
File: ComponentsController.m
Author: QuickTime DTS, some code originally from QTComponents
Change History (most recent first): <2> 08/30/07 added cpix reporting for codecs
                                    <1> 10/20/04 initial release
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#import "ComponentsController.h"
#import "CompDesc.h"
#import "AtomBrowserController.h"
#include <DVComponentGlue/IsochronousDataHandler.h>
#include <DVComponentGlue/DeviceControl.h>
#include "Utils.h"
@implementation ComponentsController
- init
    Component aComponent;
    ComponentDescription desc;
    NSMutableArray *comps;
    [super init];
    desc.componentType = kAnyComponentType;                 /* A unique 4-byte code indentifying the command set */
    desc.componentSubType = kAnyComponentSubType;           /* Particular flavor of this instance */
    desc.componentManufacturer = kAnyComponentManufacturer; /* Vendor indentification */
    desc.componentFlags = 0;                                /* 8 each for Component,Type,SubType,Manuf/revision */
    desc.componentFlagsMask = cmpIsMissing;                 /* Mask for specifying which flags to consider in search, zero during registration */
    numComps = CountComponents(&desc);
    comps = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:numComps];
    components = [comps retain];
    controlArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
    [controlArray retain];
    aComponent = 0;
    while (aComponent = FindNextComponent(aComponent, &desc)) {
        CompDesc *descObj = [CompDesc withComponent:aComponent];
        [comps addObject:descObj];
    NSString *path;
    NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
    if (bundle) {
        path = [bundle pathForResource:@"test" ofType:@"png"];
    } else return nil;
    Handle dataRef;
    OSType dataRefType;
    QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString((CFStringRef)path, kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);
    OSErr err = GetGraphicsImporterForDataRef(dataRef, dataRefType, &gi);
    if (err) return nil;
    return self;
- (void)awakeFromNib
    [compCount setIntValue:numComps];
    [tableView setDoubleAction:@selector(openComponent:)];
/* this sample uses cocoa bindings which replaces this standard controller code
   the drives the NSTableView - this is the code we no longer need
- (int)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aView
    return _numComps;
- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aView 
    objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aCol row:(int)index
    NSString *key = [aCol identifier];
    return [[_components objectAtIndex:index] valueForKey:key];
static int compareKeys(id a, id b, void *context)
    NSString *key = (NSString *)context;
    id valA = [a valueForKey:key];
    id valB = [b valueForKey:key];
    return [valA compare:valB];
- (void) tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)note
    int index = [_compList selectedColumn];
    if(index != -1) {
        NSString *key;
        NSTableColumn *selCol = [[_compList tableColumns] objectAtIndex:index];
        key = [selCol identifier];
        [_components sortUsingFunction:compareKeys context:key];
        [_compList reloadData];
- (void)updateTextView:(NSString *)inMessageString
    NSAttributedString *theString;
    NSRange theRange;
    int length = 0;
    theString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:inMessageString];
    [[textView textStorage] appendAttributedString: theString];
    length = [[textView textStorage] length];
    theRange = NSMakeRange(length, 0);
    [textView scrollRangeToVisible:theRange];
    [theString release];
- (IBAction)openComponent:(id)sender
    NSString *theString;
    AtomBrowserController *control = nil;
    ComponentResult err = noErr;
    if([arrayController selectionIndex] != -1) {
        CompDesc *desc = [[arrayController selectedObjects] lastObject];
        ComponentInstance theInst = NULL;
        QTAtomContainer container = NULL;
        long version;
        theInst = OpenComponent([desc component]);
        if(theInst == NULL) {
            [self updateTextView:@"\nUnable to open component\n"];
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\nOpened component: %@\n         Type: %@\n         SubType: %@\n         Manufacturer: %@\n", [desc name], [desc type], [desc subType], [desc manufacturer]];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Instance: %p\n", theInst];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
        version = GetComponentVersion(theInst);
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Version: 0x%lx\n", version];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
        switch([desc componentDescription]->componentType) {
        case compressorComponentType: {
                Handle cpixResource = NULL;
                err = GetComponentPublicResource((Component)theInst, 'cpix', 1, &cpixResource);
                if (noErr == err && NULL != cpixResource) {
                    [self reportCPIXResource:cpixResource];
                CodecInfo info = {{0}, 0};
                err = GetCodecInfo(&info, [desc componentDescription]->componentSubType, [desc component]);
                if (noErr == err) {
                    [self reportCompressorInfo:&info];
                    [self reportCompressorSpeed:[desc componentDescription]->componentSubType];
        case decompressorComponentType: {
                Handle cpixResource = NULL;
                err = GetComponentPublicResource((Component)theInst, 'cpix', 1, &cpixResource);
                if (noErr == err && NULL != cpixResource) {
                    [self reportCPIXResource:cpixResource];
                CodecInfo info = {{0}, 0};
                Fixed pFPS;
                err = GetCodecInfo(&info, [desc componentDescription]->componentSubType, [desc component]);
                if (noErr == err) {
                    [self reportDecompressorInfo:&info];
                    [self reportDecompressorSpeed:[desc componentDescription]->componentSubType];
                // only QT effects will implement this selector
                err = ImageCodecGetParameterList(theInst, &container);
                if (noErr == err && container) {
                    err = QTGetEffectSpeed(container, &pFPS);
                    if (noErr == err) {
                        [self updateTextView:@"   - effect speed:\n"];
                        if (effectIsRealtime == pFPS >> 16) {
                            [self updateTextView:@"      effect can be rendered in real time\n"];
                        } else {
                            [self updateTextView:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"      %d frames per second\n", pFPS >> 16]];
