/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
A custom view that changes the brush size based on the pressure the user applies to the Force Touch Trackpad. Also contains a subclass of DrawingView (MasterDrawingView) that provides an example of how to configure the trackpad so that the user does not get force clicks while drawing. |
*/ |
import Cocoa |
class MasterDrawingView: DrawingView { |
override func awakeFromNib() { |
super.awakeFromNib() |
// Configures the trackpad so that the user does not get force clicks when drawing. |
pressureConfiguration = NSPressureConfiguration(pressureBehavior: .primaryGeneric) |
} |
} |
class DrawingView: NSView { |
// MARK: Properties |
static let minStrokeWidth: CGFloat = 1.0 |
static let maxStrokeWidth: CGFloat = 15.0 |
var drawingBitmap: NSBitmapImageRep? |
var eraseTimer: Timer? |
var penColor = NSColor.darkGray |
// MARK: Force Touch Trackpad Event Handling |
func dataFromMouseEvent(_ event: NSEvent, pressure: CGFloat) -> (loc: NSPoint, pressure: CGFloat, isUp: Bool) { |
let loc = convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil) |
var isUp = false |
var outPressure = pressure |
switch event.type { |
case .leftMouseUp: |
isUp = true |
case .leftMouseDragged: |
if event.subtype == .tabletPoint { |
// Pressure is always in the range [0,1]. |
outPressure = CGFloat(event.pressure) |
} |
case .tabletPoint: |
/* |
Tablets issue pure tablet point events between the mouse down and |
the first mouse drag. After that it should be all mouse drag events. |
Pressure is always in the range [0,1]. |
*/ |
outPressure = CGFloat(event.pressure) |
case .pressure: |
if event.stage > 1 { |
/* |
Cap pressure at 1. If we moved to stage 2, then consider this max pressure. |
Note: Generally, do not add the stage value to the pressure value to get |
a larger dynamic range. The force click feedback will be distracting |
to the user and the additional pressure curves are not tuned for this. |
You should set the pressureConfiguration to NSPressureBehaviorGeneric |
to get a single stage pressure gesture with a large, properly tuned |
input range. See MasterDrawingView below for an example. |
*/ |
outPressure = 1.0 |
} |
else { |
// Pressure is always in the range [0,1]. |
outPressure = CGFloat(event.pressure) |
} |
default: |
break |
} |
return (loc, outPressure, isUp) |
} |
override func mouseDown(with mouseDownEvent: NSEvent) { |
cancelEraseTimer() |
let drawingBitmap = drawingBitmapCreateIfNeeded() |
NSEvent.setMouseCoalescingEnabled(false) |
var lastLocation = convert(mouseDownEvent.locationInWindow, from: nil) |
// This may not be a force capable or tablet device. Let's start off with 1/4 pressure. |
var lastPressure: CGFloat = 0.25 |
/* |
Add the pressure event mask to the drag events mask. |
Note: This value is used in the event coalescing loop, thus the `mouseUpMask` |
is not included here. It's added in the eventTrackingMask below |
*/ |
let dragEventsMask: NSEventMask = [.leftMouseDragged, .tabletPoint, .pressure] |
/* |
The eventTracking mask is the same as dragEventMasks but it also includes |
the mouse up event because tracking ends on mouse up. |
*/ |
let eventTrackingMask = dragEventsMask.union(.leftMouseUp) |
window!.trackEvents(matching: eventTrackingMask, timeout: NSEventDurationForever, mode: RunLoopMode.eventTrackingRunLoopMode) { event, stop in |
var newLocation = lastLocation |
var newPressure = lastPressure |
var isUp: Bool |
// Update new mouse event properties based on tuple return from `dataFromMouseEvent()`. |
(newLocation, newPressure, isUp) = self.dataFromMouseEvent(event, pressure: lastPressure) |
self.needsDisplay = true |
if isUp { |
/* |
Avoid drawing a point for the mouse up. The pressure on the mouse up |
will will be close to 0, and it's generally at the last mouse drag |
