forkName.length, forkName.unicode ); |
/* Mac OS 9.0 has a bug (in the AppleShare external file system, */ |
/* I think) [2410374] that causes FSCreateFork to return an errFSForkExists */ |
/* error even though the fork is empty. The following code swallows */ |
/* the error (which is harmless) in that case. */ |
if( err == errFSForkExists && !params->copyingToLocalVolume ) |
err = noErr; |
/* The remainder of this code only applies if there is actual data */ |
/* in the source fork. */ |
if( err == noErr && forkSize > 0 ) |
{ |
destRefNum = srcRefNum = 0; |
/* Open the destination fork */ |
err = FSOpenFork(dest, forkName.length, forkName.unicode, fsWrPerm, &destRefNum); |
if( err == noErr ) /* Open the source fork */ |
err = FSOpenFork(source, forkName.length, forkName.unicode, fsRdPerm, &srcRefNum); |
if( err == noErr ) /* Write the fork to disk */ |
err = WriteFork( srcRefNum, destRefNum, params, forkSize ); |
if( destRefNum != 0 ) /* Close the destination fork */ |
myverify_noerr( FSCloseFork( destRefNum ) ); |
if( srcRefNum != 0 ) /* Close the source fork */ |
myverify_noerr( FSCloseFork( srcRefNum ) ); |
} |
} |
while( err == noErr ); |
if( err == errFSNoMoreItems ) |
err = noErr; |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/* If we're copying to a DropBox, we have to handle the copy process a little */ |
/* differently then when we are copying to a regular folder. */ |
static OSErr CopyForksToDropBox( const FSRef *source, |
const FSRef *dest, |
CopyParams *params ) |
{ |
GenLinkedList forkList; |
GenIteratorPtr pIter; |
ForkTrackerPtr forkPtr; |
SInt16 srcRefNum; |
OSErr err; |
InitLinkedList( &forkList, MyCloseForkProc ); |
/* If we're copying into a drop folder, open up all of those forks. */ |
/* We have to do this because once we've started writing to a fork */ |
/* in a drop folder, we can't open any more forks. */ |
err = OpenAllForks( dest, &forkList ); |
/* Copy each fork over to the destination */ |
for( InitIterator( &forkList, &pIter ); pIter != NULL && err == noErr; Next( &pIter ) ) |
{ |
srcRefNum = 0; |
forkPtr = GetData( pIter ); |
/* Open the source fork */ |
err = FSOpenFork(source, forkPtr->forkName.length, forkPtr->forkName.unicode, fsRdPerm, &srcRefNum); |
if( err == noErr ) /* Write the data over */ |
err = WriteFork( srcRefNum, forkPtr->forkDestRefNum, params, forkPtr->forkSize ); |
if( srcRefNum != 0 ) /* Close the source fork */ |
myverify_noerr( FSCloseFork( srcRefNum ) ); |
} |
/* we're done, so destroy the list even if an error occured */ |
/* the DisposeDataProc will close any open forks */ |
DestroyList( &forkList ); |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* Create and open all the forks in the destination file. We need to do this when */ |
/* we're copying into a drop folder, where you must open all the forks before starting */ |
/* to write to any of them. */ |
/* */ |
/* IMPORTANT: If it fails, this routine won't close forks that opened successfully. */ |
/* Make sure that the DisposeDataProc for the forkList closed any open forks */ |
/* Or you close each one manually before destroying the list */ |
static OSErr OpenAllForks( const FSRef *dest, |
GenLinkedList *forkList ) |
{ |
ForkTrackerPtr forkPtr; |
HFSUniStr255 forkName; |
CatPositionRec iterator; |
SInt64 forkSize; |
OSErr err = ( dest != NULL && forkList != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
/* need to initialize the iterator before using it */ |
iterator.initialize = 0; |
/* Iterate over the list of forks */ |
while( err == noErr ) |
{ |
forkPtr = NULL; /* init forkPtr */ |
err = FSIterateForks( dest, &iterator, &forkName, &forkSize, NULL ); |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = ( forkPtr = (ForkTrackerPtr) NewPtr( sizeof( ForkTracker ) ) ) != NULL ? noErr : MemError(); |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
