/* |
File: FileManager.c |
Contains: File Manager command processing. |
Written by: DTS |
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following |
terms, and your use, installation, modification or |
redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of |
these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do |
not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following |
terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, |
non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this |
original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or |
without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided |
that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and |
without modifications, you must retain this notice and the |
following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks |
or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to endorse or promote |
products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior |
written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in |
this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any |
patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or |
by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. |
*/ |
#include <netinet/in.h> |
#include <netdb.h> |
#include <stdint.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
#include <inttypes.h> |
#include "FieldPrinter.h" |
#include "Command.h" |
#include "BSD.h" // for kTextEncodingEnums |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#pragma mark ***** Utilities Routines |
static void FPAFPString( |
const char * fieldName, |
size_t fieldSize, |
const void * fieldPtr, |
uint32_t indent, |
size_t nameWidth, |
uint32_t verbose, |
const void * info |
) |
// Prints an AFP-style Pascal string field, where the field holds |
// the offset from the start of the record to the Pascal string data. |
// info supplies the offset from fieldPtr to the base of the record. |
// The string is assumed to be MacRoman (not my favourite design |
// decision, but offset is already being used and it was too painful |
// to add an extra parameter, or break it out into a record). |
// |
// See definition of FPPrinter for a parameter description. |
{ |
short fieldValue; |
const UInt8 * pstrPtr; |
char * strBuf; |
#pragma unused(fieldSize) |
#pragma unused(verbose) |
assert( FPStandardPreCondition() ); |
fieldValue = *((const short *) fieldPtr); |
pstrPtr = ((const UInt8 *) fieldPtr) - ((size_t) info) + fieldValue; |
strBuf = FPPStringToUTFCString(pstrPtr, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); |
assert(strBuf != NULL); |
if (strBuf != NULL) { |
fprintf(stdout, "%*s%-*s = %hd ('%s')\n", (int) indent, "", (int) nameWidth, fieldName, fieldValue, strBuf); |
} |
free(strBuf); |
} |
static void FPFSFileSecurityRef( |
const char * fieldName, |
size_t fieldSize, |
const void * fieldPtr, |
uint32_t indent, |
size_t nameWidth, |
uint32_t verbose, |
const void * info |
) |
{ |
#pragma unused(fieldSize) |
#pragma unused(info) |
OSStatus err; |
int junk; |
FSFileSecurityRef fileSec; |
CFUUIDBytes uuid; |
UInt32 id; |
UInt16 mode; |
assert( FPStandardPreCondition() ); |
assert(fieldSize == sizeof(FSFileSecurityRef)); |
fileSec = *((FSFileSecurityRef *) fieldPtr); |
if (fileSec == NULL) { |
fprintf(stdout, "%*s%-*s = NULL\n", (int) indent, "", (int) nameWidth, fieldName); |
} else { |
acl_t acl; |
void * aclBuf; |
size_t aclBufSize; |
ssize_t aclActualSize; |
aclBufSize = 0; // quieten warning |
aclActualSize = 0; // quieten warning |
acl = NULL; |
aclBuf = NULL; |
fprintf(stdout, "%*s%s:\n", (int) indent, "", fieldName); |
err = FSFileSecurityGetOwnerUUID(fileSec, &uuid); |
if (err == noErr) { |
FPGUID("owner UUID", sizeof(uuid), &uuid, indent + kStdIndent, strlen("owner UUID"), verbose, NULL); |
} |
err = FSFileSecurityGetOwner(fileSec, &id); |
if (err == noErr) { |
FPUID("owner UID", sizeof(id), &id, indent + kStdIndent, strlen("owner UUID"), verbose, NULL); |
} |
err = FSFileSecurityGetGroupUUID(fileSec, &uuid); |
if (err == noErr) { |
FPGUID("group UUID", sizeof(uuid), &uuid, indent + kStdIndent, strlen("owner UUID"), verbose, NULL); |
} |
err = FSFileSecurityGetGroup(fileSec, &id); |
if (err == noErr) { |
FPGID("owning GID", sizeof(id), &id, indent + kStdIndent, strlen("owner UUID"), verbose, NULL); |
} |
err = FSFileSecurityGetMode(fileSec, &mode); |
if (err == noErr) { |
FPModeT("mode", sizeof(mode), &mode, indent + kStdIndent, strlen("owner UUID"), verbose, NULL); |
} |
err = FSFileSecurityCopyAccessControlList(fileSec, &acl); |
if (err == noErr) { |
aclBufSize = acl_size(acl); |
aclBuf = malloc(aclBufSize); |
if (aclBuf == NULL) { |
err = memFullErr; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
aclActualSize = acl_copy_ext_native(aclBuf, acl, aclBufSize); |
if (aclActualSize < 0) { |
err = errno; |
} else { |
assert( ((size_t) aclActualSize) <= aclBufSize ); |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
FPKauthFileSec("acl", aclActualSize, aclBuf, indent + kStdIndent, strlen("owner UUID"), verbose, NULL); |
} |
free(aclBuf); |
if (acl != NULL) { |
junk = acl_free(acl); |
assert(junk == 0); |
} |
} |
} |
#pragma mark * FSGetVolumeInfo |
// FSVolumeInfoBitmap |
static const FPFlagDesc kFSGetVolumeInfoOptions[] = { |
{kFSVolInfoCreateDate, "kFSVolInfoCreateDate"}, |
{kFSVolInfoModDate, "kFSVolInfoModDate"}, |
{kFSVolInfoBackupDate, "kFSVolInfoBackupDate"}, |
{kFSVolInfoCheckedDate, "kFSVolInfoCheckedDate"}, |
{kFSVolInfoFileCount, "kFSVolInfoFileCount"}, |
{kFSVolInfoDirCount, "kFSVolInfoDirCount"}, |
{kFSVolInfoSizes, "kFSVolInfoSizes"}, |
{kFSVolInfoBlocks, "kFSVolInfoBlocks"}, |
{kFSVolInfoNextAlloc, "kFSVolInfoNextAlloc"}, |
{kFSVolInfoRsrcClump, "kFSVolInfoRsrcClump"}, |
{kFSVolInfoDataClump, "kFSVolInfoDataClump"}, |
{kFSVolInfoNextID, "kFSVolInfoNextID"}, |
{kFSVolInfoFinderInfo, "kFSVolInfoFinderInfo"}, |
{kFSVolInfoFlags, "kFSVolInfoFlags"}, |
{kFSVolInfoFSInfo, "kFSVolInfoFSInfo"}, |
{kFSVolInfoDriveInfo, "kFSVolInfoDriveInfo"}, |
{0, NULL} |
}; |
// Flags in the flags field of FSVolumeInfo. |
static const FPFlagDesc kVolAttrFlags[] = { |
{kFSVolFlagDefaultVolumeMask, "kFSVolFlagDefaultVolumeMask" }, |
{kFSVolFlagFilesOpenMask, "kFSVolFlagFilesOpenMask" }, |
{kFSVolFlagHardwareLockedMask, "kFSVolFlagHardwareLockedMask" }, |
{kFSVolFlagJournalingActiveMask, "kFSVolFlagJournalingActiveMask"}, |
{kFSVolFlagSoftwareLockedMask, "kFSVolFlagSoftwareLockedMask" }, |
{0, NULL} |
}; |
// Size multipliers for fields in the FSVolumeInfo structure. See |
// FPSize for a description of what this is about. |
static const FPSizeMultiplier kFSGetVolumeInfoTotalBlocksMultiplier = { |
offsetof(FSVolumeInfo, blockSize) - offsetof(FSVolumeInfo, totalBlocks), |
sizeof(UInt32) |
}; |
static const FPSizeMultiplier kFSGetVolumeInfoFreeBlocksMultiplier = { |
offsetof(FSVolumeInfo, blockSize) - offsetof(FSVolumeInfo, freeBlocks), |
sizeof(UInt32) |
}; |
static void PrintVolumeInfo( |
const HFSUniStr255 * volName, |
FSVolumeInfoBitmap options, |
const FSVolumeInfo * volInfo, |
uint32_t indent, |
uint32_t verbose |
) |
// The core of the FSGetVolumeInfo command. |
{ |
const size_t kNameSpacer = strlen("nextAllocation"); |
