CodeWarrior (OS 9)/MPWTool/FinderLaunch.c

/*  File:       FinderLaunch.c
            A routine for sending an open documents Apple event to the
            finder.  This routine provides functionality equivalent to
            selecting a document/file/application and choosing the
            open command in the Finder's file menu.  
    Author: John Montbriand
            Copyright © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc.
            All rights reserved worldwide.
            You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
            restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
            responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
            not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
            after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
            we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
            descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
            9/13/99 created by John Montbriand
#include "FinderLaunch.h"
#include <QuickDraw.h>
#include <AppleEvents.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <AERegistry.h>
#include <Aliases.h>
OSErr FinderLaunch(long nTargets, FSSpec *targetList) {
    OSErr err;
    AppleEvent theAEvent, theReply;
    AEAddressDesc fndrAddress;
    AEDescList targetListDesc;
    OSType fndrCreator;
    Boolean wasChanged;
    AliasHandle targetAlias;
    long index;
        /* verify parameters */
    if ((nTargets == 0) || (targetList == NULL)) return paramErr;
        /* set up locals  */
    AECreateDesc(typeNull, NULL, 0, &theAEvent);
    AECreateDesc(typeNull, NULL, 0, &fndrAddress);
    AECreateDesc(typeNull, NULL, 0, &theReply);
    AECreateDesc(typeNull, NULL, 0, &targetListDesc);
    targetAlias = NULL;
    fndrCreator = 'MACS';
        /* create an open documents event targeting the finder */
    err = AECreateDesc(typeApplSignature, (Ptr) &fndrCreator,
        sizeof(fndrCreator), &fndrAddress);
    if (err != noErr) goto bail;
    err = AECreateAppleEvent(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments,
        &fndrAddress, kAutoGenerateReturnID,
        kAnyTransactionID, &theAEvent);
    if (err != noErr) goto bail;
        /* create the list of files to open */
    err = AECreateList(NULL, 0, false, &targetListDesc);
    if (err != noErr) goto bail;
    for ( index=0; index < nTargets; index++) {
        if (targetAlias == NULL)
            err = NewAlias(NULL, (targetList + index), &targetAlias);
        else err = UpdateAlias(NULL, (targetList + index), targetAlias, &wasChanged);
        if (err != noErr) goto bail;
        HLock((Handle) targetAlias);
        err = AEPutPtr(&targetListDesc, (index + 1), typeAlias, *targetAlias, GetHandleSize((Handle) targetAlias));
        HUnlock((Handle) targetAlias);
        if (err != noErr) goto bail;
        /* add the file list to the apple event */
    err = AEPutParamDesc(&theAEvent, keyDirectObject, &targetListDesc);
    if (err != noErr) goto bail;
        /* send the event to the Finder */
    err = AESend(&theAEvent, &theReply, kAENoReply,
        kAENormalPriority, kAEDefaultTimeout, NULL, NULL);
        /* clean up and leave */
    if (targetAlias != NULL) DisposeHandle((Handle) targetAlias);
    return err;