forkPtr->forkName = forkName; |
forkPtr->forkSize = forkSize; |
forkPtr->forkDestRefNum = 0; |
/* Create the fork. Note: Data and Resource forks are automatically */ |
/* created when the file is created. FSCreateFork returns noErr for them */ |
/* We also want to create the fork even if there is no data to preserve */ |
/* empty forks */ |
err = FSCreateFork( dest, forkName.length, forkName.unicode ); |
/* Swallow afpAccessDenied because this operation causes the external file */ |
/* system compatibility shim in Mac OS 9 to generate a GetCatInfo request */ |
/* to the AppleShare external file system, which in turn causes an AFP */ |
/* GetFileDirParms request on the wire, which the AFP server bounces with */ |
/* afpAccessDenied because the file is in a drop folder. As there's no */ |
/* native support for non-classic forks in current AFP, there's no way I */ |
/* can decide how I should handle this in a non-test case. So I just */ |
/* swallow the error and hope that when native AFP support arrives, the */ |
/* right thing will happen. */ |
if( err == afpAccessDenied ) |
err = noErr; |
/* only open the fork if the fork has some data */ |
if( err == noErr && forkPtr->forkSize > 0 ) |
err = FSOpenFork( dest, forkPtr->forkName.length, forkPtr->forkName.unicode, fsWrPerm, &forkPtr->forkDestRefNum ); |
/* if everything is ok, add this fork to the list */ |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = AddToTail( forkList, forkPtr ); |
} |
if( err != noErr && forkPtr != NULL ) |
DisposePtr( (char*) forkPtr ); |
} |
if( err == errFSNoMoreItems ) |
err = noErr; |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* Writes the fork from the source, references by srcRefNum, to the destination fork */ |
/* references by destRefNum */ |
static OSErr WriteFork( const SInt16 srcRefNum, |
const SInt16 destRefNum, |
const CopyParams *params, |
const SInt64 forkSize ) |
{ |
UInt64 bytesRemaining; |
UInt64 bytesToReadThisTime; |
UInt64 bytesToWriteThisTime; |
OSErr err; |
/* Here we create space for the entire fork on the destination volume. */ |
/* FSAllocateFork has the right semantics on both traditional Mac OS */ |
/* and Mac OS X. On traditional Mac OS it will allocate space for the */ |
/* file in one hit without any other special action. On Mac OS X, */ |
/* FSAllocateFork is preferable to FSSetForkSize because it prevents */ |
/* the system from zero filling the bytes that were added to the end */ |
/* of the fork (which would be waste because we're about to write over */ |
/* those bytes anyway. */ |
err = FSAllocateFork(destRefNum, kFSAllocNoRoundUpMask, fsFromStart, 0, forkSize, NULL); |
/* Copy the file from the source to the destination in chunks of */ |
/* no more than params->copyBufferSize bytes. This is fairly */ |
/* boring code except for the bytesToReadThisTime/bytesToWriteThisTime */ |
/* distinction. On the last chunk, we round bytesToWriteThisTime */ |
/* up to the next 512 byte boundary and then, after we exit the loop, */ |
/* we set the file's EOF back to the real location (if the fork size */ |
/* is not a multiple of 512 bytes). */ |
/* */ |
/* This technique works around a 'bug' in the traditional Mac OS File Manager, */ |
/* where the File Manager will put the last 512-byte block of a large write into */ |
/* the cache (even if we specifically request no caching) if that block is not */ |
/* full. If the block goes into the cache it will eventually have to be */ |
/* flushed, which causes sub-optimal disk performance. */ |
/* */ |
/* This is only done if the destination volume is local. For a network */ |
/* volume, it's better to just write the last bytes directly. */ |
/* */ |
/* This is extreme over-optimization given the other limits of this */ |
