
    File:       FinderDragPro.h
    Description:    Sample file illustrating drag and drop techniques for use
                with file system objects.  This file illustrates how applications
                can use drag and drop commands in a way compatible with current
                and past versions of the Finder.
    Author:     John Montbriand
    Copyright:  Copyright: © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc.
                all rights reserved.
    Disclaimer: You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
                restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
                not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
                after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
                we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
                descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
    9/9/99 by John Montbriand
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <Drag.h>
    /* apple menu constants */
enum {
    mApple = 128,
    iAbout = 1,
    iFirstAppleItem = 3
    /* file menu constants */
enum {
    mFile = 129,
    iNew = 1,
    iOpen = 2,
    iClose = 3,
    iSave = 5,
    iSaveAs = 6,
    iRevert = 7,
    iPageSetup = 9,
    iPrint = 10,
    iQuit = 12
    /* edit menu constants */
enum {
    mEdit = 130,
    iUndo = 1,
    iCut = 3,
    iCopy = 4,
    iPaste = 5,
    iClear = 6
enum {  /* the main menu bar resource */
    kFDPMenuBarResource = 128
    /* main window dialog constants */
enum {
    kFDPDialogResource = 128,
    kFDPUserItem = 1,
    kFDPhfsItem = 2,
    kFDPpromiseItem = 3,
        /* kUsePromiseHFS and kUseRegularHFS are used for
        internal tracking of the state of the kFDPhfsItem and
        the kFDPpromiseItem dialog controls. */
    kUsePromiseHFS = 100, /* output promise hfs flavors in drags */
    kUseRegularHFS = 101,/* output hfs flavors in drags */
    kFDPDragItemID = 392 /* item identifier for our drags */
enum {  /* picture displayed when selection is empty */
    kFDPSpashPictResource = 128
    /* constants for the copy progress dialog */
enum {
    kCopyProgressTicksOffset = 50, /* 50 ticks before the progress box pops up */
    kCopyProgressDialog = 130,
    kPlainCopyProgressDialog = 131,
    kCProCancelItem = 1,
    kCProIndicatorItem = 2
    /* alert id numbers */
enum {
    kCannotCopyDirAlert = 132,
    kCopyFailedAlert = 133,
    kDragFailedAlert = 134,
    kOpenAppFailedAlert = 135,
    kMainFailedAlert = 136,
    kAboutBoxAlert = 137,
    kNoDragManagerAlert = 138,
    kNoThreadManagerAlert = 139
    /* promise flavor types */
enum {
    kPromisedFlavor = 'fssP',       /* default promise */
    kPromisedFlavorFindFile = 'rWm1' /* Find File promise -- special case */
    /* internal error codes.  Operating system errors are
    negative.  We use positive ones for our own internal errors.  */
enum {
    kNoDragMgrError = 1235, /* drag manager not installed */
    kNoThreadMgrError = 1236 /* thread manager not installed */
enum {
        /* sleep value passed to WaitNextEvent.  Normally
        we'll delay for 1 second between events, unless
        we're performing a file copy. */ 
    kNormalSleepTime = (1*60), /* normal operation -> 1 second */
    kCopySleepTime = 0 /* during copies -> return as soon as possible */
/* routine prototypes */
/* ProcessNextEvent calls WaitNextEvent to get the next event and then it passes
    the event along to the HandleNextEvent routine.  sleepTime is passed to the
    WaitNextEvent routine in the sleep parameter. */
void ProcessNextEvent(long sleepTime);
/* ParamAlert is a general alert handling routine.  If Apple events exist, then it
    calls AEInteractWithUser to ensure the application is in the forground, and then
    it displays an alert after passing the s1 and s2 parameters to ParamText. */
short ParamAlert(short alertID, StringPtr s1, StringPtr s2);
/* SetNewDisplay is called to set the file or folder being displayed in the main window.
    Here, structures are deallocated and an alias is saved referring to the file. 
    SetNewDisplay is called from the drag receive handler and since it is not
    safe to call "GetIconSuiteFromFinder()" from inside of the drag receive handler
    (it uses apple events), the flag gFileUpToDate is used to defer that operation
    until the next time ValidateFDPWindowDisplay.  ValidateFDPWindowDisplay is
    called from the main loop.  If targetFile is NULL, then the display is cleared. */
void SetNewDisplay(HFSFlavor *targetFile);