assert(volName != NULL); |
assert(volInfo != NULL); |
HFSUniStr255FieldPrinter("volumeName", sizeof(*volName), volName, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
if (options & kFSVolInfoCreateDate) { |
FPUTCDateTime("createDate", sizeof(volInfo->createDate), &volInfo->createDate, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoModDate) { |
FPUTCDateTime("modifyDate", sizeof(volInfo->modifyDate), &volInfo->modifyDate, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoBackupDate) { |
FPUTCDateTime("backupDate", sizeof(volInfo->backupDate), &volInfo->backupDate, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoCheckedDate) { |
FPUTCDateTime("checkedDate", sizeof(volInfo->checkedDate), &volInfo->checkedDate, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoFileCount) { |
FPUDec("fileCount", sizeof(volInfo->fileCount), &volInfo->fileCount, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoDirCount) { |
FPUDec("folderCount", sizeof(volInfo->folderCount), &volInfo->folderCount, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoSizes) { |
FPSize("totalBytes", sizeof(volInfo->totalBytes), &volInfo->totalBytes, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
FPSize("freeBytes", sizeof(volInfo->freeBytes), &volInfo->freeBytes, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoBlocks) { |
FPSize("blockSize", sizeof(volInfo->blockSize), &volInfo->blockSize, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
FPSize("totalBlocks", sizeof(volInfo->totalBlocks), &volInfo->totalBlocks, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, &kFSGetVolumeInfoTotalBlocksMultiplier); |
FPSize("freeBlocks", sizeof(volInfo->freeBlocks), &volInfo->freeBlocks, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, &kFSGetVolumeInfoFreeBlocksMultiplier); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoNextAlloc) { |
FPUDec("nextAllocation", sizeof(volInfo->nextAllocation), &volInfo->nextAllocation, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoRsrcClump) { |
FPSize("rsrcClumpSize", sizeof(volInfo->rsrcClumpSize), &volInfo->rsrcClumpSize, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoDataClump) { |
FPSize("dataClumpSize", sizeof(volInfo->dataClumpSize), &volInfo->dataClumpSize, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoNextID) { |
FPUDec("nextCatalogID", sizeof(volInfo->nextCatalogID), &volInfo->nextCatalogID, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoFinderInfo) { |
FPFinderInfo("finderInfo", sizeof(volInfo->finderInfo), &volInfo->finderInfo, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, (void *) (uintptr_t) kVolumeInfo); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoFlags) { |
FPFlags("flags", sizeof(volInfo->flags), &volInfo->flags, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, kVolAttrFlags); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoFSInfo) { |
FPSignature("filesystemID", sizeof(volInfo->filesystemID), &volInfo->filesystemID, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, (const void *) (uintptr_t) kFPValueHostEndian); |
FPSignature("signature", sizeof(volInfo->signature), &volInfo->signature, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, (const void *) (uintptr_t) kFPValueHostEndian); |
} |
if (options & kFSVolInfoDriveInfo) { |
FPUDec("driveNumber", sizeof(volInfo->driveNumber), &volInfo->driveNumber, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
FPUDec("driverRefNum", sizeof(volInfo->driverRefNum), &volInfo->driverRefNum, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
} |
static CommandError PrintFSGetVolumeInfo(CommandArgsRef args, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// Uses FSGetVolumeInfo to get information about the specified volume and |
// prints the result. |
// |
// indent and verbose are as per the comments for FPPrinter. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
int options; |
ItemCount volIndex; |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum; |
FSVolumeInfo volInfo; |
HFSUniStr255 volName; |
assert( CommandArgsValid(args) ); |
volIndex = 0; // quieten warning |
if (CommandArgsIsOption(args)) { |
err = CommandArgsGetFlagListInt(args, kFSGetVolumeInfoOptions, &options); |
} else { |
options = kFSVolInfoGettableInfo; |
err = noErr; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if ( CommandArgsGetOptionalConstantString(args, "all") ) { |
volIndex = 1; |
volRefNum = 0; |
} else { |
volIndex = 0; |
err = CommandArgsGetVRefNum(args, &volRefNum); |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
do { |
FSVolumeRefNum realVolRefNum; |
err = FSGetVolumeInfo(volRefNum, volIndex, &realVolRefNum, options, &volInfo, &volName, NULL); |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (volIndex > 0) { |
// We're printing all volumes |
if ( (volIndex > 1) && (options != 0) ) { |
fprintf(stdout, "\n"); |
} |
fprintf(stdout, "%*svRefNum = %d\n", (int) indent, "", (int) realVolRefNum); |
PrintVolumeInfo(&volName, options, &volInfo, indent + kStdIndent, verbose); |
} else { |
// We're printing just one volume |
PrintVolumeInfo(&volName, options, &volInfo, indent, verbose); |
} |
} |
volIndex += 1; |
} while ( (err == noErr) && (volIndex > 1) ); |
if ( (volIndex > 1) && (err == nsvErr) ) { |
err = noErr; |
} |
} |
return CommandErrorMakeWithOSStatus(err); |
} |
static const CommandHelpEntry kFSGetVolumeInfoCommandHelp[] = { |
{CommandHelpString, "-options Volume information to get; default is kFSVolInfoGettableInfo"}, |
{CommandHelpFlags, kFSGetVolumeInfoOptions}, |
}; |
const CommandInfo kFSGetVolumeInfoCommand = { |
PrintFSGetVolumeInfo, |
"FSGetVolumeInfo", |
"[ -options ] ( all | itemPath )", |
"Print information from FSGetVolumeInfo.", |
kFSGetVolumeInfoCommandHelp |
}; |
#pragma mark * PBHGetVolParmsSync |
// Flags for the vMAttrib field of the GetVolParmsInfoBuffer structure. |
static const FPFlagDesc kVolParmsFlags[] = { |
{1L << bLimitFCBs, "bLimitFCBs"}, |
{1L << bLocalWList, "bLocalWList"}, |
{1L << bNoMiniFndr, "bNoMiniFndr"}, |
{1L << bNoVNEdit, "bNoVNEdit"}, |
{1L << bNoLclSync, "bNoLclSync"}, |
{1L << bTrshOffLine, "bTrshOffLine"}, |
{1L << bNoSwitchTo, "bNoSwitchTo"}, |
{1L << bNoDeskItems, "bNoDeskItems"}, |
{1L << bNoBootBlks, "bNoBootBlks"}, |
{1L << bAccessCntl, "bAccessCntl"}, |
{1L << bNoSysDir, "bNoSysDir"}, |
{1L << bHasExtFSVol, "bHasExtFSVol"}, |
{1L << bHasOpenDeny, "bHasOpenDeny"}, |
{1L << bHasCopyFile, "bHasCopyFile"}, |
{1L << bHasMoveRename, "bHasMoveRename"}, |
{1L << bHasDesktopMgr, "bHasDesktopMgr"}, |
{1L << bHasShortName, "bHasShortName"}, |
{1L << bHasFolderLock, "bHasFolderLock"}, |
{1L << bHasPersonalAccessPrivileges, "bHasPersonalAccessPrivileges"}, |
{1L << bHasUserGroupList, "bHasUserGroupList"}, |
{1L << bHasCatSearch, "bHasCatSearch"}, |
{1L << bHasFileIDs, "bHasFileIDs"}, |
{1L << bHasBTreeMgr, "bHasBTreeMgr"}, |
{1L << bHasBlankAccessPrivileges, "bHasBlankAccessPrivileges"}, |
{1L << bSupportsAsyncRequests, "bSupportsAsyncRequests"}, |
{1L << bSupportsTrashVolumeCache, "bSupportsTrashVolumeCache"}, |
{1L << bHasDirectIO, "bHasDirectIO"}, |
{0, NULL} |
}; |
// Flags for the vMExtendedAttributes field of the GetVolParmsInfoBuffer structure. |
static const FPFlagDesc kVolParmsExtendedFlags[] = { |