                    control = [AtomBrowserController withQTAtomContainer:container];
                    [control setWindowTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Effect Settings Atoms", [desc name]]];
                // if the selector isn't implemented, that's fine
                if (badComponentSelector == err) err = noErr;
        case kIDHComponentType: {
                short nDVDevices, total;
                [self reportStandardComponentFlags:[desc flags]];
                err = IDHGetDeviceList(theInst, &container);
                if (noErr == err && container) {
                    nDVDevices = QTCountChildrenOfType(container, kParentAtomIsContainer, kIDHDeviceAtomType);
                    total = QTCountChildrenOfType(container, kParentAtomIsContainer, 0);
                    [self updateTextView:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"   - number of devices found: %d\n", total]];
                    control = [AtomBrowserController withQTAtomContainer:container];
                    [control setWindowTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Isochronous Data Handler Device List", [desc name]]];
        case MovieImportType: {
                [self reportMovieImportComponentFlags:[desc flags]];
                // not all movie import components have settings so ignore
                // the return code, more interested in the settings atom
                MovieImportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer(theInst, &container);
                if (container) {
                    control = [AtomBrowserController withQTAtomContainer:container];
                    [control setWindowTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Movie Import Settings Atoms", [desc name]]];
        case MovieExportType: {
               [self reportMovieExportComponentFlags:[desc flags]];
                err = MovieExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer(theInst, &container);
                if (err == noErr && container) {
                    control = [AtomBrowserController withQTAtomContainer:container];
                    [control setWindowTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Movie Export, Settings Atoms", [desc name]]];
        case GraphicsImporterComponentType: {
                [self reportGraphicsImporterComponentFlags:[desc flags]];
                err = GraphicsImportGetExportSettingsAsAtomContainer(theInst, &container);
                if (noErr == err && container) {
                    control = [AtomBrowserController withQTAtomContainer:container];
                    [control setWindowTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Graphics Importer Settings Atoms", [desc name]]];
        case GraphicsExporterComponentType: {
                [self reportGraphicsExporterComponentFlags:[desc flags]];
                err = GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer(theInst, &container);
                if (noErr == err && container) {
                    control = [AtomBrowserController withQTAtomContainer:container];
                    [control setWindowTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Graphics Exporter Settings Atoms", [desc name]]];
        case DataHandlerType: {
                [self reportStandardComponentFlags:[desc flags]];
                [self reportDataHandlerInfo:theInst];
        case videoDigitizerComponentType: {  
                [self reportStandardComponentFlags:[desc flags]];
                [self reportVideoDigitizerInfo:theInst];
                err = VDIIDCGetFeatures(theInst, &container);
                if (noErr == err && container) {
                    control = [AtomBrowserController withQTAtomContainer:container];
                    [control setWindowTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ IIDC Camera Features", [desc name]]];
        case clockComponentType: {
                [self reportClockComponentFlags:[desc flags]];
        case QTVideoOutputComponentType: {
                [self reportStandardComponentFlags:[desc flags]];
                if ( [desc flags] & kQTVideoOutputDontDisplayToUser ) {
                    [self updateTextView:@"         don't include in a list of available video outputs\n"];
                err = QTVideoOutputGetDisplayModeList(theInst, &container);
                if (noErr == err && container) {
                    control = [AtomBrowserController withQTAtomContainer:container];
                    [control setWindowTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Video Output Mode List", [desc name]]];
            [self reportStandardComponentFlags:[desc flags]];
        if (control) {
            [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(atomBrowserWindowWillClose:) name:@"NSWindowWillCloseNotification" object:[control window]];
            [controlArray addObject:control];
    if (err) {
        if (badComponentSelector == err) {
            [self updateTextView:@"   - error: badComponentSelector\n"];
        } else if (badComponentInstance == err) {
            [self updateTextView:@"   - error: badComponentInstance\n"];
        } else {
            [self updateTextView:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - error: %d\n", err]];
- (IBAction)saveReport:(id)sender
    NSSavePanel *sp = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
    [sp setRequiredFileType:@"rtfd"];
    [sp setExtensionHidden:NO];
    [sp beginSheetForDirectory:NSHomeDirectory()
                          modalForWindow:[textView window]
                          contextInfo:(void *)NULL];
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem*)anItem
    if ([[anItem title] isEqualToString:@"Save Report"] && [[textView string] length] == 0) {
        return NO;
    return YES;
#pragma mark **** Getters ****
- (NSMutableArray *)components
    return [[components retain] autorelease];
- (GraphicsImportComponent)graphicsImporter
    return gi;
#pragma mark **** Notifications ****
- (void)atomBrowserWindowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    AtomBrowserController *control;
    NSWindow *aWindow = [aNotification object];
    UInt32 count = [controlArray count];
    for (UInt32 i=0; i < count; i++) {
        control = [controlArray objectAtIndex:i];
        if ([control window] == aWindow) {
            //NSLog(@"closing %@\n", aWindow);
            [[control window] setReleasedWhenClosed:YES];
            // the AtomBrowser object will release all
            // atoms and itself when the window closes
            // so make sure we know that's the case
            [controlArray removeObjectAtIndex:i];
#pragma mark **** Delegates ****
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    AtomBrowserController *control;
    // the main window is closing so make sure to
