
     File: ParameterView.m
 Abstract: This class contains the low-level automatic generation for effect stack UI from CoreImage filters and keys.
  Version: 2.1
 Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple
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 this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do
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#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#import "ParameterView.h"
#import "CoreImageView.h"
#import "FilterView.h"
#import "EffectStackController.h"
@implementation ParameterView
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame 
    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
    return self;
- (void)dealloc
    // free objects that we don't own but still have to retain
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
    if (filter != nil)
        [filter release];
    if (dict != nil)
        [dict release];
    if (key != nil)
        [key release];
    [displayView release];
    [master release];
    [super dealloc];
// convert slider value to readout value
static CGFloat slider_to_readout_value(CGFloat v, SliderType t)
    CGFloat v2;
    switch (t)
    case stScalar: // readout without units
    case stDistance: // readout in pixels
        v2 = v;
    case stAngle:
        v2 = v * 180.0 / M_PI; // readout in degrees
    case stTime:
        v2 = v * 100.0; // readout in percent
    return v2;
// convert readout value to slider value
static CGFloat readout_to_slider_value(CGFloat v, SliderType t)
    CGFloat v2;
    switch (t)
    case stScalar: // readout without units
    case stDistance: // readout in pixels
        v2 = v;
    case stAngle:
        v2 = v * M_PI / 180.0; // readout in degrees
    case stTime:
        v2 = v * 0.01; // readout in percent
    return v2;
// format a floating point number to spec
static void format_floating_point_number(CGFloat v, NSInteger before, NSInteger after, char *str)
    char format[16];
    char floatstr[32];
    snprintf(format, 16, "%%%d.%df", (int)before, (int)after);
    snprintf(floatstr, 32, format, v);
    // printf("%s for %f\n", floatstr, v);
    strncpy(str, floatstr, MIN(strlen(floatstr) + 1, 32));
// this gets called when the filter's slider thumb gets moved
- (IBAction)sliderChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f;
    char str[32];
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readoutTextField != nil && slider != nil)
        // get the value of the slider
        f = [slider doubleValue];
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastFloatValue)
        lastFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel readout field
        format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(f, dataType), beforeDecimal, afterDecimal, str);
        [readoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:[slider objectValue] forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
        [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when the filter's slider readout text field gets edited
- (IBAction)readoutTextFieldChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readoutTextField != nil && slider != nil)
        // get the readout value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([readoutTextField doubleValue], dataType);
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastFloatValue)
        lastFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel slider
        [slider setDoubleValue:f];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:f] forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
        [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a filter's check box changes
- (IBAction)checkBoxChanged:(id)sender
    NSCellStateValue state;
    BOOL b;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (checkBox != nil)
        // get the check box boolean value
        state = [checkBox state];
        b = (state == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:[NSNumber numberWithBool:b] forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
        [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a vector's x editable text field changes
- (IBAction)readout1TextFieldChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f;
    CIVector *vec, *vec2;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readout1TextField != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([readout1TextField doubleValue], dataType);
        // store the changed value back into the vector in place
        vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
        vec2 = [CIVector vectorWithX:f Y:[vec Y] Z:[vec Z] W:[vec W]];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:vec2 forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a vector's x editable text field changes
- (void)readout1DidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
    CGFloat f;
    CIVector *vec, *vec2;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readout1TextField != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([readout1TextField doubleValue], dataType);
        // store the changed value back into the vector in place
        vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
        vec2 = [CIVector vectorWithX:f Y:[vec Y] Z:[vec Z] W:[vec W]];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:vec2 forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a vector's y editable text field changes
- (IBAction)readout2TextFieldChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f;
    CIVector *vec, *vec2;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readout2TextField != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([readout2TextField doubleValue], dataType);
        // store the changed value back into the vector in place
        vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
        vec2 = [CIVector vectorWithX:[vec X] Y:f Z:[vec Z] W:[vec W]];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:vec2 forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a vector's y editable text field changes
- (void)readout2DidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
    CGFloat f;
    CIVector *vec, *vec2;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readout2TextField != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([readout2TextField doubleValue], dataType);
        // store the changed value back into the vector in place
        vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
        vec2 = [CIVector vectorWithX:[vec X] Y:f Z:[vec Z] W:[vec W]];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:vec2 forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a vector's z editable text field changes
- (IBAction)readout3TextFieldChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f;
    CIVector *vec, *vec2;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readout3TextField != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([readout3TextField doubleValue], dataType);
        // store the changed value back into the vector in place
        vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
        vec2 = [CIVector vectorWithX:[vec X] Y:[vec Y] Z:f W:[vec W]];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:vec2 forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a vector's z editable text field changes
- (void)readout3DidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
    CGFloat f;
    CIVector *vec, *vec2;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readout3TextField != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([readout3TextField doubleValue], dataType);
        // store the changed value back into the vector in place
        vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
        vec2 = [CIVector vectorWithX:[vec X] Y:[vec Y] Z:f W:[vec W]];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:vec2 forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a vector's w editable text field changes
- (IBAction)readout4TextFieldChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f;
    CIVector *vec, *vec2;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readout4TextField != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([readout4TextField doubleValue], dataType);
        // store the changed value back into the vector in place
        vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
        vec2 = [CIVector vectorWithX:[vec X] Y:[vec Y] Z:[vec Z] W:f];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:vec2 forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a vector's w editable text field changes
- (void)readout4DidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
    CGFloat f;
    CIVector *vec, *vec2;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readout4TextField != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([readout4TextField doubleValue], dataType);
        // store the changed value back into the vector in place
        vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
        vec2 = [CIVector vectorWithX:[vec X] Y:[vec Y] Z:[vec Z] W:f];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:vec2 forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a filter's color well changes
- (IBAction)colorWellChanged:(id)sender
    CIColor *color;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (colorWell != nil)
        // get the color well's color
        color = [[CIColor alloc] initWithColor: [colorWell color]];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value: color forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
        [color release];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// convert an NSImage to a CIImage - this is useful when the user has dragged some image into an image view and
// we need it in CIImage form (to talk with Core Image)
+ (CIImage *)CIImageWithNSImage:(NSImage *)image
    NSInteger size, sourceTextureBytesPerRow, width, height;
    NSBitmapImageRep *bitmapimagerep;
    uint32_t row, col, bpr;
    unsigned char *sr, *dr, *s, *d, *sourceTextureAddr;
    NSSize sz;
    NSData *data;
    CIImage *im;
    sz = [image size];
    width = sz.width;
    height = sz.height;
    // Get a bitmap image representation of the image
    [image lockFocus];
    bitmapimagerep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc]
      initWithFocusedViewRect:NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, (CGFloat)width, (CGFloat)height)];
    [image unlockFocus];
    // get it into the right format
    if ([bitmapimagerep bitsPerPixel] == 24)
        // retain the data for personal use
        sourceTextureBytesPerRow = width*4;
        size = sourceTextureBytesPerRow * height;
        sourceTextureAddr = malloc(size);
        bpr = [bitmapimagerep bytesPerRow];
        for (row = 0, sr = [bitmapimagerep bitmapData], dr = sourceTextureAddr; row < height; row++, sr += bpr, dr += sourceTextureBytesPerRow)
            for (col = 0, s = sr, d = dr; col < width; col++, s += 3, d += 4)
                d[0] = 255;
                d[1] = s[0];
                d[2] = s[1];
                d[3] = s[2];
        // retain the data for personal use
        sourceTextureBytesPerRow = width*4;
        size = sourceTextureBytesPerRow * height;
        sourceTextureAddr = malloc(size);
        bpr = [bitmapimagerep bytesPerRow];
        for (row = 0, sr = [bitmapimagerep bitmapData], dr = sourceTextureAddr; row < height; row++, sr += bpr, dr += sourceTextureBytesPerRow)
            for (col = 0, s = sr, d = dr; col < width; col++, s += 4, d += 4)
                d[0] = s[3];
                d[1] = s[0];
                d[2] = s[1];
                d[3] = s[2];
    // and release the data structures created herein
    [bitmapimagerep release];
    data = [NSData dataWithBytes:sourceTextureAddr length:size];
    CGColorSpaceRef cs = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
    // create the CIImage from the bitmap data
    im = [CIImage imageWithBitmapData:data bytesPerRow:sourceTextureBytesPerRow size:CGSizeMake(width, height) format:kCIFormatARGB8 colorSpace:cs];
    return im;
// this gets called when the user drags an image into a filter's image view
- (IBAction)imageWellChanged:(id)sender
    CIImage *im;
    NSString *path;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (imageView != nil)
        // get the filename of the dragged image (if there is one)
        path = [sender filePath];
        // since we are assuming file path exists for image well images, we read them directly
        im = [[[CIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]] autorelease];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:im forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
        [master registerFilterLayer:filter key:key imageFilePath:path];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
        [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
    // we must re-layout the effect stack inspector now!
