
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This class manages the main character, including its animations, sounds and direction.
import SceneKit
enum GroundType: Int {
    case grass
    case rock
    case water
    case inTheAir
    case count
private typealias ParticleEmitter = (node: SCNNode, particleSystem: SCNParticleSystem, birthRate: CGFloat)
class Character {
    // MARK: Initialization
    init() {
        // MARK: Load character from external file
        // The character is loaded from a .scn file and stored in an intermediate
        // node that will be used as a handle to manipulate the whole group at once
        let characterScene = SCNScene(named: "game.scnassets/panda.scn")!
        let characterTopLevelNode = characterScene.rootNode.childNodes[0]
        // MARK: Configure collision capsule
        // Collisions are handled by the physics engine. The character is approximated by
        // a capsule that is configured to collide with collectables, enemies and walls
        let (min, max) = node.boundingBox
        let collisionCapsuleRadius = CGFloat((max.x - min.x) * 0.4)
        let collisionCapsuleHeight = CGFloat(max.y - min.y)
        let characterCollisionNode = SCNNode()
        characterCollisionNode.name = "collider"
        characterCollisionNode.position = SCNVector3(0.0, collisionCapsuleHeight * 0.51, 0.0) // a bit too high so that the capsule does not hit the floor
        characterCollisionNode.physicsBody = SCNPhysicsBody(type: .kinematic, shape:SCNPhysicsShape(geometry: SCNCapsule(capRadius: collisionCapsuleRadius, height: collisionCapsuleHeight), options:nil))
        characterCollisionNode.physicsBody!.contactTestBitMask = BitmaskSuperCollectable | BitmaskCollectable | BitmaskCollision | BitmaskEnemy
        // MARK: Load particle systems
        // Particle systems were configured in the SceneKit Scene Editor
        // They are retrieved from the scene and their birth rate are stored for later use
        func particleEmitterWithName(_ name: String) -> ParticleEmitter {
            let emitter: ParticleEmitter
            emitter.node = characterTopLevelNode.childNode(withName: name, recursively:true)!
            emitter.particleSystem = emitter.node.particleSystems![0]
            emitter.birthRate = emitter.particleSystem.birthRate
            emitter.particleSystem.birthRate = 0
            emitter.node.isHidden = false
            return emitter
        fireEmitter = particleEmitterWithName("fire")
        smokeEmitter = particleEmitterWithName("smoke")
        whiteSmokeEmitter = particleEmitterWithName("whiteSmoke")
        // MARK: Load sound effects
        reliefSound = SCNAudioSource(name: "aah_extinction.mp3", volume: 2.0)
        haltFireSound = SCNAudioSource(name: "fire_extinction.mp3", volume: 2.0)
        catchFireSound = SCNAudioSource(name: "ouch_firehit.mp3", volume: 2.0)
        for i in 0..<10 {
            if let grassSound = SCNAudioSource(named: "game.scnassets/sounds/Step_grass_0\(i).mp3") {
                grassSound.volume = 0.5
            if let rockSound = SCNAudioSource(named: "game.scnassets/sounds/Step_rock_0\(i).mp3") {
            if let waterSound = SCNAudioSource(named: "game.scnassets/sounds/Step_splash_0\(i).mp3") {
        // MARK: Configure animations
        // Some animations are already there and can be retrieved from the scene
        // The "walk" animation is loaded from a file, it is configured to play foot steps at specific times during the animation
        characterTopLevelNode.enumerateChildNodes { (child, _) in
            for key in child.animationKeys {                  // for every animation key
                let animation = child.animation(forKey: key)! // get the animation
                animation.usesSceneTimeBase = false           // make it system time based
                animation.repeatCount = Float.infinity        // make it repeat forever
                child.addAnimation(animation, forKey: key)             // animations are copied upon addition, so we have to replace the previous animation
        walkAnimation = CAAnimation.animationWithSceneNamed("game.scnassets/walk.scn")
        walkAnimation.usesSceneTimeBase = false
        walkAnimation.fadeInDuration = 0.3
        walkAnimation.fadeOutDuration = 0.3
        walkAnimation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
        walkAnimation.speed = Character.speedFactor
        walkAnimation.animationEvents = [
            SCNAnimationEvent(keyTime: 0.1) { (_, _, _) in self.playFootStep() },
            SCNAnimationEvent(keyTime: 0.6) { (_, _, _) in self.playFootStep() }]
    // MARK: Retrieving nodes
    let node = SCNNode()
    // MARK: Controlling the character
    static let speedFactor = Float(1.538)
    private var groundType = GroundType.inTheAir
    private var previousUpdateTime = TimeInterval(0.0)
    private var accelerationY = SCNFloat(0.0) // Simulate gravity
    private var directionAngle: SCNFloat = 0.0 {
        didSet {
            if directionAngle != oldValue {
                node.runAction(SCNAction.rotateTo(x: 0.0, y: CGFloat(directionAngle), z: 0.0, duration: 0.1, usesShortestUnitArc: true))
    func walkInDirection(_ direction: float3, time: TimeInterval, scene: SCNScene, groundTypeFromMaterial: (SCNMaterial) -> GroundType) -> SCNNode? {
        // delta time since last update
        if previousUpdateTime == 0.0 {
            previousUpdateTime = time
        let deltaTime = Float(min(time - previousUpdateTime, 1.0 / 60.0))
        let characterSpeed = deltaTime * Character.speedFactor * 0.84
        previousUpdateTime = time
        let initialPosition = node.position
        // move
        if direction.x != 0.0 && direction.z != 0.0 {
            // move character
            let position = float3(node.position)
            node.position = SCNVector3(position + direction * characterSpeed)
            // update orientation
            directionAngle = SCNFloat(atan2(direction.x, direction.z))
            isWalking = true
        else {
            isWalking = false
        // Update the altitude of the character
        var position = node.position
        var p0 = position
        var p1 = position
        let maxRise = SCNFloat(0.08)
        let maxJump = SCNFloat(10.0)
        p0.y -= maxJump
        p1.y += maxRise
        // Do a vertical ray intersection
        var groundNode: SCNNode?