{1L << bSupportsExtendedFileSecurity, "bSupportsExtendedFileSecurity"}, |
{1L << bIsOnExternalBus, "bIsOnExternalBus"}, |
{1L << bNoRootTimes, "bNoRootTimes"}, |
{1L << bIsRemovable, "bIsRemovable"}, |
{1L << bDoNotDisplay, "bDoNotDisplay"}, |
{1L << bIsCasePreserving, "bIsCasePreserving"}, |
{1L << bIsCaseSensitive, "bIsCaseSensitive"}, |
{1L << bIsOnInternalBus, "bIsOnInternalBus"}, |
{1L << bNoVolumeSizes, "bNoVolumeSizes"}, |
{1L << bSupportsJournaling, "bSupportsJournaling"}, |
{1L << bSupportsExclusiveLocks, "bSupportsExclusiveLocks"}, |
{1L << bAllowCDiDataHandler, "bAllowCDiDataHandler"}, |
{1L << bIsAutoMounted, "bIsAutoMounted"}, |
{1L << bSupportsSymbolicLinks, "bSupportsSymbolicLinks"}, |
{1L << bAncestorModDateChanges, "bAncestorModDateChanges"}, |
{1L << bParentModDateChanges, "bParentModDateChanges"}, |
{1L << bL2PCanMapFileBlocks, "bL2PCanMapFileBlocks"}, |
{1L << bSupportsSubtreeIterators, "bSupportsSubtreeIterators"}, |
{1L << bSupportsNamedForks, "bSupportsNamedForks"}, |
{1L << bSupportsMultiScriptNames, "bSupportsMultiScriptNames"}, |
{1L << bSupportsLongNames, "bSupportsLongNames"}, |
{1L << bSupports2TBFiles, "bSupports2TBFiles"}, |
{1L << bSupportsFSExchangeObjects, "bSupportsFSExchangeObjects"}, |
{1L << bSupportsFSCatalogSearch, "bSupportsFSCatalogSearch"}, |
{1L << bSupportsHFSPlusAPIs, "bSupportsHFSPlusAPIs"}, |
{1L << bIsEjectable, "bIsEjectable"}, |
{0, NULL} |
}; |
// Constants for the vMForeignPrivID field of the GetVolParmsInfoBuffer structure |
static const FPEnumDesc kForeignPrivEnums[] = { |
{0, "HFS"}, |
{fsUnixPriv, "fsUnixPriv"}, |
{0, NULL} |
}; |
static const char kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldSpacer[32] = "vMExtendedAttributes"; |
// The fields of the GetVolParmsInfoBuffer structure. These are broken up into five |
// groups to account for the various versions of the structure, which are in turn |
// assembled into the kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescByVersion array for easy |
// processing by the code. |
// The only useful meaning of vMServerAdr in the modern world is a zero/non-zero test |
// to see whether the volume is local or remote. I didn't feel that justified a custom |
// printer routine. |
static const FPFieldDesc kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescV1[] = { |
{"vMVersion", offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMVersion), sizeof(SInt16), FPSDec, NULL}, |
{"vMAttrib", offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMAttrib), sizeof(SInt32), FPFlags, kVolParmsFlags}, |
{"vMLocalHand", offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMLocalHand), sizeof(Handle), FPPtr, NULL}, |
{"vMServerAdr", offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMServerAdr), sizeof(SInt32), FPHex, NULL}, |
{kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldSpacer, 0, 0, FPNull, NULL}, // present to pad out field widths |
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
}; |
// While there is a definition for vMVolumeGrade (see DTS Technote 1121 "Mac OS 8.1" |
// <>), Core Services File Manager |
// provides no way for a file system to return a value (it always returns 0), so there's |
// no point providing a sophisticated interpretation. |
static const FPFieldDesc kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescV2[] = { |
{"vMVolumeGrade", offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMVolumeGrade), sizeof(SInt32), FPSDec, NULL}, |
{"vMForeignPrivID", offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMForeignPrivID), sizeof(SInt16), FPEnum, kForeignPrivEnums}, |
{kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldSpacer, 0, 0, FPNull, NULL}, // present to pad out field widths |
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
}; |
static const FPFieldDesc kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescV3[] = { |
{"vMExtendedAttributes", offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMExtendedAttributes), sizeof(SInt32), FPFlags, kVolParmsExtendedFlags}, |
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
}; |
static const FPFieldDesc kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescV4[] = { |
{"vMDeviceID", offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMDeviceID), sizeof(void *), FPCStringPtr, NULL}, |
{kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldSpacer, 0, 0, FPNull, NULL}, // present to pad out field widths |
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
}; |
static const FPFieldDesc kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescV5[] = { |
{"vMMaxNameLength", offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMMaxNameLength), sizeof(UniCharCount), FPUDec, NULL}, |
{kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldSpacer, 0, 0, FPNull, NULL}, // present to pad out field widths |
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
}; |
static const FPFieldDesc * kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescByVersion[] = { |
kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescV1, |
kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescV2, |
kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescV3, |
kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescV4, |
kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescV5 |
}; |
static void PrintVolumeParms(const GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParms, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// Code to print a volume parms buffer, common to both the PBHGetVolParms |
// and FSGetVolumeParms commands. |
{ |
size_t versionIndex; |
size_t versionLimit; |
assert(volParms != NULL); |
if (volParms->vMVersion < 1) { |
fprintf(stdout, " vMVersion = %hd\n", volParms->vMVersion); |
} else { |
versionIndex = 0; |
versionLimit = (sizeof(kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescByVersion) / sizeof(FPFieldDesc *)); |
if (versionLimit > (size_t) volParms->vMVersion) { |
versionLimit = volParms->vMVersion; |
} |
while (versionIndex < versionLimit) { |
FPPrintFields(kGetVolParmsInfoBufferFieldDescByVersion[versionIndex], volParms, sizeof(*volParms), indent, verbose); |
versionIndex += 1; |
} |
} |
} |
#if ! TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
static CommandError PrintPBHGetVolParms(CommandArgsRef args, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// Uses PBHGetVolParmsSync to get information about the specified volume and |
// prints the result. |
// |
// indent and verbose are as per the comments for FPPrinter. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum; |
HParamBlockRec hpb; |
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParms; |
assert( CommandArgsValid(args) ); |
err = CommandArgsGetVRefNum(args, &volRefNum); |
if (err == noErr) { |
hpb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL; |
hpb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = volRefNum; |
hpb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr) &volParms; |
hpb.ioParam.ioReqCount = sizeof(volParms); |
err = PBHGetVolParmsSync(&hpb); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
PrintVolumeParms(&volParms, indent, verbose); |
} |
return CommandErrorMakeWithOSStatus(err); |