    if (master != nil)
        [master setChanges];
        [master updateLayout];
// this gets called when the user punches the "choose" button in a filter to select a new image
- (IBAction)pushButtonChanged:(id)sender
    CIImage *im;
    NSOpenPanel *opanel;
    NSURL *url;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (imageView != nil)
        // get image using open
        opanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
        [opanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
        if (![opanel runModal])
        url = [[opanel URLs] objectAtIndex:0];
        // read in the image file
        im = [CIImage imageWithContentsOfURL:url];
        // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
        [displayView setFilter:filter value:im forKey:key];
        // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
        [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
        [master registerFilterLayer:filter key:key imageFilePath:[url path]];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
        [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
    // we must re-layout the effect stack inspector now!
    if (master != nil)
        [master setChanges];
        [master updateLayout];
// this gets called when the user drags an image into an image layer's image well
- (IBAction)imageLayerImageWellChanged:(id)sender
    CIImage *im;
    NSString *path;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (imageView != nil)
        // get the filename of the dragged image (if there is one)
        path = [sender filePath];
        // since we are assuming file path exists for image well images, we read them directly
        im = [[[CIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]] autorelease];
        // and store the image into the image layer
        [master setLayer:[sender tag] image:im andFilename:[path lastPathComponent]];
        [master registerImageLayer:[sender tag] imageFilePath:path];
        if ([sender tag] == 0)
            [master reconfigureWindow];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
        [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
    // we must re-layout the effect stack inspector now!
    if (master != nil)
        [master setChanges];
        [master updateLayout];
// this gets called when the user punches the "choose" button in an image layer - to select a new image
- (IBAction)imageLayerPushButtonChanged:(id)sender
    CIImage *im;
    NSOpenPanel *opanel;
    NSURL *url;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (imageView != nil)
        // get image using open
        opanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
        [opanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
        if (![opanel runModal])
        url = [[opanel URLs] objectAtIndex:0];
        // read it in
        im = [CIImage imageWithContentsOfURL:url];
        // set the image layer's image from this
        [master setLayer:[sender tag] image:im andFilename:[[url path] lastPathComponent]];
        [master registerImageLayer:[sender tag] imageFilePath:[url path]];
        if ([sender tag] == 0)
            [master reconfigureWindow];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
        [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
    // we must re-layout the effect stack inspector now!
    if (master != nil)
        [master setChanges];
        [master updateLayout];
// recompute the text image from the text storage (which in turn comes from the live text view!)
// then associate that image with the text layer in the effect stack
- (void)recomputeTextImage:(NSTextStorage *)ts
    NSBitmapImageRep *bitmapimagerep;
    NSSize sz;
    CIImage *im;
    NSRect bounds;
    NSImage *image;
    NSAffineTransform *t;
    // display control points and wing points, etc.
    // make a bitmap context to draw into
    bounds = [displayView bounds];
    image = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:bounds.size] autorelease];
    sz = [image size];
    [image lockFocus];
    t = [[[NSAffineTransform alloc] init] autorelease];
    [t scaleBy:[[dict valueForKey:@"scale"] doubleValue]];
    [t set];
    // write to the image
    [ts drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint(0.0, 0.0)];
    // Get a bitmap image representation of the image
    bitmapimagerep = [[[NSBitmapImageRep alloc]
      initWithFocusedViewRect:NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, sz.width, (CGFloat)sz.height)] autorelease];
    [image unlockFocus];
    im = [[[CIImage alloc] initWithBitmapImageRep:bitmapimagerep] autorelease];
    [dict setValue:im forKey:@"image"];
// decide if a given text viuew differs in properties from those stored in the (retained) dictionary
// note: this is the dictionary from the effect stack text layer
- (BOOL)textViewDiffers:(NSTextView *)tv
    NSTextStorage *ts;
    NSDictionary *dattrs;
    NSFont *font;
    NSColor *color, *shadowColor;
    CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha, shadowColorRed, shadowColorGreen, shadowColorBlue, shadowColorAlpha,
      dShadowColorRed, dShadowColorGreen, dShadowColorBlue, dShadowColorAlpha, shadowBlurRadius, dShadowBlurRadius;
    NSShadow *shadow;
    NSSize shadowOffset, dShadowOffset;
    BOOL isShadow, dIsShadow;
    NSInteger strikeThrough, dStrikeThrough, underline, dUnderline;
    NSNumber *strikeThroughStyle, *underlineStyle;
    // see if string differs
    if (![[tv string] isEqualToString:[dict valueForKey:@"string"]])
        return YES;
    ts = [tv textStorage];
    dattrs = [ts attributesAtIndex:0 effectiveRange:nil];
    font = [dattrs valueForKey:NSFontAttributeName];
    // see if font has never been set
    if ([dict valueForKey:@"font"] == nil || [dict valueForKey:@"pointSize"] == nil || font == nil)
        return YES;
    // see if font name differs
    if (![[font fontName] isEqualToString:[dict valueForKey:@"font"]])
        return YES;
    // see if point size differs
    if ([font pointSize] != [[dict valueForKey:@"pointSize"] doubleValue])
        return YES;
    // see if color differs
    color = [dattrs valueForKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
    if (color == nil)
        red = 0.0;
        green = 0.0;
        blue = 0.0;
        alpha = 1.0;
        [color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];
    if ([[dict valueForKey:@"colorRed"] doubleValue] != red
      || [[dict valueForKey:@"colorGreen"] doubleValue] != green
      || [[dict valueForKey:@"colorBlue"] doubleValue] != blue
      || [[dict valueForKey:@"colorAlpha"] doubleValue] != alpha)
        return YES;
    // see if shadow differs
    shadow = [dattrs valueForKey:NSShadowAttributeName];
    if (shadow == nil)
        isShadow = NO;
        shadowOffset = NSMakeSize(0.0, 0.0);
        shadowColorRed = 0.0;
        shadowColorGreen = 0.0;
        shadowColorBlue = 0.0;
        shadowColorAlpha = 0.0;
        shadowBlurRadius = 0.0;
        isShadow = YES;
        shadowOffset = [shadow shadowOffset];
        shadowColor = [shadow shadowColor];
        [shadowColor getRed:&shadowColorRed green:&shadowColorGreen blue:&shadowColorBlue alpha:&shadowColorAlpha];
        shadowBlurRadius = [shadow shadowBlurRadius];
    if ([dict valueForKey:@"isShadow"] == nil)
        dIsShadow = NO;
        dShadowOffset = NSZeroSize;
        dShadowColorRed = dShadowColorGreen = dShadowColorBlue = dShadowColorAlpha = 0.0;
        dShadowBlurRadius = 0.0;
        dIsShadow = [[dict valueForKey:@"isShadow"] boolValue];
        dShadowOffset = NSMakeSize([[dict valueForKey:@"shadowOffsetX"] doubleValue], [[dict valueForKey:@"shadowOffsetY"] doubleValue]);
        dShadowColorRed = [[dict valueForKey:@"shadowColorRed"] doubleValue];
        dShadowColorGreen = [[dict valueForKey:@"shadowColorGreen"] doubleValue];
        dShadowColorBlue = [[dict valueForKey:@"shadowColorBlue"] doubleValue];
        dShadowColorAlpha = [[dict valueForKey:@"shadowColorAlpha"] doubleValue];
        dShadowBlurRadius = [[dict valueForKey:@"shadowBlurRadius"] doubleValue];
    if (isShadow != dIsShadow)
        return YES;
    if (shadowOffset.height != dShadowOffset.height || shadowOffset.width != dShadowOffset.width)
        return YES;
    if (shadowColorRed != dShadowColorRed || shadowColorGreen != dShadowColorGreen || shadowColorBlue != dShadowColorBlue || shadowColorAlpha != dShadowColorAlpha)
        return YES;
    if (shadowBlurRadius != dShadowBlurRadius)
        return YES;
    // see if strike through style differs
    strikeThroughStyle = [dattrs valueForKey:NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName];
    if (strikeThroughStyle == nil)
        strikeThrough = 0;
        strikeThrough = [strikeThroughStyle integerValue];
    if ([dict valueForKey:@"strikeThroughStyle"] == nil)
        dStrikeThrough = 0;
        dStrikeThrough = [[dict valueForKey:@"strikeThroughStyle"] integerValue];
    if (strikeThrough != dStrikeThrough)
        return YES;
    // see if underline style differs
    underlineStyle = [dattrs valueForKey:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName];
    if (underlineStyle == nil)
        underline = 0;
        underline = [underlineStyle integerValue];
    if ([dict valueForKey:@"underlineStyle"] == nil)
        dUnderline = 0;
        dUnderline = [[dict valueForKey:@"underlineStyle"] integerValue];
    if (underline != dUnderline)
        return YES;
    return NO;
// synchronize the retained dictionary (the same one that's in the text layer) to a text view
// make sure all properties are up to date
- (void)synchronizeTextView:(NSTextView *)tv
    NSTextStorage *ts;
    NSDictionary *dattrs;
    NSFont *font;
    NSColor *color, *shadowColor;
    CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha, shadowColorRed, shadowColorGreen, shadowColorBlue, shadowColorAlpha, shadowBlurRadius;
    NSShadow *shadow;
    NSSize shadowOffset;
    BOOL isShadow;
    NSInteger strikeThrough, underline;
    NSNumber *strikeThroughStyle, *underlineStyle;
    if ([[tv string] isEqualToString:@""]) {
        // save string
        [displayView setDict:dict value:@"" forKey:@"string"];
        // set up an undo string for this action
        [displayView setActionNameForTextLayerKey:@"Typing"];
    // save string
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[[[tv string] copy] autorelease] forKey:@"string"];