/* sample, but I will hopefully get to the other limits eventually. */ |
bytesRemaining = forkSize; |
while( err == noErr && bytesRemaining != 0 ) |
{ |
if( bytesRemaining > params->copyBufferSize ) |
{ |
bytesToReadThisTime = params->copyBufferSize; |
bytesToWriteThisTime = bytesToReadThisTime; |
} |
else |
{ |
bytesToReadThisTime = bytesRemaining; |
bytesToWriteThisTime = ( params->copyingToLocalVolume ) ? |
( (bytesRemaining + 0x01FF ) & ~0x01FF ) : bytesRemaining; |
} |
err = FSReadFork( srcRefNum, fsAtMark + noCacheMask, 0, bytesToReadThisTime, params->copyBuffer, NULL ); |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = FSWriteFork( destRefNum, fsAtMark + noCacheMask, 0, bytesToWriteThisTime, params->copyBuffer, NULL ); |
if( err == noErr ) |
bytesRemaining -= bytesToReadThisTime; |
} |
if (err == noErr && params->copyingToLocalVolume && ( forkSize & 0x01FF ) != 0 ) |
err = FSSetForkSize( destRefNum, fsFromStart, forkSize ); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Calculate Buffer Size ----- |
/* This routine calculates the appropriate buffer size for */ |
/* the given volParms. It's a simple composition of FSGetVolParms */ |
/* BufferSizeForVolSpeed. */ |
static UInt32 CalcBufferSizeForVol(const GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParms, UInt32 volParmsSize) |
{ |
UInt32 volumeBytesPerSecond = 0; |
/* Version 1 of the GetVolParmsInfoBuffer included the vMAttrib */ |
/* field, so we don't really need to test actualSize. A noErr */ |
/* result indicates that we have the info we need. This is */ |
/* just a paranoia check. */ |
mycheck(volParmsSize >= offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMVolumeGrade)); |
/* On the other hand, vMVolumeGrade was not introduced until */ |
/* version 2 of the GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, so we have to explicitly */ |
/* test whether we got a useful value. */ |
if( ( volParmsSize >= offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMForeignPrivID) ) && |
( volParms->vMVolumeGrade <= 0 ) ) |
{ |
volumeBytesPerSecond = -volParms->vMVolumeGrade; |
} |
return BufferSizeForVolSpeed(volumeBytesPerSecond); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* Calculate an appropriate copy buffer size based on the volumes */ |
/* rated speed. Our target is to use a buffer that takes 0.25 */ |
/* seconds to fill. This is necessary because the volume might be */ |
/* mounted over a very slow link (like ARA), and if we do a 256 KB */ |
/* read over an ARA link we'll block the File Manager queue for */ |
/* so long that other clients (who might have innocently just */ |
/* called PBGetCatInfoSync) will block for a noticeable amount of time. */ |
/* */ |
/* Note that volumeBytesPerSecond might be 0, in which case we assume */ |
/* some default value. */ |
static UInt32 BufferSizeForVolSpeed(UInt32 volumeBytesPerSecond) |
{ |
ByteCount bufferSize; |
if (volumeBytesPerSecond == 0) |
bufferSize = kDefaultCopyBufferSize; |
else |
{ /* We want to issue a single read that takes 0.25 of a second, */ |
/* so devide the bytes per second by 4. */ |
bufferSize = volumeBytesPerSecond / 4; |
} |
/* Round bufferSize down to 512 byte boundary. */ |
bufferSize &= ~0x01FF; |
/* Clip to sensible limits. */ |
if (bufferSize < kMinimumCopyBufferSize) |
bufferSize = kMinimumCopyBufferSize; |
else if (bufferSize > kMaximumCopyBufferSize) |
bufferSize = kMaximumCopyBufferSize; |
return bufferSize; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Delete Objects ----- |
OSErr FSDeleteObjects( const FSRef *source ) |
{ |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
OSErr err = ( source != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
char path[1024]; |
myverify_noerr(FSRefMakePath( source, (unsigned char*)path, 1024 )); |