    // close the AtomBrowser window(s) so we can quit
    while (control = [controlArray lastObject]) {
        //NSLog(@"windowWillClose %@\n", control);
        [[control window] close];
    [controlArray release];
    [components release];
- (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)theApplication
    return YES;
- (void)savePanelDidEnd:(NSSavePanel *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
    if (NSOKButton == returnCode) {
        [textView writeRTFDToFile:[sheet filename] atomically:YES];
#pragma mark **** Report selectors ****
- (void)reportStandardComponentFlags:(UInt32)inFlags
    [self updateTextView:@"------------------------------------\n"];
    [self updateTextView:@"   - component flags:\n"];
    if ( inFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( inFlags & cmpThreadSafe )
            [self updateTextView:@"         component is thread-safe\n"];
        if ( inFlags & cmpIsMissing )
            [self updateTextView:@"         component is missing\n"];
        if ( inFlags & cmpWantsRegisterMessage )
            [self updateTextView:@"         call this component during registration\n"];
    } else {
        [self updateTextView:@"         no component flags set\n"];
- (void)reportMovieImportComponentFlags:(UInt32)inFlags
    [self reportStandardComponentFlags:inFlags];
    if ( inFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( inFlags & canMovieImportHandles )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can import from a handle\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieImportFiles )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can import from a file\n"];
        if ( inFlags & hasMovieImportUserInterface )
            [self updateTextView:@"         has user interface\n"];
        if ( inFlags & movieImporterIsXMLBased )
            [self updateTextView:@"         importer is XML based\n"];
        if ( inFlags & dontAutoFileMovieImport )
            [self updateTextView:@"         does not do automatic file conversion\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieImportValidateHandles )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can validate handle\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieImportValidateFile )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can validate file\n"];
        if ( inFlags & dontRegisterWithEasyOpen )
            [self updateTextView:@"         do not register with EasyOpen\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieImportInPlace )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can import in place\n"];
        if ( inFlags & movieImportSubTypeIsFileExtension )
            [self updateTextView:@"         subType is the file extension\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieImportPartial ) {
            [self updateTextView:@"         can import parial data,\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@"             implements MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit()\n"];
        if ( inFlags & hasMovieImportMIMEList )
            [self updateTextView:@"         has MIME type list, implements MovieImportGetMIMETypeList()\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieImportAvoidBlocking )
            [self updateTextView:@"         import avoids blocking\n"];
        if ( inFlags & movieImportMustGetDestinationMediaType ) {
            [self updateTextView:@"         destination media type can be queried,\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@"             implements MovieImportGetDestinationMediaType()\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieImportDataReferences )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can import from a data reference\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieImportWithIdle )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can idle import, implements MovieImportIdle()\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieImportValidateDataReferences ) {
            [self updateTextView:@"         can validate data references,\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@"             implements MovieImportValidateDataRef()\n"];
- (void)reportMovieExportComponentFlags:(UInt32)inFlags
    [self reportStandardComponentFlags:inFlags];
    if ( inFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( inFlags & canMovieExportHandles )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can export to a handle\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieExportFiles )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can export to a file\n"];
        if ( inFlags & hasMovieExportUserInterface )
            [self updateTextView:@"         has user interface\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieExportAuxDataHandle ) {
            [self updateTextView:@"         can export to an auxiliary data handle,\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@"             implements MovieExportGetAuxiliaryData\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieExportFromProcedures ) {
            [self updateTextView:@"         can export from procedures,\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@"             implements MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef\n"];
        if ( inFlags & canMovieExportValidateMovie )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can validate movie\n"];
        if ( inFlags & movieExportNeedsResourceFork )
            [self updateTextView:@"         requires resource fork\n"];
        if ( inFlags & movieExportMustGetSourceMediaType ) {
            [self updateTextView:@"         must get source media type,\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@"             implements MovieExportGetSourceMediaType\n"];
- (void)reportGraphicsImporterComponentFlags:(UInt32)inFlags
    [self reportStandardComponentFlags:inFlags];
    if ( inFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( inFlags & graphicsImporterIsBaseImporter )
            [self updateTextView:@"         is the base importer\n"];
        if ( inFlags & graphicsImporterCanValidateFile )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can validate file, implements GraphicsImportValidate\n"];
        if ( inFlags & graphicsImporterSubTypeIsFileExtension )
            [self updateTextView:@"         subType is the file extension\n"];
        if ( inFlags & graphicsImporterHasMIMEList )
            [self updateTextView:@"         has MIME type list\n"];
        if ( inFlags & graphicsImporterUsesImageDecompressor )
            [self updateTextView:@"         uses an image decompressor component\n"];
- (void)reportGraphicsExporterComponentFlags:(UInt32)inFlags
    [self reportStandardComponentFlags:inFlags];