    ts = [tv textStorage];
    dattrs = [ts attributesAtIndex:0 effectiveRange:nil];
    // save font attributes
    font = [dattrs valueForKey:NSFontAttributeName];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[[[font fontName] copy] autorelease] forKey:@"font"];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[font pointSize]] forKey:@"pointSize"];
    // save color attributes
    color = [dattrs valueForKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
    if (color == nil)
        red = 0.0;
        green = 0.0;
        blue = 0.0;
        alpha = 1.0;
        [color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:red] forKey:@"colorRed"];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:green] forKey:@"colorGreen"];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:blue] forKey:@"colorBlue"];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:alpha] forKey:@"colorAlpha"];
    // save shadow attributes
    shadow = [dattrs valueForKey:NSShadowAttributeName];
    if (shadow == nil)
        isShadow = NO;
        shadowOffset = NSMakeSize(0.0, 0.0);
        shadowColorRed = 0.0;
        shadowColorGreen = 0.0;
        shadowColorBlue = 0.0;
        shadowColorAlpha = 0.0;
        shadowBlurRadius = 0.0;
        isShadow = YES;
        shadowOffset = [shadow shadowOffset];
        shadowColor = [shadow shadowColor];
        [shadowColor getRed:&shadowColorRed green:&shadowColorGreen blue:&shadowColorBlue alpha:&shadowColorAlpha];
        shadowBlurRadius = [shadow shadowBlurRadius];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithBool:isShadow] forKey:@"isShadow"];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:shadowOffset.width] forKey:@"shadowOffsetX"];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:shadowOffset.height] forKey:@"shadowOffsetY"];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:shadowColorRed] forKey:@"shadowColorRed"];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:shadowColorGreen] forKey:@"shadowColorGreen"];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:shadowColorBlue] forKey:@"shadowColorBlue"];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:shadowColorAlpha] forKey:@"shadowColorAlpha"];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:shadowBlurRadius] forKey:@"shadowBlurRadius"];
    // save strike through style
    strikeThroughStyle = [dattrs valueForKey:NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName];
    if (strikeThroughStyle == nil)
        strikeThrough = 0;
        strikeThrough = [strikeThroughStyle integerValue];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:strikeThrough] forKey:@"strikeThroughStyle"];
    // save underline style
    underlineStyle = [dattrs valueForKey:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName];
    if (underlineStyle == nil)
        underline = 0;
        underline = [underlineStyle integerValue];
    [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:underline] forKey:@"underlineStyle"];
    // set up an undo string for this action
    [displayView setActionNameForTextLayerKey:@"Typing"];
// if a text view has changed from its version in the text layer dictionary, then re-render it and
// associate the image with the text layer for (later) redisplay
- (void)renderTextViewOnChanges:(NSTextView *)tv
    if ([self textViewDiffers:tv])
        [self recomputeTextImage:[tv textStorage]];
        [self synchronizeTextView:tv];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
        [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
    // we must re-layout the effect stack inspector now!
    if (master != nil)
        [master setChanges];
// called when text changes in the text view
- (IBAction)textDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
    [self renderTextViewOnChanges:[aNotification object]];
// called when typing attributes change in the text view
- (IBAction)textViewDidChangeTypingAttributes:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    [self renderTextViewOnChanges:[aNotification object]];
// this gets called when a scale slider in a text layer changes
- (IBAction)textSliderChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f;
    char str[32];
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readoutTextField != nil && slider != nil)
        f = [slider doubleValue];
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastFloatValue)
        lastFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel readout field
        format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(f, dataType), beforeDecimal, afterDecimal, str);
        [readoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
        // set the scale field for the text layer
        [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:f] forKey:key];
        [displayView setActionNameForTextLayerKey:key];
        // and recompute the text image
        [self recomputeTextImage:[dict valueForKey:@"textStorage"]];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
        [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when the scale readout field in a text layer gets edited
- (IBAction)textReadoutTextFieldChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (labelTextField == nil)
    if (readoutTextField != nil && slider != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([readoutTextField doubleValue], dataType);
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastFloatValue)
        lastFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel slider
        [slider setDoubleValue:f];
        // set the scale field for the text layer
        [displayView setDict:dict value:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:f] forKey:key];
        [displayView setActionNameForTextLayerKey:key];
        // and recompute the text image
        [self recomputeTextImage:[dict valueForKey:@"textStorage"]];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
        [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// convert scale, angle, stretch, skew, tx, and ty into a coherent transform (vector format)
static CIVector *standard_fields_to_transform_vector(CGFloat scale, CGFloat angle, CGFloat stretch, CGFloat skew, CGFloat tx, CGFloat ty)
    double cs, sn;
    CIVector *t;
    CGFloat values[6];
    cs = cos(angle);
    sn = sin(angle);
    values[0] = (cs - skew * sn) * stretch * scale;
    values[1] = (sn + skew * cs) * stretch * scale;
    values[2] = - sn * scale;
    values[3] = cs * scale;
    values[4] = tx;
    values[5] = ty;
    t = [CIVector vectorWithValues:values count:6];
    return t;
// convert scale, angle, stretch, skew, tx, and ty into an NSAffineTransform
static NSAffineTransform *standard_fields_to_transform(CGFloat scale, CGFloat angle, CGFloat stretch, CGFloat skew, CGFloat tx, CGFloat ty)
    double cs, sn;
    NSAffineTransform *t;
    NSAffineTransformStruct S;
    cs = cos(angle);
    sn = sin(angle);
    S.m11 = (cs - skew * sn) * stretch * scale;
    S.m12 = (sn + skew * cs) * stretch * scale;
    S.m21 = - sn * scale;
    S.m22 = cs * scale;
    S.tX = tx;
    S.tY = ty;
    t = [NSAffineTransform transform];
    [t setTransformStruct:S];
    return t;
// convert a vector or an NSAffineTransform into the standard breakout - scale, angle, stretch, skew, tx, and ty
static void transform_to_standard_fields(CIVector *t, CGFloat *scale, CGFloat *angle, CGFloat *stretch, CGFloat *skew, CGFloat *tx, CGFloat *ty)
    double sc, an, sk, st, sn, cs, m11, m12, m21, m22, mtx, mty, tm;
    if ([t isKindOfClass:[NSAffineTransform class]])
        NSAffineTransformStruct T;
        NSAffineTransform *tr;
        tr = (NSAffineTransform *)t;
        T = [tr transformStruct];
        m11 = T.m11;
        m12 = T.m12;
        m21 = T.m21;
        m22 = T.m22;
        mtx = T.tX;
        mty = T.tY;
        m11 = [t valueAtIndex:0];
        m12 = [t valueAtIndex:1];
        m21 = [t valueAtIndex:2];
        m22 = [t valueAtIndex:3];
        mtx = [t valueAtIndex:4];
        mty = [t valueAtIndex:5];
    sc = sqrt(m21 * m21 + m22 * m22);
    if (m21 == 0.0 && m22 == 1.0)
        an = 0.0;
        an = atan2(-m21, m22);
        if (an < 0.0)
            an += M_PI * 2.0;
    cs = cos(an);
    sn = sin(an);
    tm = m11 * sn - m12 * cs;
    if (tm == 0.0)
        sk = 0.0;
        sk = - tm / (m12 * sn + m11 * cs);
    st = m11 / (sc * (cs - sn * sk));
    *scale = sc;
    *angle = an;
    *stretch = st;
    *skew = sk;
    *tx = mtx;
    *ty = mty;
// this gets called when a filter's transform scale slider changes
- (IBAction)scaleSliderChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f, tx, ty;
    char str[32];
    CIVector *t;
    NSAffineTransform *tr;
    NSAffineTransformStruct T;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (scaleLabelTextField == nil)
    if (scaleReadoutTextField != nil && scaleSlider != nil)
        f = pow(10.0, [scaleSlider doubleValue]);
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastScaleFloatValue)
        lastScaleFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel readout field
        format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(f, scaleDataType), 4, 2, str);
        [scaleReadoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
        t = [filter valueForKey:key];
        if ([t isKindOfClass:[NSAffineTransform class]])
            tr = (NSAffineTransform *)t;
            T = [tr transformStruct];
            tx = T.tX;
            ty = T.tY;
            tx = [t valueAtIndex:4];
            ty = [t valueAtIndex:5];
        if (usingNSAffineTransform)
            tr = standard_fields_to_transform(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:tr forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
            t = standard_fields_to_transform_vector(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:t forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a filter's transform scale readout gets edited
- (IBAction)scaleReadoutTextFieldChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f, tx, ty;
    CIVector *t;
    NSAffineTransform *tr;
    NSAffineTransformStruct T;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (scaleLabelTextField == nil)
    if (scaleReadoutTextField != nil && scaleSlider != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([scaleReadoutTextField doubleValue], scaleDataType);