dwarning(("\n%s -- Deleting %s\n", __FUNCTION__, path)); |
} |
#endif |
/* get nodeFlags for container */ |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL,NULL); |
if( err == noErr && (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0 ) |
{ /* its a directory, so delete its contents before we delete it */ |
err = FSDeleteFolder(source); |
} |
if( err == noErr && (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeLockedMask) != 0 ) /* is object locked? */ |
{ /* then attempt to unlock the object (ignore err since FSDeleteObject will set it correctly) */ |
catalogInfo.nodeFlags &= ~kFSNodeLockedMask; |
(void) FSSetCatalogInfo(source, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo); |
} |
if( err == noErr ) /* delete the object (if it was a directory it is now empty, so we can delete it) */ |
err = FSDeleteObject(source); |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return ( err ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Delete Folders ----- |
static OSErr FSDeleteFolder( const FSRef *container ) |
{ |
FSDeleteObjectGlobals theGlobals; |
theGlobals.result = ( container != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
/* delete container's contents */ |
if( theGlobals.result == noErr ) |
FSDeleteFolderLevel(container, &theGlobals); |
mycheck_noerr( theGlobals.result ); |
return ( theGlobals.result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
static void FSDeleteFolderLevel(const FSRef *container, |
FSDeleteObjectGlobals *theGlobals ) |
{ |
FSIterator iterator; |
FSRef itemToDelete; |
UInt16 nodeFlags; |
/* Open FSIterator for flat access and give delete optimization hint */ |
theGlobals->result = FSOpenIterator(container, kFSIterateFlat + kFSIterateDelete, &iterator); |
if ( theGlobals->result == noErr ) |
{ |
do /* delete the contents of the directory */ |
{ |
/* get 1 item to delete */ |
theGlobals->result = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk( iterator, 1, &theGlobals->actualObjects, |
NULL, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &theGlobals->catalogInfo, |
&itemToDelete, NULL, NULL); |
if ( (theGlobals->result == noErr) && (theGlobals->actualObjects == 1) ) |
{ |
/* save node flags in local in case we have to recurse */ |
nodeFlags = theGlobals->catalogInfo.nodeFlags; |
/* is it a directory? */ |
if ( (nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0 ) |
{ /* yes -- delete its contents before attempting to delete it */ |
FSDeleteFolderLevel(&itemToDelete, theGlobals); |
} |
if ( theGlobals->result == noErr) /* are we still OK to delete? */ |
{ |
if ( (nodeFlags & kFSNodeLockedMask) != 0 ) /* is item locked? */ |
{ /* then attempt to unlock it (ignore result since FSDeleteObject will set it correctly) */ |
theGlobals->catalogInfo.nodeFlags = nodeFlags & ~kFSNodeLockedMask; |
(void) FSSetCatalogInfo(&itemToDelete, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &theGlobals->catalogInfo); |
} |
/* delete the item */ |
theGlobals->result = FSDeleteObject(&itemToDelete); |
} |
} |
} while ( theGlobals->result == noErr ); |
/* we found the end of the items normally, so return noErr */ |
if ( theGlobals->result == errFSNoMoreItems ) |
theGlobals->result = noErr; |
/* close the FSIterator (closing an open iterator should never fail) */ |
myverify_noerr(FSCloseIterator(iterator)); |
} |
mycheck_noerr( theGlobals->result ); |
return; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Utilities ----- |
/* Figures out if the given directory is a drop box or not */ |
/* if it is, the Copy Engine will behave slightly differently */ |
static OSErr IsDropBox( const FSRef* source, |
Boolean *isDropBox ) |
{ |
FSCatalogInfo tmpCatInfo; |
FSSpec sourceSpec; |
Boolean isDrop = false; |
OSErr err; |