    if ( inFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( inFlags & graphicsExporterIsBaseExporter )
            [self updateTextView:@"         is the base exporter\n"];
        if ( inFlags & graphicsExporterCanTranscode )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can transcode, implements GraphicsExportDoTranscode\n"];
        if ( inFlags & graphicsExporterUsesImageCompressor )
            [self updateTextView:@"         uses an image compressor component\n"];
- (void)reportCPIXResource:(Handle)inCPIX
    UInt16 pixelFormatCount, index;
    OSTypePtr pixelFormat = (OSTypePtr)*inCPIX;
    pixelFormatCount = (GetHandleSize(inCPIX) / sizeof(OSType));
    [self updateTextView:@"------------------------------------\n"];
    [self updateTextView:@"Supported non-classic QuickDraw pixel formats:\n   -"];
    for (index = 0; index < pixelFormatCount; index++) {
        NSString *theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @" %@ ", OSTypeToNSString((pixelFormat)[index])];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
    [self updateTextView:@"\n"];
- (void)reportCompressorInfo:(CodecInfo *)inInfo
    NSString *theString;
    [self updateTextView:@"------------------------------------\n"];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Compressor Name: %@\n", PStringToNSString(inInfo->typeName)];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - version = %d\n", inInfo->version];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - revisionLevel = %d\n", inInfo->revisionLevel];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - vendor = %@\n", OSTypeToNSString(inInfo->vendor)];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - compressionAccuracy = %d\n", inInfo->compressionAccuracy];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - compressionSpeed = %d\n", inInfo->compressionSpeed];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - compressionLevel = %d\n", inInfo->compressionLevel];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - minimum height = %d\n", inInfo->minimumHeight];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - minimum width = %d\n", inInfo->minimumWidth];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - compress pipeline latency = %d\n", inInfo->compressPipelineLatency];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    [self updateTextView:@"   - compression capabilities:\n"];
    if ( inInfo->compressFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoes1 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly compresses 1-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoes2 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly compresses 2-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoes4 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly compresses 4-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoes8 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly compresses 8-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoes16 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly compresses 16-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoes32 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly compresses 32-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesDither )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports fast dithering\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesStretch )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can stretch to arbitrary sizes in codec\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesShrink )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can shrink to arbitrary sizes in codec\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesMask )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports clipping regions\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesTemporal )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports temporal compression\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesDouble )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can stretch to double size\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesQuad )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can stretch to quad size\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesHalf )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can shrink to half size\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesQuarter )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can shrink to quarter size\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesRotate )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can rotate\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesHorizFlip )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can flip horizontally\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesVertFlip )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can flip vertically\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoHasEffectParameterList ) {
            [self updateTextView:@"         codec implements get effects parameter list call,\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@"             once was codecInfoDoesSkew\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesBlend )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can blend image with matte\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesWarp )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can warp image arbitrarily\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesRecompress )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can recompresses images without accumulating errors\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesSpool )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can use data-loading or unloading function\n"];
        if ( inInfo->compressFlags & codecInfoDoesRateConstrain )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can rate constrain to caller defined limit\n"];
    } else {
        [self updateTextView:@"         no compression capabilities flags\n"];
    [self updateTextView:@"   - compression format:\n"];