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastScaleFloatValue)
        lastScaleFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel slider
        [scaleSlider setDoubleValue:log10(f)];
        t = [filter valueForKey:key];
        if ([t isKindOfClass:[NSAffineTransform class]])
            tr = (NSAffineTransform *)t;
            T = [tr transformStruct];
            tx = T.tX;
            ty = T.tY;
            tx = [t valueAtIndex:4];
            ty = [t valueAtIndex:5];
        if (usingNSAffineTransform)
            tr = standard_fields_to_transform(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:tr forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
            t = standard_fields_to_transform_vector(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:t forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a filter's transform angle slider changes
- (IBAction)angleSliderChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f, tx, ty;
    char str[32];
    CIVector *t;
    NSAffineTransform *tr;
    NSAffineTransformStruct T;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (angleLabelTextField == nil)
    if (angleReadoutTextField != nil && angleSlider != nil)
        f = [angleSlider doubleValue];
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastAngleFloatValue)
        lastAngleFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel readout field
        format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(f, angleDataType), 3, 1, str);
        [angleReadoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
        t = [filter valueForKey:key];
        if ([t isKindOfClass:[NSAffineTransform class]])
            tr = (NSAffineTransform *)t;
            T = [tr transformStruct];
            tx = T.tX;
            ty = T.tY;
            tx = [t valueAtIndex:4];
            ty = [t valueAtIndex:5];
        if (usingNSAffineTransform)
            tr = standard_fields_to_transform(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:tr forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
            t = standard_fields_to_transform_vector(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:t forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a filter's transform angle readout gets edited
- (IBAction)angleReadoutTextFieldChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f, tx, ty;
    CIVector *t;
    NSAffineTransform *tr;
    NSAffineTransformStruct T;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (angleLabelTextField == nil)
    if (angleReadoutTextField != nil && angleSlider != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([angleReadoutTextField doubleValue], angleDataType);
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastAngleFloatValue)
        lastAngleFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel slider
        [angleSlider setDoubleValue:f];
        t = [filter valueForKey:key];
        if ([t isKindOfClass:[NSAffineTransform class]])
            tr = (NSAffineTransform *)t;
            T = [tr transformStruct];
            tx = T.tX;
            ty = T.tY;
            tx = [t valueAtIndex:4];
            ty = [t valueAtIndex:5];
        if (usingNSAffineTransform)
            tr = standard_fields_to_transform(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:tr forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
            t = standard_fields_to_transform_vector(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:t forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a filter's transform stretch slider changes
- (IBAction)stretchSliderChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f, tx, ty;
    char str[32];
    CIVector *t;
    NSAffineTransform *tr;
    NSAffineTransformStruct T;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (stretchLabelTextField == nil)
    if (stretchReadoutTextField != nil && stretchSlider != nil)
        f = pow(10.0, [stretchSlider doubleValue]);
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastStretchFloatValue)
        lastStretchFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel readout field
        format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(f, stretchDataType), 4, 2, str);
        [stretchReadoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
        t = [filter valueForKey:key];
        if ([t isKindOfClass:[NSAffineTransform class]])
            tr = (NSAffineTransform *)t;
            T = [tr transformStruct];
            tx = T.tX;
            ty = T.tY;
            tx = [t valueAtIndex:4];
            ty = [t valueAtIndex:5];
        if (usingNSAffineTransform)
            tr = standard_fields_to_transform(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:tr forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
            t = standard_fields_to_transform_vector(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:t forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a filter's transform stretch readout gets edited
- (IBAction)stretchReadoutTextFieldChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f, tx, ty;
    CIVector *t;
    NSAffineTransform *tr;
    NSAffineTransformStruct T;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (stretchLabelTextField == nil)
    if (stretchReadoutTextField != nil && stretchSlider != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([stretchReadoutTextField doubleValue], stretchDataType);
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastStretchFloatValue)
        lastStretchFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel slider
        [stretchSlider setDoubleValue:log10(f)];
        t = [filter valueForKey:key];
        if ([t isKindOfClass:[NSAffineTransform class]])
            tr = (NSAffineTransform *)t;
            T = [tr transformStruct];
            tx = T.tX;
            ty = T.tY;
            tx = [t valueAtIndex:4];
            ty = [t valueAtIndex:5];
        if (usingNSAffineTransform)
            tr = standard_fields_to_transform(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:tr forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
            t = standard_fields_to_transform_vector(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:t forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a filter's transform skew slider changes
- (IBAction)skewSliderChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f, tx, ty;
    char str[32];
    CIVector *t;
    NSAffineTransform *tr;
    NSAffineTransformStruct T;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (skewLabelTextField == nil)
    if (skewReadoutTextField != nil && skewSlider != nil)
        f = [skewSlider doubleValue];
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastSkewFloatValue)
        lastSkewFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel readout field
        format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(f, skewDataType), 4, 2, str);
        [skewReadoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
        t = [filter valueForKey:key];
        if ([t isKindOfClass:[NSAffineTransform class]])
            tr = (NSAffineTransform *)t;
            T = [tr transformStruct];
            tx = T.tX;
            ty = T.tY;
            tx = [t valueAtIndex:4];
            ty = [t valueAtIndex:5];
        if (usingNSAffineTransform)
            tr = standard_fields_to_transform(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:tr forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
            t = standard_fields_to_transform_vector(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:t forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// this gets called when a filter's transform skew readout gets edited
- (IBAction)skewReadoutTextFieldChanged:(id)sender
    CGFloat f, tx, ty;
    CIVector *t;
    NSAffineTransform *tr;
    NSAffineTransformStruct T;
    // make sure we're connected right
    if (skewLabelTextField == nil)
    if (skewReadoutTextField != nil && skewSlider != nil)
        // get the readout's value
        f = readout_to_slider_value([skewReadoutTextField doubleValue], skewDataType);
        // make sure we don't do this any more than we have to
        if (f == lastSkewFloatValue)
        lastSkewFloatValue = f;
        // update the parallel slider
        [skewSlider setDoubleValue:f];
        t = [filter valueForKey:key];
        if ([t isKindOfClass:[NSAffineTransform class]])
            tr = (NSAffineTransform *)t;
            T = [tr transformStruct];
            tx = T.tX;
            ty = T.tY;
            tx = [t valueAtIndex:4];
            ty = [t valueAtIndex:5];
        if (usingNSAffineTransform)
            tr = standard_fields_to_transform(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:tr forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
            t = standard_fields_to_transform_vector(lastScaleFloatValue, lastAngleFloatValue, lastStretchFloatValue, lastSkewFloatValue, tx, ty);
            // update the filter (using undo-compatible glue code)
            [displayView setFilter:filter value:t forKey:key];
            // and set up the undo string based on the filter and key names
            [displayView setActionNameForFilter:filter key:key];
    // let core image recompute the display
    if (displayView != nil)
         [displayView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// take a standard input parameter, add spaces between the words
NSString *unInterCap(NSString *s)
    BOOL change;
    NSInteger i;
    unichar c1, c2;
    NSString *l;
    NSMutableString *s2;
    s2 = [s mutableCopy];
    l = [s2 lowercaseString];
    // "StriationStrength" => "Striation Strength"
    change = NO;
    for (i = 0; i < [s2 length]; i++)
        c1 = [s2 characterAtIndex:i];
        c2 = [l characterAtIndex:i];
        if ((c1 != c2 || (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9')) && i != 0)
            [s2 insertString:@" " atIndex:i];
            l = [s2 lowercaseString];
            change = YES;
    if (change)
    s = [[s2 copy] autorelease];
    [s2 release];
    return s;
// constants for slider size and spacing
#define kSliderHeight      (16)
#define kSliderLabelWidth  (60)
#define kSliderValueWidth  (43)
#define kSliderGap         (4)
// compute the length of a text string, decide if it fits within a field rectangle, then ellipsize it if necessary
// using "..."