/* get info about the destination, and an FSSpec to it for PBHGetDirAccess */ |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags | kFSCatInfoPermissions, &tmpCatInfo, NULL, &sourceSpec, NULL); |
if( err == noErr ) /* make sure the source is a directory */ |
err = ((tmpCatInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0) ? noErr : errFSNotAFolder; |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
HParamBlockRec hPB; |
BlockZero( &hPB, sizeof( HParamBlockRec ) ); |
hPB.accessParam.ioNamePtr =; |
hPB.accessParam.ioVRefNum = sourceSpec.vRefNum; |
hPB.accessParam.ioDirID = sourceSpec.parID; |
/* This is the official way (reads: the way X Finder does it) to figure */ |
/* out the current users access privileges to a given directory */ |
err = PBHGetDirAccessSync(&hPB); |
if( err == noErr ) /* its a drop folder if the current user only has write access */ |
isDrop = (hPB.accessParam.ioACAccess & kPrivilegesMask) == kioACAccessUserWriteMask; |
else if ( err == paramErr ) |
{ |
/* There is a bug (2908703) in the Classic File System (not OS 9.x or Carbon) */ |
/* on 10.1.x where PBHGetDirAccessSync sometimes returns paramErr even when the */ |
/* data passed in is correct. This is a workaround/hack for that problem, */ |
/* but is not as accurate. */ |
/* Basically, if "Everyone" has only Write/Search access then its a drop folder */ |
/* that is the most common case when its a drop folder */ |
FSPermissionInfo *tmpPerm = (FSPermissionInfo *)tmpCatInfo.permissions; |
isDrop = ((tmpPerm->mode & kRWXOtherAccessMask) == kDropFolderValue); |
err = noErr; |
} |
} |
*isDropBox = isDrop; |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* The copy engine is going to set the item's creation date */ |
/* to kMagicBusyCreationDate while it's copying the item. */ |
/* But kMagicBusyCreationDate is an old-style 32-bit date/time, */ |
/* while the HFS Plus APIs use the new 64-bit date/time. So */ |
/* we have to call a happy UTC utilities routine to convert from */ |
/* the local time kMagicBusyCreationDate to a UTCDateTime */ |
/* gMagicBusyCreationDate, which the File Manager will store */ |
/* on disk and which the Finder we read back using the old */ |
/* APIs, whereupon the File Manager will convert it back */ |
/* to local time (and hopefully get the kMagicBusyCreationDate */ |
/* back!). */ |
static OSErr GetMagicBusyCreateDate( UTCDateTime *date ) |
{ |
static UTCDateTime magicDate = { 0, 0xDEADBEEF, 0 }; |
OSErr err = ( date != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
if( err == noErr && magicDate.lowSeconds == 0xDEADBEEF ) |
err = ConvertLocalTimeToUTC( kMagicBusyCreationDate, &magicDate.lowSeconds ); |
if( err == noErr ) |
*date = magicDate; |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
static OSErr FSGetVRefNum( const FSRef *ref, |
FSVolumeRefNum *vRefNum) |
{ |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
OSErr err = ( ref != NULL && vRefNum != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
if( err == noErr ) /* get the volume refNum from the FSRef */ |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoVolume, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
if( err == noErr ) |
*vRefNum = catalogInfo.volume; |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
static OSErr FSGetVolParms( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
UInt32 bufferSize, |
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParmsInfo, |
UInt32 *actualInfoSize) /* Can Be NULL */ |
{ |
HParamBlockRec pb; |
OSErr err = ( volParmsInfo != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL; |
pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = volRefNum; |
pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr)volParmsInfo; |
pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = (SInt32)bufferSize; |
err = PBHGetVolParmsSync(&pb); |
} |