    if ( inInfo->formatFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth1 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store images in 1-bit color\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth2 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store images in 2-bit color\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth4 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store images in 4-bit color\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth8 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store images in 8-bit color\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth16 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store images in 16-bit color\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth24 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store images in 24-bit color\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth32 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store images in 32-bit color\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth33 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store images in 1-bit monochrome\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth34 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store images in 2-bit grayscale\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth36 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store images in 4-bit grayscale\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth40 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store images in 8-bit grayscale\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoStoresClut )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store custom color table\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDoesLossless )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store in lossless format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoSequenceSensitive ) {
            [self updateTextView:@"         compressed data requires non-key frames to be decompressed\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@"             in same order as compressed\n"];
    } else {
        [self updateTextView:@"         no compression format flags\n"];
- (void)reportDecompressorInfo:(CodecInfo *)inInfo
    NSString *theString;
    [self updateTextView:@"------------------------------------\n"];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Decompressor Name: %@\n", PStringToNSString(inInfo->typeName)];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - version = %d\n", inInfo->version];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - revisionLevel = %d\n", inInfo->revisionLevel];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - vendor = %@\n", OSTypeToNSString(inInfo->vendor)];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - decompressionAccuracy = %d\n", inInfo->decompressionAccuracy];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - decompressionAccuracy = %d\n", inInfo->decompressionSpeed];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - minimum height = %d\n", inInfo->minimumHeight];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - minimum width = %d\n", inInfo->minimumWidth];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"   - decompress pipeline latency = %d\n", inInfo->decompressPipelineLatency];
    [self updateTextView:theString];
    [self updateTextView:@"   - decompression capabilities:\n"];
    if ( inInfo->decompressFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoes1 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly decompresses into 1-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoes2 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly decompresses into 2-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoes4 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly decompresses into 4-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoes8 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly decompresses into 8-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoes16 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly decompresses into 16-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoes32 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         directly decompresses into 32-bit pixels maps\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesDither )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports fast dithering\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesStretch )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can stretch to arbitrary sizes in codec\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesShrink )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can shrink to arbitrary sizes in codec\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesMask )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports clipping regions\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesTemporal )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports temporal compression\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesDouble )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can stretch to double size\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesQuad )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can stretch to quad size\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesHalf )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can shrink to half size\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesQuarter )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can shrink to quarter size\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesRotate )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can rotate\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesHorizFlip )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can flip horizontally\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesVertFlip )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can flip vertically\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoHasEffectParameterList ) {
            [self updateTextView:@"         codec implements get effects parameter list call,\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@"             once was codecInfoDoesSkew\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesBlend )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can blend image with matte\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesWarp )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can warp image arbitrarily\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesRecompress )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can recompress images without accumulating errors\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesSpool )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can use data-loading or unloading function\n"];
        if ( inInfo->decompressFlags & codecInfoDoesRateConstrain )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can rate contrain to caller defined limit\n"];
    } else {
        [self updateTextView:@"         no decompression capabilities flags\n"];
    [self updateTextView:@"   - decompression format:\n"];