} |
const CommandInfo kPBHGetVolParmsCommand = { |
PrintPBHGetVolParms, |
"PBHGetVolParms", |
"itemPath", |
"Print information from PBHGetVolParms.", |
}; |
#endif |
static CommandError PrintFSGetVolumeParms(CommandArgsRef args, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// Uses FSGetVolumeParms to get information about the specified volume and |
// prints the result. |
// |
// indent and verbose are as per the comments for FPPrinter. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum; |
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParms; |
assert( CommandArgsValid(args) ); |
if ( FSGetVolumeParms == NULL ) { |
return CommandErrorMakeWithCustom(kUnavailableCustomError); |
} |
err = CommandArgsGetVRefNum(args, &volRefNum); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = FSGetVolumeParms(volRefNum, &volParms, sizeof(volParms)); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
PrintVolumeParms(&volParms, indent, verbose); |
} |
return CommandErrorMakeWithOSStatus(err); |
} |
const CommandInfo kFSGetVolumeParmsCommand = { |
PrintFSGetVolumeParms, |
"FSGetVolumeParms", |
"itemPath", |
"Print information from FSGetVolumeParms.", |
}; |
#pragma mark * PBGetVolMountInfo |
// Values for the uamType field of the AFPVolMountInfo. |
static const FPEnumDesc kVolMountInfoUAMType[] = { |
{ 1, "No User Authent" }, |
{ 2, "Cleartxt Passwrd" }, |
{ 3, "Randnum Exchange" }, |
{ 4, "Cleartxt Passwrd (variable length)" }, |
{ 5, "Randnum Exchange (variable length)" }, |
{ 6, "2-Way Randnum" }, |
{ 7, "DHCAST128" }, |
{ 8, "DHX2" }, |
{ 9, "Client Krb v2" }, |
{ 0, NULL } |
}; |
// The following two enums document extra constants that should be in "Files.h" <rdar://problem/5439845>. |
enum { |
kAFPTagTypeIPv6 = 0x06, |
kAFPTagTypeIPv6Port = 0x07 |
}; |
enum { |
kAFPTagLengthIPv6 = 0x12, |
kAFPTagLengthIPv6Port = 0x14 |
}; |
static void PrintAlternateAddresses(AFPXVolMountInfoPtr afpXVolInfoBuffer, short offset, uint32_t indent) |
// Prints any alternative addresses embedded within the AFPXVolMountInfo structure. |
// |
// indent is per the comments for FPPrinter. |
{ |
int junk; |
AFPAlternateAddress * addrList; |
AFPTagData * thisAddr; |
int i; |
UInt8 thisAddrType; |
size_t addrIndex; |
struct sockaddr_in addr; |
struct sockaddr_in6 addr6; |
Str255 dns; |
char hostStr[NI_MAXHOST]; |
char servStr[NI_MAXSERV]; |
static const char *kAddrTypeNames[] = { |
"unknown", "kAFPTagTypeIP", "kAFPTagTypeIPPort", "kAFPTagTypeDDP", |
"kAFPTagTypeDNS", "unknown", "kAFPTagTypeIPv6", "kAFPTagTypeIPv6Port" |
}; |
assert(offset >= 0); |
addrList = (AFPAlternateAddress *) (((char *) afpXVolInfoBuffer) + offset); |
assert(addrList->fVersion == 0); |
thisAddr = (AFPTagData *) &addrList->fAddressList[0]; |
for (i = 0; i < addrList->fAddressCount; i++) { |
Boolean understood; |
thisAddrType = thisAddr->fType; |
if (thisAddrType >= (sizeof(kAddrTypeNames) / sizeof(*kAddrTypeNames))) { |
thisAddrType = 0; |
} |
fprintf(stdout, "%*saddr[%d].fType = %s (%" PRIu8 ")\n", (int) indent, "", i, kAddrTypeNames[thisAddrType], (uint8_t) thisAddr->fType); |
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); |
addr.sin_len = sizeof(addr); |
addr.sin_family = AF_INET; |
memset(&addr6, 0, sizeof(addr6)); |
addr6.sin6_len = sizeof(addr6); |
addr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; |
// Print the address data based on its type. |
// |
// IMPORTANT: This data is always big endian (because of the PowerPC |
// heritage of this structure) but that's OK because the data in the |
// struct sockaddr_in[6] is also big endian (because it is in network |
// byte order). |
understood = false; |
switch (thisAddr->fType) { |
case kAFPTagTypeIP: |
if (thisAddr->fLength == kAFPTagLengthIP) { |
memcpy(&addr.sin_addr, &thisAddr->fData[0], sizeof(addr.sin_addr)); |
junk = getnameinfo( (struct sockaddr *) &addr, (socklen_t) sizeof(addr), hostStr, (socklen_t) sizeof(hostStr), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); |
assert(junk == 0); |
fprintf(stdout, "%*saddr[%d].fData = %s\n", (int) indent, "", i, hostStr); |
understood = true; |
} |
break; |
case kAFPTagTypeIPPort: |
if (thisAddr->fLength == kAFPTagLengthIPPort) { |
memcpy(&addr.sin_addr, &thisAddr->fData[0], sizeof(addr.sin_addr)); |
memcpy(&addr.sin_port, &thisAddr->fData[sizeof(addr.sin_addr)], sizeof(addr.sin_port)); |
junk = getnameinfo( (struct sockaddr *) &addr, (socklen_t) sizeof(addr), hostStr, (socklen_t) sizeof(hostStr), servStr, (socklen_t) sizeof(servStr), NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV); |
assert(junk == 0); |
fprintf(stdout, "%*saddr[%d].fData = %s:%s\n", (int) indent, "", i, hostStr, servStr); |
understood = true; |
} |
break; |
case kAFPTagTypeDNS: |
if (thisAddr->fLength > offsetof(AFPTagData, fLength)) { |
dns[0] = thisAddr->fLength - offsetof(AFPTagData, fData); |
memcpy(&dns[1], &thisAddr->fData[0], dns[0]); |
fprintf(stdout, "%*saddr[%d].fData = %.*s\n", (int) indent, "", i, (int) dns[0], (char *) &dns[1]); |
understood = true; |
} |
break; |
case kAFPTagTypeIPv6: |
if (thisAddr->fLength == kAFPTagLengthIPv6) { |
memcpy(&addr6.sin6_addr, &thisAddr->fData[0], sizeof(addr6.sin6_addr)); |
junk = getnameinfo( (struct sockaddr *) &addr6, (socklen_t) sizeof(addr6), hostStr, (socklen_t) sizeof(hostStr), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); |
assert(junk == 0); |
fprintf(stdout, "%*saddr[%d].fData = %s\n", (int) indent, "", i, hostStr); |
understood = true; |
} |
break; |
case kAFPTagTypeIPv6Port: |
if (thisAddr->fLength == kAFPTagLengthIPv6Port) { |
memcpy(&addr6.sin6_addr, &thisAddr->fData[0], sizeof(addr6.sin6_addr)); |
memcpy(&addr6.sin6_port, &thisAddr->fData[sizeof(addr6.sin6_addr)], sizeof(addr6.sin6_port)); |
junk = getnameinfo( (struct sockaddr *) &addr6, (socklen_t) sizeof(addr6), hostStr, (socklen_t) sizeof(hostStr), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); |
assert(junk == 0); |
fprintf(stdout, "%*saddr[%d].fData = %s\n", (int) indent, "", i, hostStr); |
understood = true; |
} |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
// If we don't recognise the address type, just dump the hex. |
if ( ! understood ) { |
fprintf(stdout, "%*saddr[%d].fData =", (int) indent, "", i); |
for (addrIndex = 0; addrIndex < ((size_t) thisAddr->fLength); addrIndex++) { |
fprintf(stdout, " 0x%02x", thisAddr->fData[addrIndex]); |
} |
fprintf(stdout, "\n"); |
} |
thisAddr = (AFPTagData *) ( ((char *) thisAddr) + thisAddr->fLength ); |
} |
} |
// Flags for the flags field of the VolumeMountInfoHeader. |
static const FPFlagDesc kAFPFlags[] = { |
{volMountExtendedFlagsMask, "volMountExtendedFlagsMask"}, |
{0, NULL} |
}; |
// The fields of the VolumeMountInfoHeader structure. |
static const char kVolMountInfoFieldSpacer[32] = "volInfoBuffer"; |
static const FPFieldDesc kVolMountInfoFieldDesc[] = { |
{kVolMountInfoFieldSpacer, 0, 0, FPNull, NULL}, // present to pad out field widths |
{"length", offsetof(VolumeMountInfoHeader, length), sizeof(short), FPSDec, NULL}, |
{"media", offsetof(VolumeMountInfoHeader, media), sizeof(VolumeType), FPSignature, (const void *) (uintptr_t) kFPValueHostEndian}, |
{"flags", offsetof(VolumeMountInfoHeader, flags), sizeof(short), FPFlags, kAFPFlags}, |