/* return number of bytes the file system returned in volParmsInfo buffer */ |
if( err == noErr && actualInfoSize != NULL) |
*actualInfoSize = (UInt32)pb.ioParam.ioActCount; |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return ( err ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* Converts a unicode string to a PString */ |
/* If your code is only for OS X, you can use CFString functions to do all this */ |
/* Since this sample code supports OS 9.1 -> OS X, I have to do this the */ |
/* old fashioned way. */ |
static OSErr UniStrToPStr( const HFSUniStr255 *uniStr, |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
Boolean isVolumeName, |
Str255 pStr ) |
{ |
UnicodeMapping uMapping; |
UnicodeToTextInfo utInfo; |
ByteCount unicodeByteLength = 0; |
ByteCount unicodeBytesConverted; |
ByteCount actualPascalBytes; |
OSErr err = (uniStr != NULL && pStr != NULL) ? noErr : paramErr; |
/* make sure output is valid in case we get errors or there's nothing to convert */ |
pStr[0] = 0; |
if( err == noErr ) |
unicodeByteLength = uniStr->length * sizeof(UniChar); /* length can be zero, which is fine */ |
if( err == noErr && unicodeByteLength != 0 ) |
{ |
/* if textEncodingHint is kTextEncodingUnknown, get a "default" textEncodingHint */ |
if ( kTextEncodingUnknown == textEncodingHint ) |
{ |
ScriptCode script; |
RegionCode region; |
script = (ScriptCode)GetScriptManagerVariable(smSysScript); |
region = (RegionCode)GetScriptManagerVariable(smRegionCode); |
err = UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(script, kTextLanguageDontCare, |
region, NULL, &textEncodingHint ); |
if ( err == paramErr ) |
{ /* ok, ignore the region and try again */ |
err = UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(script, kTextLanguageDontCare, |
kTextRegionDontCare, NULL, |
&textEncodingHint ); |
} |
if ( err != noErr ) /* ok... try something */ |
textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingMacRoman; |
} |
uMapping.unicodeEncoding = CreateTextEncoding( kTextEncodingUnicodeV2_0, |
kUnicodeCanonicalDecompVariant, |
kUnicode16BitFormat); |
uMapping.otherEncoding = GetTextEncodingBase(textEncodingHint); |
uMapping.mappingVersion = kUnicodeUseHFSPlusMapping; |
err = CreateUnicodeToTextInfo(&uMapping, &utInfo); |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
err = ConvertFromUnicodeToText( utInfo, unicodeByteLength, uniStr->unicode, kUnicodeLooseMappingsMask, |
0, NULL, 0, NULL, /* offsetCounts & offsetArrays */ |
isVolumeName ? kHFSMaxVolumeNameChars : kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars, |
&unicodeBytesConverted, &actualPascalBytes, &pStr[1]); |
} |
if( err == noErr ) |
pStr[0] = actualPascalBytes; |
/* verify the result in debug builds -- there's really not anything you can do if it fails */ |
myverify_noerr(DisposeUnicodeToTextInfo(&utInfo)); |
} |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return ( err ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* Yeah I know there is FSpMakeFSRef, but this way I don't have to */ |
/* actually have an FSSpec created to make the FSRef, and this is */ |
/* what FSpMakeFSRef does anyways */ |
static OSErr FSMakeFSRef( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
SInt32 dirID, |
ConstStr255Param name, |
FSRef *ref ) |
{ |
FSRefParam pb; |
OSErr err = ( ref != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ |
pb.ioVRefNum = volRefNum; |
pb.ioDirID = dirID; |
pb.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)name; |
pb.newRef = ref; |
err = PBMakeFSRefSync(&pb); |
} |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return ( err ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* This checks the destination to see if an object of the same name as the source */ |
/* exists or not. If it does we have to special handle the DupeActions */ |
/* */ |
