
 Copyright (C) 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 Functions for loading a model file for vertex arrays.  The model file
  format used is a simple "binary blob" invented for the purpose of this sample code.
#ifndef __MODEL_UTIL_H__
#define __MODEL_UTIL_H__
#include "glUtil.h"
typedef struct demoModelRec
    GLuint numVertcies;
    GLubyte *positions;
    GLenum positionType;
    GLuint positionSize;
    GLsizei positionArraySize;
    GLubyte *texcoords;
    GLenum texcoordType;
    GLuint texcoordSize;
    GLsizei texcoordArraySize;
    GLubyte *normals;
    GLenum normalType;
    GLuint normalSize;
    GLsizei normalArraySize;
    GLubyte *elements;
    GLenum elementType;
    GLuint numElements;
    GLsizei elementArraySize;
    GLenum primType;
} demoModel;
demoModel* mdlLoadModel(const char* filepathname);
demoModel* mdlLoadQuadModel();
void mdlDestroyModel(demoModel* model);
#endif //__MODEL_UTIL_H__