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
}; |
// The fields of the AFPVolMountInfo structure. |
static const char kAFPVolMountInfoFieldSpacer[32] = "alternateAddressOffset"; |
static const FPFieldDesc kAFPVolMountInfoFieldDesc[] = { |
{kAFPVolMountInfoFieldSpacer, 0, 0, FPNull, NULL}, // present to pad out field widths |
{"nbpInterval", offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, nbpInterval), sizeof(SInt8), FPSDec, NULL}, |
{"nbpCount", offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, nbpCount), sizeof(SInt8), FPSDec, NULL}, |
{"uamType", offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, uamType), sizeof(short), FPEnum, kVolMountInfoUAMType}, |
{"zoneNameOffset", offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, zoneNameOffset), sizeof(short), FPAFPString, (void *) offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, zoneNameOffset)}, |
{"serverNameOffset", offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, serverNameOffset), sizeof(short), FPAFPString, (void *) offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, serverNameOffset)}, |
{"volNameOffset", offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, volNameOffset), sizeof(short), FPAFPString, (void *) offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, volNameOffset)}, |
{"userNameOffset", offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, userNameOffset), sizeof(short), FPAFPString, (void *) offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, userNameOffset)}, |
{"userPasswordOffset", offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, userPasswordOffset), sizeof(short), FPAFPString, (void *) offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, userPasswordOffset)}, |
{"volPasswordOffset", offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, volPasswordOffset), sizeof(short), FPAFPString, (void *) offsetof(AFPVolMountInfo, volPasswordOffset)}, |
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
}; |
// Flags for the extendedFlags field of the AFPXVolMountInfo. |
static const FPFlagDesc kAFPExtendedFlags[] = { |
{kAFPExtendedFlagsAlternateAddressMask, "kAFPExtendedFlagsAlternateAddressMask"}, |
{0, NULL} |
}; |
// The fields of the AFPXVolMountInfo structure. These are broken up into |
// two groups because the second group of fields is only present if |
// kAFPExtendedFlagsAlternateAddressMask is set in extendedFlags. |
static const FPFieldDesc kAFPXVolMountInfoFieldDesc[] = { |
{kAFPVolMountInfoFieldSpacer, 0, 0, FPNull, NULL}, // present to pad out field widths |
{"extendedFlags", offsetof(AFPXVolMountInfo, extendedFlags), sizeof(short), FPFlags, kAFPExtendedFlags}, |
{"uamNameOffset", offsetof(AFPXVolMountInfo, uamNameOffset), sizeof(short), FPAFPString, (void *) offsetof(AFPXVolMountInfo, uamNameOffset)}, |
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
}; |
static const FPFieldDesc kAFPXVolMountInfoFieldDesc2[] = { |
{kAFPVolMountInfoFieldSpacer, 0, 0, FPNull, NULL}, // present to pad out field widths |
{"alternateAddressOffset", offsetof(AFPXVolMountInfo, alternateAddressOffset), sizeof(short), FPSDec, NULL}, |
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
}; |
static void PrintVolumeMountInfo(size_t volInfoSize, VolumeMountInfoHeaderPtr volInfoBuffer, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// Common code used to print a volume mount info buffer. Called by both |
// the FSGetVolumeMountInfo and the PBGetVolMountInfo commands. |
{ |
assert(volInfoBuffer != NULL); |
assert(volInfoSize >= sizeof(*volInfoBuffer)); |
fprintf(stdout, "%*svolInfoSize = %zd\n", (int) indent, "", volInfoSize); |
FPPrintFields(kVolMountInfoFieldDesc, volInfoBuffer, sizeof(*volInfoBuffer), indent, verbose); |
// If this is an AFP volume, we know the structure of the mount info |
// data, and thus we print it. Otherwise we just dump the data as hex. |
if (volInfoBuffer->media == AppleShareMediaType) { |
AFPVolMountInfoPtr afpVolInfoBuffer; |
afpVolInfoBuffer = (AFPVolMountInfoPtr) volInfoBuffer; |
fprintf(stdout, "%*sAppleShareMediaType\n", (int) indent, ""); |
FPPrintFields(kAFPVolMountInfoFieldDesc, afpVolInfoBuffer, sizeof(*afpVolInfoBuffer), indent + kStdIndent, verbose); |
if (afpVolInfoBuffer->flags & volMountExtendedFlagsMask) { |
AFPXVolMountInfoPtr afpXVolInfoBuffer; |
afpXVolInfoBuffer = (AFPXVolMountInfoPtr) afpVolInfoBuffer; |
FPPrintFields(kAFPXVolMountInfoFieldDesc, afpVolInfoBuffer, sizeof(*afpVolInfoBuffer), indent + kStdIndent, verbose); |
if (afpXVolInfoBuffer->extendedFlags & kAFPExtendedFlagsAlternateAddressMask) { |
FPPrintFields(kAFPXVolMountInfoFieldDesc2, afpVolInfoBuffer, sizeof(*afpVolInfoBuffer), indent + kStdIndent, verbose); |
PrintAlternateAddresses(afpXVolInfoBuffer, afpXVolInfoBuffer->alternateAddressOffset, indent + 2 * kStdIndent); |
} |
} |
} else { |
if (verbose > 0) { |
FPHex("volInfoBuffer", volInfoSize, volInfoBuffer, 4, strlen(kVolMountInfoFieldSpacer), false, NULL); |
} |
} |
} |
#if ! TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
static CommandError PrintPBGetVolMountInfo(CommandArgsRef args, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// Uses PBGetVolMountInfo to get information about the specified volume and |
// prints the result. |
// |
// indent and verbose are as per the comments for FPPrinter. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum; |
ParamBlockRec pb; |
short volInfoSize; |
VolumeMountInfoHeaderPtr volInfoBuffer; |
assert( CommandArgsValid(args) ); |
volInfoBuffer = NULL; |
// Get the mount info from the file system. |
err = CommandArgsGetVRefNum(args, &volRefNum); |
if (err == noErr) { |
pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL; |
pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = volRefNum; |
pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr) &volInfoSize; |
err = PBGetVolMountInfoSize(&pb); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
assert(volInfoSize >= 0); |
volInfoBuffer = malloc(volInfoSize); |
if (volInfoBuffer == NULL) { |
err = memFullErr; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr) volInfoBuffer; |
err = PBGetVolMountInfo(&pb); |
} |
// Print the info. |
if (err == noErr) { |
PrintVolumeMountInfo(volInfoSize, volInfoBuffer, indent, verbose); |
} |
free(volInfoBuffer); |
return CommandErrorMakeWithOSStatus(err); |
} |
const CommandInfo kPBGetVolMountInfoCommand = { |
PrintPBGetVolMountInfo, |
"PBGetVolMountInfo", |
"itemPath", |
"Print information from PBGetVolMountInfo.", |
}; |
#endif |
static CommandError PrintFSGetVolumeMountInfo(CommandArgsRef args, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// Uses PBGetVolMountInfo to get information about the specified volume and |
// prints the result. |
// |
// indent and verbose are as per the comments for FPPrinter. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum; |
size_t volInfoSize; |
VolumeMountInfoHeaderPtr volInfoBuffer; |
size_t junkSize; |
assert( CommandArgsValid(args) ); |
if ( FSGetVolumeMountInfoSize == NULL ) { |
return CommandErrorMakeWithCustom(kUnavailableCustomError); |
} |
volInfoBuffer = NULL; |
// Get the mount info from the file system. |
