# ForceTouchCatalog: Using the Force Touch Trackpad API
Demonstrates how to use the Force Touch Trackpad APIs. This sample is divided into three levels of mastery through which you’ll learn how to process pressure events, perform spring loading, configure the trackpad, and perform feedback.
## Structure
Squire: Accelerator and Multi-Level Accelerator buttons. Drag and Drop spring loaded buttons.  
Knight: A drawing view that uses the new pressure event in its tracking loop to change the size of the brush.  
Master: Modified drawing view that configures the trackpad to not force click and provide a better pressure mapping for drawing purposes. Also, provides an example of how to manually perform haptic feedback on the Force Touch trackpad when an image is rotated to 0 degrees.
## Requirements
### Build
Xcode 8.0, OS X 10.11
### Runtime
OS X 10.11
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