location anyway. |
*/ |
stop.pointee = true |
return |
} |
self.drawInBitmap(drawingBitmap) { |
self.penColor.set() |
self.strokeLineFromPoint(lastLocation, toPoint: newLocation, pressure: newPressure, minWidth: DrawingView.minStrokeWidth, maxWidth: DrawingView.maxStrokeWidth) |
lastLocation = newLocation |
lastPressure = newPressure |
/* |
Mouse event coalescing is turned off so that we get all of the input. |
To keep up, we need to absorb all events still in the queue. |
Note: A custom run loop mode is specified to prevent timers and other run |
loop sources from firing while we absorb these events. |
*/ |
while let absorbedEvent = self.window!.nextEvent(matching: NSEventMask(rawValue: UInt64(Int(dragEventsMask.rawValue))), until: Date.distantPast, inMode: RunLoopMode(rawValue: "DrawingView_Event_Coalescing_Mode"), dequeue: true) { |
(newLocation, newPressure, isUp) = self.dataFromMouseEvent(absorbedEvent, pressure: lastPressure) |
self.strokeLineFromPoint(lastLocation, toPoint: newLocation, pressure: newPressure, minWidth: DrawingView.minStrokeWidth, maxWidth: DrawingView.maxStrokeWidth) |
lastLocation = newLocation |
lastPressure = newPressure |
} |
} |
} |
NSEvent.setMouseCoalescingEnabled(true) |
installEraseTimer() |
} |
// MARK: Drawing |
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) { |
super.draw(dirtyRect) |
if let drawingBitmap = drawingBitmap { |
drawingBitmap.draw(in: bounds, from: NSZeroRect, operation: .sourceOver, fraction: 1.0, respectFlipped: false, hints: nil) |
} |
else { |
NSColor.white.set() |
NSRectFill(dirtyRect) |
let drawHereString = NSAttributedString(string: "Draw Here", attributes: [ |
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: NSColor.gray, |
NSFontAttributeName: NSFont.userFont(ofSize: 24.0)! |
]) |
let stringSize = drawHereString.size() |
let drawPointX = bounds.midX - (stringSize.width / 2.0) |
let drawPointY = bounds.midY - (stringSize.height / 2.0) |
let drawPoint = NSPoint(x: drawPointX, y: drawPointY) |
drawHereString.draw(at: drawPoint) |
} | |
NSFrameRectWithWidth(bounds, 2.0) |
} |
// MARK: Convenience |
func eraseTimerFired(_ timer: Timer) { |
eraseTimer = nil |
drawingBitmap = nil |
needsDisplay = true |
} |
func installEraseTimer() { |
eraseTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 4.0, target: self, selector: #selector(DrawingView.eraseTimerFired(_:)), userInfo: nil, repeats: false) |
} |
func cancelEraseTimer() { |
eraseTimer?.invalidate() |
eraseTimer = nil |
} |
func drawingBitmapCreateIfNeeded() -> NSBitmapImageRep { |
if drawingBitmap == nil { |
drawingBitmap = bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplay(in: bounds) |
let bitmapGraphicsContext = NSGraphicsContext(bitmapImageRep: drawingBitmap!) |
NSGraphicsContext.saveGraphicsState() |
NSGraphicsContext.setCurrent(bitmapGraphicsContext) |
NSColor.white.set() |
let fillRect = NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height) |
NSRectFillUsingOperation(fillRect, .sourceOver) |
NSGraphicsContext.restoreGraphicsState() |
} |
return drawingBitmap! |
} |
func strokeLineFromPoint(_ fromPoint: NSPoint, toPoint: NSPoint, pressure: CGFloat, minWidth: CGFloat, maxWidth:CGFloat) { |
let width = minWidth + (pressure * (maxWidth - minWidth)) |
let bezierPath = NSBezierPath() |
bezierPath.move(to: fromPoint) |
bezierPath.line(to: toPoint) |
bezierPath.lineWidth = width |
bezierPath.lineCapStyle = .roundLineCapStyle |
bezierPath.stroke() |
} |
func drawInBitmap(_ bitmap: NSBitmapImageRep, handler: (Void) -> Void) { |
let bitmapGraphicsContext = NSGraphicsContext(bitmapImageRep: bitmap) |
NSGraphicsContext.saveGraphicsState() |
NSGraphicsContext.setCurrent(bitmapGraphicsContext) |
handler() |
NSGraphicsContext.restoreGraphicsState() |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-09-28