        let results = scene.physicsWorld.rayTestWithSegment(from: p1, to: p0, options:[.collisionBitMask: BitmaskCollision | BitmaskWater, .searchMode: SCNPhysicsWorld.TestSearchMode.closest])
        if let result = results.first {
            var groundAltitude = result.worldCoordinates.y
            groundNode = result.node
            let groundMaterial = result.node.childNodes[0].geometry!.firstMaterial!
            groundType = groundTypeFromMaterial(groundMaterial)
            if groundType == .water {
                if isBurning {
                // do a new ray test without the water to get the altitude of the ground (under the water).
                let results = scene.physicsWorld.rayTestWithSegment(from: p1, to: p0, options:[.collisionBitMask: BitmaskCollision, .searchMode: SCNPhysicsWorld.TestSearchMode.closest])
                let result = results[0]
                groundAltitude = result.worldCoordinates.y
            let threshold = SCNFloat(1e-5)
            let gravityAcceleration = SCNFloat(0.18)
            if groundAltitude < position.y - threshold {
                accelerationY += SCNFloat(deltaTime) * gravityAcceleration // approximation of acceleration for a delta time.
                if groundAltitude < position.y - 0.2 {
                    groundType = .inTheAir
            else {
                accelerationY = 0
            position.y -= accelerationY
            // reset acceleration if we touch the ground
            if groundAltitude > position.y {
                accelerationY = 0
                position.y = groundAltitude
            // Finally, update the position of the character.
            node.position = position
        else {
            // no result, we are probably out the bounds of the level -> revert the position of the character.
            node.position = initialPosition
        return groundNode
    // MARK: Animating the character
    private var walkAnimation: CAAnimation!
    private var isWalking: Bool = false {
        didSet {
            if oldValue != isWalking {
                // Update node animation.
                if isWalking {
                    node.addAnimation(walkAnimation, forKey: "walk")
                } else {
                    node.removeAnimation(forKey: "walk", fadeOutDuration: 0.2)
    private var walkSpeed: Float = 1.0 {
        didSet {
            // remove current walk animation if any.
            let wasWalking = isWalking
            if wasWalking {
                isWalking = false
            walkAnimation.speed = Character.speedFactor * walkSpeed
            // restore walk animation if needed.
            isWalking = wasWalking
    // MARK: Dealing with fire
    private var isBurning = false
    private var isInvincible = false
    private var fireEmitter: ParticleEmitter! = nil
    private var smokeEmitter: ParticleEmitter! = nil
    private var whiteSmokeEmitter: ParticleEmitter! = nil
    func catchFire() {
        if isInvincible == false {
            isInvincible = true
                SCNAction.playAudio(catchFireSound, waitForCompletion: false),
                    SCNAction.fadeOpacity(to: 0.01, duration: 0.1),
                    SCNAction.fadeOpacity(to: 1.0, duration: 0.1)
                    ]), count: 7),
                SCNAction.run { _ in self.isInvincible = false } ]))
        isBurning = true
        // start fire + smoke
        fireEmitter.particleSystem.birthRate = fireEmitter.birthRate
        smokeEmitter.particleSystem.birthRate = smokeEmitter.birthRate
        // walk faster
        walkSpeed = 2.3
    func haltFire() {
        if isBurning {
            isBurning = false
                SCNAction.playAudio(haltFireSound, waitForCompletion: true),
                SCNAction.playAudio(reliefSound, waitForCompletion: false)])
            // stop fire and smoke
            fireEmitter.particleSystem.birthRate = 0
            SCNTransaction.animateWithDuration(1.0) {
                self.smokeEmitter.particleSystem.birthRate = 0
            // start white smoke
            whiteSmokeEmitter.particleSystem.birthRate = whiteSmokeEmitter.birthRate
            // progressively stop white smoke
            SCNTransaction.animateWithDuration(5.0) {
                self.whiteSmokeEmitter.particleSystem.birthRate = 0
            // walk normally
            walkSpeed = 1.0
    // MARK: Dealing with sound
    private var reliefSound: SCNAudioSource
    private var haltFireSound: SCNAudioSource
    private var catchFireSound: SCNAudioSource
    private var steps = [[SCNAudioSource]](repeating: [], count: GroundType.count.rawValue)
    private func playFootStep() {
        if groundType != .inTheAir { // We are in the air, no sound to play.
            // Play a random step sound.
            let soundsCount = steps[groundType.rawValue].count
            let stepSoundIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(soundsCount)))
            node.runAction(SCNAction.playAudio(steps[groundType.rawValue][stepSoundIndex], waitForCompletion: false))