/* If kDupeActionReplace we move aside the object by renameing it to ".DeleteMe" */ |
/* so that it will be invisible (X only), and give a suggestion on what to do with */ |
/* it if for some unknown reason it survives the copy and the user finds it. This */ |
/* rename is mainly done to handle the case where the source is in the destination */ |
/* and the user wants to replace. Basically keeping the source around throughout */ |
/* the copy, deleting it afterwards. Its also done cause its a good idea not to */ |
/* dispose of the existing object in case the copy fails */ |
/* */ |
/* If kDupeActionRename, we create a unique name for the new object and pass */ |
/* it back to the caller */ |
static OSErr SetupDestination( const FSRef *destDir, |
const DupeAction dupeAction, |
HFSUniStr255 *sourceName, |
FSRef *deleteMeRef, |
Boolean *isReplacing ) |
{ |
FSRef tmpRef; |
OSErr err; |
/* check if an object of the same name already exists in the destination */ |
err = FSMakeFSRefUnicode( destDir, sourceName->length, sourceName->unicode, kTextEncodingUnknown, &tmpRef ); |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ /* if the user wants to replace the existing */ |
/* object, rename it to .DeleteMe first. Delete it */ |
if( dupeAction == kDupeActionReplace ) /* only after copying the new one successfully */ |
{ |
err = FSRenameUnicode( &tmpRef, 9, (UniChar*)"\0.\0D\0e\0l\0e\0t\0e\0M\0e", kTextEncodingMacRoman, deleteMeRef ); |
*isReplacing = ( err == noErr ) ? true : false; |
} |
else if( dupeAction == kDupeActionRename ) /* if the user wants to just rename it */ |
err = GetUniqueName( destDir, sourceName ); /* then we get a unique name for the new object */ |
} |
else if ( err == fnfErr ) /* if no object exists then */ |
err = noErr; /* continue with no error */ |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* Given a directory and a name, GetUniqueName will check if an object */ |
/* with the same name already exists, and if it does it will create */ |
/* a new, unique name for and return it. */ |
/* it simply appends a number to the end of the name. It is not */ |
/* fool proof, and it is limited... I'll take care of that in a */ |
/* later release */ |
/* If anyone has any suggestions/better techniques I would love to hear */ |
/* about them */ |
static OSErr GetUniqueName( const FSRef *destDir, |
HFSUniStr255 *sourceName ) |
{ |
HFSUniStr255 tmpName = *sourceName; |
FSRef tmpRef; |
unsigned char hexStr[17] = "123456789"; /* yeah, only 9... I'm lazy, sosumi */ |
long count = 0; |
int index; |
OSErr err; |
/* find the dot, if there is one */ |
for( index = tmpName.length; index >= 0 && tmpName.unicode[index] != (UniChar) '.'; index-- ) { /* Do Nothing */ } |
if( index <= 0) /* no dot or first char is a dot (invisible file), so append to end of name */ |
index = tmpName.length; |
else /* shift the extension up two spots to make room for our digits */ |
BlockMoveData( tmpName.unicode + index, tmpName.unicode + index + 2, (tmpName.length - index) * 2 ); |
/* add the space to the name */ |
tmpName.unicode[ index ] = (UniChar)' '; |
/* we're adding two characters to the name */ |
tmpName.length += 2; |
do { /* add the digit to the name */ |
tmpName.unicode[ index + 1 ] = hexStr[count]; |
/* check if the file with this new name already exists */ |
err = FSMakeFSRefUnicode( destDir, tmpName.length, tmpName.unicode, kTextEncodingUnknown, &tmpRef ); |
count++; |
} while( err == noErr && count < 10 ); |
if( err == fnfErr ) |
{ |
err = noErr; |
*sourceName = tmpName; |
} |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
static OSErr GetObjectName( const FSRef *sourceRef, |
HFSUniStr255 *sourceName, /* can be NULL */ |
TextEncoding *sourceEncoding ) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
FSCatalogInfo catInfo; |