+ (NSString *)ellipsizeField:(CGFloat)width font:(NSFont *)font string:(NSString *)label
    BOOL first;
    NSInteger length, columnwidth, stringwidth;
    NSMutableString *label2;
    // determine if we need to ellipsize
    columnwidth = width - 5;
    stringwidth = (NSInteger)[label sizeWithAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:font forKey:NSFontNameAttribute]].width;
    if (stringwidth <= columnwidth)
        return label;
    label2 = [label mutableCopy];
    first = YES;
    while (stringwidth > columnwidth)
        length = [label2 length];
        if (first)
            [label2 replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(length-1, 1) withString:@"..."];
            [label2 replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(length-4, 4) withString:@"..."]; // must include ellipsis now
        first = NO;
        stringwidth = (NSInteger)[label2 sizeWithAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:font forKey:NSFontNameAttribute]].width;
    label = [[label2 copy] autorelease];
    [label2 release];
    return label;
// add a slider, hooked up to a given filter instance, connected to the filter's parameter with the given key
- (void)addSliderForFilter:(CIFilter *)f key:(NSString *)k displayView:(CoreImageView *)v master:(EffectStackController *)m
    CGFloat hi, lo, def;
    NSRect sRect, tRect, rRect, bounds;
    NSNumber *number;
    NSString *label, *typestr;
    NSDictionary *parameter;
    NSCell *c;
    char str[32];
    filter = [f retain];
    dict = nil;
    key = [k retain];
    displayView = [v retain];
    master = [m retain];
    bounds = [self bounds];
    // allocate rectangles here
    tRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, kSliderLabelWidth, kSliderHeight);
    sRect = NSMakeRect(kSliderLabelWidth + kSliderGap, 0, bounds.size.width - 3*kSliderGap
        - kSliderLabelWidth - kSliderValueWidth, kSliderHeight);
    rRect = NSMakeRect(bounds.size.width - kSliderValueWidth - kSliderGap, 0, kSliderValueWidth, kSliderHeight);
    // make the slider
    slider = [[NSSlider alloc] initWithFrame:sRect];
    [slider setTarget:self];
    [slider setAction:@selector(sliderChanged:)];
    [[slider cell] setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
    [slider setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewMinYMargin];
    // set up the slider's min and max values from the parameter dictionary
    parameter = [[filter attributes] valueForKey:key];
    number = [parameter objectForKey: kCIAttributeSliderMax];
    if (number == nil)
        number = [parameter objectForKey: kCIAttributeMax];
    hi = [number doubleValue];
    [slider setMaxValue:hi];
    number = [parameter objectForKey: kCIAttributeSliderMin];
    if (number == nil)
        number = [parameter objectForKey: kCIAttributeMin];
    lo = [number doubleValue];
    [slider setMinValue:lo];
    // set up the slider's current value from its value
    number = [filter valueForKey:key];
    def = [number doubleValue];
    [slider setDoubleValue:def];
    lastFloatValue = def;
    [self addSubview:slider];
    // determine numeric data type
    typestr = [parameter objectForKey: kCIAttributeType];
    dataType = stScalar;
    if ([typestr isEqualToString: kCIAttributeTypeScalar])
        dataType = stScalar;
    else if ([typestr isEqualToString: kCIAttributeTypeAngle])
        dataType = stAngle;
    else if ([typestr isEqualToString: kCIAttributeTypeTime])
        dataType = stTime;
    else if ([typestr isEqualToString: kCIAttributeTypeDistance])
        dataType = stDistance;
    // set up the label text field
    labelTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:tRect];
    if (![key hasPrefix:@"input"])
        printf("input key does not begin with input\n");
    label = [parameter objectForKey:kCIAttributeDisplayName];
    // if no localized display name for the key, make one from the key name
    if (label == nil)
        label = unInterCap([key substringFromIndex:5]);
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [labelTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
    // compute the label text, ellipsize if necessary
    label = [ParameterView ellipsizeField:[c drawingRectForBounds:[labelTextField bounds]].size.width font:[c font] string:label];
    [labelTextField setStringValue:label];
    [labelTextField setEditable:NO];
    [labelTextField setBezeled:NO];
    [labelTextField setDrawsBackground:NO];
    [labelTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:labelTextField];
    // add the readout (editable) text field
    // decide its floating point format
    switch (dataType)
    case stScalar:
        beforeDecimal = 4;
        afterDecimal = 2;
    case stAngle:
        beforeDecimal = 3;
        afterDecimal = 1;
    case stTime:
        beforeDecimal = 1;
        afterDecimal = 3;
    case stDistance:
        beforeDecimal = 4;
        afterDecimal = 1;
    readoutTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:rRect];
    [readoutTextField setTarget:self];
    [readoutTextField setAction:@selector(readoutTextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(def, dataType), beforeDecimal, afterDecimal, str);
    [readoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text readout to 9 point
    c = [readoutTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [readoutTextField setEditable:YES];
    [readoutTextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [[readoutTextField cell] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize];
    [readoutTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:readoutTextField];
// add a check box for a filter parameter that's a number with a boolean tag
// given the filter instance, and the actual key it's bound to
- (void)addCheckBoxForFilter:(CIFilter *)f key:(NSString *)k displayView:(CoreImageView *)v master:(EffectStackController *)m
    BOOL b;
    NSCellStateValue state;
    NSRect sRect;
    NSNumber *number;
    NSString *label;
    NSCell *c;
    NSDictionary *parameter;
    filter = [f retain];
    dict = nil;
    key = [k retain];
    displayView = [v retain];
    master = [m retain];
    sRect = NSMakeRect(76, 0, 155, 16);
    // make the check box
    checkBox = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:sRect];
    [checkBox setTarget:self];
    [checkBox setAction:@selector(checkBoxChanged:)];
    [[checkBox cell] setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
    [checkBox setButtonType:NSSwitchButton];
    [checkBox setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    parameter = [[filter attributes] valueForKey:key];
    // set up its state from its value
    number = [filter valueForKey:key];
    b = [number boolValue];
    state = b ? NSOnState : NSOffState;
    [checkBox setState:state];
    [self addSubview:checkBox];
    if (![key hasPrefix:@"input"])
        printf("input key does not begin with input\n");
    label = [parameter objectForKey:kCIAttributeDisplayName];
    // if no localized display name for the key, make one directly from its name
    if (label == nil)
        label = unInterCap([key substringFromIndex:5]);
    [checkBox setTitle:label];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [checkBox cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
// add a color well for a CIColor parameter
// given the filter instance and the key it's bound to
- (void)addColorWellForFilter:(CIFilter *)f key:(NSString *)k displayView:(CoreImageView *)v master:(EffectStackController *)m
    NSRect cRect, tRect, bounds;
    NSString *label;
    NSCell *c;
    CIColor *color;
    NSDictionary *parameter;
    filter = [f retain];
    dict = nil;
    key = [k retain];
    displayView = [v retain];
    master = [m retain];
    bounds = [self bounds];
    cRect = NSMakeRect(bounds.size.width - 38, 0, 38, 24);
    tRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, bounds.size.width - 43, 16);
    // make the color well
    colorWell = [[NSColorWell alloc] initWithFrame:cRect];
    [colorWell setTarget:self];
    [colorWell setAction:@selector(colorWellChanged:)];
    parameter = [[filter attributes] valueForKey:key];
    color = [filter valueForKey:key];
    [colorWell setColor:[NSColor colorWithCIColor: color]];
    [colorWell setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:colorWell];
    // make the text label
    labelTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:tRect];
    if (![key hasPrefix:@"input"])
        printf("input key does not begin with input\n");
    label = [parameter objectForKey:kCIAttributeDisplayName];
    // if there's no localized display name for the key, make one directly from the key name
    if (label == nil)
        label = unInterCap([key substringFromIndex:5]);
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [labelTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
    label = [ParameterView ellipsizeField:[c drawingRectForBounds:[labelTextField bounds]].size.width font:[c font] string:label];
    [labelTextField setStringValue:label];
    [labelTextField setEditable:NO];
    [labelTextField setBezeled:NO];
    [labelTextField setDrawsBackground:NO];
    [labelTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:labelTextField];
#define textbox_sep 5
// this one adds 4 editable text fields for a CIVector that has no other attributes
// given the filter instance pointer and the key that it's bound to
- (void)addVectorForFilter:(CIFilter *)f key:(NSString *)k displayView:(CoreImageView *)v master:(EffectStackController *)m
    NSInteger left, right, tbwid;
    CGFloat def, textbox_width;
    NSRect r1Rect, r2Rect, r3Rect, r4Rect, tRect, bounds;
    NSString *label;
    NSCell *c;
    char str[32];
    CIVector *vec;
    NSDictionary *parameter;
    filter = [f retain];
    dict = nil;
    key = [k retain];
    displayView = [v retain];
    master = [m retain];
    bounds = [self bounds];
    tRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 75, 16);
    left = 80;
    right = bounds.size.width - 5;
    textbox_width = (right - left - textbox_sep*3)*0.25;
    tbwid = floor(textbox_width);
    r1Rect = NSMakeRect(left, 0, tbwid, 16);
    r2Rect = NSMakeRect(floor(left + textbox_width + textbox_sep), 0, tbwid, 16);
    r3Rect = NSMakeRect(floor(left + 2*(textbox_width + textbox_sep)), 0, tbwid, 16);
    r4Rect = NSMakeRect(floor(left + 3*(textbox_width + textbox_sep)), 0, tbwid, 16);
    beforeDecimal = 1;
    afterDecimal = 3;
    parameter = [[filter attributes] valueForKey:key];
    // create the text label for the vector
    labelTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:tRect];
    label = [parameter objectForKey:kCIAttributeDisplayName];
    if (label == nil)
        label = unInterCap([key substringFromIndex:5]);
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [labelTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
    // determine if we need to ellipsize the text label
    label = [ParameterView ellipsizeField:[c drawingRectForBounds:[labelTextField bounds]].size.width font:[c font] string:label];
    [labelTextField setStringValue:label];
    [labelTextField setEditable:NO];
    [labelTextField setBezeled:NO];
    [labelTextField setDrawsBackground:NO];
