HID Support/HID_Config_Utilities.c

 *  HID_Config_Utilities.c
 *  HID Config Save
 *  Created by ggs on Thu May 24 2001.
 *  Copyright (c) 2001 Apple. All rights reserved.
#include <stdlib.h> // malloc
#include <time.h> // clock
#include "HID_Utilities_Internal.h"
#include "HID_Utilities_External.h"
// ---------------------------------
// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction (pRecDevice pDevice, pRecElement * ppElement, float timeout)
    unsigned long maxElements = 0;
    long * saveValueArray;
    pRecElement pElement = NULL;
    unsigned char found = 0, done = 0;
    clock_t start = clock (), end;
    unsigned long i;
    if (!pDevice)
        return 0;
     if (0 == HIDHaveDeviceList ())   // if we do not have a device list
        return 0; // return 0
    // build list of device and elements to save current values
    maxElements = HIDCountDeviceElements (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO);
    saveValueArray = (long *) malloc (sizeof (long) * maxElements); // 2D array to save values
    for (i = 0; i <maxElements; i++) // clear array
        *(saveValueArray + i) = 0x00000000;
    // store current values
    short elementNum = 0;
    pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO);
    while (pElement)
        *(saveValueArray + elementNum) = HIDGetElementValue (pDevice, pElement);
        pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); 
    // poll all devices and elements, compare current value to save +/- kPercentMove
    while ((!found) && (!done))
        double secs;
        // are we done?
        end = clock();
        secs = (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        if (secs > timeout)
            done = 1;
        short elementNum = 0;
        pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO);
        while (pElement)
            long initialValue = *(saveValueArray + elementNum);
            long value = HIDGetElementValue (pDevice, pElement);
            long delta = (float)(pElement->max - pElement->min) * kPercentMove * 0.01;
            if (((initialValue + delta) < value) || ((initialValue - delta) > value)) {
                found = 1;
            pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); 
    // return device and element moved
    if (found) {
        *ppElement = pElement;
        return 1;
    } else {
        *ppElement = NULL;
        return 0;
// ---------------------------------
// polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to device and element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
unsigned char HIDConfigureAction (pRecDevice * ppDevice, pRecElement * ppElement, float timeout)
    unsigned long devices, maxElements = 0;
    long * saveValueArray;
    pRecDevice pDevice = NULL;
    pRecElement pElement = NULL;
    short deviceNum = 0;
    unsigned char found = 0, done = 0;
    clock_t start = clock (), end;
    unsigned long i;
     if (0 == HIDHaveDeviceList ())   // if we do not have a device list
        if (0 == HIDBuildDeviceList (0, 0)) // if we could not build anorther list (use generic usage and page)
            return 0; // return 0
    // build list of device and elements to save current values
    devices = HIDCountDevices ();
    pDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
    while (pDevice)
        if (HIDCountDeviceElements (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO) > maxElements)
            maxElements = HIDCountDeviceElements (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO);
        pDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pDevice);
    saveValueArray = (long *) malloc (sizeof (long) * devices * maxElements); // 2D array to save values
    for (i = 0; i < devices * maxElements; i++) // clear array
        *(saveValueArray + i) = 0x00000000;
    // store current values
    deviceNum = 0;
    pDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
    while (pDevice)
        short elementNum = 0;
        pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO);
        while (pElement)
            *(saveValueArray + (deviceNum * maxElements) + elementNum) = HIDGetElementValue (pDevice, pElement);
            pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); 
        pDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pDevice);
    // poll all devices and elements, compare current value to save +/- kPercentMove
    while ((!found) && (!done))
        double secs;
        // are we done?
        end = clock();
        secs = (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        if (secs > timeout)
            done = 1;
        deviceNum = 0;
        pDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
        while (pDevice)
            short elementNum = 0;
            pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO);
            while (pElement)
                long initialValue = *(saveValueArray + (deviceNum * maxElements) + elementNum);
                long value = HIDGetElementValue (pDevice, pElement);
                long delta = (float)(pElement->max - pElement->min) * kPercentMove * 0.01;
                if (((initialValue + delta) < value) || ((initialValue - delta) > value))
                    found = 1;
                pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); 
            if (found)
            pDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pDevice);
    // return device and element moved
    if (found)
        *ppDevice = pDevice;
        *ppElement = pElement;
        return 1;
        *ppDevice = NULL;
        *ppElement = NULL;
        return 0;
// ---------------------------------
// takes input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
// will always write to file (if file exists) size of recSaveHID, even if device and or element is bad
void HIDSaveElementConfig (FILE * fileRef, pRecDevice pDevice, pRecElement pElement, long actionCookie)
    // must save:
    // actionCookie
    // Device: serial,vendorID, productID, location, usagePage, usage
    // Element: cookie, usagePage, usage,
    recSaveHID saveRec;
    HIDSetElementConfig (&saveRec, pDevice, pElement, actionCookie);
    // write to file
    if (fileRef)
        fwrite ((void *)&saveRec, sizeof (recSaveHID), 1, fileRef);
// ---------------------------------
// take file, read one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return pDevice, pElement and cookie for action
long HIDRestoreElementConfig (FILE * fileRef, pRecDevice * ppDevice, pRecElement * ppElement)