    if ( inInfo->formatFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth1 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can decompress images from 1-bit color compressed format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth2 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can decompress images from 2-bit color compressed format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth4 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can decompress images from 4-bit color compressed format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth8 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can decompress images from 8-bit color compressed format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth16 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can decompress images from 16-bit color compressed format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth24 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can decompress images from 24-bit color compressed format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth32 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can decompress images from 32-bit color compressed format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth33 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can decompress images from 1-bit monochrome compressed format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth34 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can decompress images from 2-bit grayscale compressed format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth36 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can decompress images from 4-bit grayscale compressed format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDepth40 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can decompress images from 8-bit grayscale compressed format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoStoresClut )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store custom color table\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoDoesLossless )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can store in lossless format\n"];
        if ( inInfo->formatFlags & codecInfoSequenceSensitive ) {
            [self updateTextView:@"         compressed data requires non-key frames to be decompressed\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@"             in same order as compressed\n"];
    } else {
        [self updateTextView:@"         no decompression format flags\n"];
- (void)reportCompressorSpeed:(OSType)inType
    OSErr                   err;
    long                    begin = 0, end = 0, times = 0;
    Boolean                 failed;
    GWorldPtr               gworld = NULL;
    CGrafPtr                saveport;
    GDHandle                savegdevice;
    Rect                    myRect = {0, 0, 480, 640};
    failed = false;
    GetGWorld(&saveport, &savegdevice);
    err = QTNewGWorld(&gworld, k32ARGBPixelFormat, &myRect, NULL, NULL, 0);
    if ( err == noErr ) {
        PixMapHandle            pmap;
        ImageDescriptionHandle  desc;
        long                    size;
        Ptr                     data;
        SetGWorld(gworld, NULL);
        pmap = GetGWorldPixMap(gworld);
        err = GraphicsImportSetGWorld(gi, gworld, NULL);
        if (noErr == err ) {
            err = GraphicsImportDraw(gi);
            if (noErr == err ) {        
                desc = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(0);
                if ( desc != NULL ) {
                    err = GetMaxCompressionSize(pmap, &myRect, 32, codecHighQuality, inType, anyCodec, &size);
                    if ( noErr == err ) {
                        data = NewPtr(size);
                        if ( data != NULL ) {
                            begin = TickCount();
                            for ( times = 0; times < 10; times++ ) {
                                SetAnimatedThemeCursor(kThemeWatchCursor, times);
                                err = CompressImage(pmap, &myRect, codecHighQuality, inType, desc, data);
                                if ( noErr != err )
                                    failed = true;
                            end = TickCount();
                        } else {
                            failed = true;
                    } else {
                        failed = true;
                    DisposeHandle((Handle) desc);
                } else {
                    failed = true;
            } else {
                failed = true;
        } else {
            failed = true;
    } else {
        failed = true;
    SetGWorld(saveport, savegdevice);
    if ( failed ) {
        [self updateTextView:@"   - estimated compression speed:\n"];
        [self updateTextView:@"      - test failed\n"];
    } else {
        [self updateTextView:@"   - estimated compression speed:\n"];
        NSString *theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"         640x480 32 bit RGB = %i milliseconds\n", (((end - begin)*1000)/600)];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
- (void)reportDecompressorSpeed:(OSType)inType
    OSErr                   err;
    long                    begin = 0, end = 0, times = 0;
    Boolean                 failed;
    GWorldPtr               gworld = NULL;
    CGrafPtr                saveport;
    GDHandle                savegdevice;
    Rect                    myRect = {0, 0, 480, 640};
    failed = false;
    GetGWorld(&saveport, &savegdevice);
    err = QTNewGWorld(&gworld, k32ARGBPixelFormat, &myRect, NULL, NULL, 0);
    if ( err == noErr ) {
        PixMapHandle            pmap;
        ImageDescriptionHandle  desc = NULL;
        long                    size;
        Ptr                     data;
        SetGWorld(gworld, NULL);
        pmap = GetGWorldPixMap(gworld);
        err = GraphicsImportSetGWorld(gi, gworld, NULL);
        if (noErr == err) {
            err = GraphicsImportDraw(gi);
            if (noErr == err) {
                desc = (ImageDescriptionHandle) NewHandle(0);
                if ( desc != NULL ) {
                    err = GetMaxCompressionSize(pmap, &myRect, 32, codecHighQuality, inType, anyCodec, &size);
                    if ( err == noErr ) {
                        data = NewPtr(size);
                        if ( data != NULL ) {
                            err = CompressImage(pmap, &myRect, codecHighQuality, inType, desc, data);
                            if ( err == noErr ) {
                                begin = TickCount();
                                for ( times = 0; times < 10; times++ ) {
                                    err = DecompressImage(data, desc, pmap, NULL, &myRect, srcCopy, NULL);
                                    if ( err != noErr ) {
                                        failed = true;
                                end = TickCount();
                            } else {
                                failed = true;
                        } else {
                            failed = true;
                    } else {
                        failed = true;
                } else {
                    failed = true;