    [labelTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:labelTextField];
    // create the (editable) text field for the x value of the vector
    vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
    def = [vec X];
    readout1TextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:r1Rect];
    [readout1TextField setTarget:self];
    [readout1TextField setAction:@selector(readout1TextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(def, dataType), beforeDecimal, afterDecimal, str);
    [readout1TextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [readout1TextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [readout1TextField setEditable:YES];
    [readout1TextField setBezeled:YES];
    [readout1TextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [readout1TextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:readout1TextField];
    // create the (editable) text field for the y value of the vector
    vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
    def = [vec Y];
    readout2TextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:r2Rect];
    [readout2TextField setTarget:self];
    [readout2TextField setAction:@selector(readout2TextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(def, dataType), beforeDecimal, afterDecimal, str);
    [readout2TextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [readout2TextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [readout2TextField setEditable:YES];
    [readout2TextField setBezeled:YES];
    [readout2TextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [readout2TextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:readout2TextField];
    // create the (editable) text field for the z value of the vector
    vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
    def = [vec Z];
    readout3TextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:r3Rect];
    [readout3TextField setTarget:self];
    [readout3TextField setAction:@selector(readout3TextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(def, dataType), beforeDecimal, afterDecimal, str);
    [readout3TextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [readout3TextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [readout3TextField setEditable:YES];
    [readout3TextField setBezeled:YES];
    [readout3TextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [readout3TextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:readout3TextField];
    // create the (editable) text field for the w value of the vector
    vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
    def = [vec W];
    readout4TextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:r4Rect];
    [readout4TextField setTarget:self];
    [readout4TextField setAction:@selector(readout4TextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(def, dataType), beforeDecimal, afterDecimal, str);
    [readout4TextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [readout4TextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [readout4TextField setEditable:YES];
    [readout4TextField setBezeled:YES];
    [readout4TextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [readout4TextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:readout4TextField];
    // set us up for notification on change
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(readout1DidChange:)
      name:NSControlTextDidChangeNotification object:readout1TextField];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(readout2DidChange:)
      name:NSControlTextDidChangeNotification object:readout2TextField];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(readout3DidChange:)
      name:NSControlTextDidChangeNotification object:readout3TextField];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(readout4DidChange:)
      name:NSControlTextDidChangeNotification object:readout4TextField];
// this one adds 2 editable text fields for an offset CIVector
// given the filter instance pointer and the key that it's bound to
- (void)addOffsetForFilter:(CIFilter *)f key:(NSString *)k displayView:(CoreImageView *)v master:(EffectStackController *)m
    NSInteger left, right, tbwid;
    CGFloat def, textbox_width;
    NSRect r1Rect, r2Rect, tRect, bounds;
    NSString *label;
    NSCell *c;
    char str[32];
    CIVector *vec;
    NSDictionary *parameter;
    filter = [f retain];
    dict = nil;
    key = [k retain];
    displayView = [v retain];
    master = [m retain];
    bounds = [self bounds];
    tRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 75, 16);
    left = 80;
    right = bounds.size.width - 5;
    textbox_width = (right - left - textbox_sep*3)*0.25;
    tbwid = floor(textbox_width);
    r1Rect = NSMakeRect(left, 0, tbwid, 16);
    r2Rect = NSMakeRect(floor(left + textbox_width + textbox_sep), 0, tbwid, 16);
    beforeDecimal = 1;
    afterDecimal = 3;
    parameter = [[filter attributes] valueForKey:key];
    // create the text label for the vector
    labelTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:tRect];
    label = [parameter objectForKey:kCIAttributeDisplayName];
    if (label == nil)
        label = unInterCap([key substringFromIndex:5]);
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [labelTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
    // determine if we need to ellipsize the text label
    label = [ParameterView ellipsizeField:[c drawingRectForBounds:[labelTextField bounds]].size.width font:[c font] string:label];
    [labelTextField setStringValue:label];
    [labelTextField setEditable:NO];
    [labelTextField setBezeled:NO];
    [labelTextField setDrawsBackground:NO];
    [labelTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:labelTextField];
    // create the (editable) text field for the x value of the vector
    vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
    def = [vec X];
    readout1TextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:r1Rect];
    [readout1TextField setTarget:self];
    [readout1TextField setAction:@selector(readout1TextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(def, dataType), beforeDecimal, afterDecimal, str);
    [readout1TextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [readout1TextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [readout1TextField setEditable:YES];
    [readout1TextField setBezeled:YES];
    [readout1TextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [readout1TextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:readout1TextField];
    // create the (editable) text field for the y value of the vector
    vec = [filter valueForKey:key];
    def = [vec Y];
    readout2TextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:r2Rect];
    [readout2TextField setTarget:self];
    [readout2TextField setAction:@selector(readout2TextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(def, dataType), beforeDecimal, afterDecimal, str);
    [readout2TextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [readout2TextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [readout2TextField setEditable:YES];
    [readout2TextField setBezeled:YES];
    [readout2TextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [readout2TextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:readout2TextField];
    // set us up for notification on change
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(readout1DidChange:)
      name:NSControlTextDidChangeNotification object:readout1TextField];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(readout2DidChange:)
      name:NSControlTextDidChangeNotification object:readout2TextField];
// add widgets to edit the transform parameter
// these are scale, angle, stretch, and skew sliders
// note: the offset of the transform is edited as a graphic parameter, in core image view mouseDown processing
// give the filter instance and the key it's bound to
- (void)addTransformForFilter:(CIFilter *)f key:(NSString *)k displayView:(CoreImageView *)v master:(EffectStackController *)m
    CGFloat scale_default, angle_default, stretch_default, skew_default, tx, ty;
    NSRect sScaleRect, tScaleRect, rScaleRect, sAngleRect, tAngleRect, rAngleRect,
      sStretchRect, tStretchRect, rStretchRect, sSkewRect, tSkewRect, rSkewRect, bounds;
    NSString *label;
    NSCell *c;
    char str[32];
    CIVector *transform;
    filter = [f retain];
    dict = nil;
    key = [k retain];
    displayView = [v retain];
    master = [m retain];
    bounds = [self bounds];
    // lay out the widgets
    tScaleRect = NSMakeRect(0, 51, 75, 16);
    sScaleRect = NSMakeRect(80, 51, bounds.size.width - 133, 16);
    rScaleRect = NSMakeRect(bounds.size.width - 48, 51, 43, 16);
    tAngleRect = NSMakeRect(0, 34, 75, 16);
    sAngleRect = NSMakeRect(80, 34, bounds.size.width - 133, 16);
    rAngleRect = NSMakeRect(bounds.size.width - 48, 34, 43, 16);
    tStretchRect = NSMakeRect(0, 17, 75, 16);
    sStretchRect = NSMakeRect(80, 17, bounds.size.width - 133, 16);
    rStretchRect = NSMakeRect(bounds.size.width - 48, 17, 43, 16);
    tSkewRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 75, 16);
    sSkewRect = NSMakeRect(80, 0, bounds.size.width - 133, 16);
    rSkewRect = NSMakeRect(bounds.size.width - 48, 0, 43, 16);
    // set up defaults by decomposing transform into 4 values
    transform = [filter valueForKey:key];
    usingNSAffineTransform = [transform isKindOfClass:[NSAffineTransform class]];
    transform_to_standard_fields(transform, &scale_default, &angle_default, &stretch_default, &skew_default, &tx, &ty);
    // create the scale slider
    scaleSlider = [[NSSlider alloc] initWithFrame:sScaleRect];
    [scaleSlider setTarget:self];
    [scaleSlider setAction:@selector(scaleSliderChanged:)];
    [[scaleSlider cell] setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
    [scaleSlider setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [scaleSlider setMinValue:-2.0];
    [scaleSlider setMaxValue:2.0];
    [scaleSlider setDoubleValue:log10(scale_default)];
    lastScaleFloatValue = scale_default;
    [self addSubview:scaleSlider];
    scaleDataType = stScalar;
    // create the scale label
    scaleLabelTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:tScaleRect];
    label = @"Scale";
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [scaleLabelTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
    [scaleLabelTextField setStringValue:label];
    [scaleLabelTextField setEditable:NO];
    [scaleLabelTextField setBezeled:NO];
    [scaleLabelTextField setDrawsBackground:NO];
    [scaleLabelTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:scaleLabelTextField];
    // create the scale readout
    scaleReadoutTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:rScaleRect];
    [scaleReadoutTextField setTarget:self];
    [scaleReadoutTextField setAction:@selector(scaleReadoutTextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(scale_default, scaleDataType), 4, 2, str);
    [scaleReadoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [scaleReadoutTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [scaleReadoutTextField setEditable:YES];
    [scaleReadoutTextField setBezeled:YES];