    // Device: serial,vendorID, productID, location, usagePage, usage
    // Element: cookie, usagePage, usage,
    recSaveHID restoreRec;
    fread ((void *) &restoreRec, 1, sizeof (recSaveHID), fileRef);
    return HIDGetElementConfig (&restoreRec, ppDevice, ppElement);
// ---------------------------------
// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want 
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig (pRecSaveHID pConfigRec, pRecDevice pDevice, pRecElement pElement, long actionCookie)
    // must save:
    // actionCookie
    // Device: serial,vendorID, productID, location, usagePage, usage
    // Element: cookie, usagePage, usage,
    pConfigRec->actionCookie = actionCookie;
    // device
    // need to add serial number when I have a test case
    if (pDevice && pElement) {
        pConfigRec->vendorID = pDevice->vendorID;
        pConfigRec->productID = pDevice->productID;
        pConfigRec->locID = pDevice->locID;
        pConfigRec->usage = pDevice->usage;
        pConfigRec->usagePage = pDevice->usagePage;
        pConfigRec->usagePageE = pElement->usagePage;
        pConfigRec->usageE = pElement->usage;
        pConfigRec->minReport = pElement->minReport;
        pConfigRec->maxReport = pElement->maxReport;
        pConfigRec->cookie = pElement->cookie;
    } else {
        pConfigRec->vendorID = 0;
        pConfigRec->productID = 0;
        pConfigRec->locID = 0;
        pConfigRec->usage = 0;
        pConfigRec->usagePage = 0;
        pConfigRec->usagePageE = 0;
        pConfigRec->usageE = 0;
        pConfigRec->minReport = 0;
        pConfigRec->maxReport = 0;
        pConfigRec->cookie = 0;
// ---------------------------------
#if 0
void HIDDumpConfig (pRecSaveHID pConfigRec)
    printf ("Config Record for action: %ld\n  vendor: %ld    product: %ld    location: %ld\n  usage: %ld    usagePage: %ld\n  usagePageE: %ld    usageE: %ld\n  minReport: %ld    maxReport: %ld\n  cookie: %ld\n", pConfigRec->actionCookie, pConfigRec->vendorID, pConfigRec->productID, pConfigRec->locID, pConfigRec->usage, pConfigRec->usagePage, pConfigRec->usagePageE, pConfigRec->usageE, pConfigRec->minReport, pConfigRec->maxReport, pConfigRec->cookie);
#endif // 0
// ---------------------------------
// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return pDevice, pElement and cookie for action
long HIDGetElementConfig (pRecSaveHID pConfigRec, pRecDevice * ppDevice, pRecElement * ppElement)
    if (!pConfigRec->locID && !pConfigRec->vendorID && !pConfigRec->productID && !pConfigRec->usage && !pConfigRec->usagePage) { // early out
        *ppDevice = NULL;
        *ppElement = NULL;
        return pConfigRec->actionCookie;
    pRecDevice pDevice, pFoundDevice = NULL;
    pRecElement pElement, pFoundElement = NULL;
     // compare to current device list for matches
    // look for device
    if (pConfigRec->locID && pConfigRec->vendorID && pConfigRec->productID)
    { // look for specific device type plug in to same port
        pDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
        while (pDevice)
            if ((pConfigRec->locID == pDevice->locID) &&
            (pConfigRec->vendorID == pDevice->vendorID) &&
            (pConfigRec->productID == pDevice->productID))
            pFoundDevice = pDevice;
            if (pFoundDevice)
            pDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pDevice);
        if (pFoundDevice)
            pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pFoundDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO);
            while (pElement)
                if (pConfigRec->cookie == pElement->cookie)
                    pFoundElement = pElement;
                if (pFoundElement)
                pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); 
            // if no cookie match (should NOT occur) match on usage
            pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pFoundDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO);
            while (pElement)
                if ((pConfigRec->usageE == pElement->usage) &&
                    (pConfigRec->usagePageE == pElement->usagePage))
                    pFoundElement = pElement;
                if (pFoundElement)
                pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); 
            if (pElement) {
                // set min and max values if same device
                pElement->minReport = pConfigRec->minReport;
                pElement->maxReport = pConfigRec->maxReport;
    // if we have not found a match, look at just vendor and product
    if ((NULL == pFoundDevice) && (pConfigRec->vendorID && pConfigRec->productID))
        pDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
        while (pDevice)
            if ((pConfigRec->vendorID == pDevice->vendorID) &&
            (pConfigRec->productID == pDevice->productID))
            pFoundDevice = pDevice;
            if (pFoundDevice)
            pDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pDevice);
        // match elements by cookie since same device type
        if (pFoundDevice)
            pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pFoundDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO);
            while (pElement)
                if (pConfigRec->cookie == pElement->cookie)
                    pFoundElement = pElement;
                if (pFoundElement)
                pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); 
            // if no cookie match (should NOT occur) match on usage
            pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pFoundDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO);
            while (pElement)
                if ((pConfigRec->usageE == pElement->usage) &&
                    (pConfigRec->usagePageE == pElement->usagePage))
                    pFoundElement = pElement;
                if (pFoundElement)
                pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); 
            if (pElement) {
                // set min and max values if same device
                pElement->minReport = pConfigRec->minReport;
                pElement->maxReport = pConfigRec->maxReport;
    // can't find matching device return NULL, do not return first device
    if ((NULL == pFoundDevice) || (NULL == pFoundElement))
        // no HID device
        *ppDevice = NULL;
        *ppElement = NULL;
        return pConfigRec->actionCookie;
        // HID device
        *ppDevice = pFoundDevice;
        *ppElement = pFoundElement;
        return pConfigRec->actionCookie;