err = CommandArgsGetVRefNum(args, &volRefNum); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = FSGetVolumeMountInfoSize(volRefNum, &volInfoSize); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
volInfoBuffer = malloc(volInfoSize); |
if (volInfoBuffer == NULL) { |
err = memFullErr; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = FSGetVolumeMountInfo(volRefNum, (BytePtr) volInfoBuffer, volInfoSize, &junkSize); |
} |
// Print the info. |
if (err == noErr) { |
PrintVolumeMountInfo(volInfoSize, volInfoBuffer, indent, verbose); |
} |
free(volInfoBuffer); |
return CommandErrorMakeWithOSStatus(err); |
} |
const CommandInfo kFSGetVolumeMountInfoCommand = { |
PrintFSGetVolumeMountInfo, |
"FSGetVolumeMountInfo", |
"itemPath", |
"Print information from FSGetVolumeMountInfo.", |
}; |
#pragma mark * FSCopyDiskIDForVolume |
static CommandError PrintFSCopyDiskIDForVolume(CommandArgsRef args, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// Uses FSCopyDiskIDForVolume to get information about the specified volume |
// and prints the result. |
// |
// indent and verbose are as per the comments for FPPrinter. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum; |
CFStringRef idStr; |
assert( CommandArgsValid(args) ); |
idStr = NULL; |
err = CommandArgsGetVRefNum(args, &volRefNum); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = FSCopyDiskIDForVolume(volRefNum, &idStr); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
fprintf(stdout, "%*sFSCopyDiskIDForVolume(%d)\n", (int) indent, "", (int) volRefNum); |
FPCFString("id", sizeof(idStr), &idStr, indent + kStdIndent, strlen("id"), verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (idStr != NULL) { |
CFRelease(idStr); |
} |
return CommandErrorMakeWithOSStatus(err); |
} |
const CommandInfo kFSCopyDiskIDForVolumeCommand = { |
PrintFSCopyDiskIDForVolume, |
"FSCopyDiskIDForVolume", |
"itemPath", |
"Print information from FSCopyDiskIDForVolume.", |
}; |
#pragma mark * FSCopyURLForVolume |
static CommandError PrintFSCopyURLForVolume(CommandArgsRef args, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// Uses FSCopyURLForVolume to get information about the specified volume |
// and prints the result. |
// |
// indent and verbose are as per the comments for FPPrinter. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum; |
CFURLRef url; |
CFStringRef urlStr; |
assert( CommandArgsValid(args) ); |
url = NULL; |
err = CommandArgsGetVRefNum(args, &volRefNum); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = FSCopyURLForVolume(volRefNum, &url); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
urlStr = CFURLGetString(url); |
fprintf(stdout, "%*sFSCopyURLForVolume(%d)\n", (int) indent, "", (int) volRefNum); |
FPCFString("url", sizeof(urlStr), &urlStr, indent + kStdIndent, strlen("url"), verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (url != NULL) { |
CFRelease(url); |
} |
return CommandErrorMakeWithOSStatus(err); |
} |
const CommandInfo kFSCopyURLForVolumeCommand = { |
PrintFSCopyURLForVolume, |
"FSCopyURLForVolume", |
"itemPath", |
"Print information from FSCopyURLForVolume.", |
}; |
#pragma mark * FSGetCatalogInfo |
static const FPFlagDesc kFSGetCatalogInfoOptions[] = { |
{kFSCatInfoTextEncoding, "kFSCatInfoTextEncoding"}, |
{kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, "kFSCatInfoNodeFlags"}, |
{kFSCatInfoVolume, "kFSCatInfoVolume"}, |
{kFSCatInfoParentDirID, "kFSCatInfoParentDirID"}, |
{kFSCatInfoNodeID, "kFSCatInfoNodeID"}, |
{kFSCatInfoCreateDate, "kFSCatInfoCreateDate"}, |
{kFSCatInfoContentMod, "kFSCatInfoContentMod"}, |
{kFSCatInfoAttrMod, "kFSCatInfoAttrMod"}, |
{kFSCatInfoAccessDate, "kFSCatInfoAccessDate"}, |
{kFSCatInfoBackupDate, "kFSCatInfoBackupDate"}, |
{kFSCatInfoPermissions, "kFSCatInfoPermissions"}, |
{kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, "kFSCatInfoFinderInfo"}, |
{kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo, "kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo"}, |
{kFSCatInfoValence, "kFSCatInfoValence"}, |
{kFSCatInfoDataSizes, "kFSCatInfoDataSizes"}, |
{kFSCatInfoRsrcSizes, "kFSCatInfoRsrcSizes"}, |
{kFSCatInfoSharingFlags, "kFSCatInfoSharingFlags"}, |
{kFSCatInfoUserPrivs, "kFSCatInfoUserPrivs"}, |
{kFSCatInfoUserAccess, "kFSCatInfoUserAccess"}, |
{kFSCatInfoFSFileSecurityRef, "kFSCatInfoFSFileSecurityRef"}, |
{0, NULL} |
}; |
static const FPFlagDesc kNodeFlags[] = { |
{kFSNodeLockedMask, "kFSNodeLockedMask"}, |
{kFSNodeResOpenMask, "kFSNodeResOpenMask"}, |
{kFSNodeDataOpenMask, "kFSNodeDataOpenMask"}, |
{kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask, "kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask"}, |
{kFSNodeCopyProtectMask, "kFSNodeCopyProtectMask"}, |
{kFSNodeForkOpenMask, "kFSNodeForkOpenMask"}, |
{kFSNodeHardLinkMask, "kFSNodeHardLinkMask"}, |
{ 0, NULL } |
}; |
// These are the fields you get by asking for kFSCatInfoPermissions. |
static const FPFieldDesc kFSPermissionInfoFieldDesc[] = { |
{"userID", offsetof(FSPermissionInfo, userID), sizeof(UInt32), FPUID, NULL}, |
{"groupID", offsetof(FSPermissionInfo, groupID), sizeof(UInt32), FPGID, NULL}, |
{"reserved1", offsetof(FSPermissionInfo, reserved1), sizeof(UInt8), FPUDec, NULL}, |
{"userAccess", 0, 0, FPNull, NULL}, // pads out nameWidth |
{"mode", offsetof(FSPermissionInfo, mode), sizeof(UInt16), FPModeT, NULL}, |
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
}; |
static const FPFlagDesc kSharingFlags[] = { |
{kioFlAttribMountedMask, "kioFlAttribMountedMask"}, |
{kioFlAttribSharePointMask, "kioFlAttribSharePointMask"}, |
{ 0, NULL } |
}; |
static const FPFlagDesc kAccessFlags[] = { |
{R_OK, "R_OK"}, |
{W_OK, "W_OK"}, |
{X_OK, "X_OK"}, |
{ 0, NULL } |
}; |
#if ! TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
static const FPFieldDesc kFSSpecFieldDesc[] = { |
{"vRefNum", offsetof(FSSpec, vRefNum), sizeof(SInt16), FPSDec, NULL}, |
{"parID", offsetof(FSSpec, parID), sizeof(UInt32), FPUDec, NULL}, |
{"name", offsetof(FSSpec, name), sizeof(Str63), FPPString, NULL}, |
{NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
}; |
#endif |
static void PrintCatalogInfo(const HFSUniStr255 *name, FSCatalogInfoBitmap options, bool didForceNodeFlags, const FSCatalogInfo *catInfo, const FSRef *ref, const FSSpec *spec, const FSRef *parent, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// The core of the FSGetCatalogInfo and FSGetCatalogInfoBulk commands. |
{ |
assert(name != NULL); |
HFSUniStr255FieldPrinter("name", sizeof(HFSUniStr255), name, indent, 7, verbose, NULL); |
if (catInfo != NULL) { |
const size_t kNameSpacer = strlen("attributeModDate"); |
fprintf(stdout, "%*scatalogInfo:\n", (int) indent, ""); |
indent += kStdIndent; |
if ( (options & kFSCatInfoNodeFlags) && ! didForceNodeFlags) { |
FPFlags("nodeFlags", sizeof(catInfo->nodeFlags), &catInfo->nodeFlags, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, kNodeFlags); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoVolume) { |
FPSDec("volume", sizeof(catInfo->volume), &catInfo->volume, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoParentDirID) { |
FPUDec("parentDirID", sizeof(catInfo->parentDirID), &catInfo->parentDirID, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoNodeID) { |