    [scaleReadoutTextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [scaleReadoutTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:scaleReadoutTextField];
    // create the angle slider
    angleSlider = [[NSSlider alloc] initWithFrame:sAngleRect];
    [angleSlider setTarget:self];
    [angleSlider setAction:@selector(angleSliderChanged:)];
    [[angleSlider cell] setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
    [angleSlider setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [angleSlider setMinValue:0.0];
    [angleSlider setMaxValue:2.0 * M_PI];
    [angleSlider setDoubleValue:angle_default];
    lastAngleFloatValue = angle_default;
    [self addSubview:angleSlider];
    angleDataType = stAngle;
    // create the angle label
    angleLabelTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:tAngleRect];
    label = @"Angle";
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [angleLabelTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
    [angleLabelTextField setStringValue:label];
    [angleLabelTextField setEditable:NO];
    [angleLabelTextField setBezeled:NO];
    [angleLabelTextField setDrawsBackground:NO];
    [angleLabelTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:angleLabelTextField];
    // create the angle readout
    angleReadoutTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:rAngleRect];
    [angleReadoutTextField setTarget:self];
    [angleReadoutTextField setAction:@selector(angleReadoutTextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(angle_default, angleDataType), 3, 1, str);
    [angleReadoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [angleReadoutTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [angleReadoutTextField setEditable:YES];
    [angleReadoutTextField setBezeled:YES];
    [angleReadoutTextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [angleReadoutTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:angleReadoutTextField];
    // create the stretch slider
    stretchSlider = [[NSSlider alloc] initWithFrame:sStretchRect];
    [stretchSlider setTarget:self];
    [stretchSlider setAction:@selector(stretchSliderChanged:)];
    [[stretchSlider cell] setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
    [stretchSlider setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [stretchSlider setMinValue:-2.0];
    [stretchSlider setMaxValue:2.0];
    [stretchSlider setDoubleValue:log10(stretch_default)];
    lastStretchFloatValue = stretch_default;
    [self addSubview:stretchSlider];
    stretchDataType = stScalar;
    // create the stretch label
    stretchLabelTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:tStretchRect];
    label = @"Stretch";
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [stretchLabelTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
    [stretchLabelTextField setStringValue:label];
    [stretchLabelTextField setEditable:NO];
    [stretchLabelTextField setBezeled:NO];
    [stretchLabelTextField setDrawsBackground:NO];
    [stretchLabelTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:stretchLabelTextField];
    // create the stretch readout
    stretchReadoutTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:rStretchRect];
    [stretchReadoutTextField setTarget:self];
    [stretchReadoutTextField setAction:@selector(stretchReadoutTextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(stretch_default, stretchDataType), 4, 2, str);
    [stretchReadoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [stretchReadoutTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [stretchReadoutTextField setEditable:YES];
    [stretchReadoutTextField setBezeled:YES];
    [stretchReadoutTextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [stretchReadoutTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:stretchReadoutTextField];
    // create the skew slider
    skewSlider = [[NSSlider alloc] initWithFrame:sSkewRect];
    [skewSlider setTarget:self];
    [skewSlider setAction:@selector(skewSliderChanged:)];
    [[skewSlider cell] setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
    [skewSlider setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [skewSlider setMinValue:-10.0];
    [skewSlider setMaxValue:10.0];
    [skewSlider setDoubleValue:skew_default];
    lastSkewFloatValue = skew_default;
    [self addSubview:skewSlider];
    skewDataType = stScalar;
    // create the skew label
    skewLabelTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:tSkewRect];
    label = @"Skew";
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [skewLabelTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
    [skewLabelTextField setStringValue:label];
    [skewLabelTextField setEditable:NO];
    [skewLabelTextField setBezeled:NO];
    [skewLabelTextField setDrawsBackground:NO];
    [skewLabelTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:skewLabelTextField];
    // create the skew readout
    skewReadoutTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:rSkewRect];
    [skewReadoutTextField setTarget:self];
    [skewReadoutTextField setAction:@selector(skewReadoutTextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(skew_default, skewDataType), 4, 2, str);
    [skewReadoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [skewReadoutTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [skewReadoutTextField setEditable:YES];
    [skewReadoutTextField setBezeled:YES];
    [skewReadoutTextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [skewReadoutTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:skewReadoutTextField];
// convert a CIImage to an NSImage, so that a core image result can be drawn in an image view
// as you can see, with the proper AppKit glue, there's not much to it
- (NSImage *)CIImageToNSImage:(CIImage *)im usingRect:(CGRect)r
    NSImage *image;
    NSCIImageRep *ir;
    ir = [NSCIImageRep imageRepWithCIImage:im];
    image = [[NSImage allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithSize:NSMakeSize(r.size.width, r.size.height)];
    [image addRepresentation:ir];
    return [image autorelease];
// add an image well for an image parameter
// given the filter instance and the key it's bound to
- (void)addImageWellForFilter:(CIFilter *)f key:(NSString *)k displayView:(CoreImageView *)v master:(EffectStackController *)m
    NSRect cRect, tRect, pbRect;
    NSString *label;
    NSCell *c;
    NSDictionary *parameter;
    CIImage *im;
    filter = [f retain];
    dict = nil;
    key = [k retain];
    displayView = [v retain];
    master = [m retain];
    cRect = NSMakeRect(80, 0, 48, 44);
    tRect = NSMakeRect(0, 10, 75, 16);
    pbRect = NSMakeRect(135, 13, 75, 16);
    // add the image view
    imageView = [[FunHouseImageView alloc] initWithFrame:cRect];
    [imageView setTarget:self];
    [imageView setAction:@selector(imageWellChanged:)];
    [imageView setImageFrameStyle:NSImageFrameGrayBezel];
    [imageView setEditable:YES];
    [imageView setImageScaling:NSScaleProportionally];
    parameter = [[filter attributes] valueForKey:key];
    im = [filter valueForKey:key];
    // create the thumbnail for the image
    if (im != nil)
        CGSize size;
        CGFloat xscale, yscale, newHeight, newWidth;
        CIFilter *f;
        NSAffineTransform *t;
        NSImage *image;
        size = [im extent].size;
        if (size.width > size.height)
            // width will be 64, what will height be?
            newWidth = 64.0;
            xscale = newWidth / size.width;
            newHeight = round(xscale * size.height);
            if (newHeight < 1.0)
                newHeight = 1.0;
            yscale = newHeight / size.height;
            // height will be 64, what will width be?
            newHeight = 64.0;
            yscale = newHeight / size.height;
            newWidth = round(yscale * size.width);
            if (newWidth < 1.0)
                newWidth = 1.0;
            xscale = newWidth / size.width;
        // transform image down to scale of thumbnail
        f = [CIFilter filterWithName:@"CIAffineTransform"];
        t = [NSAffineTransform transform];
        [t scaleXBy:xscale yBy:yscale];
        [f setValue:t forKey:@"inputTransform"];
        [f setValue:im forKey:@"inputImage"];
        im = [f valueForKey:@"outputImage"];
        // make it into an NSImage
        image = [self CIImageToNSImage:im usingRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight)];
        [imageView setImage:image];
        // associate the original file path with the image view for drag and drop (out of the image view)
        [imageView setFilePath:[master imageFilePathForFilterLayer:filter key:key]];
    [imageView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:imageView];
    // create the text label
    labelTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:tRect];
    label = [parameter objectForKey:kCIAttributeDisplayName];
    if (label == nil)
        label = unInterCap([key substringFromIndex:5]);
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [labelTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
    label = [ParameterView ellipsizeField:[c drawingRectForBounds:[labelTextField bounds]].size.width font:[c font] string:label];
    [labelTextField setStringValue:label];
    [labelTextField setEditable:NO];
    [labelTextField setBezeled:NO];
    [labelTextField setDrawsBackground:NO];
    [labelTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:labelTextField];
    // create the push button that allows us to change the image after the fact
    pushButton = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:pbRect];
    [pushButton setTarget:self];
    [pushButton setAction:@selector(pushButtonChanged:)];
    [pushButton setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [pushButton setBordered:YES];
    [pushButton setEnabled:YES];
    [pushButton setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];
    [pushButton setBezelStyle:NSRoundedBezelStyle];
    [pushButton setTitle:@"Choose"];
    [pushButton setImagePosition:NSNoImage];
    [[pushButton cell] setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
    [self addSubview:pushButton];
// add an image well for an image layer. the tag tells us the layer index within the effect stack
- (void)addImageWellForImage:(CIImage *)im tag:(NSInteger)tag displayView:(CoreImageView *)v master:(EffectStackController *)m
    NSRect cRect, pbRect;
    filter = nil;
    dict = nil;
    key = nil;
    displayView = [v retain];
    master = [m retain];
    cRect = NSMakeRect(80, 0, 48, 44);
    pbRect = NSMakeRect(135, 13, 75, 16);
    // create the image view
    imageView = [[FunHouseImageView alloc] initWithFrame:cRect];
    [imageView setTarget:self];
    [imageView setAction:@selector(imageLayerImageWellChanged:)];
    [imageView setImageFrameStyle:NSImageFrameGrayBezel];
    [imageView setEditable:YES];
    [imageView setTag:tag];
    // create the thumbnail for the image
    if (im != nil)
        CGSize size;
        CGFloat xscale, yscale, newHeight, newWidth;
        CIFilter *f;
        NSAffineTransform *t;
        NSImage *image;
        size = [im extent].size;
        if (size.width > size.height)
            // width will be 64, what will height be?