            } else {
                failed = true;
            DisposeHandle((Handle) desc);
        } else {
            failed = true;
    } else {
        failed = true;
    SetGWorld(saveport, savegdevice);
    if ( failed ) {
        [self updateTextView:@"   - estimated decompression speed:\n"];
        if (noCodecErr == err ) {
            [self updateTextView:@"      - no 'imco' to create source image for test\n"];
        } else {
            [self updateTextView:@"      - test failed\n"];
    } else {
        [self updateTextView:@"   - estimated decompression speed:\n"];
        NSString *theString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"         640x480 32 bit RGB = %i milliseconds\n", (((end - begin)*1000)/600)];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
- (void)reportDataHandlerInfo:(ComponentInstance)inInstance
    UInt32 flags;
    OSErr err;
    err = DataHGetInfoFlags(inInstance, &flags);
    if (noErr == err) {
        if ( flags != 0 ) {
            if ( flags & kDataHInfoFlagNeverStreams )
                [self updateTextView:@"         doesn't stream\n"];
            if ( flags & kDataHInfoFlagCanUpdateDataRefs )
                [self updateTextView:@"         can update data references\n"];
            if ( flags & kDataHInfoFlagNeedsNetworkBandwidth )
                [self updateTextView:@"         needs network bandwidth\n"];
- (void)reportVideoDigitizerInfo:(ComponentInstance)inInstance
    NSString *theString;
    Str255 name;
    UInt32 flags;
    SInt16 numInputs, input;
    SInt32 inputCurrentFlags, outputCurrentFlags;
    Str255 soundDriverName;
    long ignore1, ignore2;
    Fixed framesPerSecond;
    OSErr err;
    err = VDGetDeviceNameAndFlags(inInstance, name, &flags);
    if (noErr == err) {
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\nVideo Digitizer Device Name: %@\n", PStringToNSString(name)];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
        [self updateTextView:@"   - device flags:\n"];
        if ( flags != 0 ) {
            if ( flags & vdDeviceFlagShowInputsAsDevices )
                [self updateTextView:@"         tell the sg panel to promote inputs to devices\n"];
            if ( flags & vdDeviceFlagHideDevice )
                [self updateTextView:@"         omit this Device entirely from the list\n"];
        } else {
            [self updateTextView:@"         no device flags\n"];
    err = VDGetNumberOfInputs(inInstance, &numInputs);
    if (noErr == err) {
        for (UInt8 x = 0; x <= numInputs; x++) {
            err = VDGetInputName(inInstance, x, name);
            if (noErr == err) {
                theString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"   - inputs %d, video source name: %@\n", x, PStringToNSString(name)];
                [self updateTextView:theString];
    err = VDGetInput(inInstance, &input);
    if (noErr == err) {
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"   - active input source: %d\n", input];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
    err = VDGetSoundInputDriver(inInstance, soundDriverName);
    if (noErr == err) {
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"   - sound input driver name: %@\n", PStringToNSString(soundDriverName)];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
    err = VDGetDataRate(inInstance, &ignore1, &framesPerSecond, &ignore2);
    if (noErr == err) {
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"   - maximum capture rate %d fps\n", framesPerSecond >> 16];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
    ImageDescriptionHandle desc = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(0);
    err = VDGetImageDescription(inInstance, desc);
    if (noErr == err) {
        [self updateTextView:@"   - image description:\n"];
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"         codec: %@\n", OSTypeToNSString((**desc).cType)];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"         version: %d\n", (**desc).version];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"         vendor: %@\n", OSTypeToNSString((**desc).vendor)];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
        [self updateTextView:@"         temporal quality:"];
        switch ((**desc).temporalQuality) {
        case codecMinQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" minimum\n"];
        case codecLowQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" low\n"];
        case codecNormalQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" normal\n"];
        case codecHighQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" high\n"];
        case codecMaxQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" maximum\n"];
        case codecLosslessQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" lossless\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@" unknown\n"];
        [self updateTextView:@"         spatial quality:"];
        switch ((**desc).spatialQuality) {
        case codecMinQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" minimum\n"];
        case codecLowQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" low\n"];
        case codecNormalQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" normal\n"];
        case codecHighQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" high\n"];
        case codecMaxQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" maximum\n"];
        case codecLosslessQuality:
            [self updateTextView:@" lossless\n"];
            [self updateTextView:@" unknown\n"];
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"         name: %@\n", PStringToNSString((**desc).name)];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
        theString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"         depth: %d\n", (**desc).depth];
        [self updateTextView:theString];
    err = VDGetCurrentFlags(inInstance, &inputCurrentFlags, &outputCurrentFlags);
    [self updateTextView:@"   - input capabilities:\n"];
    if ( inputCurrentFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( inputCurrentFlags & digiInDoesNTSC )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports NTSC format input video signals\n"];
        if ( inputCurrentFlags & digiInDoesPAL )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports PAL format input video signals\n"];
        if ( inputCurrentFlags & digiInDoesSECAM )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports SECAM format input video signals\n"];
        if ( inputCurrentFlags & digiInDoesGenLock )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports genlock; the digitizer can derive its timing from an external time base\n"];
        if ( inputCurrentFlags & digiInDoesComposite )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports composite input video\n"];