FPUDec("nodeID", sizeof(catInfo->nodeID), &catInfo->nodeID, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoSharingFlags) { |
FPFlags("sharingFlags", sizeof(catInfo->sharingFlags), &catInfo->sharingFlags, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, kSharingFlags); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoUserPrivs) { |
FPHex("userPrivileges", sizeof(catInfo->userPrivileges), &catInfo->userPrivileges, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoCreateDate) { |
FPUTCDateTime("createDate", sizeof(catInfo->createDate), &catInfo->createDate, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoContentMod) { |
FPUTCDateTime("contentModDate", sizeof(catInfo->contentModDate), &catInfo->contentModDate, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoAttrMod) { |
FPUTCDateTime("attributeModDate", sizeof(catInfo->attributeModDate), &catInfo->attributeModDate, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoAccessDate) { |
FPUTCDateTime("accessDate", sizeof(catInfo->accessDate), &catInfo->accessDate, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoBackupDate) { |
FPUTCDateTime("backupDate", sizeof(catInfo->backupDate), &catInfo->backupDate, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & (kFSCatInfoPermissions | kFSCatInfoUserAccess | kFSCatInfoFSFileSecurityRef)) { |
const FSPermissionInfo * fsPerms; |
#if TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
fsPerms = &catInfo->permissions; |
#else |
fsPerms = (const FSPermissionInfo *) catInfo->permissions; |
#endif |
if (verbose == 0) { |
FPHex("permissions", sizeof(*fsPerms), fsPerms, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} else { |
fprintf(stdout, "%*spermissions:\n", (int) indent, ""); |
if (options & kFSCatInfoPermissions) { |
FPPrintFields(kFSPermissionInfoFieldDesc, fsPerms, sizeof(*fsPerms), indent + kStdIndent, verbose); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoUserAccess) { |
FPFlags("userAccess", sizeof(fsPerms->userAccess), &fsPerms->userAccess, indent + kStdIndent, strlen("userAccess"), verbose - 1, kAccessFlags); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoFSFileSecurityRef) { |
FPFSFileSecurityRef("fileSec", sizeof(fsPerms->fileSec), &fsPerms->fileSec, indent + kStdIndent, strlen("userAccess"), verbose - 1, NULL); |
} |
} |
if ( (options & kFSCatInfoFSFileSecurityRef) && (fsPerms->fileSec != NULL) ) { |
CFRelease(fsPerms->fileSec); |
} |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoFinderInfo) { |
assert(options & kFSCatInfoNodeFlags); |
if (catInfo->nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) { |
FPFinderInfo("finderInfo", sizeof(catInfo->finderInfo), &catInfo->finderInfo, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, (void *) (uintptr_t) kFolderInfo); |
} else { |
FPFinderInfo("finderInfo", sizeof(catInfo->finderInfo), &catInfo->finderInfo, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, (void *) (uintptr_t) kFileInfo); |
} |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo) { |
assert(options & kFSCatInfoNodeFlags); |
if (catInfo->nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) { |
FPFinderInfo("extFinderInfo", sizeof(catInfo->extFinderInfo), &catInfo->extFinderInfo, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, (void *) (uintptr_t) kFolderInfoExtended); |
} else { |
FPFinderInfo("extFinderInfo", sizeof(catInfo->extFinderInfo), &catInfo->extFinderInfo, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, (void *) (uintptr_t) kFileInfoExtended); |
} |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoDataSizes) { |
FPSize("dataLogicalSize", sizeof(catInfo->dataPhysicalSize), &catInfo->dataLogicalSize, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
FPSize("dataPhysicalSize", sizeof(catInfo->dataPhysicalSize), &catInfo->dataPhysicalSize, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoDataSizes) { |
FPSize("rsrcLogicalSize", sizeof(catInfo->rsrcPhysicalSize), &catInfo->rsrcLogicalSize, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
FPSize("rsrcPhysicalSize", sizeof(catInfo->rsrcPhysicalSize), &catInfo->rsrcPhysicalSize, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoValence) { |
FPUDec("valence", sizeof(catInfo->valence), &catInfo->valence, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (options & kFSCatInfoTextEncoding) { |
FPEnum("textEncodingHint", sizeof(catInfo->textEncodingHint), &catInfo->textEncodingHint, indent, kNameSpacer, verbose, kTextEncodingEnums); |
} |
indent -= kStdIndent; |
} |
if (ref != NULL) { |
FPUDec("FSRef", sizeof(*ref), ref, indent, 7, verbose, NULL); |
} |
if (spec != NULL) { |
#if ! TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
fprintf(stdout, "%*sFSSpec:\n", (int) indent, ""); |
FPPrintFields(kFSSpecFieldDesc, spec, sizeof(*spec), indent + kStdIndent, verbose); |
#endif |
} |
if (parent != NULL) { |
FPUDec("parent", sizeof(*parent), parent, indent, 7, verbose, NULL); |
} |
} |
static CommandError PrintFSGetCatalogInfo(CommandArgsRef args, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// The implementation of the FSGetCatalogInfo command. |
// |
// indent and verbose are as per the comments for FPPrinter. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
int options; |
FSRef ref; |
FSCatalogInfo * catalogInfo; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfoBuf; |
FSRef * parent; |
FSRef parentBuf; |
FSSpec * spec; |
#if ! TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
FSSpec specBuf; |
#endif |
HFSUniStr255 * name; |
HFSUniStr255 nameBuf; |
Boolean didForceNodeFlags; |
assert( CommandArgsValid(args) ); |
name = NULL; |
catalogInfo = NULL; |
spec = NULL; |
parent = NULL; |
didForceNodeFlags = false; |
// Get options from arguments. |
#if ! TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
if ( CommandArgsGetOptionalConstantString(args, "-spec") ) { |
spec = &specBuf; |
} |
#endif |
if ( CommandArgsGetOptionalConstantString(args, "-parent") ) { |
parent = &parentBuf; |
} |
err = noErr; |
if (CommandArgsIsOption(args)) { |
if (CommandArgsGetOptionalConstantString(args, "-kFSCatInfoGettableInfo")) { |
options = kFSCatInfoGettableInfo; |
} else { |
err = CommandArgsGetFlagListInt(args, kFSGetCatalogInfoOptions, &options); |
} |
} else { |
options = kFSCatInfoNone; |
} |
// To print Finder info correctly, we need to know what type of item we're looking at. So, |
// if we're getting Finder info but not getting the node flags, force kFSCatInfoNodeFlags |
// and set didForceNodeFlags so that we know not to print it. |
if ( (err == 0) && (options & (kFSCatInfoFinderInfo | kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo)) && !(options & kFSCatInfoNodeFlags) ) { |
didForceNodeFlags = true; |
options |= kFSCatInfoNodeFlags; |
} |
if ( (err == noErr) && (options != kFSCatInfoNone) ) { |
catalogInfo = &catalogInfoBuf; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
name = &nameBuf; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CommandArgsGetFSRef(args, &ref); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo( |
&ref, |
options, |
catalogInfo, |
name, |
spec, |
parent |
); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
PrintCatalogInfo( |
name, |
options, |
didForceNodeFlags, |