            newWidth = 64.0;
            xscale = newWidth / size.width;
            newHeight = round(xscale * size.height);
            if (newHeight < 1.0)
                newHeight = 1.0;
            yscale = newHeight / size.height;
            // height will be 64, what will width be?
            newHeight = 64.0;
            yscale = newHeight / size.height;
            newWidth = round(yscale * size.width);
            if (newWidth < 1.0)
                newWidth = 1.0;
            xscale = newWidth / size.width;
        // transform image down to scale of thumbnail
        f = [CIFilter filterWithName:@"CIAffineTransform"];
        t = [NSAffineTransform transform];
        [t scaleXBy:xscale yBy:yscale];
        [f setValue:t forKey:@"inputTransform"];
        [f setValue:im forKey:@"inputImage"];
        im = [f valueForKey:@"outputImage"];
        // make it into an NSImage
        image = [self CIImageToNSImage:im usingRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight)];
        [imageView setImage:image];
        // associate the original file path with the image view for drag and drop (out of the image view)
        [imageView setFilePath:[master imageFilePathForImageLayer:tag]];
    [imageView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:imageView];
    // create the push button that allows us to choose a new image (we can also drag into the well)
    pushButton = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:pbRect];
    [pushButton setTarget:self];
    [pushButton setAction:@selector(imageLayerPushButtonChanged:)];
    [pushButton setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [pushButton setBordered:YES];
    [pushButton setEnabled:YES];
    [pushButton setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];
    [pushButton setBezelStyle:NSRoundedBezelStyle];
    [pushButton setTitle:@"Choose"];
    [pushButton setImagePosition:NSNoImage];
    [pushButton setTag:tag];
    [[pushButton cell] setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
    [self addSubview:pushButton];
// add a text view and initialize it to the properties coming from a dictionary
- (void)addTextViewForString:(NSMutableDictionary *)d key:(NSString *)k displayView:(CoreImageView *)v master:(EffectStackController *)m
    NSRect bounds, tRect;
    NSTextStorage *ts;
    NSScrollView *scrollView;
    filter = nil;
    dict = [d retain];
    key = [k retain];
    displayView = [v retain];
    master = [m retain];
    bounds = [self bounds];
    tRect = NSInsetRect(bounds, 6.0, 6.0);
    tRect.size.width -= 14;
    // create the scroll view
    scrollView = [[NSScrollView allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithFrame:tRect];
    [scrollView setBorderType:NSBezelBorder];
    [scrollView setAutohidesScrollers:YES];
    [scrollView setHasVerticalScroller:YES];
    [scrollView setHasHorizontalScroller:NO];
    [scrollView setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable)];
    [[scrollView verticalScroller] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize];
    [[scrollView contentView] setAutoresizesSubviews:YES];
    [self addSubview:scrollView];
    [scrollView release];
    // Set frame for content area of scroll view
    tRect.origin = NSMakePoint(0.0, 0.0);
    tRect.size = [scrollView contentSize];
    // create the text view and pop it into the scroll view
    textView = [[NSTextView allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithFrame:tRect];
    // set up the properties for the text from the dictionary
    if ([d valueForKey:@"font"] != nil)
        [textView setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[d valueForKey:@"font"] size:[[d valueForKey:@"pointSize"] doubleValue]]];
        [textView setTextColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:[[d valueForKey:@"colorRed"] doubleValue]
          green:[[d valueForKey:@"colorGreen"] doubleValue] blue:[[d valueForKey:@"colorBlue"] doubleValue]
          alpha:[[d valueForKey:@"colorAlpha"] doubleValue]]];
    [textView setDelegate:self];
    [textView setMinSize:tRect.size];
    [textView setMaxSize:NSMakeSize(1000.0, 1000.0)];
    [textView setHorizontallyResizable:NO];
    [textView setVerticallyResizable:YES];
    [textView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable];
    [textView setSelectable:YES];
    [textView setEditable:YES];
    [textView setRichText:NO];
    [textView setImportsGraphics:NO];
    [textView setUsesFontPanel:YES];
    [textView setUsesRuler:NO];
    [textView setString:[d valueForKey:@"string"]];
    [textView setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, 6)];
    [scrollView setDocumentView:textView];
    [textView release];
    // retain the text storage from the text view in the dictionary
    ts = [textView textStorage];
    [d setValue:ts forKey:@"textStorage"];
    [self recomputeTextImage:ts];
// add a scale slider for a text layer
- (void)addSliderForText:(NSMutableDictionary *)d key:(NSString *)k lo:(CGFloat)lo hi:(CGFloat)hi displayView:(CoreImageView *)v master:(EffectStackController *)m
    CGFloat def;
    NSRect sRect, tRect, rRect, bounds;
    NSString *label;
    NSCell *c;
    char str[32];
    filter = nil;
    dict = [d retain];
    key = [k retain];
    displayView = [v retain];
    master = [m retain];
    bounds = [self bounds];
    tRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, kSliderLabelWidth, kSliderHeight);
    sRect = NSMakeRect(kSliderLabelWidth + kSliderGap, 0, bounds.size.width - 3*kSliderGap
        - kSliderLabelWidth - kSliderValueWidth, kSliderHeight);
    rRect = NSMakeRect(bounds.size.width - kSliderValueWidth - kSliderGap, 0, kSliderValueWidth, kSliderHeight);
    // create the scale slider
    slider = [[NSSlider alloc] initWithFrame:sRect];
    [slider setTarget:self];
    [slider setAction:@selector(textSliderChanged:)];
    [[slider cell] setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
    [slider setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [slider setMaxValue:hi];
    [slider setMinValue:lo];
    def = [[d valueForKey:key] doubleValue];
    [slider setDoubleValue:def];
    lastFloatValue = def;
    [self addSubview:slider];
    dataType = stScalar;
    // add the text label
    labelTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:tRect];
    label = unInterCap(key);
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [labelTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
    label = [ParameterView ellipsizeField:[c drawingRectForBounds:[labelTextField bounds]].size.width font:[c font] string:label];
    [labelTextField setStringValue:label];
    [labelTextField setEditable:NO];
    [labelTextField setBezeled:NO];
    [labelTextField setDrawsBackground:NO];
    [labelTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:labelTextField];
    // add the (editable) text readout field
    beforeDecimal = 4;
    afterDecimal = 2;
    readoutTextField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:rRect];
    [readoutTextField setTarget:self];
    [readoutTextField setAction:@selector(textReadoutTextFieldChanged:)];
    format_floating_point_number(slider_to_readout_value(def, dataType), beforeDecimal, afterDecimal, str);
    [readoutTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];
    // set text label to 9 point
    c = [readoutTextField cell];
    [c setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[c font] fontName] size:9]];
    [c setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
    [readoutTextField setEditable:YES];
    [readoutTextField setDrawsBackground:YES];
    [[readoutTextField cell] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize];
    [readoutTextField setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMinYMargin];
    [self addSubview:readoutTextField];
// we subclass NSImageView so we can get the file path of the image the user drags into the image view
@implementation FunHouseImageView
// useful for image views set up explicitly
- (void)setFilePath:(NSString *)path
    _filePath = [path copy];
// return the file path we have retained
- (NSString *)filePath
    return _filePath;
// at the end of a drag operation (of an image into this image view) we interrogate the dragging pasteboard
// and pull out the filename of the image being dragged
- (void)concludeDragOperation:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)sender
    NSPasteboard *pboard;
    NSArray *files;
    pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
    [_filePath release];
    _filePath = nil;
    if ([pboard availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]])
        files = [pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
        if ([files count] > 0)
            _filePath = [[files objectAtIndex:0] copy];
    [super concludeDragOperation:sender];
- (NSUInteger)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)isLocal
    return NSDragOperationCopy;
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    NSImage *dragImage;
    NSPoint dragPosition;
    NSArray *fileList;
    NSPasteboard *pboard;
    // write data to the pasteboard
    fileList = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[self filePath], nil];
    pboard = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSDragPboard];
    [pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSFilenamesPboardType] owner:nil];
    [pboard setPropertyList:fileList forType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
    // start the drag operation
    dragImage = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile:[self filePath]];
    dragPosition = [self convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
    dragPosition.x -= 16;
    dragPosition.y -= 16;
    [self dragImage:dragImage at:dragPosition offset:NSZeroSize event:theEvent
      pasteboard:pboard source:self slideBack:YES];