        if ( inputCurrentFlags & digiInDoesSVideo )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports s-video input video\n"];
        if ( inputCurrentFlags & digiInDoesComponent )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports RGB input video\n"];
        if ( inputCurrentFlags & digiInVTR_Broadcast )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can distinguish between videotape player and broadcast input signal\n"];
        if ( inputCurrentFlags & digiInDoesColor )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports color input\n"];
        if ( inputCurrentFlags & digiInDoesBW )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports grayscale input\n"];
        if ( inputCurrentFlags & digiInSignalLock )
            [self updateTextView:@"         video digitizer is locked onto the input signal\n"];
    } else {
        [self updateTextView:@"         no input capabilities flags\n"];
    [self updateTextView:@"   - output capabilities:\n"];
    if ( outputCurrentFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoes1 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can work with pixel maps that contain 1-bit pixels\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoes2 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can work with pixel maps that contain 2-bit pixels\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoes4 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can work with pixel maps that contain 4-bit pixels\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoes8 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can work with pixel maps that contain 8-bit pixels\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoes16 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can work with pixel maps that contain 16-bit pixels\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & codecInfoDoes32 )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can work with pixel maps that contain 32-bit pixels\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesDither )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports dithering\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesStretch )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can stretch to arbitrary sizes\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesShrink )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can shrink to arbitrary sizes\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesMask )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can handle clipping regions\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesDouble )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports stretching to quadruple size when displaying the output video\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesQuad )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports stretching an image to 16 times its original size when displaying the output video\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesQuarter )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can shrink an image to one-quarter of its original size when displaying the output video\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesSixteenth )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can shrink an image to 1/16 of its original size when displaying the output video\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesRotate )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can rotate an image when displaying the output video\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesHorizFlip )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can flip an image horizontally when displaying the output video\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesVertFlip )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can flip an image vertically when displaying the output video\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesSkew )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can skew an image when displaying the output video\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesBlend )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can blend the resulting image with a matte when displaying the output video\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesWarp )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can warp an image when displaying the output video\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesHW_DMA )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can write to any screen or to offscreen memory\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesHWPlayThru )
            [self updateTextView:@"         does not need idle time in order to display its video\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesILUT )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports inverse lookup tables for indexed color modes\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesKeyColor )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports clipping by means of key colors\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesAsyncGrabs )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can operate asynchronously\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesUnreadableScreenBits )
            [self updateTextView:@"         may place pixels on the screen that cannot be used when compressing images\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesCompress )
            [self updateTextView:@"         supports compressed source devices\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesCompressOnly )
            [self updateTextView:@"         only provides compressed image data\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesPlayThruDuringCompress )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can draw images on the screen at the same time that it is delivering compressed image data\n"];
        if ( outputCurrentFlags & digiOutDoesNotNeedCopyOfCompressData )
            [self updateTextView:@"         sequence grabber should not make copies of compressed data during recording\n"];
    } else {
        [self updateTextView:@"         no output capabilities flags\n"];
- (void)reportClockComponentFlags:(UInt32)inFlags
    [self reportStandardComponentFlags:inFlags];
    if ( inFlags != 0 ) {
        if ( inFlags & kClockRateIsLinear )
            [self updateTextView:@"         clock rate is linear\n"];
        if ( inFlags & kClockImplementsCallBacks )
            [self updateTextView:@"         clock implements callbacks\n"];
        if ( inFlags & kClockCanHandleIntermittentSound )
            [self updateTextView:@"         can handle intermittent sound\n"];
    } else {
        [self updateTextView:@"         no clock flags set\n"];