catalogInfo, |
spec, |
parent, |
indent, |
verbose |
); |
} |
return CommandErrorMakeWithOSStatus(err); |
} |
static const CommandHelpEntry kFSGetCatalogInfoHelp[] = { |
#if ! TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
{CommandHelpString, "-spec Ask for FSSpec"}, |
#endif |
{CommandHelpString, "-parent Ask for parent FSRef"}, |
{CommandHelpString, "-options Catalog info to request; default is none"}, |
{CommandHelpString, " kFSCatInfoGettableInfo"}, |
{CommandHelpFlags, kFSGetCatalogInfoOptions}, |
}; |
const CommandInfo kFSGetCatalogInfoCommand = { |
PrintFSGetCatalogInfo, |
"FSGetCatalogInfo", |
#if TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
"[ -parent ] [ -options ] itemPath", |
#else |
"[ -spec ] [ -parent ] [ -options ] itemPath", |
#endif |
"Print information from FSGetCatalogInfo.", |
kFSGetCatalogInfoHelp |
}; |
#pragma mark * FSGetCatalogInfoBulk |
static CommandError PrintFSGetCatalogInfoBulk(CommandArgsRef args, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// The implementation of the FSGetCatalogInfoBulk command. |
// |
// indent and verbose are as per the comments for FPPrinter. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
OSStatus junk; |
int options; |
size_t itemCount; |
FSRef ref; |
FSIterator iter; |
FSCatalogInfo * catalogInfos; |
FSRef * refs; |
FSSpec * specs; |
HFSUniStr255 * names; |
Boolean didForceNodeFlags; |
assert( CommandArgsValid(args) ); |
iter = NULL; |
catalogInfos = NULL; |
refs = NULL; |
specs = NULL; |
names = NULL; |
didForceNodeFlags = false; |
// Get options from arguments. |
err = noErr; |
itemCount = 64; |
if (CommandArgsGetOptionalConstantString(args, "-count")) { |
err = CommandArgsGetSizeT(args, &itemCount); |
if (itemCount == 0) { |
err = kCommandUsageErr; |
} |
} |
if ( (err == noErr) && CommandArgsGetOptionalConstantString(args, "-refs") ) { |
refs = malloc(sizeof(*refs) * itemCount); |
if (refs == NULL) { |
err = memFullErr; |
} |
} |
#if ! TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
if ( (err == noErr) && CommandArgsGetOptionalConstantString(args, "-specs") ) { |
specs = malloc(sizeof(*specs) * itemCount); |
if (specs == NULL) { |
err = memFullErr; |
} |
} |
#endif |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (CommandArgsIsOption(args)) { |
if (CommandArgsGetOptionalConstantString(args, "-kFSCatInfoGettableInfo")) { |
options = kFSCatInfoGettableInfo; |
} else { |
err = CommandArgsGetFlagListInt(args, kFSGetCatalogInfoOptions, &options); |
} |
} else { |
options = kFSCatInfoNone; |
} |
} |
// To print Finder info correctly, we need to know what type of item we're looking at. So, |
// if we're getting Finder info but not getting the node flags, force kFSCatInfoNodeFlags |
// and set didForceNodeFlags so that we know not to print it. |
if ( (err == 0) && (options & (kFSCatInfoFinderInfo | kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo)) && !(options & kFSCatInfoNodeFlags) ) { |
didForceNodeFlags = true; |
options |= kFSCatInfoNodeFlags; |
} |
if ( (err == noErr) && (options != kFSCatInfoNone) ) { |
catalogInfos = malloc(itemCount * sizeof(*catalogInfos)); |
if (catalogInfos == NULL) { |
err = memFullErr; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
names = malloc(sizeof(*names) * itemCount); |
if (names == NULL) { |
err = memFullErr; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = CommandArgsGetFSRef(args, &ref); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = FSOpenIterator(&ref, kFSIterateFlat, &iter); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
Boolean firstItem; |
Boolean done; |
ItemCount foundItemCount; |
ItemCount foundItemIndex; |
Boolean containerChanged; |
firstItem = true; |
done = false; |
do { |
err = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk( |
iter, |
itemCount, |
&foundItemCount, |
&containerChanged, |
options, |
catalogInfos, |
refs, |
specs, |
names |
); |
if (err == errFSNoMoreItems) { |
err = noErr; |
done = true; |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
if (containerChanged) { |
fprintf(stdout, "*** Container Changed ***\n"); |
firstItem = false; |
} |
for (foundItemIndex = 0; foundItemIndex < foundItemCount; foundItemIndex++) { |
if ( ! firstItem ) { |
if ( (catalogInfos != NULL) || (refs != NULL) || (specs != NULL) ) { |
fprintf(stdout, "\n"); |
} |
} |
firstItem = false; |
PrintCatalogInfo( |
(names != NULL) ? &names[foundItemIndex] : NULL, |
options, |
didForceNodeFlags, |
(catalogInfos != NULL) ? &catalogInfos[foundItemIndex] : NULL, |
(refs != NULL) ? &refs[foundItemIndex] : NULL, |
(specs != NULL) ? &specs[foundItemIndex] : NULL, |
indent, |
verbose |
); |
} |
} |
} while ( (err == noErr) && ! done ); |
} |
free(catalogInfos); |
free(refs); |
free(specs); |
free(names); |
if (iter != NULL) { |
junk = FSCloseIterator(iter); |
assert(junk == noErr); |
} |
return CommandErrorMakeWithOSStatus(err); |
} |
static const CommandHelpEntry kFSGetCatalogInfoBulkHelp[] = { |
{CommandHelpString, "-count Get N items at a time (default is 64)"}, |
{CommandHelpString, "-refs Ask for FSRefs"}, |
#if ! TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
{CommandHelpString, "-specs Ask for FSSpecs"}, |
#endif |
{CommandHelpString, "-opts Catalog info to request; default is none"}, |
{CommandHelpString, " kFSCatInfoGettableInfo"}, |
{CommandHelpFlags, kFSGetCatalogInfoOptions}, |
}; |
const CommandInfo kFSGetCatalogInfoBulkCommand = { |
PrintFSGetCatalogInfoBulk, |
"FSGetCatalogInfoBulk", |
"[ -count N ] [ -refs ]" |
#if ! TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
" [ -specs ]" |
#endif |
" [ -opts ] itemPath", |
"Iterates a directory using FSGetCatalogInfoBulk.", |
kFSGetCatalogInfoBulkHelp |
}; |
#pragma mark * PBDTGetComment |
#if ! TARGET_RT_64_BIT |
static CommandError PrintPBDTGetComment(CommandArgsRef args, uint32_t indent, uint32_t verbose) |
// The implementation of the PBDTGetComment command. |
// |
// indent and verbose are as per the comments for FPPrinter. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
FSRef itemRef; |
FSSpec itemSpec; |
DTPBRec pb; |
SInt16 dtRef; |
Str255 comment; |
assert( CommandArgsValid(args) ); |
dtRef = 0; |
err = CommandArgsGetFSRef(args, &itemRef); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&itemRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &itemSpec, NULL); |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
pb.ioNamePtr = NULL; |
pb.ioVRefNum = itemSpec.vRefNum; |
err = PBDTGetPath(&pb); |
if (err == noErr) { |
dtRef = pb.ioDTRefNum; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
pb.ioDTRefNum = dtRef; |
pb.ioDirID = itemSpec.parID; |
pb.ioNamePtr =; |
pb.ioDTBuffer = (char *) &comment[1]; |
pb.ioDTReqCount = sizeof(comment) - 1; |
err = PBDTGetCommentSync(&pb); |
if (err == noErr) { |
comment[0] = (unsigned char)pb.ioDTActCount; |
} |
} |
if (err == noErr) { |
FPPString("comment", sizeof(comment), comment, indent + kStdIndent, strlen("comment"), verbose, NULL); |
} |
return CommandErrorMakeWithOSStatus(err); |
} |
const CommandInfo kPBDTGetCommentCommand = { |
PrintPBDTGetComment, |
"PBDTGetComment", |
"itemPath", |
"Return desktop comment for item.", |
}; |
#endif |
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