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo = (sourceEncoding != NULL) ? kFSCatInfoTextEncoding : kFSCatInfoNone; |
OSErr err; |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo( sourceRef, whichInfo, &catInfo, sourceName, NULL, NULL ); |
if( err == noErr && sourceEncoding != NULL ) |
*sourceEncoding = catInfo.textEncodingHint; |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
static OSErr CreateFolder( const FSRef *sourceRef, |
const FSRef *destDirRef, |
const FSCatalogInfo *catalogInfo, |
const HFSUniStr255 *folderName, |
CopyParams *params, |
FSRef *newFSRefPtr, |
FSSpec *newFSSpecPtr ) |
{ |
FSCatalogInfo tmpCatInfo; |
FSPermissionInfo origPermissions; |
OSErr err = ( sourceRef != NULL && destDirRef != NULL && catalogInfo != NULL && |
folderName != NULL && newFSRefPtr != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr; |
if( err == noErr ) |
{ /* store away the catInfo, create date and permissions on the orig folder */ |
tmpCatInfo = *catalogInfo; |
origPermissions = *((FSPermissionInfo*)catalogInfo->permissions); |
} |
if( err == noErr ) /* create the new folder */ |
err = DoCreateFolder( sourceRef, destDirRef, &tmpCatInfo, folderName, params, newFSRefPtr, newFSSpecPtr ); |
if( err == noErr && !params->copyingToDropFolder ) |
{ /* if its not a drop box, set the permissions on the new folder */ |
*((FSPermissionInfo*)tmpCatInfo.permissions) = origPermissions; |
err = FSSetCatalogInfo( newFSRefPtr, kFSCatInfoPermissions, &tmpCatInfo ); |
} |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
static OSErr DoCreateFolder(const FSRef *sourceRef, |
const FSRef *destDirRef, |
const FSCatalogInfo *catalogInfo, |
const HFSUniStr255 *folderName, |
CopyParams *params, |
FSRef *newFSRefPtr, |
FSSpec *newFSSpecPtr) |
{ |
FSCatalogInfo catInfo = *catalogInfo; |
OSErr err; |
/* Clear the "inited" bit so that the Finder positions the icon for us. */ |
((FInfo *)(catInfo.finderInfo))->fdFlags &= ~kHasBeenInited; |
/* we need to have user level read/write/execute access to the folder we are going to create, */ |
/* otherwise FSCreateDirectoryUnicode will return -5000 (afpAccessDenied), */ |
/* and the FSRef returned will be invalid, yet the folder is created... bug? */ |
((FSPermissionInfo*) catInfo.permissions)->mode |= kRWXUserAccessMask; |
err = FSCreateDirectoryUnicode( destDirRef, folderName->length, |
folderName->unicode, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, |
&catInfo, newFSRefPtr, |
newFSSpecPtr, NULL); |
/* With the new APIs, folders can have forks as well as files. Before */ |
/* we start copying items in the folder, we must copy over the forks */ |
/* Currently, MacOS doesn't support any file systems that have forks in */ |
/* folders, but the API supports it so (for possible future */ |
/* compatability) I kept this in here. */ |
if( err == noErr ) |
err = CopyForks( sourceRef, newFSRefPtr, params ); |
mycheck_noerr( err ); |
return err; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* This is the DisposeDataProc that is used by the GenLinkedList in FSCopyFolder */ |
/* Simply disposes of the data we created and returns */ |
static pascal void MyDisposeDataProc( void *pData ) |
{ |
if( pData != NULL ) |
DisposePtr( (char*) pData ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* This is the DisposeDataProc that is used by the GenLinkedList in CopyItemForks */ |
/* Simply closes the resource fork (if opened, != 0) and disposes of the memory */ |
static pascal void MyCloseForkProc( void *pData ) |
{ |
SInt16 refNum; |
if( pData == NULL ) |
return; |
refNum = ((ForkTrackerPtr)pData)->forkDestRefNum; |
if( refNum != 0 ) |
myverify_noerr( FSCloseFork( refNum ) ); /* the fork was opened, so close it */ |
DisposePtr( (char*) pData ); |
} |
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