Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
////////// |
// |
// QuickTime for Java SDK Sample Code |
// |
// Usage subject to restrictions in SDK License Agreement |
// Copyright: © 1996-1999 Apple Computer, Inc. |
// |
// Contains: Code to display a QuickTime movie in a window. When the |
// user presses the right arrow the movie is stepped forward. |
// When the user pressed the left arrow key the movie is stepped |
// backward. The movie stepping is accomplished through the use |
// of the code in the FrameStepper class (see the source file |
// |
// |
////////// |
import java.awt.*; |
import java.awt.event.*; |
import*; |
import quicktime.std.StdQTConstants; |
import quicktime.*; |
import quicktime.qd.*; |
import*; |
import quicktime.std.image.*; |
import quicktime.std.movies.*; |
import*; |
import; |
import*; |
import*; |
import*; |
import*; |
import*; |
import*; |
////////// |
// |
// KeyBoardController |
// |
// Contains code which lets us display our QuickTime content within a java.awt |
// display space using a QTCanvas. We first call to setup our drawing |
// environment. This is required before any QuickTime Java classes can be used. |
// Next, we'll use a Compositor to compose our image from two sources. We'll |
// add to our Compositor as members an ImagePresenter to display our background |
// image, and a MoviePresenter to display our movie. The QuickTime graphics importers |
// are used to retrieve the actual movie which will be displayed. Lastly, the services |
// of the KBDController are used to perform the stepping of the movie. |
// |
////////// |
public class KeyBoardController extends Frame implements StdQTConstants, QDConstants { |
Label label1; |
public static void main(String args[]) { |
try { |
// let's first initialize quicktime - this is required |
// before we can call any of the QuickTime for Java methods |; |
KeyBoardController kbdController = new KeyBoardController("Movie Frame Stepper"); |
// lay out and resize the Frame to the size of the Movie |
kbdController.pack(); |; |
kbdController.toFront(); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
e.printStackTrace(); |
QTSession.close(); |
} |
} |
KeyBoardController(String title) throws Exception { |
super (title); |
// let's create a QTCanvas object to enable us to display |
// QuickTime content within Java. The QTCanvas is a subclass |
// of the java.awt.Canvas and represents primarily a way to |
// gain access to the underlying native graphics structure of |
// the platform |
QTCanvas myQTCanvas = new QTCanvas(QTCanvas.kInitialSize, 0.5f, 0.5f); |
add("Center", myQTCanvas); |
addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { |
public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) { |
// terminate QuickTime - we must call this for |
// each call to |
QTSession.close(); |
dispose(); |
} |
public void windowClosed (WindowEvent e) { |
System.exit(0); |
} |
}); |
QDRect qdr = new QDRect(300,300); |
// The QDGraphics object is the destination where we will draw |
QDGraphics gw = new QDGraphics (qdr); |
// We'll use a Compositor to compose our image from two sources. We'll |
// add to it as members our ImagePresenter to display our background |
// image, and a MoviePresenter to display our movie. |
Compositor comp = new Compositor (gw, QDColor.gray, 20, 1); |
// Use the QuickTime graphics importers to import our |
// jpeg window background image |
GraphicsImporterDrawer if1 = new GraphicsImporterDrawer (new QTFile (QTFactory.findAbsolutePath ("pics/house.jpg"))); |
if1.setDisplayBounds (qdr); |
// The ImagePresenter is used to perform rendering of our image data |
ImagePresenter id = ImagePresenter.fromGraphicsImporterDrawer (if1); |
id.setGraphicsMode (new GraphicsMode (blend, QDColor.gray)); |
// Our compositor will make use of our ImagePresenter to perform |
// the actual rendering |
comp.addMember (id, 1); |
// get the QuickTime movie which we'll use to perform |
// our frame stepping operations |
QTFile qtf = new QTFile (QTFactory.findAbsolutePath ("")); |
OpenMovieFile movieFile = OpenMovieFile.asRead(qtf); |
Movie mv = Movie.fromFile (movieFile); |
// Use a MoviePresentor to render our movie into |
// an offscreen QDGraphics object |
MoviePresenter mvp = new MoviePresenter(mv); |
mvp.setLocation (80, 80); |
// Tell the Compositor one of our image sources will come from |
// our MoviePresentor |
comp.addMember (mvp, 2); |
// Use a KBDController to handle the user key presses |
KBDController keyController = new KBDController(mvp); |
comp.addController(keyController); |
// Let's associate our Drawable object with our QTCanvas |
myQTCanvas.setClient (comp, true); |
// we want our movie to play forward with a normal rate of 1 |
comp.getTimer().setRate(1); |
} |
} |
////////// |
// |
// KBDController |
// |
// This class contains code to handle user key presses. Key |
// presses of the left/right arrow keys will result in calls to the |
// FrameStepper class to step through our QuickTime movie. Key |
// presses of the space bar will give the use the opportunity to |
// export the current frame as an image file. The QuickTime graphics |
// exporters are used to perform the export operation. |
// |
////////// |
class KBDController implements ListenerController, KeyListener { |
private FrameStepper frameStep; |
private MoviePresenter moviePresenter; |
private Movie theMovie; |
private GraphicsExporter graphExp; |
private QDGraphics offscreen; |
KBDController (MoviePresenter mp) { |
this.frameStep = new FrameStepper(); |
this.moviePresenter = mp; |
this.theMovie = mp.getMovie(); |
this.offscreen = mp.getOffscreenBuffer(); |
try { |
// We'll use the jpeg graphics exporter to allow the user to export |
// our movie samples into other formats |
this.graphExp = new GraphicsExporter(StdQTConstants.kQTFileTypeJPEG); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) { |
ex.printStackTrace(); |
QTSession.close(); |
} |
} |
public void addedToSpace (Space s) {} |
public void removedFromSpace () {} |
public void addedTo (Object interest){ |
if (interest instanceof Component) |
((Component)interest).addKeyListener (this); |
} |
public void removedFrom (Object interest){ |
if (interest instanceof Component) |
((Component)interest).removeKeyListener (this); |
} |
public void keyPressed (KeyEvent e) { |
switch (e.getKeyCode()) { |
case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE: |
// export the current movie sample as a jpeg file |
try { |
// set the input (source) gworld for our export operation - in |
// this case, it's the current movie sample |
graphExp.setInputGWorld(offscreen); |
// now ask the user to specify the location of the export image |
FileDialog ofd = new FileDialog (new Frame(), "Export Movie sample to...", FileDialog.SAVE); |
ofd.setFile("VideoSample.jpg"); |; |
if (ofd.getFile() == null) |
break; |
// create the new export image file in the desired location |
QTFile outFile = new QTFile (ofd.getDirectory() + ofd.getFile()); |
// tell the graphics exporter which file to use as the destination |
// of the export operation |
graphExp.setOutputFile(outFile); |
// do the export operation |
graphExp.doExport(); |
} |
catch (Exception exc) { |
exc.printStackTrace(); |
QTSession.close(); |
} |
break; |
case KeyEvent.VK_UP: |
break; |
case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: |
break; |
case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: |
// draw the previous movie sample |
frameStep.DrawVideoSamplePrev(theMovie); |
break; |
case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: |
// draw the next movie sample |
frameStep.DrawVideoSampleNext(theMovie); |
break; |
} |
} |
public void keyReleased (KeyEvent e) {} |
public void keyTyped (KeyEvent e) {} |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14